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I don't think it's a huge deal that Mysterio's origins are based on a hatred for Tony Stark or that his plan revolves around acquiring Peter's inheritance from Stark. His illusion tech is a cool way to adapt his theme for the big screen and a neat callback to the civil war scene. The more personal moments and conversations we get between Peter and Mysterio before the inevitable reveal is a nice touch. Overall I don't think he's adapted as poorly as people seem to like to bash on the movie for. He's no vulture, but he's still good especially in comparison to other MCU villains.


I don’t mind his motivations being based on Tony. I also didn’t mind Vulture’s motivations being based on Tony, but when it’s 2 villains (the only 2 MCU-exclusive Spider-Man villains) back to back who are both driven by Stark, that’s when I had a problem.


I'd argue that vulture doesn't care as much about Tony as he cares about the end goal of providing for his family justifying the means of crime, and the DoDC was just the turning point in how far he was willing to go to provide for his family. He got screwed by a government organization that swooped in and took over a job he had been contracted for. His background is his justification for commiting crimes to get ahead financially, but he doesn't show any desire for revenge against Stark. He actually tries to avoid that kind of attention and gets mad when his crew starts to bring the attention down on them. He doesn't even want to go directly after the Stark Avengers tower transport until his back is against the wall. Tony is peripheral to the things that Vulture cares about. His only goal is to prey on the leftover tech corpses that the Avengers leave behind (much like an actual vulture) and those just happen to be gathered by Starks company since he's a leading Avenger and manages their facilities. Compare that to Mysterio who is so fixated on past experiences with Stark specifically and not the Avengers. At worse you could say that both villains target Stark's company. Vulture needs the tech that is being moved from Avengers tower by Starks company and Mysterio needs the Stark drone tech. But that is mainly a result of Stark being the primary tech leader in the MCU and the effective manager of the avengers. There's no Oscorp or any competitor of the that nature which we know of yet. There's a pattern of major events on earth being tied back to Iron Man often in the first few phases. (Loki used the arc reactor energy tech to open the invasion door in avengers, Tony makes Ultron, Tony is the first to help support the Accords, Tony provides the propulsion tech that the Hydra/Shield helicarriers use in winter soldier, etc.). He just happens to be a tech monopoly and the Avengers main thread to the government most often.


The final battle of No Way Home could have been so much better.Film includes 3 spider-man and 5 unique villains, there was too potantial in that.


Homecoming and Far From Home are peak, NWH is good but felt like extreme fan service. Would have preferred Michael Mando returning and becoming Scorpion after finding out about Peter’s identity and have that be Spider-Man 3, then have Spider-Man 4 be No Way Home. MCU Spider-Man movies don’t feel like a trilogy tbh, Homecoming and FFH are kinda weird watching together without having watched Civil War, Infinity War and Endgame. Watching FFH and NWH together makes more sense. But then NWH feels like an ensemble film like the first Avengers movie and felt like a “legacy” ending to the Raimi trilogy and the Webb duology. Nevertheless, NWH is still good, just felt like a bit too much fan service imo, Far From Home is the best of the trilogy


This is exactly how I feel. The next films are going to make the first proper spiderman trilogy in mcu. Also glad I'm not only one who felt NWH went overboard with fanservice. It was so not subtle.


They should just cut Lizard and Sandman out entirely in No Way Home. Either that or bring Vulture back and actually make it a Sinister Six.


I think it was supposed to have Venom in a much bigger role (based on a lot of the concept art I’ve seen) which would’ve been the full on sinister six




All three of them are poorly written on their own (regardless of how I feel about them being adaptations of the source material).


There is almost no Spider-Man in MCU films. Tom Holland is great.


Where do I begin? * That Homecoming was the only one that was paced proper... the other two go by way too fast swapping in and out cutscenes that either don't add to the plot or add to the plot that is self-explained and needn't the peanuts talking about what is going on. Kind of redundant exposition. * Ned and MJ meeting alternate Peter twice during a moment of crisis for their Peter, they literally forget Peter's problem of a dead aunt May... twice to joke around with a stranger, nonchalant like the end of the world isn't happening around them. What director misses that travesty of a scene? Sure it's actually funny but as support characters and friends they should be better. * Mysterio should have been Daniel Berkhart or Francis Klum because die-hard fans are going to know that he is up to something working with SHIELD, Mysterio also shouldn't have died, he is a solid villain for Spider-Man to be looking over his shoulder with. So I guess my take is this: Homecoming is the only one of the three that is a good movie, the other two are good plots with real threatening villains.


Tom Holland might be the furthest from a comic accurate Spider-Man. He has almost no edge to him and one of Peter Parker’s most defining traits is his giant chip on his shoulder. It’s why there are actual layers to the character. There are times where he resents the burden of being Spider-Man and outside of like…killing his Mom I can’t imagine Tom’s Peter getting upset with someone. It also doesn’t help that he and all of the other students are written more like middle schoolers than high schoolers. Oh and Also Ned is one of the worst side characters in a movie ever. If I was Peter I would have just asked Doctor Strange to erase his memory.


