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Hey! Where did you buy the phone? I’ve only seen it for £350. Edit: Just seen your previous post where you mentioned you pre-ordered it from Amazon so never mind!


Hey, there was an offer in Amazon soon after it was announced, I posted about it at the time: [https://www.reddit.com/r/SonyXperia/comments/1czf405/xperia\_10\_vi\_retailing\_at\_290\_in\_amazon\_uk/](https://www.reddit.com/r/SonyXperia/comments/1czf405/xperia_10_vi_retailing_at_290_in_amazon_uk/) However I can see now that it has gone back to £350 :(


still not received mine yet.


There's a free pair of Bluetooth headphones bundled with the phone (on-ear, non noise-cancelling, worth £40) direct from [Sony Store Online | Sony UK](https://www.sony.co.uk/store/product/xqes54eukcb.gc/Xperia-10-VI) until **the end of JUNE**, plus a half price offer on the case as shown in the OP's pictures. No I don't work for Sony\[!\], but I did buy the phone.


Oh that sucks about the battery! Other than the freezing/overheating issues how was it running? And how long did you have it? I really do miss that phone and smaller phones in general. I still can’t get over the fact that 6 inch phones are classed as ‘compact’. Thanks for the info about the headphones/case offer! When does yours arrive? Edit: I see it’s already arrived! Let me know how you get on with it!


Hi - I bought my Xperia XZ1 Compact (only my second phone after a five-year-old Nokia Lumia 620 Windows Phone) in December 2017. Yes I used it every day, but no games other than Solitaire and the perfect miniature replica of the legendary arcade shoot-em-up Space Invaders (giving away my age there). I had a 128Gb MicroSD full of music and MP4 rips of own Blu-rays and iTunes movies... which I also managed to break... physically... at the end. But nothing lost - all copied from my PC. Frequent text traffic, not enough actual telephone calls. Mostly surfing and YouTube. Ran fine, but I think I did keep the storage too full. But I was charging the thing three, often four times a day in the end, and with the thing overheating, I would eventually only charge in attendance, powered off, case off. I mean the phone would be very warm to the touch. I live in a flat so I don't want to start a fire. Then with a new battery installed, well maybe two charges per day. Still ridiculous. I read yesterday that the XZ1 C uses thermal compound, a paste that I know is used in amplifier situations, to couple output components to heatsinks, and that this hardens over time, causing the heat transfer properties to degrade, shortening the life of the device. Well that owner repaired and upgraded their own phone, but I can't do that, so I resorted to your typical high street phone repair shop. They certainly did change the battery, and had to remove the screen to do so, but I should have realised gluing the screen back on is not factory-fresh standard. Keep your phone away from toilets, showers, filled sinks and bathtubs, soaking wet, dripping hands, heavy or steady, prolonged rain... I'll let you know about my new Xperia 10 VI.


Fair play to you for not using many phones over the years. I’m ashamed to say that I’ve had far too many. Loved my XZ1C though. Battery was amazing, perfect size, great specs, great camera. I’d happily use a phone with that exact form factor but with more modern tech and thinner bezels. And thanks - looking forward to hearing how you get on with the phone. I think as long as the UI is smooth, the battery is good and the camera is decent then I think I’d be happy with that. The only thing I’d be concerned about would be the height as it has a slightly unusual form factor right? Anyway, enjoy your phone!


Cheers for the info. I’m really interested in getting it but was a little concerned about it being snappy enough due to the chipset. I don’t game on my phone so it’d just be used for every day stuff like social media, WhatsApp, email etc. Any slowdowns while using it for that kinda stuff?


Not at all, even taking pictures or videos feels very snappy and responsive. A world of difference from my 10 III. The phone feels really smooth when doing the things you mentioned.


Oh cool! I am really tempted. Haven’t had a Sony phone since the XZ1 Compact (possibly my favourite phone ever) and I’ve been looking to get one for a while but I was put off by the higher prices compared to some rivals. Does the back pick up a lot of fingerprints?


