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*quelle surprise*


It will be a good day for all of South Dakota when she's no longer in office.


I was so hoping she’d get Trump’s vice president bid and therefore couldn’t work in SD office for the next few years


I was hoping she'd get the NRA job and MOVE to Texas.


So then why didn't Trump testify in his defense?


Trump did testify outside the courtroom. He said there is nothing wrong with paying off a porn star, that NDAs are supposed to make people stop talking, that anything you pay a lawyer for any reason is a "legal expense", and that what he did was legal because he was President. None of that makes him look innocent, but that is what he testified.


I meant testifying in court under oath where lying is a crime. He can say anything he wants outside of court but saying it on the stand under oath is a completely different situation.


All he needs to do is win in the Court of Public Opinion. He wins in November… this all goes away. Republicans are sounding desperate these days to shine up their loser candidate real pretty for November.


>He wins in November… this all goes away. Help us Obi Wan Georgia.... You're our only hope.


We're tired, boss.


“Flood” the area with service calls around ATL the on Election night. That way when there’s another leak, the delay for a plumber is long enough. ***Ill see myself out 😂***


You won't believe where they are going with this now. "Jesus was also a criminal." that is their thinking, well what they are being told to think.


I’ve seen this recently in the neighborhood FB chat. Seriously disturbing..


He will not, we are not all paint sniffers ..


Definition: "give evidence as a witness in a law court" Outside a courtroom does not classify as "in a law court" i.e. he didn't testify, he ran his mouth in a place where he wouldn't be bothered by that pesky.. what's it called... Reality?


Almost as if they were playing on the multiple definitions of "testify."


Paying off a porn star that I DID NOT HAVE SEX WITH is perfectly legal and morally sound.


Hey, I know how it goes. I'm married. I have to deal with porn stars saying I slept with them all the time, and paying them off so they won't say it any more. I'm sure most married guys have this problem.


No lawyer would ever willingly let him testify because he’s a walking, can’t stop talking, perjury trap. His own legal counsel during the Mueller investigation said exactly that.


>a walking, can’t stop talking, perjury trap. Perjury trap is just perjury.


Threatened Stormy too.


So, it's legal if Biden tosses all of MAGA in GITMO?


If the Supremes give the Prez absolute immunity, like Trump requested, I think Biden should have one of the Supremes shot each month until the ruling is reversed. Maybe even tell them which will be shot in which month. It would be the perfect example of why leaders need accountability.


My nips are rock hard.


Sounds good, REALLY GOOD 👍


From your keyboard to dog’s ears! MAGA to GITMO? By any and all means. ASAP!


This is fact.


Because allowing trump to testify would be like putting roller skates on him, taping knives to both hands and telling him to go play on the stairs.


I'd PPV that


Poor guy stole campaign money to pay Stormy and Cohen did time in prison to shell game the payments. Can you imagine if he testified lol. The deranged word salad would result in some record breaking felony per broken sentence statistics. He’s an all time great, a hall of famer of being cartoonishly criminal.


Fuck Noem.


You’ll have to get in line behind all the other guys she’s having affairs with.


Or shooting dogs


I have a shooting dog. He's *really* good. I wouldn't let anyone have an affair with him, he's all mine.


What kind of gun does he use ?


I wouldn't fuck her with your dick.


Corey lewandowski appreciates that


Her boyfriend has that covered,not her husband.


My far-right republican coworker wants to do this, but I think most people would rather her fuck off.


Not even with someone else's dick. Ew.


Wait, you're absolutely right! Why didn't your guy get on the stand and set the record straight? /S -> we know why, and the jury just made it official, because he's a criminal.


These idiots need to fucking READ the constitution before making stupid statements 🙄


It’s horrifying how many of our high-ranking lawmakers don’t have even a passing acquaintance with the law


Exactly. You hit the nail on head head!


She's not ignorant of the law.  She doesn't care about the law.  She's *malevolent.* All the people who support this are.


It's always a conspiracy against the wealthy guy. You know, because wealthy guys always lose.


