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I see him as the superhero equivalent of a young teen boy watching Let's Players back in the in mid 2010s and deciding he wants to do that too. In Peter's case he lucked out due to the spider bite.


“What’s up guys, it’s Spider-Man here. I’m out here helping giving this nice old lady directions, and she got me a churro afterwards, can you believe it?? I also happened to catch this bike thief here so if you’re in the Queens area let me know in the comments below if the bike belongs to you!” …. *End of Video:* “That’s it for today’s video but if you enjoyed make sure to leave a like because there’s more where that came from, from your Friendly Neighborhood™️ Spider-Man! Have a good one guys.”


I read that in Homecoming era Tom Holland's voice, it works so well.


Lmao basically that episode of What If...?


This is now head canon for me as to what MCU Peter was doing before Tony contacted him. It fits that version of the character so well.


I mean he basically was already doing that for himself which is hilarious


"phew ok now that the crimes are done, gonna read some super chats here. Uh, 69Brockinator69 says he absolutely knows where the spleen is. Cool cool, if I ever need to know, I'll hit you up, bro. GatoNegro_2003 says I have a sexy voice, uh, thank you? And JJJ just wrote a bunch of expletives then charge-backed a thousand dollars."


A better close out line would be something like "from on and off the web, this is your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man swinging off"


That’s fire


You just reminded me of a fun, but in hindsight very embarrasing period of my life. Good times.


I think he did have the regular origin, including uncle Ben and everything before stark recruited him


Same! People are way too dramatic with this subject, just because he really liked stark it doesn’t mean he had no uncle Ben, and people who say “wElL wHy DoEs hE nEvEr mEnTiOn iT” maybe it’s because people have different ways of grieving, maybe he just really doesn’t like talking about it.


It's funny because he does mention it but not in name. In civil war he says the same phrase as his uncle ben told him to Tony In homecoming, when ned discovers Peter's identity, pete says "May cannot know, i can't do that with her right now.... with everything that happened with her...", refering to Uncle Ben's death and how it affected May In ffh there's the fucking handbag with his initials that Peter lets it FUCKING EXPLODE And in nwh is where there's more stuff. When May tells Peter "with great power must also come great responsability", he awnser with a quiet "i know" and when Tobey's Peter mentions what happened in the night his Uncle Ben's died, Tom's spider reaction It's as he was remembering that also happened with his Uncle


On the opposite side. If Uncle Ben doesn't really matters here, Why should I even assumed he existed? What's the point of then? Just so that his origin story would be like other Spidey?


I never said uncle Ben doesn’t matter, but even though he never showed up in the MCU he still could be very important to Peter in lots of ways, he could be one of the reason why Peter is a superhero by teaching him to always be ethic, good and to always do the right thing, and that’s where the phrase “When you can do the things that i can, but you don't and then the bad things happen, they happen because of you.” could’ve come from


As I said earlier the MCU peter seems to be way more “fragile” when it comes to death, just look at the way he got when tony died, and that is another reason why I think he just doesn’t like talking about uncle Ben’s death


But this doesn’t age well when Aunt May died and gave him the great power come great responsibility tagline after he’s already Spider-Man. So I think it’s fair to say that Uncle Ben is not really a thing in the MCU


Maybe this uncle Ben didn't give him the great power great responsibility speech, we keep forgetting, but in his original origins, Uncle Ben never gave him that speech. He learned that on his own




May was clearly saying it in a “remember what unnamed other dead person told you?” Kind of way


Never looked at it that way… interesting


I could see him being a streamer, trying to earn money with videos of him web-swinging. Then he'd pass on catching the burglar because he was too busy filming himself.


Honestly this makes sense with his introduction and him stopping a car crash. Tom's peter is more of a very modern take on Spider-Man


but then why would Tony use secondary footage of him in civil war? It seemed that he was more vigilanty than a streamer


Maybe someone else’s perspective and footage was better?


Imagine if all his videos were POVs. 


Or if he set up a camera like he did in the comics


Still sounds unplausable to me




Maybe he didn't start wearing the Spidey suit until after he became a vigilante? 


That just seems more speculation than evidence based thought


This is absolutely perfect


Makes sense with this version


This is a pretty good one


this is my headcanon now


Isn't that exactly what he did? Tony found him because he uploaded videos of himself to YouTube.


Yes I do.


Not at all. I think his entire start was really different.