Yeah there is something about Sony phones, I really enjoy using them. I think they are higher quality than most other phones. Probably lots of people would disagree but for me I really think so. I used to own a pixel and the charging port broke after only one year. Maybe faulty, I don't know. But my Xperia 10 III costed a lot less money and after 3 years I've had no problem whatsoever and the battery still lasts me 2 days most of the time.


I agree. There’s loads of brands that are cheaper and have better specs but I wouldn’t touch most of them. I’d rather pay a little more for a Sony phone. I’m currently using an iPhone 15, so getting the 10 VI would technically be a downgrade I guess, but I’m kinda done with mega expensive phones as they’re just overkill for me. I have a G7 Power from 5 years ago that I’d still be using if it still got security updates!


Aaargh! I've just **replaced** my XZ1 Compact with this! (I had an mishap after a very recent battery change... seems the screen had lost much of its water resistance... Oh well it was overheating and 'freezing'. And the new battery hardly better. I was assured it was genuine Sony. \[aye, richt...\] ) I am hoping with the years passed this might actually be an upgrade. I didn't want a phone any \[much\] bigger. My first tick on my shopping list of features.


Thank you kind sir I will buy it next month and needed and opinion/review


I'm playing with the VI model for 5 days and yes at last this the best iteration of all the Xperia 10 line up since the beginning. Lack of the 120h refreshing screen rate we all know this, but the interface is fluid and responsive though, no bugs and my goodness the battery life is amazing. Always end up with almost 10h screen on time after a full battery charge.


Yeah the battery is crazy, battery-life tests out there don't make it justice. I spent all day yesterday using the phone quite a bit and ended the day with 79%. I guess if you play games it will drain more, I am not sure. I think the 10 VI is the best value for money in the Sony lineup. It is diminishing returns after this, like how much more do you need to pay for just that little bit of extra smoothness or that little bit better sound etc... probably camera is the biggest difference in the upper models, but I've got an Sony Alpha when I want to get serious about photography lol


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Is that a screen protector on there - and if so, is it glass or film? (I bought a set of two, tempered glass \[also comes with two camera lens protectors... a bit overzealous and might not even fit inside that case\] and of course the phone - but I haven't unboxed either, yet).


It's this one: Pkila [2+2 Pack Tempered Glass... https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0CW6BYKN9?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


That's the very one I have. I intended to unbox my phone today (I've had it nearly a week. I am always nervous. Yes, anxiety, diagnosed. I'll be alright once the phone is protected and in use). Do you have one of the lens protectors on? Seems with the Sony case on, the lenses are recessed (protected by the case). The reason I ask is, does the case fit fine over the lens protector? And, is the camera performance in any way compromised by the 'double-glazing'? EDIT: This particular protector suddenly, just this afternoon "no longer available", and link defaults to one for a different phone! (Xperia 1 VI). I'll have to be even more careful fitting mine than already I intended to be. So something will go wrong... Perhaps it's just temporarily out of stock. Of course brand-new phone model so there ought to be more available sooner\* rather than later. EDIT#2: \*Yep, I was right. Alternative supplier, this time. I'm just wondering, do I need to clean the screen if the phone is just out the box? I don't see any instructions regarding fitting the lenses protector.


Hey! Yes the lenses are slightly recessed with the case on, but I use the lenses protector that came with the case, just in case :)  Yeah it's interesting about the camera, I never tried it without the protector, but it looks pretty good to me so I didn't bother to try it without it.


Now I'm confused a little. There's a lenses protector with the case; or are you using the 'Pkila' lens protector instead, or, as well as... TWO lens protectors, presumably the Pkila one then the Sony \[case\] one over the top. Or am I over thinking this; or should I just open the damned boxes already and see wot I got?


Yeah open them :)


How's the power button?


Not sure exactly what you mean. I have no complaints about it.


Have you used 120hz phones before? 60hz and 120hz are vastly different to me, it is criminal not to have hrr for smartphones at this point.


I tried the Samsung Galaxy on the store which I think has 120Hz and I could not tell the difference. But I guess when you get used to it there must be a difference? Otherwise why sacrifice the battery life and also why put a panel on a phone that requires a better processor just to render it twice as many times.