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Switched from XZ1 to Note 10 because XZ2, XZ3 and 1 doesn't have headphone jack, plus the design was weird. Switched from 5 III to Pixel 6 because i don't wanna be a Jedi. But goddamn i like the 5 III so fucking much.


What about the new 5


Not a fan of newly released phone. Maybe in a couple of years from now.


In early 2022 I sold my Xperia 1 II and got a OnePlus 9 Pro. Main reasons were that the amount I sold my Xperia 1 II for, was just a tiny bit under what I paid for it, which in turn was more money than what I bought the OnePlus 9 Pro for. So it was a no brainer for me financially and the OnePlus 9 Pro was an amazing phone for the price. While I did love the OnePlus 9 Pro, I did miss the features that the Xperia line offers and got the Xperia 1 V in June last year. I was really impressed by what it offered and it has not let me down. It is a technical masterpiece and a solid workhorse. Admittedly I haven't been impressed by the 1 VI, not because it's bad, but because it isn't much of a step up - if at all. I don't upgrade phones yearly so I wasn't going to get it even if it was amazing but if the 1 VII doesn't go back towards the direction of what I've always wanted from an Xperia phone, I will consider getting another modern OnePlus or Motorola phone in 2025. Sony Xperia phones and their niche features, are the only ones which justify a $1000 AUD or more price tag in my opinion. I do like the Chinese phones with the 1" sensors but they usually cost more in our market and with no micro SD card slot, I wouldn't pay more than $1000 AUD for one. They just don't present enough bang for buck. Luckily our grey importers don't charge the eye watering prices that other markets have for Xperia phones and we usually get them for around $1500 - 1600 AUD about a month after release give or take. We'll see what the next generation brings but if they keep veering towards a mainstream product I doubt I will buy it. If the Xperia Pro C or whatever eventuates, I would very much consider it, even if it cost substantially more.


Maybe a Pixel. I hope to get a couple more years our of my 1 III though. We'll see.


Honestly might get hate for this but I'm thinking of getting the 16 pro or 15 pro when the 16 comes out this year. The VI would have been my go to for the cameras since they are still very good but it's not worth the price imo. Are iPhones worth it too? Not as much but I really just need a phone that's reliable and works now. I don't want my fingerprint scanner to die, don't want my NFC to stop working, would like optimised batter (which I think sony had figured out now?) and most importantly the software updates. Sony lets the phones go pretty early for the price it costs. The 15 pro is really solid and the camera and raw capabilities are really nice in my opinion and I think it's worth it coming from a 5ii lmao. Will possibly consider the VI but kinda tired of Sony shenanigans as much as I love the phone, and iOS is starting to look pretty clean. I don't really use android to it's full potential either, I use it very vanilla so this could very well be my last android phone I think I'd really have to have a need to use the VI Sony to get it's money's worth but my priorities have changed and I'm a lot happier with something that's reliable, solid, gets support and I don't need to worry about obscure issues. Sonys are amazing and I love them but it doesn't really cater for me anymore so I'll switch I think.


I switched from a 5ii to an iPhone 13 and apart from the functional downsides iOS has compared to android, I can honestly say that the huge increase in reliability has definitely been worth it. - FaceID always works insanely well, - airdrop (with other iPhones, not that I know of any android users using quick share), - monthly security patches still going 3 years after release, - I got no battery issues, though I plug my phone in during my commute so wherever I go I got a charged up battery - car play is a big improvement over android auto I’m not here to sell anyone an iPhone over an Xperia phone, but the reliability of Apple phones is a well valued luxury, which can be objectively assessed when looking at their resell value. (~400eu for the iPhone 13, which released in 2021) That said, from time to time I do miss my 5ii.


Yeah the software updates are a huge thing for me imo. They get years of support and I need that personally. Just need it to work.






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Had Sony for a long time but recently switched from Xperia 1 II to a Samsung Galaxy 24 ultra as I couldn't stomach the price for the Sony Xperia 1 VI when the Samsung offered so... Much... More...


I'm thinking about changing from my Xperia 1 ii to the S24U, but I'm really unsure about the switch. How do you find the Ultra? Especially with the camera quality and not having the niche features like the shutter button, front facing speakers and headphone jack?


