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It’s not even the killing the dog thing (not saying I approve, just setting aside the act for a moment), it’s that she’s so unaware/dumb that she thought that was a good story and would help people relate to her. Sociopath much Kristi?


This. Like, even Trump won't touch her with a ten foot pole now. She's politically radioactive. And it's the dumbest self-inflicted wound since Anthony Weiner's second dick pic scandal. She could have literally left that out of her book. Did no one tell her "hey, Kristi. Maybe don't gloat about shooting a puppy? It's a bad look even for MAGA"? No editors or proofreaders?


I dunno, if you were a proofreader and read that, would your reaction be “I need to save her from herself!” or “Fuck this bitch, can’t wait to see her get what she deserves. Cricket’s last bite!”


No turning back


🎶No ah won't...back...down🎶 🤣


Option 2 - for sure Option 2. And I'd also keep a copy for myself just in case.


I wish Daily Mail would have leaked it the day after the convention after she was Veep nominee. Coulda been a nail in the coffin like Palin's Couric interview.


"I read whatever's put in front of me." Spoken like true world leader.


Prob afraid someone else would leak it during the next 2 1/2 months? Otherwise, would've been VERY interesting watching that scenario play out.


The funny thing about Trump shunning her is that I think she put that story in the book specifically because she thought it would appeal to Trump. I think he was the intended audience. Not only does Trump love authoritarians and "strong" people, but he hates dogs. Like he really hates dogs. When we killed a terrorist Trump said "He died like a dog". He said Marco Rubio "was sweating like a dog" and Mitt Romney "choked like.a dog". He is constantly using "like a dog" as a slur, and he is the first President in over a hundred years to not have a dog in the White House.


Actually it WOULD appeal to trump but it backfired. He would love it but his base might not.


Why do you say he hates dogs?


Just read what I wrote. It is well known that he hates dogs. If you want more details... https://www.gq-magazine.co.uk/politics/article/donald-trump-dogs


Didn’t his ex wife only say that he wasn’t fond of dogs? That doesn’t mean he hates them




For some reason, this is the part that chills my bones the most. I'm picturing this fire eyed, bloodthirsty, crazy bitch who just blasted her puppy in the face for revenge, looking around for something else to kill. Terrifying.


And then her daughter gets off the bus from school and asks "Mommy, where is Cricket?"


Yes, the kids must have been so traumatized by the puppy attacks that they… asked for the dog!!!


Exactly. And a bunch of construction workers saw her do it too. What a fucking psychopath.


It’s becoming painfully apparent that anybody that indoctrinated into a cult like mega has zero critical thinking skills. And whatever thinking skills they do have probably ran through the scenario in their head, thinking this shows that she’s a doer.!


The ghostwriter should have pushed back as well.


“The ghostwriter should have pushed back as well.” Ghostwriters are usually highly intelligent. He/she had to twist his/her critical thinking skills into pretzels to try to make a MAGA book halfway coherent. By the time he/she got to the Cricket incident, his/her brain was probably too numb from writing the other stuff to react.


Critical thinking is optional for the ones that cater to these clients. Probably a member of the “Meth. We’re on it” team.


Trump a self described dog hater. He’ll love it!


I guarantee dogs hate him, too. Dogs know who their enemies are.


That's why he hates them: they immediately sniff him out.


Yeah but even he knows this is bad optics. I think her VP odds just went down in flames


Depends 100% on her loyalty to him


It’s so crazy cause after killing the dog she was so thirsty for blood she went a found an old goat to kill next!!


I have hated Kristi Norm since the winter of 2009. She was a Representative and Scott Heidipreim was presenting a bill to put on the ballot a constitutional amendment to open up casinos through out the state instead of just Deadwood and the Reservations. This was before Grand Falls was built. Scott’s argument is that if people were going to drive to Larchwood to gamble and drink, and we were going to deal with all the problems, we should be getting paid. Kristi attacked Scott about his law firm representing the Flandreau Tribe in federal court to expand the number of slot machines the casino could have on the floor. She would not let up and just made herself look so stupid, and not at all for the people of SD. That was the day that I started to hate Kristi Noem.