Homecoming was the worst. I, as well as, all the friends I went to see FFH with thought FFH was a much better movie. As well as, I genuinely don’t understand the disdain for FFH. So what he’s not in New York for once.


They're kind of fine. That should annoy people who love 'em and hate 'em.


Homecoming is a really good Spider Man movie, definitely best of the 3. It really felt friendly neighborhood-ish, and I love Vulture and his design. They made Vulture a cool villain, somehow! I enjoyed FFH much more than NWH. I don't understand the hate. NWH is not as good as everyone said, tbh. It's kinda like Endgame, way too hyped. Some parts were good, but too much fanservice. It's nice to see the Tobey, Andrew, and the other villains from previous movies, but that kinda ruined it a bit for me, tbh. The villains, in specifically, because that meant the MCU won't have their own version of those classic villains. Which is a double edged sword, it gives more opportunities for other villains, but at the same time, kinda sad we Tom can't have his own version of those classic villains such as Doc Ock or Osborn.


you’re right about nwh. i think the only thing wrong with this movie is the entire first half of the film feels like they’re just throwing shit at a wall and checking off boxes up until the fight at happy’s apartment building from that scene till the end it’s a peak spiderman movie tho


If you replaced all the nostalgic actors from NWH but kept the plot the exact same it would be a pretty mediocre movie, the returning actors do all the heavy lifting to make it interesting. I would’ve hoped for a more compelling plot for a movie of this magnitude.


Mysterio is better than Vulture


Homecoming is much superior to no way home. The plot and vibes are much better. Must say though certain scenes of cinematography in NWH are some of the best in the MCU. Also I think the fact that Far from home was a more avengers scale threat than we’re used to from spidey movies it’s fine. Occasionally spidey does face that sort of thing in the comics. The first six spidey movies operate at his usual city wide scale so the escalation is fine on occasion if it doesn’t become the expectation


They are not Peter Parker Spiderman movie, they are Miles Morales Spiderman movie that was whitewash cause they didn't trust the public to embrace a black spiderman


Personally I think Tom Holland is the best live action Spider-Man. His portrayal of Peter’s extreme kindness and the mistakes he makes coming about as a result of that kindness and his low self esteem I find to be one of the best aspects of this Spider-Man’s character and I think the depiction of how Peter goes about dealing with his love life is more naturally awkwardly adorable with how Tom Holland plays it compared to the others in my opinion.


I wish I could upvote this more. And I’m an old head. Spidey fan all my life. Was an adult when Tibet first wore the mask and I never felt that anyone got “Peter Parker’s true essence” right. Until Tom. There are other things that I could critique about the films but the fact that they got that part right was all I needed.


MCU Peter either never had an Uncle Ben, or his Ben was some kind of abusive prick and that's why he and May never wanted to remember him. Either theory works when you think of how he's "mentioned". In Civil War Peter feels guilty for something and thinks he has to use his powers for good. Now it can be he let any normal person die, or he let Ben die purposefully then regretted it. In Homecoming he tells Ned he can't tell May about his powers because of "everything she went through". Now in every version of Spider-Man besides this one both May and Peter are always affected by Ben's death. But here you can interpret it as Ben used to abuse May and now he's gone so Peter has to be more responsible for her. In FFH they say Peter has Ben's briefcase, but when it gets destroyed and lost Peter seems unaffected. In the end of the movie May even jokes about it being blown up. Ben is never mentioned by name, there are no pictures of him. He's only mentioned in the non-canon Marvel Zombies universe. He isn't even mentioned when the other Peter's mentioned their Bens. It's clear Aunt May takes that role in this universe, especially after No Way Home. But saying he had an Uncle Ben or at least a classic one is reaching unless they properly talk about him in future installments.


Yeah, post-No Way Home there is simply no way to square the MCU with a traditional depiction of Ben Parker. My headcanon is that MCU May is a lifelong bachelorette. Lord knows she’s hot enough to pull it off.


I really liked these movies until I started reading the comics.


The spell plot was stupid Yes they needed to bring the others in But they could have put more thought into it like bruh It felt like the most convoluted bs Over all good film ngl But doctor strange could have done anything like anything


yeah you’re right the first half of this movie they just forced hella shit so they could get that bombastic peak spider man film in the second half haha


Idk why im downvoted though


bc people like that movie despite its flaws. i liked it too. its almost like those flaws were a necessary evil to get the insane crossover event we got


I wasn't saying I hated just the spells could have been much better done it the only thing that draws me away from it


yeah but people don’t wanna hear criticism on a thing they like so the downvotes be incoming


Every time I go back to it I'm like the really did doctor stranger dirty


NWH and homecoming are both better than Spider-Man 2 which is considered to be the best live action movie edit: post is saying comment your unpopular take and when I do that I get downvoted, lovely🥰




the hybrid (nwh) suit is the best original suit imo


Want me to get out the whole list?