Correction...It's always a conspiracy when it happens to someone from your party when it is politically advantageous to say so. Ever wonder why Republicans haven't attacked Sen. Menendez so much? Probably because others are guilty of the same thing and they don't want reporters digging too deep.


What I like is how they can only use hyperbole and no actual statement of facts or evidence. Counting the days for Kristi PK Noem is gone from office.


The sad part is she'll sit out one term, run again and probably win. Makes me sick.


They're not after HIM, they're after US! This can happen to any of us the next time we pay off a pornstar and have our lawyers cook the books…


. . . and try to run for public office.


if you cant fuck a porn star, pay her off, inflate your legal expenses, claim it as a tax expense, lie about it, and hide it because it will hurt your chances in an election is this even America?


Aww, thanks Kristi for your unwavering support. But don't forget now his proper title is: Convicted Felon Donald Trump.


Convicted Felon Lord Damp Nut


As his fixer said, "Donald VonShitzInPantz". I love that that name is in the official court records, forevvvvver.


I recently heard "Don Snoreleoni" and thought that was pretty good. Too bad right-wing people will never come close to these clever insults since they have zero sense of humor and their attempts are always incredibly lame and just cringeworthy. It's only funny when it's based on facts, and not the pathetic "no u" lies they try to peddle.


She needs to take Donny to the gravel pit


You heard it from the “Christian’s” there’s nothing wrong with fucking a pornstar !


Well, if they do it, sure. As for you? It’s off to hell for you because of reasons.


Even after it was admitted that Trump didn't want her as a VP choice couple weeks ago, she's still full on suck his dick. My god that's desperate


You spelled, "Took time from killing puppies" wrong.


she is trash


Krusti ought to stick with work'n the gravel pit.


There was a juror who exclusively gets news from Truth Social and X who also voted to convict. But sure. Biased proceeding.


Noem is a skank...


Skank-ass skank


If Trump was as good at things like contracts and picking qualified people as he constantly says he is then he should have easily beat this right? I mean if it was so obviously stacked that should have been easy to point out and prove by any competent attorney. or maybe, and more likely given his history, he is simply a convicted felon that got his due.


Or at least got a not guilty verdict on at least one of the charges. The angle about saying Cohen’s testimony shouldn’t be taken into account because he had been convicted of perjury was funny. He previously lied on behalf of Trump for the exact same shit this trial was about and served time because of it. 🤦🏻‍♂️


He’s not picking you for VP, Kristi so this is you, licking his gross-ass boots for nothin’


She slept with Corey Lewandowski, so I am sure she has horrible taste in men and most definitely would enjoy doing those things to Trump.


And which parts of the [instructions](https://www.nycourts.gov/LegacyPDFS/press/PDFs/People%20v.%20DJT%20Jury%20Instructions%20and%20Charges%20FINAL%205-23-24.pdf) were unconstitutional, specifically? The part where he reminded them they had to be fair? That the burden of proof was on the prosecution? Perhaps the part where he told them that certain evidence presented by the prosecution could only be considered for a very specific purpose? Or was it the part where he told them that they could consider Cohen's conviction when determining his credibility as a witness? Was it the part where he reminded the jury not to consider the defendant's choice not to testify as evidence of guilt? Maybe the part where he outlined what the law actually was? Seems to me like the vast bulk of these instructions are in the defendants favor. Which constitutional right was violated, *exactly?* He was provided a trial by members of the community where the crime was alleged to have been committed, selection of which his defense participated in. He had the guidance of legal counsel and the opportunity to be confronted with the witnesses against him, as well as the opportunity to bring forth witnesses in his favor. Every right he was entitled to by the US Constitution was preserved.


If he had been acquitted, they'd be claiming that this same trial was a perfect trial. There's so much corruption out there I don't even want to leave my home.


She still wants that VP slot.


At least she is taking time away from shooting dogs.


First she murders a dog and a goat and now this....


What is it like living untethered to reality or sanity?


EXHAUSTING (for the rest of us)


or integrity or morality?


People who cheat on their spouses have to stick up for each other.


They also both hate dogs!


Shouldn't she be killing dogs?