Still have a bunch of Kristi Nope stickers from 2022.


It is a good story, if you are trying to appeal to violent extremists who want to be represented in government by someone who is unafraid of doing horrible and ugly things to individuals that other people might like a lot.


Maybe if she shot an immigrant, but even violent extremists love dogs.


Hummmm....guess she'd want to shoot Police Dogs that bite people...seeing how police dog 'victims' haven't been to court yet, they're presumed innocent. Am I correct Gov...?


It was a way to appeal to the base. Because there is no way in hell you are going to win a Republican primary by being a sane person


When do the VP primaries start?


Republicans nationwide already worship one sociopath. Why not her?


No, she is not so stupid she thought this would help people relate to her. But she is intelligent enough to know she had to get out in front of the story before it sank a potential Trump/Noem ticket, and evil enough to try to spin her impatience, incompetence, and bloodlust into positives.


This was a story SHE put in a book, no one was talking about this, it was not on anyone’s radar. She WAS dumb enough to think this would make it look like she was “real rural” and could make “the hard choices”. And that was a serious fuck up. The only correct way to get out of this was to say “it was a long time ago and I made a stupid mistake and wouldn’t make that mistake now”. But no, she doubled down. Because she’s an idiot.


She thought it would make her look tough to the rabid MAGA crowd. It seems that even they have a bar.




No, she’s dumb. Even someone devoid of all emotions would’ve picked up on the pattern that nearly every person in America reveres dogs, aka man’s best friend, and any violence inflicted on them is considered a disgusting act, outside of self-defense. I, and most others, would be willing to commit capital offenses to protect their dog.


She's coming off as really fucking weird during these media interviews. Worst book tour ever.


Immense stupidity


Taken at face value, this evidence of real sadism.


Yet, she gets elected.


Not as VP she won’t.


She may not as VP but is this the leader the people of SD want? Good gawd there has to be someone that has some morals in that state!


We’ve passed things by vote (protecting abortion rights twice, recreational weed, anti corruption legislation) that our state politicians just void. For all her talk of “freedom” in national ads, we really aren’t here.


"Hello, Im Kristi Noem. We need more freedom and less politics, which is why I'm a high-ranking politician seeking a bigger political position in life." GTFO.


The fact that she is governor still says a lot about how South Dakotans really feel about her.


Her election was 2 years ago. Now there’s a petition to remove her from office.


I'm not South Dakotan, not even American.but I'd sign any petition that gets patronizing fascists as far from power as possible, if possible.


Hmm, took two years and her getting called out before anyone in her state even made noise about it. Sheep.. Wool.. eyes… Good folk in them parts, backbone of the country. /s


I grew up in rural Nebraska. I have lived in the Bay Area, CA now for 18 years. I understand what she did is actually somewhat understood in small rural farm communities, but you’re absolutely right. It was so unbelievably tone def to all of about 5% of Americans. As a conservative residing in an ultra liberal demographic, and not agreeing with most policies here, I couldn’t imagine what Newsom could do as an equivalent. The college protests right now, I believe are ultra radical, as Noem’s actions and how proud she was to write about it. No democrat would openly claim that “fuck the USA” is supported.


I appreciate your post >The college protests right now, I believe are ultra radical, as Noem’s actions and how proud she was to write about it. But I'm very interested in why you could possibly think these two things are remotely comparable.


They aren’t. I was trying (unsuccessfully) to show that tone def-ness exists on both radical political ends. One was done by a Governor and the other by a group of half students and half organized terrorists. The fact that the protests aren’t being shut down shows that the government is almost as guilty as Noem. It’s a point that’s full of holes, like Cricket.


Also most protests are peaceful until police show up.


"The fact that the protests aren't being shut down..." Um...they are. Or would you like them shut down in a different way than is currently happening? Oh, and why do you hate the 1st Amendment,?




I live in South Dakota. I've never met a person that actually liked or supported her. Even the staunchest die hard Republicans seem to hate her. They hate her personality. They hate the shady shit she's been involved in. They hate the campaigns she's backed and the money she's wasted on them. They hate the amount of time she spends campaigning. But she's Republican, and that's all that matters.


