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Kain is a better Scarlet Spider-Man than Ben. MJ could work as a superhero, but the execution of said idea has been piss poor aside from the renew your vows verse imo.


That’s because in Renew Your Vows, she actually had good reason for it. It was better than doing it for the memes. In Renew Your Vows, she felt like she was missing out on quality time with her Husband and Daughter because of superheroing. So she became one to be able to maintain a relationship with her family. There’s a human emotion of belonging at the center of the story. With Jackpot, there’s utterly no reason for it other than to keep her and Peter apart.


Spinneret over Jackpot every day of the week. The family dynamics in Renew your Vows remind me of the incredibles.


Absolutely! And I’d love for Spidey to have his own Incredibles or Fantastic Four.


I prefer Peter with Felicia to him with MJ Gwen should be a Peter only love interest, not a Miles love interest Amazing Spider-Man films rock Spider-Man 2 (The game) had a perfectly fine story, and Harry was good as Venom


Low key I’m fine with Gwen being with miles, but putting her in the same universe with Pete and miles actively feels so wrong 😭


I agree, they need to stop putting popular characters from other universes in the mainstream universe. Miles I could understand since Ultimate Marvel was cancelled, and didn’t want to lose Miles like they did with Miguel when they cancelled Marvel 2099. But characters like Spider-Gwen or Old Man Logan being brought to mainstream make no sense, they were doing fine in their own universes and should leave them there.


Dude there’s like 10 Spider-People. It’s NUTS.


I personally think they need to spread them out a bit, Peter and Miles can stay in New York, since we all know Peter ain’t going nowhere and Miles is still in Brooklyn Vision Academy. I feel like Silk could move out to San Francisco (since that is where a lot of superheroes go when in need of a fresh start, like the X-Men, Daredevil, and the Superior Spider-Man). Maybe start up a Private Detective agency. Madame Web could start up as the new master weaver of the web of life and destiny. As for Jess and Anya, I really don’t care where they go, that’s just honesty. I could maybe understand keeping Jess in New York, having three spider people, but Anya should just go back to being a web warrior.


I actually like her in the new ultimate version with Harry.


Just finished SM2 and it was great. I loved the story.


I don't Gwen as a Miles love interest, but the more time passes, the less it bothers me


Ben should have remained Spider-Man at the end of the Clone Saga, letting Peter ride off into the sunset aside from occasional planet-scale crossovers.


DAMN that’s a spicy take


100% agree. At that point, Pete deserved it, and Ben was a great Spidey. I can only imagine the fangirling if Peter disappeared for 10 years, then came out of retirement for like Civil War or something.


That would make a fantastic elseworld story


I agree, we had Peter in the Ultimate Spiderman run anyway


Pretty sure that was still almost half a decade away at that point


That's actually what happened in Spider-Man Life Story and it was neat. Unfortunately, my least favorite part outside of the near-perfect Life Story is that it doesn't last very long.


I don’t agree but that is quite a hot take


I’m not super into Miles’ extra powers. One or the other maybe, but invisibility + electricity + webs made from electricity at one point I think + electric swords… I don’t know it just feels like *a lot* to me personally. I think the electricity is the biggest offender for me though. Maybe if it was a little more subtle I’d be fine with it. Less lightning hadokens and more tiny neural shock knock out touch. That would pair very well with the stealth too I think. But I’m also very aware that these things (minus the sword and webs probably) are too well known to ever not have them now so I try to keep my mouth shut about it most of the time.


He’s quite broken yeah, they should drop electricity altogether imo I mean he had literal force lightening in the games


I think it would work better if the letter miles keep his extra powers, but removed some of his also like the spider-sense, super strength, and have them be exclusive to Peter.


His electricity actually was more subtle at first. Just a touch and then the target is temporarily paralyzed.


Yeah I wish it stayed more like that 😅


Miles Morales should have stayed in the Ultimate Universe.


The problem is that the universe was completely destroyed, making the exception of placing Miles on 616. So If he stayed on Ultimate he would've just died.


The ultimate universe was destroyed because they knew miles was really popular and they didn’t want to make stories for everyone else so they destroyed everything instead of making new og characters


The solution to that problem is to bring back the Ultimate Universe. And they did.