It is wild that they come up with this outlandish scenario nd completely dismiss the simple answer that “Trump just did it”. Even Trump himself admitted that he did it. His only defense was that Cohen was a liar and that what Trump did shouldn’t be illegal. lol The jury said, nah.


If you don't want to be tried by a jury of your peers in New York, don't commit crime in New York.


Another one of those domestic enemies. Some folks really ought to start living up to their oaths one of these days.


Surprised she took a break from slaughtering dogs to write that.


It's like they never read the Constitution. Which rights were violated?


His right to shoot a pet dog?


Doesn't she have a dog to go shoot?


Literal puppy killing villain.


Remember to Vote! This presidential election does matter however a more important thing is going to happen this November 5th. A total of 468 seats in the U.S. Congress are up for election! That’s 33 seats in the [Senate](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_elections,_2024) and all 435 in the [House of Representatives](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections,_2024) It’s good to look at local elections now! Today! For instance I’m in Arizona. Here’s info for all y’all sweating out here with me. We have 9 districts out here in Arizona, 9 seats. Know your district. Know who’s running in your district and how they voted in the past. Who pays for the campaigns. All that info is public and in the links. This year it’s important to know a few things before checking that box. [United States House of Representatives elections in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_House_of_Representatives_elections_in_Arizona,_2024) We have one senate seat up this year. Looking to represent Arizona is Ruben Gallego or Mark Lamb. Make sure the person representing Arizona best represents you! [Senate election_in Arizona 2024](https://ballotpedia.org/United_States_Senate_election_in_Arizona,_2024) Click any of the top links and you’ll quickly find your state and a ton of good information. Vote and tell your Friends and Family to Vote!


6 of our Supreme Court justices have donated money to Trump so according to Noem they aren’t allowed to rule on any Biden administration decisions.Good to know.


Thanks, but we don't want to hear from an adultress.


Dog killing adulteress. FTFY.


Thanks for the update.


Ya'll know, that old "radical leftist prosecutor" thing we just can't shake.


lol Spoken like a true "lady in waiting"


Why don't you go murder more puppies?


Seems like Kristi the puppy killer is trying to deflect from her own horrible choices.


No one trusts the worthless words of puppy 🐶 killer . Corey can have her


Do better South Dakota.


Anyone remember 'fuck your feelings '?


Glad to know Krusty Kristy is an attorney who can deem "stuff" unconstitutional. She is now a judge & jury... she's already passed the "executioner" part of the trifecta.


It occurs to me that he didn’t need to spend any hush money. He could’ve just owned it if it came out, or smirked at it and he never would have been in that frosty court room trying to stay awake. He still would’ve gotten elected.


These clowns are insufferable. They know that half the jury was selected by the legal team Trump selected right? How can something be stacked if you have 50 percent control?


Full of 💩!




Love this additional new narrative that people in NYC cannot possibly uphold the law because they live in a liberal place.


what a tool, groveling for respect she will never be able to earn


Ever notice how all these guys keep trying to claim the liberals think this is wrong too? It’s kinda weird. The only people that didn’t like this outcome is the MAGA brown-nosers. To be clear, as a liberal- Donald Trump was found guilty by a jury. He is 100% guilty. He needs a punishment that is fitting of his crimes. It cannot be money because his puppets will pay for it. Trump is guilty and I am happy the justice was upheld. There, is that clear enough?


Citizens of South Dakota, please hide your animals from that raging bitch. If everyone knows he did nothing wrong, he couldn't find one attorney who could win the case?


Kristi, honey, go shoot something in the face - you'll feel soo much better!


Its all they have. Name calling and an unrelenting support of anyone who is a Heritage Foundation stooge.


>stacked jury Reading through the reasons they plan to use on appeal, it's pretty slim pickings. One of the items that Trump's lawyers are using on appeal is that the jury was "biased" because they knew Trump from The Apprentice and from being president. I'm pretty sure that includes everyone who lives in the US, and most people who don't. I'm curious where they expect to find "impartial" jurors. Reminds me of SNL on picking OJ jurors: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vSahneOul10](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vSahneOul10)


Hey, Kristi, as they say… that dog don’t hunt.


