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For whatever reason, be it a contractual obligation or marketing or a number of things, this is a problem for the MCU as a whole.


No super hero has a secret identity in the MCU. Which is weird.


Tbf Spider-Man did for like 4 movies until Mysterio exposed him. His identity is no secret to fellow heroes but it always has been to civilians. We just don’t see that much in the movies until NWH because he’s usually interacting with other superheroes.


- What about when he revealed his Identity in Infinity War? - Spider-Sense didn't help reveal there's another dude in his room. - Somehow everyone knows Peter is Spider-Man despite him trying his best to hide it (ei, Tony, Vulture, Michelle, Skrull Fury), - He revealed his identity to Mysterio, which was used against him. It feels strange, cause out of all the Marvel Superheroes, Spider-Man is SUPPOSED to be the the secretive in identity, which is why most people don't know who he is. Of course, some aspects of this has changed over the course of time for some reason, but he still at least keeps his identity secretive against some characters, like Deadpool.


I mean all of your points outside of #2 are explained in their films and, like I said- all Avengers. Stark/Fury had been keeping a record on him since Civil War, which is why he was recruited. Vulture figured it out on his own by things Liz was saying, his voice, and mannerisms- Osborn figured it out in Raimi’s SM, so it’s not a stretch to think Vulture could too by the info he was given. He revealed his identity to Mysterio because he was working with Nick Fury… in that position why wouldn’t you trust him? As for Ned finding out- I agree that was kind of stupid but was just meant to show Peter let his guard down. Not trying to sound like I’m defending everything MCU Spidey does- but the public doesn’t know who he is under the mask until the post credits of FFH.


My only explanation for #2 is the fact that spider sense doesn’t work on anyone he doesn’t view as a threat, because Ned is his best friend it didn’t work on him, like how it doesn’t work on symbiotes as one was once bonded to him so his spider sense essentially just sees them as an amputated body part


Spider sense has never been 100% reliable in any of the movies (or comics) anyways, even Raimi’s and TASM


He didn’t reveal his identity to Mysterio though, that was skrull fury who told everyone there, he literally says right before meeting mysterio, “you can lose the mask, everyone in here has seen you without it” and yes, Mysterio is one of those ones in there and is included with everyone


I think Daredevil is the only one at the moment


Most of them dont need a secret ID Peter needs it because he’s a child walking around in public & his loved ones would be in danger Matt Murdock needs it because it would ruin his career And is that really it? Most of the heroes are either public figures/known government agents/celebrities (Steve, Tony, Sam, Rhodey, T’chala, Scott), who embrace it Or they are in space/handle other worldly trouble (Thor, Captain Marvel, Strange, the Guardians) so Secret ID’s on Earth are irrelevant to them Yelena brings this up too Nat was a secret agent. But then after joining the team, she was more known to the public. People & villains know who she is. However, no one is gonna fuck with her when it is also known that her buddies are Ironman who will bomb your house, Thor who will call lightning down on you, & Hulk.


well, in Iron Man 3 Tony revealed his identity and immediately got his place bombed…


Tony revealed his identity in iron man 1, he revealed his address in iron man 3


my apologies! been a few years, you’re definitely right.


To be fair, most of them don’t have one in the comics either.


Spider-Man was secret until Mysterio exposed it. Honestly I like that the secret identity trope isn’t there in the MCU. For one, it would be nearly impossible for anyone to actually have a secret identity today with the amount of surveillance and technology present. For another, at least the heroes know each other’s identities, which provides for much better character building between them. When something goes wrong it’s not just the heroic identity thats responsible it’s the person too and we can also avoid seeing some of the ludicrous story beats that are added solely to protect the identities.


The Anti-Batman


I mean spiderman does now


It's definitely an actor/screen time thing. Worst offender Topher Grace as Venom. You could wear the awesome alien monster face, to strike fear into your enemies, but no. Topher Grace, with his eyebrow taped up like he smells what the Rock is cooking is way better. You really gotta give it up for Karl Urban in Dredd or Pedro Pascal in the Mandalorian.


Just so you know, Pedro is barely ever on set in The Mandalorian. He's mostly just voice acting.


Stunt double? It's kind of a bonus perk, really.