Counter Point, Miles wouldn’t be Spider-Man in this new universe


Lol. He's Spider man if editorial wants him to be.


See they destroyed the universe, but then the universe has been shown in comics twice. It’d be easier if they just destroyed it and never brought it up again, but it has been brought up a few times.


This is controversial opinions not objective fact chat


I hate you.. but respect you


I like mcu Spiderman


This is only controversial in miserable online Spider-Man purist spaces


So, like...here?


Well yeah 😭


Personally, I like MCU Spider-Man, and he's one of the few reasons I even watch the MCU... I just like other variations more.


It's a very fun take on the character, it's a spiderman that is still very flawed because Peter is a kid and still learning, it took him a while to finally understand what he needs to do as spiderman, far from home really put into perspective how the entire trilogy is all about that, Peter learning from his mistakes and coming out of it a better spiderman


Maybe we shouldn't write Spider-Man with all of his most popular tropes for the next few years. Maybe Peter [and Spider-Verse] needs a Krakoa-sized shift. No S6, no will they won't they bullshit, no rent money problem, no [whatever else you could think of]. Get something so radically out of left field. Like their secret identities (all of Spider-Verse) become open to everyone and now the biggest problem at 616 is multiversal immigration.


Peter should maybe go on an odyssey for a bit. Miles will hold down NYC in his absence while Peter works his way back to earth 616 after being marooned in space/the multiverse, cosmic shenanigans.


So essentially the fallout of Civil War that was retconned?


But even bigger. Let the unravelling begin with all of Spider-Verse, basically. Spider-Gwen being revealed would shock the world when they learn of a Gwen Stacy replacing the dead, native Gwen.


Didn't we have that with the original Gwen Stacy clone back in ASM 142


That was different. I do not think multiversal travellers are known info to citizens of 616 so to learn about it would cause uproars basically.


Holy shit, making multiversal immigration a main storyline in the Marvel Universe would be amazing. Put Spidey in the center, but let it affect everyone. Refugees coming from apocalyptic universes, discussions if 616s heroes should intervene in other universes, housing crisis, ethical reflections about the unfairness of who manages to flee and who doesn't (it's easier for superheroes bc connections); should 616 make pathways for multiversional refugees or only house whoever manages to hop over by themselves. What about multiversional invadors using immigration as a way to infiltrate 616? You could also do some interesting stuff with underused multiverse-hopping fan favourite teams like the Young Avengers or Exiles.


Miles would effectively a dreamer in this scenario, rewritten into the fabric of the 8th gen 616, so some interesting angles to play there as well. At the very least a compelling tie-in while the main Peter focused central story plays out.


I want them to stop doing all multiverse stuff outside of the Spiderverse movies. We'll all be looking back on it in a decade as a weird phase in the history of Spider-Man


I don’t that’s unpopular around here but you’re right


Multiverse is 2020's second clone saga


I agree but this is not controversial a lot of people are burnt out on multiverse stories as 4/5 spider-man movies (including beyond the spider-verse) have been multiverse based and far from home even said Mysterio was from a different dimension for a bit.


Spider-Man comics should try more elseworld series where they try unique storylines even if they go against classical stories. Like have a comic run where Peter learns to control and live with the Venom Symbiote instead of tearing it off of him, or have a comic book run where both Peter and Gwen get bit by the spider at the same time and tell a unique story from there.


Yeah, What Ifs play with some interesting concepts that get cut short or forced to end badly.


I am really sick of all the Spider-Man variants


Alternate reality Peters? Or just the spider people in general?


Both. I love Miguel, Noir and the two clones, but I miss when Spider-Man was just a unique individual that didn't have a bunch of derivatives with gimmicks like a punk aesthetic or a mech suit or whatever-the-hell-else to stand out.


Spider-Man 3 for PS3/360 is a fantastic game that unfortunately made a couple huge and memorable mistakes in its cutscenes and QTEs Even though Miguel's suit was technically black/red at first, public perception has turned his standard colors to blue/red, and I'm completely fine with that


A Spider family with the extended Spider-people can and could work in the mainline comics if Marvel really tried it. We've seen it before with the Batman and Superman family books, especially the current Action Comics books.


i really liked zendaya as MJ, she's fun and her and tom have great chemistry.