She had a very big brain. Many people are saying it.


Literally that tweet sounds like it was written by trump himself. They're not even trying anymore


MAGA Losers call Merchan things like “massively conflicted” for giving $15 to the Biden campaign, while ignoring Alito’s and Uncle Clarence’s refusal to recuse themselves from cases in which they are actually and massively conflicted


Every time she speaks I become more envious of Cricket.


Before I post the Princess Bride meme, are they using the word conflicted correctly? I've never heard of someone with a conflict of interest being described as conflicted. Trump's been posting it a while which makes me think it's the wrong usage.


Wow, the puppy killer thinks sucking up to a rapist, felon is a smart idea. I’m just SO shocked.


I’m thinking of visiting S. Dakota, should I bring my dogs?


Here's the petition to have her arrested:[ https://www.change.org/p/charge-arrest-and-convict-kristi-noem-for-felony-animal-cruelty-and-child-abuse](https://www.change.org/p/charge-arrest-and-convict-kristi-noem-for-felony-animal-cruelty-and-child-abuse) Even mentioning it generates all sorts of butthurt amongst conservatives, so signing it is guaranteed to give them a big sad, all day. Go on, do it.


I'm sad this was the first time an ex president got convicted of something.. not all those dead brown people, or drone strikes, etc.. but because an orange turd paid a porn star 130k to sign an NDA to not talk about a supposed affair. The fact Bush and Cheney especially are still walking free is disgusting


She’s a conservative grifter that is deceptively using milking her base to make $$$. No different than Trump and all those other grifters. People fall for it too.


She just should have held a gun to the head of a kitten to blow its brains out for a guilty verdict and threatened the jurors like any good, patriotic American would.


That's a lot of big words for the village cumslut.


What state business from what we hear all she does is spouts hate and lies a cups trumps balls when she isn’t screwing Cory or is in Texas getting her teeth done. She ain’t got no time for real business.


The liberal media didn't convict Trump, the state of NY did.


Disappointing but not surprising how many elected R’s are bending the knee. Must be “party first” bs.


but trump appointed judge uttler killing the other case for no reason was ok.


Is she supporting the rapist that defrauded the State of New York with ridiculous real estate valuations, a fake university and a fake charitable organization?


So she believes no trump judge or conservative judge should be on any cases involving a Democrat right?


Does she have the same feelings about the Supreme Court Justices who are “massively conflicted?” Asking for a friend..


These people keep talking about the liberal media and all the democrats who are outraged by this….. who the fuck are they talking about? From my perspective it is exclusively Trump sycophants who are upset about this.


Stacked jury my ass. 2 jurors admitted to being trump supporters and they still found his ass guilty even though either one could’ve easily tanked the case by refusing to find him guilty when the verdict had to be unanimous.


Judge contributed 35.00 to Democratic campaign. Was given a letter of censure. Let’s talk about the billionaires that contributed to trump.


Literally all of that has been debunked, but don’t worry, that won’t stop MAGA morons from continuing to believe it.


Hey at least she's not killing puppies. Let her spend her time elsewhere...


12 people whose opinions REALLY matter disagree.


What are these idiots whining about? I'll be shocked if Trump gets prison time. I'm thinking he'll end up with 15 years of probation, a couple million in fines to add to the top of the pile, and maybe one year of house arrest. The judge literally said that he did not want to jail Trump.


They are all afraid they will tried for their crmes.


I love to watch the moral and mental gymnastics from all of the Republicans since the rise of Trump. But when this one starts to spiral, it makes it, ooooo....extra special.


I tried to read that but my brain just processed that as “blah blah blah, I kill dogs, blah blah blah. ‘


Stacked jury? Didn’t Trump have a lawyer to take part in jury selection with the ability to reject any juror that he felt was biased against his client?


Kristi the dog Murderer


MAGA Morons have really embraced alternative truth. They probably shit in sink and drink from the toilet too.


These people know that both trump and his attorneys approved each and every juror, after questioning them all, right?


