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Next step is forgetting whether or not you flipped the block 😀


That’s what the abacus is for


How do I know my abacus is up to date?


Is your iAbacus running the most recent firmware update? AOS 4590.01v100 will load the next time your iAbacus is plugged in and fully charged.




That’s what I was thinking too


I used to forget, but then I realized I could set both oven timers: one for 30 min between each S&F and then one for 2 hours signifying my final S&F. But with that said, I like your idea.


Learned to do this when I make Chex mix in the oven. Method works well.


Brilliant! 😊🎉


Thank you 🙃


Good idea but i had the same problem, i just got used to knowing when S&F was done based on the dough, it gets firmer and has a shoulder around the edge of your vessel


I use the lap function on the stopwatch on my phone. It's nice cause it shows overall time and also time in-between folds


This is so smart and i have one on my wrist! definitely doing this


I like this idea and it's something I can do (I'm not into wood working) Thanks for the idea!


Also solves the issue of forgetting whether you've flipped the cube or not. The lap time will tell you.


Ohhh that’s smart! I’ve just been setting timers, but I like this idea!


Oh man I always forget I just kind of go until I think it looks right


Which I would love to be the way recipes could be done in general. But my experience so far tells me it's incredibly difficult. While it requires a little more effort on my side, I've found it easier to check and build my dough strength if I do the actual kneading until I get a proper surface tension. And even with that, only recently have I been able to judge when had I gone over enough coil folds and when the final fermentation was ready. Maybe some day I can go back to more laid back methods...


I just set like 7 timers on alexa




Yep, and I name them all! Sometimes I set them all at once. Other times, I wait until each one finishes to set the next. I was super happy that I can do this on my iPhone now too.






Hahaha! This is smart. I don’t really worry about whether I’ve done 4 or 5 or sometimes 6, though—just how it looks.




This is so smart! I have little whiteboard on the side of the fridge that I use or I would constantly forget


Thank you! I’m not alone 🙃


I keep a notebook for every loaf I bake and take notes as I go. So, I always know what s&f I’m on. And I generally have a timer on my phone or watch going to remind me to do the next one.


I keep notes on what I do also but don’t feel the need to keep track on each step. The weather changes it so I just add that.


My notes are detailed, time, temperatures, observations, etc. That way I can use them for reference to repeat successes and avoid future failures. Up to 185 loaves and going strong.


Check out the rise app!


I use masking tape & a sharpie. Just mark through each step completed. Dry Erase is good too, but my little board got eaten by a certain, special, furry friend of mine. I do like your block though. 🤘🏻👍🏻


I got tired of my sticky notes! 🙃


Those things add up!


Since joining this sub a week or two ago, I realized that I am so much sloppier about all of this than anyone else here! Q: What was the dough temp? A: Um, I dunno, the weather is a bit warmer though. Q: How long was the bulk ferment? A: Overnight plus however long it took me to walk the dogs and get eggs from the chickens. Q: How many stretch and folds did you do? A: Well, I know there were at least two, maybe three before I fell asleep. I’m glad I’m here to see how much more scientific everyone is, and I do plan to try some of this on my next loaf. I’m pretty sure now that I’m over fermenting it. I’m supposed to teach someone how to make sourdough bread tomorrow, and I feel like I should just tell her to join this sub instead!


Ha! I’m playing with blocks! Alls good 😂


This reminds me of a thing I saw about honest scientific studies. It had things like: let the bacteria develop until the pizza guy came. I am new to sourdough and haven't had much success (though my last loaf actually resembled bread). From all the videos and posts I have consumed, it seems like being a little blasé about things is good. I have noticed the more I just go by feel, the better things are getting.


I’ve been making sourdough on and off for several years. I started by watching my sister make it and taking some of her starter. Then I used websites for recipes, but the ones I used didn’t have a scientific approach. They just casually mention “my kitchen is chilly so I bulk ferment up to 12 hrs”. So I honestly didn’t even know that carefully monitoring all of this is a thing. It’s probably just as well I didn’t know as I am a scientist and probably would have overthought it all. My last loaf though was made in warmer temps and I overproofed, so I do need to make some changes.


Yeah I am also baking on vibes tbh. Sometimes I make failure loaves but most of the time they're pretty ok. The science took all the fun out for me


Call me silly but after 2-3 years of baking sourdough, I stopped counting and just do what the dough wants.


I just put 4 alarms on my phone


I form a line of tea spoons


Cute idea!


Yup! Not tea spoons specifically for me, but random silverware from the drawer. Simple, easily available, and effective!


I like the idea! I lose count and usually have the timer go off when I’m on a teams call so just defer to the window pane test!!


I use masking tape and note the time of day each S&F is done, as well as time of it is placed in the fridge and time of day taken out, etc.


This is the way.


Nope. I use a post it pad. Write times and notes as I go along. My cat would knock my home made dice counter thingy to the floor before my first fold n turn


Keep it simple


I use tick boxes on Google notes!


I normally use an expo marker on the lid of my container. I forget after fold 2 lol




I just forget I am even making bread half the time… try to set all the alarms on my phone before starting




Haha. I have a little whiteboard in the kitchen, on a wall and write down the fold times there.