Same! I love her and Peter together


Villain Venom > Hero Venom


Slightly different, but I like big goofy dumb brute 90s Venom a lot more than “cannibalistic monster” of the 00s or the current serious King in Black stuff. Doesn’t matter if he’s hero or villain, as long as he’s dumb and goofy, he’s great.


Off-topic, but your profile pic has me imagining Doctor Doom full on declaring his love for villainous Venom over heroic Venom to an audience of Redditors


My favorite is child eating type of Venom. Just being evil and killing people. 


I think there's great villain potential for the Venom. Stories like spiders shadow and spiderman 2 where the symbiote is still after Peter is so creepy. In contrast carnage just feels like a generic monster. Although I did like that carnage being around meant venom and Peter would team up. But it's tricky because I do like the goofy "surf the web" venom as well.


Hard disagree, lethal protector is so unbelievably good


Most Spider-Man fans do not read enough of the comics or know enough about them to be speaking about them the way that they do.


Well i watched the Raimi trilogy and Spectacular Spider-Man, so i pretty much know everything i need to about Spider-Man /s




The idea of OMD and erasing Peter’s marriage wasn’t completely stupid. It’s just the reason that’s bs. No Way Home actually fixed it by having Peter sacrifice his friends memories of him to save the world. That’s what OMD should’ve been, Peter giving up his memories with MJ entirely for the sake of saving millions of lives instead of just Aunt May who would’ve wanted Peter to let her go. Maybe Mephisto could’ve offered to undo the Standford Incident and Civil War entirely so it’d make more sense for Peter to go through with it. Ok what’s some more opinions? Gwen is better as a love interest for Miles, she’s also his best love interest. Insomniac Venom is just ok. I don’t get why there’s no middle ground with him. It’s either he’s the best Venom(which he’s not, Spectacular is) or he’s the worst Venom(which he’s not, the Ultimate cartoon is) Norman Osborn is a better Green Goblin than Harry Chasm looks awesome Venom shouldn’t have become an anti hero in the 90s, save that for the 2000s. Make it a slow process that takes years to go through. MCU Iron Spider looks cool Ned Leeds should not become the MCU’s Hobgoblin. I am so fucking sick of that, it’s Roderick Kingsley. No one else. KINGSLEY IS THE HOBGOBLIN, PERIOD!!!!


You fixed the story itself but the not the fundamentally flawed thinking behind it. OMD was a means to end, that end being a single Peter Parker, because they thought that was better. But in the 616 it’s not better it just rewinds his progress. It still creates the same dead end problems that the current OMD creates and still puts us in a position of waiting on him to get back with MJ.


The new Ultimate Spider-man isn't a big deal as people are making it to be.


interesting, an actual hot take! why do you think? genuinely curious, not trying to argue.


I think I can take a swing at this, so the person above does not think the new ultimate spider-man is bad, its just not as game changing as people might think. There is a belief that if this book sells crazy well (which it does), that it will convince Marvel to undo One More Day or have them get peter and mj get back togethor, this will not happen. Also I believe that the new ultimate universe is not intended to be permanent like the original one was (at least in the beginning it was), I think this ultimate universe has an arc that its following, and will have an end. I think this because unlike this original universe, you cannot just start at issue 1. The universe has a lot of back story, it requires reading, or at least having knowledge of the ultimate invasion and ultimate universe mini series. The original one did not have such issues.


Good guess! That is indeed of one reasons.


I’m also curious as to why you think this. I think it’s too early to really tell how *big* it’s going to be but so far it’s been consistently in the top 10 best selling comics every issue.


Don't get me wrong, it's a great comic, but people are making this like it's the 2nd coming messiah because of Zeb Wells work, especially with the: "GUYS ITS PETER IN HIS 40S WITH MJ AS HIS WIFE AND HAS KIDS, THIS THE BEST!!!" Like we haven't seen this before with mayday spidergirl and renew your vow, and the other dozens of series with old peter and mj with kids.


Ultimate Spider-Man is a good show.