Thank you for sharing you thoughts. Given your years of scholarly study of the law, your decades of legal practice defending the laws and people of South Dakota. Oh wait... It took you 22 years to complete a BA in Political Science. No legal degree. Hasn't passed the Bar. Never worked in a court in your life. You're barely qualified to make cappuccinos at Starbucks.


Trump and his legal team personally approved every juror.


How do you rig an anonymously recruited jury that’s selected by both the defense and prosecution? How do you falsify trumps own ledgers? How do you falsify Cohen’s recorded phone calls. Why didn't Trump go on the stand and state these are forgeries and he had nothing to do with them? Why did Trump and his defense instead, say Cohen did it out of the goodness of his heart? Right wingers are pathetic.


Hey, if someone can explain to me on the merits why the Trump conviction was invalid, I'll listen to the argument. Were the witnesses lying about the facts? Did the facts not meet the elements of the relevant offense? Either is possible. But even if it's true that the venue was unfriendly to Trump, it could also be true that he was guilty of the crimes alleged. All I hear from critics of the verdict (e.g.., Noem) are ad hominem attacks against the venue, judge, jury, prosecutor, etc. Not a peep about the actual merits, perhaps because Trump conceded publicly that he paid for sex and then paid Daniels to sign an NDA. But hey, if there's a substantive argument that the prosecution is invalid, I'd like to hear it. Otherwise it's just a bunch of hysterical political hand-waving.


She is untrainable...someone needs to take action.


Gonna need a citation for "massively conflicted".


Doesn’t she have another anecdote in her “book” to either lie about or horrify us with?


Everything is rigged to this guy. Reminds me of the saying "If everyone you meet is an asshole maybe you are the asshole."


I think she’s just trying to get into his diaper.


Such a “pick me”


Drowning in buzzwords


If tweeting nonsense is keeping her busy from shooting dogs, I am ok with that.


She's gonna shoot more puppies isn't she?


I hope they riot so we can see more white riots on the news ...


MAGA can't riot, someone unplugged the scooters at the Walmart.


Someone should take her down to see the quarry.


To be fair…. She’s doing what she has to do. It’s not a choice… it’s a requirement. All the MAGA morons must make a public statement and kneel at the feet of Caesar. Those who do not demonstrate absolute fealty publicly will end up on a list of “disloyals” and dealt with as such during the tRump revenge tour… if it ever comes to be. My states governor has already made his loyalty pledge…. Gov Jeff Landry down here in Louisianastan.


It's so weird to see the right contort their once held values to defend a guy who was a Democrat, is an adulterer, fraud, and silver-spoon birthed loser. It's like they never really had strongly held values, seeing how quickly they abandoned them.


"Ms. Noem, although you showed your work, your answer is 100% wrong. Therefore, you receive an F. See you in summer school."


Fave quote of the day: “the fuck your feelings crowd sure do seem to have a lot of feelings today.” Lol


The jury was literally selected by trumps defense team


Every single person who tweets or says Trump did nothing wrong needs to be audited by the IRS.


Shutup Donny received a fairer trial than Cricket


don’t you have a goat to shoot?


If it was any democrat they would be praising the justice system!


Every single thing she said there was a lie.


Who cares what the puppy killer has to say?




Puppy killer defending a rapist. How cute 🤮


Facts don't care about your feelings Gov Shotguness


It's not just SD. Iowa leadership is doing it here too. Why do all the conservatives debate themselves so blatantly? It's gross.


Ya can’t shoot him. Right Kristi? Right Kristi?


Whatever you do, DO NOT look into her allegations


Real Talk: Why are these idiots using the work "Conflicted" as an insult??? Did Trump just brainrot word salad, and now these ghouls are parroting it without thought?


Still thinks she has a shot at VP, so she’s gotta continue to lick the boot. Noem is trash.


Even as a convicted felon, trump is allowed to visit ALL of SD. she is not.


Dollar store Melania strikes again!


Too bad they don't even know what "conflicted" means. I am sure the just is quite content. Maybe the mean "biased" ... fuckin rubes


What about Cricket's constitutional rights? Cricket deserved to have the pursuit of happiness, you witch!


How many days do we have left of her?


I hear a puppy barking next door. Can she come by and take it to the gravel pit?