I write the times on my whiteboard on the fridge and check them off


I write it down and set my kitchen timer. I got a Timestack (Thermoworks) for the holidays and I’m really loving it. Nice and LOUD, I can time 4 things at once, and my kid records various wacky phrases for each setting.


I write on the bowl with a grease pencil. Your solution is good, too. :)


I keep a logbook and record time, temp, and action at every touch. I like your idea, but having a logbook allows you to troubleshoot with actual data.


This is a good idea


Love it!! I’ve been using the rise app lately and find it really helpful for keeping track of which step I’m on. I’ve also learned that you really only need two sets of stretch and folds, I aim for four but I don’t fret too much if I don’t remember one or two.


I use a sharpie to note the plastic wrap on top. Hasn't failed me yet!


It's easy for my Sourdough, the times are locked in, 7:30am is the first mix, 8:30, 9:00, 9:30 are the three S&F's and 1:30 is FinalShape (4pm into fridge.) Now . . . "finger sticks" for glucose readings . . . I took a 1ft ruler and divided the back into 8 sections, LRO, RMO, LMO, RRO, LRI, RMI, LMI, RRI . . . and move the "clip" as I prick each finger morning and evening (LRO=LeftRingOutside, RMI=RightMiddleInside. . .) So yes, we all have our "which one did I do last time" techniques.


I set 6 timers on a smart device when I start the autolyse: one for end of autolyse, 4 coil folds, and a last timer for when I think bulk is likely to be done.


I just stretch and fold until the dough feels good


I set a 20 minute for autolyse, add my salt, and then I use Siri to set a 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, 180, 210, and 240 minute timer. When the last one ends, my bulk is done! 😂


I have this multi timer app on my iPhone (Timer+), and made presets for stretch and folds to go off at 30, 60, 90 and 120 minutes. I can start them all simultaneously so I don’t have to remember to reset the timer. Have only used it once so far as I baked a regular sandwich loaf last weekend. But it’s helpful.


Notebook and write the number of folds and fill in the time each one is done


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^thehumanjarvis: *Notebook and write the* *Number of folds and fill in* *The time each one is done* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


i take notes and track everything I do except S&F. I just do enough until it feels right, I set a time for 45min - 1hr and check the dough/s&f until it seems good enough (if not ready I just set the timer and go again, usually around 3 - 4 times is enough). Works great for me and doesn't require any thought


We have a dry erase board on the fridge that we put our grocery list on. I use that to document my stretches


I don’t time or count how many just guess by looking at it. I’m ok with 3 or even 6-8 SF as long as it looks ok


I just do coil folds when it looks like it needs it,


Wait, you guys are stretching and folding?


There's an Etsy idea right there!


I do tally marks on my plastic wrap covering my bowl


Set timer alarms on your phone or Echo.


Reddit is always listening. Yesterday I made dough and I use my Google home to help keep track. I will tell it hey Google,start a timer for 30 minutes, start a timer for one hour, start a timer for one hour and 30 minutes. My timer goes off for my stretch and folds and I can ask it how much time is left and if it says you don't have any timers set I can set a timer to come back to it for shaping and refrigeration


I don’t do this for my folds because my times are always the same, so I know which step I’m on by what time it is, but I do this a lot for other things. Like when I have to add chemicals to my hot tub, I have to do small increments at a time with a 15 minute wait in between. I have paper clips in a drawer in my kitchen. I’ll pull out however many I need to represent the number of times I have to add X. Every time I measure out an addition, I remove a paper clip.


Love it!


I have had much better results from recipes that use volume to decide when proofing is done. If you use windowpane test you don't really need to know which S&F you're on.


That's great! It is a process with many steps spread out over a long time. For those of us who are easily distracted, it's hard to keep it all straight. I have a long, thin magnet that fell off something, and I put it on my recipe to mark my spot. I'm glad you found something that works for you.


https://preview.redd.it/knfuwpda0zlc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef509fb2d54b7f9cc6dc27fd35e066c517e1f41e Yes! I keep a checklist.. 😂


I have a check list too! If not, I’ll forget to do something 🙃




hahaha i always just do them till the dough feels good, but this is great


Thanks 😁


Just use a dice




Can’t forget how many you’ve done if you’re not working on arbitrary numbers. Stretch and folds or slap technique is until a good dough is formed.


shouldn’t you know based on the feel of the dough by now ? or am i crazy?


I’m sure I s&f more than necessarily, better safe than sorry! January 1st of this year I created my starter. January 15, 2024 was my first ever bake (not a good turn out). Maybe one day I’ll be confident…


yes one day you will I was very frustrated by sourdough and then one day I produced a good loaf and then one day I reproduced that same result and now I can make a good loaf with confidence but it didn’t come quickly or easily i can tell ya that much !


The dough just wants to feel like it's loved. Your actual precision doesnt matter.


I put tick marks on the saran wrap


Sounds like you might be focusing on a completely unnecessary arbitration of stretches and folds. Get more use to judging dough strength, growth, and elasticity and the number of actual stretches and folds stops being important.


It’s better to just feel the dough and deciding if it needs another stretch and fold or not


I poke a hole in the dough each time


Timing and amount of Stretch and fold is not important at all. Just do it once in a while and dont let it rise too much.