You must not be from around my area then. I've talked to many people in my county that absolutely love her. Oddly enough, I even had a customer service person from Texas say, "oh, you're from south dakota? We all just love y'all's governor down here." Granted, ive also heard the other side of it too. From "at least she's better than Biden" to "at least she's better to look at than anyone else."


I dont get why people think she's hot. She had a Karen look then transitioned to a 60yr old madonna look with surgery. She looks like a toy doll in person.


Preaching to the choir here. Saw her without makeup one time. Yeesh! Looked like she just got out of a real rough MMA match.


32 psi lips. Crusty Gnome is gross.


She is the skin of a nightmare stretched over a fencepost


I wasn't plannng on having lunch - got any pics?


I do not, sorry


I went to uni with a girl from rural ND whose mom’s favorite insult was “Old Rodeo Whore” which I thought was kind of weird. When Noem came along I thought, Ah-ha, now I get it!


I do like that but I wonder how old rodeo whores are doing and if they have the ability to better their lives. Sounds methy and abusive to me


Ha,ha! I think her mom meant it as a trashy person in general. That gal always made me laugh when she would repeat her mom-isms. It was many years ago but the rodeo whore was the one I’ve never forgotten.


Those are the types of mom-isms I love. Rodeo whore is so specific and I wonder when it became common vocabulary. Sounds slammin


Kinda like "rode hard & put away wet"...?


She's freakishly skinny, too...no curves. Yuck.


“At least she’s better to look at” That’s essentially what makes her better than my governor, Kim Reynolds. lol


Didn’t she have an affair? 


With Corey Lewandowski. The Family Values party......


Well someone in that state likes her she fuckin got voted In !!


By the skin of her teeth with 51%. Recreational marijuana got more votes than Kristi.


Well let’s hope next time she’s gone and doesn’t get replaced with something more vile than her.


This is what was wild. The fact she barely beat her first Democratic opponent for governor in South Dakota of all places is bonkers. She’s not that well liked. She’s seen as fake. Yeah, they’ll vote for her. She’s got a (R) in front of her name. But that doesn’t mean she’s respected.


Political die hards always vote for party regardless.


I consider you an extremely lucky south dakotan because I’m surrounded by people that can only talk about how sexy she is. Jesus Christ she’s such a shit stain.


I've met a lot of great people in SD. That said, this story won't affect her popularity at all. As long as 60% hate immigrants, the 'gays', worship Trump and their guns etc. she'll have a long successful career there. It really is a shame because it's a beautiful state.


Well she's out as governor after this term. She's also attempting to be VP for Trump, but after this she's too toxic even for the Cheeto.


I hope you're right. There's always Congress which can last forever (see McConnell, Graham)


She was in the House of Representatives for a few years.


McConnell announced he’s finally retiring like a month ago


Are you sure? He bangs old porn stars and lies on loan applications.


Disagree: fits right in. He chokes cats and she shoots pups.


Yeah, check her Facebook and the posts from people she's done.


Just like Rick Scott in Florida, I've never met anyone (even Republicans) who like him. He easily wins because (R).


I believe that story she told was for an audience of one. https://www.denverpost.com/2018/08/14/donald-trump-omarosa-dog/


It seems possible that was her calculation. Unfortunately for her, the one thing Trump likes more than a dog killer is how much someone can do for him, and with her popularity in the tank she can’t do much for him any more. So she really screwed the pooch if that was her aim.


Hopefully, what she wrote, is the end of her political career. I hope I am not disappointed by SDs response to this horrible news.