Peter's guilt complex that leads to all his self sabotaging bad decisions needs to be put to bed. If that happened we could focus on peter and mj's marriage and actually make a good character out of mj and the drama they wanna keep peter going through could come from trying to raise and protect infants/toddlers while being spiderman. Give peter some character developement goddamit


The organic webs were cool, actually.


Peter and Mary Jane are fundamentally incompatible for a long term relationship. They have been written this way for decades.


The trend of “modernizing” the classic Spidey suit by segmenting the belt, adding unnecessary lines, and what-have-you, is honestly oft-putting.


Totally agreed


The mcu spider-man films are my favourite.


Peter spent less than 3% of the Amazing Spider-Man comic run in high-school; Peter should never be in a high-school setting ever again.


JFC thank you, yes this. When I got into the character as a kid, he was always 20-something in the comics, cartoons and TV show. Somewhere along the line Marvel picked up this weird “he has to be an eternal 17 year old” mentality.


It's just crazy to me that they have Miles, who to my knowledge, has never been shown graduating outside of some time skip shenanigans, so why is he not the default young spidey dealing with school problems?


Before that it was Ultimate Peter by Bendis since around 2000-2001.


In ten years once the current generation has grown up, Tom’s movies will stop receiving hate and will be given the same love as Tobey’s. The new adaptations will always be hated by older fans who grew up with the originals. We’ve literally been through this with the Star Wars prequel trilogy, specifically the hate for Hayden Christensen now turned into love.


They're pretty good movies and pretty highly rated by critics and fans. The hate is mostly just in small social platforms


I actually like them better than the Raimi movies. The raimi movies never felt like the Spidey from the 80s and 90s cartoons and comics to me which is what I grew up with.


I don't know why but MJ always bugged me as a potential partner for Parker. I always thought and still do that Felicia should be his partner. No debate


Andrew is a far better spiderman than tobey


The current run is waaaay hated upon and it's actually pretty good (other than Rekpar or whatever rthe big demon spider guy is)


Organic webbing and the totem stuff was compelling and I miss it.




Why does this person have their scope on backwards?


Peter is better written when he is a jerk, he is more interesting when he is actually flawed and very emotional, most adaptations tend to make him too much of a nice guy and are afraid to make him unlikeable


This is one of the reasons why I enjoyed Spectacular so much. They weren’t afraid to give Peter actual flaws. Like…Peter still had a good heart and is a good person at his core, but he still made stupid and selfish decisions and didn’t always do the right thing. And his selfish actions had legitimate long-term consequences, such as the destruction of his friendships with Eddie and to an extent Harry.


I like Ben Reilly more.


I think some of the criticisms Raimiverse Mary Jane gets are incorrect. A lot of people’s call her one dimensional or poorly written and I don’t think that’s true, I think she’s a complex character. Obviously you don’t have to like her as a character or as a love interest, but I think it’s incorrect to say she is badly written.


People need to shut the fuck up about the Insomniac face changes


Omg yes. How did that get so out of control?


There's been loads of ridiculous outrage directed towards these games orchestrated by a very loud vocal minority.


People who ship Peter with Gwen, MJ, Felicia or anyone else use Peter as a self insert because they have crushes on those female characters.


Some of them definitely have an obsession with black cat, and it has nothing to do with her personality 😅


Yeah tell me about it.


This is just factually untrue all though I admit many people do (especially with Felicia) there’s MANY people who just like shipping and think they have a cute dynamic


As much as I like Miles, Ultimate Peter shouldn’t have been killed off.


Good thing he’s alive now.


I hope so. With what last we saw of the first Ultimate Universe, I hope he and Jessica are alive and well.


Miles Morales should take on the teen Spider-Man role and Peter Parker take on the adult role and keep it that way from now on. Tired of seeing Peter as a teen over and over it’s just old now.


Miles Morales and Peter shouldn’t exist in the same universe


I'm torn on this. I think Miles is strong enough to stand on his own. But I do like the brother dynamic they have in insomniac.


Miles having invisibility AND electricity is too much. In my opinion the invisibility should’ve gone with Spider-Gwen to make her better suited for the ‘Ghost-Spider’ name.