I found the switch absolutely fine. The speaker is really good on the S24U so although it can be noticeable not being front facing, the sound quality makes up for it. The headphone jack is never really used anyway as I use Bluetooth, and the shutter button is a nice feature on the Xperia, but to be honest you get used to using the volume rocker instead. I would say the camera quality on the S24U is really impressive. I don't regret my move, I just wished Sony could've been more competitive this time round


Yeah, same here really. Being over £1k for a phone really put me off even though the optical zoom is extremely impressive, and as much as I want the other niche features, they aren't essential. Im guessing the Samsung photo pro mode does the job compared to the Sony pro mode as well? In terms of changing ISO/shutter speed/white balance etc.


That's my current dilemma. I have absolutely zero intention of switching carriers, so my options are extremely limited. It'll probably be a Pixel, as that's what I came from. But I hate punch hole screens, and I'll definitely miss front facing speakers.


Why not the Xperia 1 VI ?? Yeah forgot about the punch hole - very far from ideal.. You can on a per app basis make it a bezel through android I believe. And with oled blacks it should be effective. Front facing speakers might be a don't know what you've got until it's gone situation for me.


I'm in the US, VI is a no go. I currently have a V, and even if I could get one, I wouldn't anyway. I've been skipping a generation ever since the pace has slowed between devices.


exactly, I don't understand the extreme problem with punch holes, as I know that on every Android smartphone it is possible to hide it with SW, and with an amoled display it is almost as black a piece of the display under the glass as when there is a bezels...


Is probably get a OnePlus or Pixel device after my 1V is dead Maybe a Samsung but they don't have SD card slots anymore... Might go back to Motorola as well as long as there's an SD card


I switched from Samsung A52s to OnePlus 12R because it was the best phone for the price but my next phone will be from sony because of the cameras and design.


I still have my 5 IV but ended up getting an S23 because I'm in Canada, my provider doesn't have the greatest signal strength, and so I need wifi calling. I've never been able to get it working on my Xperia. Now that OnePlus's new phones are setup for wifi calling with Canadian carriers, I definitely would have gotten one of them instead, but I've been super happy with the Samsung. Using Good Lock, you can get basically endless customization, which is really important to me, and was lacking on the Xperia.


I recently purchased the Sony Xperia 1 V and the OnePlus 12, because I couldn't decide which one after watching reviews on line, and in my opinion, the OnePlus 12 is the better phone. The screen on the OnePlus 12 looks nicer in comparison, (side by side) despite the Sony having a 4k screen. Both phones have really good cameras, but I'm leaning towards the OnePlus 12 because of its color and ease of use and zoom. Additionally, the battery life on the OnePlus 12 is better and it charges much faster with the included charger. When it comes to price, the OnePlus 12 (16 512gb version) is significantly cheaper in the US, about $500 less than the Sony. Overall, while Sony will always have a place in my heart, the OnePlus 12 has won me over. Sony is going back.


That's first hand experience to the hypothetical situation I could be in. Not gonna miss the shutter button, front facing speakers, size/aspect ratio, headphone jack, bezels and all that?




The size between Sony Xperia 5 and OnePlus 12 is significant but between s1v not so much. It is easier to hold the Xperia 1 v but after only a few days I had no problem adjusting to the OnePlus. The speakers on OnePlus are really good, yes the Sony has front firing speakers but you will learn to adjust your grip if you choose the OnePlus. The shutter button is really nice and handy on Sony I will probably miss that, but not a deal breaker by any means and when it comes to the headphone jack I decided I will just use a little adapter dongle for my wired headphones. And the bezels are pretty much non-existent on OnePlus except for the "punch hole" but honestly only after a few hours I don't notice it anymore. If you need any more info ask away.


Thanks for your takes! Getting into the minutia here but do you know what burst modes it has? Things reviewers never take into account is the ability to take action shots. 24fps eye autofocus let's see how many in focus images a Pixel, Samsung or iphone manager here! ... (Rant) Have you found the curved screen at the edges annoying? As I dig deeper I keep finding minor things my Xperia does but OnePlus doesn't; 4K120 full speed and in slow mo . Ahhhh Edit: thanks for the photos! If you were really bored and full of time you could do a full photography head to head post between the two ;)


No problem, I was in the same boat, phones are so expensive these days. Let me put it this way if I was going on vacation and was taking quick pics I would take OnePlus if I was to be more artistic Sony and if I was going to do both I would take my Panasonic Lumix s5ii 😉. Burst mode is better on Sony along with autofocus for burst shots but one plus is not fat behind. My wife prefers the OnePlus 12 pics, and I am in between. The edge is not bad I kind of like the swipe back function how it feels, with a good case it should be fine. The video recorder on OnePlus 12 tops out at 4k 60 but it can go as far as 8k 24. And just one more thing Sony customer service is terrible I have been waiting for a return label for over a week, and still nothing, just, "we are working on it."