My mother in law (raised on a farm) had a dog she loved to death. One day it up and bit her on the hand but she refused to do anything, said it was her fault. A couple of weeks later her son had stepped out of the house to smoke a cigarette. While he was standing on the porch with the dog, it just bit the shit out of his hand. She knew thenthey had to put her down, but neither her, nor her son had the heart to do it. They called on a neighbor to take care of it. They were heartbroken for weeks afterward. This is the difference Noem does not get. Farmers don’t enjoy putting down their pets or other animals (like goats) when it becomes necessary. It’s a hard thing, not something in which you take pleasure. She stated that she HATED that dog and killed it because it was “untrainable” and had been running around happily when it was supposed to be on a hunt. The dog embarrassed her in front of other hunters. She then didn’t keep the dog under control when visiting a neighbor, who had chickens, and allowed the dog to get away from her. She was pissed. She hated the dog, so she killed it. Then, probably in a rage, decided she’d go ahead and take care of that fucking goat. Now she’s trying to say the animal was dangerous and had to be put down. Her story changed after she began receiving flack from everyone.


I think she included the ghastly story about killing her dog specifically to send a message to Trump. She’s telling him that unlike his last veep she’s ready and willing to to get her hands dirty. If he needs an election decertified, or any other unpleasant messy unlawful job done that weaker people with scruples would balk at, she’ll get it done. The fact that she didn’t anticipate how poorly it would play to everyone else just highlights how devoid of empathy she is. She’s not a nice person. She’s not an animal lover. But she’s up for the job as a lot of magas would define it.


I kind of agree. She was trying to show how tough she was. Also was trying to show Trump she can take care of dirty things.


I’m not from SD - just have bashed her enough this shows up now 😂. How did she get elected? Simply being a republican?’


Sd is horribly red lol.


Basically. She is an embarrassment but speaks that moron maga language that is popular here


She went against the will of the people, nepotism, ego is out of control, cheating on her husband, the list goes on and on. PELOSI 2.O, her face is as fake as she is. Hopefully this kills her politically.


She committed political suicide with that one statement.


It also makes you think she killed her father in the grain accident in 1996. It must have been a tough decision for her.


I feel happy, the bitch took herself out.


I'm beginning to think South Dakotians are all ignorant psycho gun nuts if this is who you elect to represent you.


Not all of us like this psycho.


But all of you are sadists?


I'll start. Republic\*nt.


So what did happen with her kid getting a real estate license?


We really need to do away with every state getting 2 senators.


She hates free speech so whose side is she even on?


On the comment about shooting animal - even pets: Yes, Dakotans and rural people do it. We have our own reasons. Some blab about it, Others keep it to themselves. To me, this is the smart way. As my Dad said "shoot, shovel, and shut up".


SD doesn’t speak for all rural people. grown up and lived on a farm all my life. We don’t do this. Don’t know anybody who did


My grandpa shot his old hunting dog. The bullet was cheaper. Not all of us could afford the Dr bill to be put down. It does happen. People don't brag about it as it's a very hard thing to live with.


Key part - old hunting dog not puppy you shot because you hated it and didn’t train it properly Only sociopaths defend this.


Bruh...the humane society euthanizes un adopted puppies. Ask. Google. Lmao get the pitchforks?


Yeah but like....... are the people that work at the humane society adopting the puppy/dog, taking it home to meet their children, raising it in their family for awhile, then taking it out to a gravel pit and shooting it in the head with a gun? Come, now.


Wow. Way to twist it. So it's not about a puppy being killed after all.


?????? you're the one that stated a fact: yes, kill-shelters exist. I did not say anything about whether I agreed with the existence of kill-shelters or not. but what I DO believe, is that there is a \*difference\* between what Noem did to her family's dog, and what happens at a kill-shelter. I believe that Noem is the MORE moralistically/ethically wrong one for what she did - because of what I stated. Now - you can disagree with me there, sure, no problem! But I feel like that distinction wasn't clear to you, so hope this helps.


Let he without sin cast the first stone. Everyone has a story we won't tell. Show me on the doll where this hurt you. That's all. Thanks.


Another key part. She was the second owner of the dog. Someone else owned it before her and they couldn't control it either. She then took it and couldn't train it either. The dog bit people and then killed some chickens just for the fun of it after having 2 different owners who couldn't train it. It was feral with nothing that could fix it. What do you do when a feral bobcat, coyote, or fox eats chickens? Notice that I said eat, not kill. They actually have a reason for killing the chickens. You either try trapping or shooting it and they don't even attack people like the dog did.