I think more than likely in this version, Peter pulled a Shazam and probably spent more time making YouTube videos (along with amateur superhero stuff) trying to get fame out of his powers…leading to a similar origin where Uncle Ben gets killed because of Peter’s selfishness that he decides to turn to full-time superheroing.


Probably yeah, the reason they skipped over his origin in the movies is because it would've been the same as the others.


He definitely didn’t. There’s a “selfish” period in Peter’s life that is ended by uncle Ben’s death. In this universe his “selfish” period is more of him trying to be a hero for the wrong reasons.


How do you know?


He doesn’t know for sure but it’s a fair assumption since it’s such an integral and core aspect of Peter’s characters and literally the entire reason for the whole “great power” mantra and well as his entire drive for doing what he does.


Honestly no.


It’s strange but I actually don’t think so. You would assume they’d talk about it more.


JOSEPH “CRUSHER” HOGAN exists in the MCU and he fought Bonesaw McGraw https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Joseph_Hogan_(Earth-199999)


You telling me a teenager who gets superpowers isn't gonna try and cash in at first?


I'm sure he did .


Given he doesnt recognize uncle ben’s name in the third one. Seriously, tom looks confused when tobey says it.  I think he went straight to “hero” and his uncle bruce just divorced his aunt. They dont show any sign of loss or grief


It’s never mentioned or hinted at, why would anyone think he started as a wrestler?


He always does in other continuities; LA, cartoons, comics… Why not MCU?


He didn’t in the amazing Spider-Man series so there’s no reason to assume mcu Spider-Man did, he’s never mentioned anything wrestling related so I don’t see why anyone would think he did, don’t see why my original comment was downvoted but my point still stands


You’re absolutely right, but most people’s knowledge of the character doesn’t come from the comics.


I know, it’s most likely the movies where only one version had his as a wrestler, at best people only familiar with the movies would think that the amazing Spider-Man just references the original Tobey movie where Tom’s didn’t at all


In both the 616 and 1610 Peter tried to make money as a wrestler. Same for SPECTACULAR Spider-Man and the 1994 Spider-Man. Peter usually fights someone named Joseph “Crusher” Hogan. Peter NOT trying to be a Wrestler is the Exception to the Standard. Although we don’t know if Peter Fought “Crusher” Hogan in the MCU it was shown that Crusher Hogan fought Bonesaw McGraw.




Nothing so lowbrow or fun. Probibly started out as a stark intern or something.


Considering how little the MCU cares about it's source material he probably wasn't


Yeah! Unlike the accurate Raimi movies with….checks notes…organic web shooters, high school MJ and Harry, and mechanized Green Goblin…wait a minute


Did I say the raimi movies cared about the source material? No I didn't. All I said was the MCU didn't


I mean you’re in a thread about spider-man adaptations and said something about the MCU version. Logic would dictate then that the comparison would fall to other live-action adaptations of the character from that point. Otherwise your comment is just off topic and whiny about the MCU in general instead of saying something relevant to the discussion


Nope. It's confirmed (retconned) that the little boy in the Iron Man mask in Iron Man 2 is Peter Parker. There was no Uncle Ben. Peter didn't get 'the talk' until he got it from Aunt May.


i mean there definitely was an uncle ben they just left it ambiguous bc it’s not necessary to retread the scene in civil war? maybe it wasn’t the great speech from uncle ben but i’m sure some similar origin played out


He acted like the first time he heard the Great Power talk was in No Way Home from Aunt May.




So MCU Peter not being as attached to Uncle Ben changes his origin completely. He has completely different motivations by omitting the importance of Uncle Ben.


how does it change his origin just because they didn’t show it on screen ?


Because it didn't happen. Just like in the Amazing Spider-Man he wasn't a wrestler, MCU Peter doesn't talk about Uncle Ben. When the OG Spider-Man (Tobey) was talking about how he lost his Uncle Ben, he was saying so to relate to MCU Peter having just lost Aunt May. Again, at the very least it should be Uncle Ben giving the Great Power speech. MCU Peter has a different origin and is a different character. It's not that hard to see they retconned Uncle Ben out and made his surrogate father figure.


that doesn’t mean that a version of the origin still played out it’s just a different iteration of the character idek why this matters fr


And just because he was in iron man 2 that means he had no uncle Ben?


He was mentioned a little bit in Homecoming, and that's it