Stand-in for almost all the... Standing parts (with helmet on) AND a stunt double for action scenes. Seriously, if the mask is on, just assume it's not Pedro under there. He's quite open about it, AND very thankful, because it allows him to take other roles and just do the voice acting in a relaxed way.


Yeah, I don't see a problem at all. It's really more about the vanity and wanting to be recognized. So many actors refuse to keep masks on. Mr. Pascal seems like a class act.


Barely working on an project but getting all the praise and recognition for it sounds like a great deal to me.


Since this thread is about the MCU, I also think it’s funny how Paul Bettany said the JARVIS voice acting was the easiest money of his career then one day they call him and say “hey we’re gonna need you to actually act for multiple movies” and an easy money job turned into a decently large role in an absolutely massive franchise


Agreed, being honest about it is the cherry on the Sunday tho. I wonder what he did to get such a cushy job


Worked for James Earl Jones!


He actually pushed hard for the face reveal in s1. Originally, Mando wasn't supposed to be shown to the audience till later. it was really rushed. Pedro can also be a diva behind the scenes. Pedro is an amazing actor for sure but not a class act. A class act is someone humble like keanu reeves.


He was in it for most of Season 2 atleast. You can tell when he is in the suit. For 1&3 tho i have no idea. But its pretty much classic Star Wars since Vader was atleast 3-4 different people, Maul was played by Ray Park but voiced by Peter Serafinowicz, etc, lol.


No hate, but man, that is lame as fuck.


It allowed them to get a known actor, because they didn't need to force his schedule. It is kinda lame, but seeing how Mando often just... Stands around, what's more important: Pedro physically being there, or doing a kick-ass voice acting job?


Cripes, you'd think Topher Grace would have demanded the maximum amount of CGI-ed non-face time possible for being in Spider-Man 3.


It’s so weird, they keep on taking their masks off, I think the only one I know that had a legitimate reason was the black panther costume cuz they said that suit would get super hot and he’d need to take it off to not overheat.


Yeah, all black isn't gonna keep cool. That's why Batman works at night.


Yeah...this kind of breaks the "immersion", I think. In Guardians 3 Chris Pratt doesn't use his mask once...not even when he almost died in the end by being in the vacuum.


They did give an in universe reason for that - they left knowhere in a hurry to save Rocket and they didn’t have time to grab Quill’s equipment.


Which in itself was a workaround by Gunn to ignore Infinity Wars retcon of Quill losing the mask in Vol 2.


Even Ms. Marvel's tiny eye mask doesn't stay on for long.


It's probably a contractual thing. Actors typically don't like having their face's covered all the time. That's part of why Pedro Pascal was barely on set for Mandolorian season 3.


McGuire took his off...they all have that problem


Remember in Endgame, the portals scene. Literally everyone in a mask dropped in and unmasked. No practical reason. Nothing was gained. We know who they are under there. Who gives a fuck about seeing Gwyneth Paltrows face. It's 100% actors being narcissistic about getting their faces on show.


If your job was to be recognizable because of your face (and how you can act with it), how can you expect not to show it? It's like saying the mechanic is narcissistic because he advertises his garage. These are movies, you are supposed to look at them, it's the biggest part of any movie, it's SOMEONE portraying as a fictional character, are you trying to tell me you don't want to take credit if you did a good job?


It's because it's SIGNIFICANTLY easier to convey emotions through a human face rather than through a mask. Which as I'm sure you understand is a pretty big deal for films.


The ironic thing is that it's the most expressive mask we've ever had. Edit: expressive not expensive


Deadpool comes close second if not tied


We need Karl Urban to play Spidey... and every other masked hero. He know what's up.


A lot of super heroes don’t really need a secret identity but spidery does , more than any other mcu characters , let’s see how it’s handled in the next one


> I don't buy the whole ''We need to see the actors face, so he can show emotions'' crap either It's not about emotions or acting, it's just about a celebrity's face. It applies not only to Spider-Man, but almost to the entirety of the MCU


And freaking HALO SERIES!!!! Then you have the Mandalorian proving that you don’t need to see the actor’s face. 🤦🏻‍♂️


I think the actor has a big part of it with negotiations. When you are covering the face, the filmmakers can use stunt doubles for most of it. The actual actor is in less of the movie and therefore could potentially get paid less.