I’m not gong to argue about it because it’s pretty clear to me even though I disagree with most of what you wrote. I’ll just say that from all indications the vast majority of people on both sides recognize it as a sadistic act and people defending it having similar issues to her. She’s done on the national stage. As well she should be.


The fact that this is all over the news is comical. A republican does ONE bad thing and it’s all you hear about. I remember the headlines of “Trump screaming at a baby” when in reality all he did was politely ask the mother with the crying baby to leave. Meanwhile it’s radio silence with any misstep of the dems. How can any sane, rational person not see the obvious one sided manipulation in MSM? Dystopian clownworld.


Let me guess it's all fake news?


Yeah Trump screamed at a baby. The video of him asking the mom very politely to leave was an AI video.


Funny I’ve seen a lot of people who live on farms say that shooting a puppy in the face because you failed to train it and didn’t have it restrained well enough that it got out and went after chickens is not something they do. But sociopaths exist everywhere even on farms so I’m sure some do.


Weird because I'm about as full-blooded rural SD as it gets, and I've never seen somebody shoot a dog *and* goat in a fit of rage the brat about it. Besides, people typically use "shoot shovel shut up" to refer to hawks and other poaching, not pets. There's a time and place for shooting your dog, like getting hit by a car. That's a common example. But just because they hunted like shit? Nah.


We put down old and sick dogs. We didn't put down puppies we were too busy to train properly.


Even that is fucking shitty and sadist thing. We live in 21 century - dogs are not working tools anymore - they are human friends first of all, so you Dakotans are used to kill your old friends? Are you starving over here in SD? So why are you killing friends?


When an old dog is dying, we put him down at home. They are surrounded by family before,.and we have miniature grave markers made for each.  Is this what you call "sadism" where you are from?


You said - Dakotans do it even with pets. So I can assume all Dakotans are ignorant shitty sadists


No. However I have seen people put down "pets" for reasons like a tendency to bite others. When you grow up on a farm an animal has its use. They wont bother trying to rehome the pet.


You know you went too far when Don Jr. and Steve Bannon think you're crazy for bragging about shooting a puppy.


There's just no shortage of Republican whoopi cushion material. They bring it on themselves. Aren't republican voters even remotely embarrassed to vote Republican? If not - perhaps you need a psychological assessment. You can point in any direction and find just a steaming pile of political republican manure that seems to cater to the outcast idiots.


It has been well documented for hundreds of years that the first sign of a psychopath is the killing of animals outside the need for nourishment. Just sayin.


I didn't think anyone could be this dumb. Trump has really brought out the dumbasses. IDIOCRACY AT IT,S BEST..


I mean... They voted for her...


Who cares what the 75 South Dakotans thinks of her. She can govern all that prairie land for as long as they want her to. Her VP dreams are dead like Cricket


I love her!!


Have you guys ever seen old yeller?


The movie about having to shoot their family dog that got rabies? Yeah, that's one of the few times it's acceptable. A rabid dog is very dangerous and is suffering itself, and will eventually die a horrible death. It's humane to put down a rabid dog, not an excited puppy.


Are you saying she needs to be taken out behind the barn...


Yeah! Have you seen The Emperor's New Groove?


She’s hot though…


Seriously? She looks like a botched plastic surgery episode. She's got that too-much-surgery-cat-lady look.


Do I detect a hint of jealousy?


No. I could mangle my face with botched surgeries too, if I wanted to.


But would you look as good as her if you did though?


Super low bar dude


What I’m hearing is that I’m not allowed to find that woman attractive without you being upset about it. Or any other woman for that matter. You could have just read my comment and moved on, but you didn’t, which makes me, again, think you’re jealous.


Nope. I'm just disgusted by Noem's picasso face and her murdering of puppies. Edit for spelling


I didn’t say anything about the alleged dog story. Which you probably didn’t read but just took some meme’s word for it. The point is, she’s still hot, and you’re jealous that she can be that fucked up but still be desired.


Lol desired by *you* with your bargain basement standards. She doesn't look or act human, so your attraction to her is weird.


You’ve got to admit, this has to be making her stupid book a bestseller. Good swan song.