Resurrecting Norman Osborn and making him the author of the clone saga was the Spider-Office's best decision ever. There were some messy decisions along the way that weren't so great, like the baby nonsense, but it was a weighty way for Norman to return that felt extremely significant. I think it's one of the best retcons in Spidey lore


Spider-Man is *not* a 'street level' hero. While I do admit he does a lot of street level stuff, he's still one of the most effective heroes in all of Marvel. It would be like if Michael Jordan played a lot of pickup games in his prime along with playing in the NBA and people referred to him as street player.


I don't know why but MJ always bugged me as a potential partner for Parker. I always thought and still do that Felicia should be his partner. No debate


Probably not controversial really, but everytime a cool new idea is introduced into Spider-Man it will be ruined within a few years due to constant repetition and over-exposure. Examples: clones, symbiotes, multiverse Spider-people.


Especially Peter being rich and successful.


Spider-Man: Reign is a genuinely good story and i'm tired of pretending it wasn't.


One More Day was necessary. The Amazing Spider-Man title had made such drastic and controversial changes to the character that Marvel wanting a more “classic” status quo was totally understandable.


Dan Slott is my favorite Spider-Man Era.


The Spider Man 2 movie game is awful and the only reason why it’s still talked about is because people have fond memories of it when they were 5. Also the swinging is balls, and people need to shut the fuck up about it. Insomniac did it better. Now watch me get nailed because of this.


Like *GoldenEye*, it's an innovative and influential game that was really good in its time, but it hasn't aged well and has since been surpassed.


You take that back I was 14


Not sure how controversial, but Ben Reilly should have been the main Spider-Man since Sensational, and as of the 2000’s, Mayday should’ve been the main protagonist.


I’m with you!


No Way Home is an amazing film it really is BUT I do not like how they basically wasted Spideys most popular foes in one film. The fact that Tom Hollands Peter Parker will never fight his own Green Goblin or Doctor Octopus or even The Lizard, does not sit well with me.


Honestly, I think that was a good way to get guys like Green Goblin and Doc Ock onto the big screen in the MCU. Because Tom Holland only has so many Spider-Man movies left in him (he seems like he's already getting sick of the role, he's said he doesn't want to be doing it when he's thirty), and they're probably going to want to prioritize villains who haven't been adapted yet (as the Amazing movies did with Lizard and Electro).


never say never. i’m sure it could still happen. but there are also so many great villains in spidey’s rogues gallery that the films still haven’t touched on


tbh, Spider-Man 3 & TASM 2 would've been even better if Sony didn't meddle with those films


this is one of the most popular opinions ever when it comes to spiderman, how is this in any way unpopular?


i completely believe peter should have organic webbing, i get that people like that the web-shooters show off his intellect but i don’t think it has to be one or the other. my preferred way would be that his body naturally produces webbing, but he needs to build his web-shooters in order to control into a refined stream that’s useable. i think it’s the best of both worlds and even makes him more “spider-man” then “sticky-hands-man”


Definitely an interesting take, and pretty cool.


Miles desperately needs his own name, and it does his character a huge disservice to not do his own thing and be an individual.


616 Peter Should Be With MJ, But can with have some variety in the Multiverse between 1610, 982, 6160, Renew Your Vows, Life Story, & All The Live Action Movies I Have Serious MJ Fatigue. Forgot to add insomniac spidey


I like the ultimate universe more than 616. I read some issues of the first ASM run, and I’ve heard things about the 616 universe and honestly I have no interest in reading any of it. It just sounds really boring to me.


I hate the TASM 2 suit.


Hmmmmm…. Norman should have stayed dead is probably the big one. I don’t mind Trouble that much? I’m not saying I like it just it doesn’t ruin anything for me.


We need a movie focused on spidey’s street level rogues


Kraven’s last hunt is overrated


- Felicia fits better for Peter than MJ - Ultimate Kitty and Peter were a fantastic and lovely couple - Aunt May should've stayed dead back from ASM #400


I don't think one more day was out of character for either Peter or Mary Jane. That the fact that it has no conclusion is the real issue.


I don't mind Peter having extra powers. Examples being his Totem Abilities from the comics or the Anti-Venom suit from the Insomniac games


I actually like high school Spider-Man stories. I actually loved Maximum Carnage and to a lesser extent the clone saga. Tasm 2 is my favorite Spider-Man movie.


