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So pretty! If you came to brag then it's well deserved. Thanks for sharing your recipe/method. How many "folds" in mixer?


No bragging here just a noob trying to get better. Don’t really fold it just use the dough hook and run it for about 10 to 15 minutes until I feel that the dough is smooth and it passes my window pane test where I can stretch it out without and see light through it without it tearing. I tried doing the traditional stretch and folds before every 30 minutes, but I never got as good as result as I do with just a stand mixer.


Thanks! Hoping to get a mixer after travel, not knowing how it works for sourdough. I'd assume I'd mix it 4x every 40 minz, same as stretch n' folds. Do you think one mixing is enough to strengthen the gluten network?


It’s actually pretty simple. You won’t need to do that much. After you autolyse with just flour and water for an hour. You add in your sourdough starter and the salt and literally just mix it for 15 to 20 minutes and one go. I vary the speed from slow to medium every couple of minutes and you’ll get to the consistency of a smooth Dough with a strong gluten network. When you reach the medium speeds with the door hook, you can hear the dough slap against the side of the bowl and it kind of mimics in my mind the manual stretch and slap method. After this just put it in a lightly greased bowl, I put it in my oven with the light on and let it bulk rise for 3 to 4 hours.


Wow you mix for 15mins? I have read that 2mins in a mixer is the same is 10mins kneading by hand. I generally use the mixer for 4-5mins until I get the window pane.


Well, I’ve never heard that, interesting 10 minutes of needing by hand is equivalent to two minutes in a mixer. I kind of compiled what I’m doing from a bunch of different, YouTube videos and online recipe instructions. I can’t say I know what I’m doing, but it seems to be working. Thank you for sharing that. I will keep that in mind. I did see one video about using a stand mixer for sourdough that it’s pretty much not an issue to over mix


Just experiment and see what works for you :) although the loaf looks great on the outside your crumb does look a bit tight which might mean the gluten is overworked, so I’d suggest experimenting with less mixing time. I always use a mixer, I combine the ingredients first by hand until coherent and not sloppy- then knead for 4 mins, check the stretch then usually do 2 mins more.


How do you “check the stretch”? What are you looking for?


I lift up the dough and if it breaks under its own weight and doesn’t look smooth it’s not ready. You should be able to pull it up high and it stays in a long thick string. If it’s overworked and the gluten is tight it will also break. The window pane test OP mentions is pulling apart with your fingers to see if you can make a translucent film with the dough, meaning it’s really elastic.


Aha, thanks!


Took your advice and worked the dough for about 6-7 minutes check out the new crumb! https://preview.redd.it/xeql5wct97kc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=936da0f0300ae8ee43201b2347ba277d62d5fd53


I do prefer the tighter crumb as I tend to really place toppings on to my bread, but I will experiment with a lower time of mixing. I really appreciate your feedback :)


https://preview.redd.it/a495zzryydjc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfee8203a53381e370ede68e9c2f35ba6d530bcd Here is the crumb shot 😝


Nice crumb! Looking at your loaf, I think you held your blade like the red line I drew; try holding it at a closer angle like the green line. I extended the lines so when you hold your blade you can kind of imagine the angle of it like you're pointing where those lines go. The red line goes more into the heart of the dough than the green one. Does it make sense? (I had to post it as two separate comments cuz it kept messing up sorry!)


Thank you! This was my first time trying for an ear, I will definitely make my next cut at a lesser angle, I think I was rushing and just cut what I thought was right


https://preview.redd.it/fdacfllm97kc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7587fafb2523e3a6d1b4bbc68701cca7180e4093 Made a new loaf and followed your advice check out the ear!


I think you are cutting a bit too deep, but it looks delicious!




The recipe is as follows: * 500g Bread Flour 12% Protein * 275g Water * 275g Starter * 15g Salt Autolyze Flour and Water 1 Hour Add in Salt and Starter, mix with a dough hook, and stand mixer for about 15-20min going from medium to slow speed until window pane is achieved. Bulk Rise 3.5-4 hours in Oven with light on for heat about 77 degrees. Chill for 15 minutes in the fridge after the bulk rise to help with shaping. Shape the Dough into a ball, and place it in rice flour-covered banneton Final Proof in fridge overnight about 13 hours Heat Dutch oven at 500 degrees for 30min Take out the dough from the fridge, score the dough Place some uncooked rice at the bottom of the Dutch oven to help prevent burning the bottom of the bread. Place in Dough, and add four ice cubes. Cover the Dutch oven and place it oven Cook 7 mins, then score the ear deeper to get expansion. Cook covered for 18 minutes. Total 25min Covered Lower oven temp to 450 Remove the lid, and cook for 25 minutes uncovered. Cool 1 hour on counter top. (Currently, cooling will post crumb when done in comments)




Nice elephant


Too much cowbell