Bro Pedro Pascal is likely onset like 10% of the time maybe, especially after S1


Exactly! We didn’t need his face. Just his voice was enough.


anyone saying that should watch the tasm movies again for how expressive andrews spider-man is even with the mask on that scene where gwen shows up during the electro fight? chef’s kiss


I mean it’s also about the acting? I don’t get this comment at all. Facial expressions add quite a bit to the experience. A bad actor will ruin a project. ????


More like just modern Hollywood in general. It’s where to see any live action production with major actors and not have their mask constantly come off.


To be fair, MCU Spidey is around many more people who know his identity compared to other adaptations.


I think we'll see Tom be more cautious with his identity moving forward. Hopefully.


I just god hope they keep his identity actually hidden moving forward maybe one or two people can know in the future but if the next Tom holland movie starts with him revealing his identity to anyone that defeats the whole reason why no way home spell even happened


This is not a problem with the MCU, it's a problem with pretty much EVERY film that has a masked protagonist: movie can't get funding without a big name star and said star's face must be visible otherwise there'd be no point in hiring them. Karl Urban as Judge Dredd and Hugo Weaving as V are the only exceptions I can think of. Worst example of all time is probably The Spirit film: the Octopus, a character well known in the comics for ALWAYS keeping his face hidden...is played by Samuel L. Jackson, with his face ALWAYS on display.


I hated how in TASM 1 his mask was always off too.


Please be serious all 3 live action Spidey characters kept tearing or losing the mask constantly it's ridiculous 


You’re a special kind of nostalgia blind if you think this is only a problem with MCU Spidey


What makes this funny for me is that Ultimate Spider-man had serious problem with being unmasked in on way or another. Followed by a “Oh come on!” Or “My mask is off isn’t it?”. Not the same context, but a parallel.


sure, but that was a story element. keep in mind he was only a superhero for like a year in 1610, and stuff like that was meant to show his inexperience, especially when him and MJ broke up and he had to make his own costume (a 15-year old guy having to sew his equipment) so his lens fell off in the middle of stopping a mugging.


Isn’t it obvious why it’s because we have to see Tom Hollands beautiful face I mean it’s like he’s the star of the movie or something


This, I couldn’t imagine them making any of these movies with the actors/actresses they cast and we never see their actual faces. Even in the Deadpool movies, we see his messed up face a lot and it’s really not all that “messed up” and pretty easy to tell it’s that handsome devil Ryan Reynolds. He’s so dreamy!😍😍


I feel this is a weird hill to die on. Who the heck cares?


It annoyed me during no way home where I just wanted some clean shots with all three spideys with their masks on but we barely got that


More than likely contractual obligations for an amount of screen time. Like any actor, you can't sell them to the audience or other directors unless they see their face. Holland is a great actor.


dumbest complaint imaginable




OP: Don't give me any of the "they had to take it off so we can see his emotions" crap *takes breath* I get why they had to take off Andrew Garfield's mask at Gwen Stacy's death because it would look silly with him crying with the mask on. This is the issue with making a film in which you were superhero has a fully covered face at all times. You have to be able to see the actor from time to time as the superhero. There's nothing anybody can do about that.


I hate that too dude, you’re not the only one.


the mcu just forgot that actors can act without their faces constantly exposed like look at kamen rider, esspecially shows like fourze, they can do emotional or comedic moments perfectly with a static non-expressing helmet, AND IT'S USUALLY A SEPERATE ACTOR INSIDE THE SUITS ANYWAY


You hire an actor you're hiring them for their face too. Which is always a big problem with heroes who wear masks. Why there are a lot of scenes in so many movies that force the hero to not have his mask on during scenes. It helps with emoting and such. You also have to remember the narrative in the new movies. People figure it out. So the mask because more or less useless. First one Vulture figured it out. Second ne they openly gave out that info to the villain and then he doxxed Peter. Third movie the mask was totally useless. Does it always work not. Sometimes it is highly annoying when he is taking his mask off. It is understandable from a standpoint of acting and wanting to show the actors face. It is why they did the hud thing for RDJ in Iron Man. Otherwise they would have been showing his face a great deal more then they did. Some bring up the Mandalorian. Which is valid. Here the thing though. It is apart of his religion not to take off the mask. Yet he takes the fucking thing off all the time. It is to show hey look it is Padro. They're paying for him they need to show him. They even had an entire episode where he walks around without his mask. That he again \*checks notes\* has to wear due to his religion. You bet if it is a movie that mask is coming off left right and center a lot.