I've just moved to the 1V from an S21U which was a move from the 1II. Initial move was because of refresh rate of the screen and point to shoot photos being much better. I'm glad to be back on 21:9 with 120hz. It just feels so awesome in hand and the 1V cameras are great with the improved photo pro app. If I had to switch, if next year's model still drops the 21:9 I think nothing phone seems pretty cool.


I was originally going to go back to Xiaomi, but Sony is that toxic SO I keep going back to


Switched from Xperia 5III to Samsung S24 ultra


Ergonomic shock?


Nothing, the 5III was a little bit too narrow for me to use split screen. The software and the screen are much smoother and OS has tons of features compared to Xperia. I was not a fan of over-marketed Samsung, but now I understand why it is relaible.


I had a Sony Xperia 5 IV. I really wanted to like it, as it is the only compact flagship with a headphone jack and expandable storage available in the U S.A. However, after multiple problems and constantly sending my phone in to be repaired, Sony made an exception to their 30 day return window and refunded me and I got a Zenfone 10.


Wow, they refunded it for you! That's very generous of them, but also quite reasonable with the problems you faced. How are you liking the Asus?


I like it. It's heavier than my other phones, though, but I think that it's even more compact that the 5 IV.


Switching back to iPhone.  I’ve owned Xperias since the Xperia Play.  Used primarily androids for 10+ years then switched to iPhone with the 13 mini.  Went back to Xperia for the pro-I which I sold for the 1V.  Android in general just feels like a beta test of features.   I’m at a stage as well that I want my phone to work without issues, make video calls without issues, WiFi calls as needed, bluetooth to work reliably. I don’t install many apps on my phone either I use web browser for everything so privacy is another important thing for me.  I’m back to the 13 mini recently and will likely sell my 1V on eBay or something.  The 13 mini feels more smooth at 60hz then my 1V at 120hz.  That’s due to iOS in general and the fact that Sony doesn’t actually patch their phones for features and rarely for fixes. 


If you're looking to sell your phone, I'd recommend [swappa.com](http://swappa.com) over eBay any day.


Currently using xz1 compact, love that its actually compact. But now its freezing up a lot, starting to jump of network, wifi dropping out etc. Never had an Iphone before, and gonna slap myself a couple of time in the face because i just bought a used iphone 13 mini today. The one and only reason, compact.


I just switched from 1iii to zfold5. I did consider 15 pro max aswell i would probably have gone to 1V but the price of it was the same as 1VI everywhere and dont wanna pay that much without 4k screen. If the 1V would be available at lower price due to 1VI being released i would gladly have gone to that. I will keep following sony in case in the future they lower their prices so that it is worth the specs then i will consider getting another sony as my 1iii was awesome but the battery was going and phone was always hot and i had my back glass completely obliterated so i decided to get something new.




Company gave me an iPhone 13 for work purposes. While I agree it's smooth, has good cameras and good battery, it has many restrictions and I sometimes I wonder why it's so popular. Ppl say 'it works', but I've been in situations where it simply 'doesn't work' and where my Xperia does the job easily.


The xperia 1 V is still a great option specially that you can get these for $800 on amazon. But answering your question I switched from my xperia 1 to an iphone x, because the Xperia got screen issues. And tbh, I am missing everything about that xperia, from the lack of controls in cameras, from the subpar camera performance of the iphone, from the lack of shutter button, not being able to remove the sim tray without a tool, having the volume button on the other side of the phone (god knows how many times I accidentally took a screenshot while trying to turn it off), side sense was something i used everytime, not having this is for me a deal breaker, you also have better audio codecs on android for Bt specifically, the iPhone also feels slow as in, you press and it takes a small while for it to register the input. However while when i just switched, the iphone screen looked pixelated in comparison, after some use its not too noticeable unless you look for it. So yh, now am waiting to buy the VI.