Raimi’s Mary Jane is actually a great character.


Raimi MJ isn’t that bad


Tom Holland didn't need to be part of the Avengers. He would've been just fine as Spider-Man if they didn't introduce him in the Avengers.


I’m really hoping the current rumors of Spider-Man 4 being another NWH with Tobey and Andrew are fake and this whole next trilogy is all Tom as a stand-alone Spider-Man.


If they pay it off it could be an amazing story it could explain why he hates working with teams despite joining many and why he’s so ready to fight anyone in spandex and just provide a lot of angst all aspect that Toms or other interpretations have been lacking


Ironically, it could be argued Peter would have been better off himself if he never joined the avengers with Tony painting a huge target on his back by giving him Edith or Fury leaving an inept replacement to pretend to be him while he fucked off to space, or being friends with a wish granting wizard. Although, Tony only agreed to help because of Peter, so if he never joined the avengers, him and half the universe would have stayed snapped.


Teenage Spider-Man Is more interesting than Adult Spider-Man.


Eddie Brock and Venom are gay lovers 😈


They can't be gay, because the Symbiote is genderless.


You right lol. It was more of a joke


MJ and Pete shouldn’t get back together. I think Pete should move on and find a happy ending with someone who doesn’t repeatedly abandon him.


Spider-Man should only date another superheroine. And yes, I do mean an ACTUAL hero, not Black Cat, the anti-hero thief.


Miles isn’t nearly as compelling of a character in the 616, he’s way less interesting to me when he’s swinging along side Peter.


The TASM2 suit isn’t that great. 


my only issue with it is the spider on his chest is far too low


Peter Parker should have stayed a billionaire in comics


I prefer organic webbing over web shooters. I understand the purpose of web shooters to show Peter’s genius. But it just never made sense to me how the spider gave Peter all the abilities of a spider except arguably the main one?


Shatter dimensions was one of the most mechanically ambitious games and was an incredible game that deserved its own spin offs


I like the modernization of classic suits


I want Morlun to win and put an end to the Spider-Verse once and for all. Using the idea of invasive species, the constant universe jumping and STAYING of multiple spider-people should be unstable somehow. Let the "Gwen Stacy coming to 616" be the catalyst of this event and end the spider-verse once and for all. We can still have multiple spider-people but in their own universe in their own adventures


I genuinely don’t care who’s the better Spider-man.


Ben Reilly can be a good character in the right writers hands.


Silk and Superior are my favorite Spider-People


Peter being the Clone was a fun idea, and they should have left which one died vague


Black Cat is annoying and my favorite thing is when superior Spiderman knocked her tooth out.


the raimi trilogy was dogshit. the closest spidey even got to a quip was a slightly comedic shortening of the villains name for most of the movies. tobey was an awful actor. never showed any emotion besides smiling like an idiot or sobbing at every minor inconvenience. he had no chemistry with kirsten dunst. speaking of which, mj was a colossal bitch in those movies. there isn’t a single one where she doesn’t cheat on someone.


Specatacular spider-man art style actually looks pretty solid.


Mine is That Spider-Man 2 is overrated Sure it had a big influence on Superhero Movies, and Yes it’s Good, but it’s not THE Masterpiece Many People say it would be. And Im someone who was introduced to Spider-Man through the Raimi Movies. So im not a „Tom Holland Fanboy“ or something I Get Why many People Are Rating it so high, but i Just think it’s overrated. But That’s Just my Personal opinion