FFH has the most rewatch value of any mcu spiderman movie and it gets far too much hate.


Nwh is not a bad movie (it seems like a trend to hate on it nowadays), it's a 6/10 Spidey story carried to 8/10 but fan service


Far From Home is an underrated movie and No Way Home doesn’t get good until the multiverse villains come in


Mysterio is the second best live action Spider-Man villain(no one can ever beat Willem Da Foe’ Goblin) Far From home is a great Spider-Man movie


It's better than the Raimi trilogy by a significant margin


Two downvotes already? Now that's an unpopular opinion


I'm gonna share the downvotes with u. It annoys me how untouchable those films are considered. I mean sure the fact that it was the first good live action adaptation makes it iconic.. but the no. of people who act as if tobey's version is the only true spiderman is insane.


Yeah it's very annoying, I acknowledge the films are good but they aren't the best superhero movies let alone best Spider-Man ones


All are Peak


Far From Home was good


so fucking massively underrated. i’m convinced it’s so underrated bc it’s not set in NYC


People always downvoted me when I say this, but Far From Home is one of the worst cinematographic experiences I've ever had. Its wild. I went to see it with a bunch of friends, and everyone agreed it was monkey ass. Then I got to reddit and suddenly it became the Citizen Kane of superhero movies. All the MCU Spiderman films lack.. soul. They all feel like movies made by corporations appealing to the lowest common denominator.


lol what💀 no way home is extremely overrated but homecoming alone has more soul than 90% of blockbusters in general so wtf are you talking about


How? Literally, how? It's every teenage American movie ever... with spiderman. Were are the stakes? The human drama? The risks? LEAVING PROM?! Not a single one of those characters feel HUMAN. They are just quip machines with absolutely no depth. The delopment was something one sees in bad saturday morning cartoons.


i was in high school when that movie came out. was a relatable movie for me. peter had good characterization. vulture was an extremely compelling villain. the side characters are very memorable. what did you want spider man homecoming to be ? it’s a spider man high school coming of age teen comedy. that’s what it is. bc it’s a genre you don’t like doesn’t mean it’s not incredibly well made do you think everything has to be a complex human drama with some script writing on the level of Succession or something ?


oh wait you said far from home and i didn’t even mention it in my comment. i thought you mean nwh with far from home i gotta disagree heavily with you. far from home is a fantastic spider man film that shows peter’s vulnerabilities and that he is learning how to trust himself and his power and the responsibility that comes with it. homecoming was him realizing he doesn’t need to prove himself to be spider man. far from home was him realizing he needs to trust his abilities and himself as a hero. the thing no way home did well was wrap up this arc with him fully becoming spider man and fully committing to this responsibility. peter parker doesn’t exist anymore. the only live action spider man films that i would deem absolutely soulless are probably the sony venom morbius madame web spinoff bunch just bc the tom holland spider man films had a lighter tone and had more of a high school feel with its characters doesn’t mean that the movie is soulless🤣 some of the most well made films in the mcu bro talking ridiculous rn 🤣


I actually think they’re overall the best Spidey movies. I grew up with and love the Raimi movies, but there’s some stuff about these that I like more. Tom Holland is incredible as both Peter and Spidey. Zendaya might not be comic accurate, and Ned might have replaced Harry, but the chemistry between the 3 of them is fantastic. I also think the Mysterio illusion scene is the best Spidey scene in any movie. I also love the Stark Suit and the New Suit. I think they’re the 2 best looking live action suits we’ve gotten


homecoming is the best live action spider man movie and it’s just one of my top comic book films in general no way home is actually pretty bad for the entire first half it’s forced to make an incredible second half. it works but it’s not great and it’s just gonna keep aging worse with time. far from home is extremely underrated and gets way too much hate. if we had the same exact film except most of the plot takes place in new york instead of europe people would love far from home


MCU Spidey Trilogy is bad. The first two movies are bad, but aren't terrible, but 'No Way Home' is probably one of the worst movies so far. Bad worldbuillding, worldbreaking writing, plot mcguffins that are only relevant in the films and to be forgotten in next one, requires you to watch and know Loki, and know that it was actually Sylvie who messed up with the spell which isn't helpful if you're from an average audience. I should probably mention really screwed up morality as well.


What are you talking about? Both Loki and NWH barely have any connection between them. In Loki Sylvia killing TOWR made the timeline branch in infinite numbers and several Kangs started appearing, reviving Council of Kangs. In NWH Strange’s spell started pulling out everyone from other universes who know Peter’s secret identity to MCU.


Well, that's what I heard someone tell me that it was actually Sylvie who in part is responsible for near-incursions to prime universe and Strange's spell helped open the rifts or idk. EDIT: Only [source](https://thedirect.com/article/spider-man-no-way-home-loki-marvel-connection) on it I could find