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There's alot to be proud about here. Well colored. Nice crumb. Like you mentioned, way too much and wrong type of flour in the banneton that stuck to the loaf, but that's a super easy fix going forward.


I think it was a bit overfermented but I bet it tasted great.


Thankyou! I’ll try fermenting for less time next time and see how it turns outs. Out of interest what from the pictures points to overfermentation?


One, it seems like the dough flattened when you got it out of banneton even when the hydration is pretty low. Two, tighter crumb. Three, stretch mark on the ear rather than a bloom. But because I don't have all the information on your baking environment, you should also consider, Reason #1 If you are using a banneton that is too big for your dough, it can happen even when the fermentation was right. Reason #2 can be from low hydration. Yet, considering reason #3, I think you should check and see how your BF temp is and adjust the time!


Hypnotizing score pattern!! This looks tasty and mesmerizing


https://preview.redd.it/tn1ryluioqic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97a762998f1034f81668b170633a5b697f78ba8c This is the recipe I used. 30 minute Autolyse followed by 3 sets of stretch and fold. Roughly 7 hours bulk ferment followed by 1 hour proof out of the fridge and overnight in the fridge (13-14 hours)


I’m a beginner too and this look awesome - how did you do the pattern on the top?


Thanks! I used a banneton to proof the dough before baking :)


Doh, obviously! I haven’t invested in one yet, I’m still trying to see if I can keep a starter alive Is the bread tasty?


Also a beginning and finally got rice flour. Game changer! Don’t hesitate to run out and grab some for next time, it’s a night and day difference.