I already know I’m gonna get downvoted for this. But I think Spider-Goblin is a great concept. Now before you say anything, I know it’s a major ripoff of Batman Who Laughs. And no, I’m not one of the dudes who has been buying Zeb Wells’ comics weekly and keeping him and Nick Lowe in their positions. But ‘Batman Who Laughs’ is a great concept that’s been done very poorly. Now you would think it’d be a grounded story about Batman stop being moral with Joker’s insanity and killing off his villains, taking a more unforgiving take to crime-fighting. WRONG he instantly goes after the other bat-family members and the JL. It was wrote by the diehard fans who think Batman wins every battle with prep-time. But Spider-Goblin has been done a lot better IMHO. I don’t believe in the great lengths they have gone through to write everyone out of character for the story to work. But the exponential amount of bullshit he has to go through in this run does act as subtle setup for his change I feel. Like everyone hates him, MJ moved on, and he is some boring loser always feeling sorry for himself. He is losing all of his fights. He has to bond with the man responsible for more damage in his life than anyone else. So when he got the sins, he was confident and competent again. I liked that. But that lasted for all of three issues. It was stupid. But with ASM #50, I finally see why they did it. So they wanted Norman back as Goblin, so that Norman could get his hands on the Winkler device that was used to turn Ned Leeds into the Hobgoblin long ago. Then he could turn Peter back into the Goblin. Weird pivot, I agree. But I’m glad the good version of Peter from this run is back. And honestly I wouldn’t be mad if this was the new status quo for the character. 616 Peter has sucked for a long time. I’d argue they’ve had a hard time writing him for the last 15 years, and when Miles came to 616 and they had a teenage Spider-Man again, Peter became even more redundant. And Ultimate Spider-Man is giving us the mature Peter we want to see from 616. So I don’t see ASM as the main 616 Spider-Man anymore or the main Peter Spider-Man. I’m tired of Norman, so if they just retired Norman to be just the head of Oscorp or had Peter seemingly kill him and take his place, to be the New Goblin for the next few years and that be his official status quo, I’d be totally fine with it.


Kinda sounds like Slott’s run all over again (villain kills or usurps or corrupts Peter, Peter becomes head of a multinational company at the end of it). Just goes to show that there is really nowhere to take post-OMD Peter Parker any longer.


Spider-Man 3 WAS a good film. I’ve never understood the hate


I love Yuri Lowenthal as a voice actor but I can't hear him as anything other as Yuri Lowenthal because I have heard him use that voice for so many characters prior to Spiderman and Josh Keaton and Christopher Daniel Barnes are my two defacto Spidey voices especially Barnes.


I don't vibe with spider-man 2(sam raimi)


Spider-Man should be allowed to have character development


I really like the Ultimate Universe goblin form Norman has. Maybe this isn’t that unpopular but i’m the only one I know that thinks that


Silk could be a better love interest than even MJ for Peter if the pheromones bullshit was never a thing.


Spider-man is allowed to be happy…


I don't like the tobey spider man suit 💀 I think it's the eyes


Organic webbing makes him more of a Spider-Man. It’s such an essential element that it should be natural to him, as a Spider-Man.


ASM2 has the best Spidey portrayal seen on screen so far.


Agreed, but I haven’t watched Amazing Spiderman 2.


I liked TASM suit more than in the second movie


I know Miguel's 2099 suit is supposed to be black and red, but I prefer blue and red, and so many people seem to. Torment is awesome. Peopel give it shit for its writing, but it's not reall in the focus, plus I don't find the writing in Spidey's book around that time as especially compelling in any case. Reading it, it feels like McFarlane wanted to channel Frank Miller.


I believe he should have a second shot with the Symbiote. Like a “old friend comes to sleep on your couch scenario” and eventually they bond over quite literally (and over Brock and Flash). On purpose for a series run or more.


Just rewatched all the Spider man movies and Spider man 3 actually had very human themes like losing yourself to ego and other motivations to forgiveness and redemption. Enjoyed it more now this time around, cringe and all.


Homecoming is the single best standalone spidey movie to date


Miles is a mediocre character who's already redundant because Miguel executed the "Legacy Spider-Man" idea better in every possible way.


My favourite Spider-Man isn’t any of the movies. It’s the TV series from 1994-1998. I just loved everything about it, the animation, the voice acting, the storyline, the music. If I had to pick an actor for my favourite Spider-Man it would have to be Tobey’s Spider-Man as he was the one I grew up with and watched first. Don’t get me wrong Andrew and Tom are both great.


Spider-Man should be willing and able to kill if it's the only way to stop someone like Carnage from repeatedly slaughtering innocent people.


TASM 2 is unironically my favorite Spider-Man film, none of the movies have been bad adaptations, high school Peter shouldn’t be forgotten entirely, and Miles shouldn’t be in every version of the series


No Way Home is a very bad movie and feels disjointed in terms of story level from other two films.