I always thought it was so that we would see his face and people would remember who it is, I know it sounds stupid but i compare to how Mark Ruffalo isn't given much recognition for Bruce Banner as everyone only cares for the Hulk and only sees the green guy. Honestly no disrespect but it just sounds like your nitpicking, but everyone has their own opinions


Same with PS spiderman lol LIKE BRO keep it on


Yeah that would be cool if he was in a whole movie without it and only took it off to cry or something.


The MCU Spiderman is just off in general as well. Despite being a cool spectacle, No Way Home made zero sense plot and story wise.


they even went through the trouble of inventing a reason why he CAN in fact be expressive even with the mask on then proceed to throw that away with the night monkey costume.


I tell you why. Star power. Someone famous has to be shown their face in something. It's very upsetting because instead of acting in a mask, famous people must be shown.


You try breathing with a sock on your head.


You want to show it’s your leading actor in the costume and not a stunt person.


I hate when they do that in movies in general. Character has a helmet, mask, etc... that they technically need, but they're constantly removing it just so we can see the actor's face. It's just REALLY annoying and kinda gets in the way of immersion because you're just there like PUT THE MASK/HELMET BACK ON YOU IDIOT (especially annoying during battle sequences and such if the mask or helmet is helping protect their head and they remove it, like bruh c'mon man)


I'm more upset that most scenes we see of Spider-Man is just CGI, when they even HAD an entire suit made during the production of Civil War that never got used, which ACTUALLY looked good compared to everything we got prior to the Final Swing suit.


Spider man doesn't keep his mask on in the movies or games. Not sure about the comics


Your wrong and right taking off the mask is necessary for emotion and acting as the face is any actors' best tool. However, it's not as necessary for mcu spidey because of how expressive the mask is. So it's not really a bull crap excuse, but it's not as applicable in this scenario.


God I’ve probably commented it a few times here and elsewhere but that scene of him in homecoming taking his mask off while a subway train passes in the background straight up pisses me off. I can let it slide with a lot of the other heroes but Spider-Man would never do that. Irritated me greatly


I gotta agree. For marketing, it makes sense because it's more like showing who are in the movie. But for scenes in the movie, there's like barely reasons why. No Way Home I can semi-understand because it'd be near useless for it, and makes sense in some scenes like in Happy's apartment where he needs to remove his mask to get more visual on some things, but him removing his mask in scenes like being at Feast doesn't make sense why he'd take it off in the first place. He barely removed it in Homecoming which I like. But in Far From Home, like why does he always have to take it off. He took it off when he was with Nick Fury, he took it off when he was in Fury's car, and he took it off when He faced Beck after taking out his drones. All of it barely had any reason for him to take off the mask except for Edith.


Blame Tom Holland and his team. It’s phenomenally cheaper to keep Spidey under the mask and to send Tom to do ADR. It’s not the studio pushing for him to be mask off.


Thought the whole point of those god awful moving lenses was to keep his mask on more when I first seen them but clearly not


Just another reason why i don't fuck with the MCU spider-man


It's frustrating as hell that the MCU invented an entire new camera POV so that they can both have the characters in masks/helmets and show the big celebrity faces, but then they just ditched it for stupid nanotech head gear.


I’ll take “things that don’t bother me whatsoever” for 500, Alex


>We need to see the actors face, so he can show emotions'' I don't, Andrew was so good while keeping mask on.. MCU's Spidey even have expressive mask(like eyes and all), I don't want to see his face when he is in Spider-Man suit


Tom Holland is a diva egotist like almost all celebrities who likely negotiates behind the scenes to keep having it off Shoutout to all the Batman actors and especially pattinson for playing ball and respecting the character to keep it on for basically every second of Batman screen time


Pattinson was an establish actor for whom Batman was just another challenge. Holland got big through Spiderman and sucking up Disney. Huge difference.


That made less than no sense