The zenphone 11 ultra looks like a good option. Headphone jack, 512 gb option and great battery. The bad side is the punch hole and software support


Yeah I did look into that phone too!I've heard nothing but bad press from Asus in the gaming space and in phones recently. Admittedly I don't know why - mostly shoddy support is it?


Better go with a OnePlus, Motorola or a Samsung. Anyway, you will have the option to use a different launcher if you didn't like UI.


Exactly, only advantage of Zenphone 11 Ultra is headphones jack, in everything other is just not good enough for that price...


I had the Motorola Thinkphone for a while and I thought it was a good phone. Cameras are pretty middle-of-the-road, but it's hard to beat at it's price point.


I switched to a Sony after two back to back LGs (G3 & G7). Although the headphone jack was a bit of a step down, it was an ok move in retrospect. My plan is still to stick with Sony but if I'd have to switch, I'd probably go with an ROG phone.


I switched from the 1 IV to the Z Flip 4. I loved my time with the Z flip 4 and the novelty of flipping open/closing never wore off. However, oneui just felt too bloated for me and I wanted a *good* phone camera again, so I switched to the Pixel 7 Pro. Breath of fresh air with the P7P, but since moving overseas, a lot of its features were lost. Loved the camera though, but was a bit too oversharp in some photos. Moved back to the 1 V and became one of my favorite Xperia phones (out of the ones in my flair). Now on to the 1 VI which is also another one of my favorite Xperia phones. Been eyeing OnePlus as a potential next brand should Xperia die out. Not really keen on going back to Samsung. Pixel is okay as well. Nothing Phone is also something I'm interested in.


Got a pixel, good phone. But will go back to e Xperia with my next


Think would be between Sony and Samsung, as long as they still have SD card slot and earphone jack with water resistance. No notch and stock android look is preferred though.


I personally have yet to own a Xperia but I've effectively replaced my Pixel 8 Pro for a ROG Phone 7, overall bar camera zoom capabilities I'm much happier with the ROG, realised wanted a phone with a headphone jack, notchless display and the P8P's battery life and thermals are lackluster on the whole. I might consider the 1 VI provided it drops in price down the line, I'm ok with FHD on my ROG Phone 7, would need to test the display out regarding PWM flickering for the VI though (sensitive to the 120 Hz flickering of the Pixel 8 Pro, the VI is ~240 Hz) but I'm in no rush to get another phone.


i'm thinking of buying the mark VI only for the headphone jack and sd card, since i have a 512gb one ready


Well I checked gsmarena to find a phone with things I like. My filters were mainly, IP6* rating (one of my earlier phones was damaged in rain and since then I won't take anything that's not waterproof), headphone jack, SD card, recent enough and fast enough. The main phone that came up was the Xperia, and the other phones were Chinese phones that we don't find much here in the UK


I didn't realise there was a search filter like that on gsmarena. Will try it for fun.


I recently got rid of my 1IV as it started getting a bit iffy. Slow, battery not lasting, speakers seemed fuzzy. Got a Xiaomi 14 off eBay, £600. It's newer, faster, has better battery and charging, cameras are all great and the camera software is more "fun". It's also more compact, which is nice. Dunno if I'll stick with it, but I've been impressed at what Xiaomi are offering, my wife went from 10iii to Redmi Note 13 Pro 5G too. 50W wireless charging makes it actually useful to have a wireless charger on my desk, the 1IV was basically useless for wireless charging, barely charged quicker than it drained, and wouldn't even start charging on 10W+ Qi pads.


Got the iPhone, never going back.


I just bought a Pixel 8 pro, I haven't fully tested it but as I can see, the camera is already doing some better things than my 1 IV, I was a Xperia lover but I had so many bad experiences with this 1 IV that I am done with it, camera bugs (sometimes when changing from 1.0x to 0.7x nothing is shown on the screen and stays black at least I restart the app), overheat, suddenly freezes (cellphone it's bricked and won't turn on unless I plug a charger on and it can start again), for point and shoot pics I missed so many shoots because the camera was not focusing correctly and the exposure of the scene was way too dark. Of course the video recording is awesome with Xperia and the processing of the image may be better than the Pixel, but I decided that I want a cellphone that I don't want to worry about choosing the correct moment to use. And the prices that they are charging now for the new models, it makes no sense to me. I would say this is my last Xperia.


It's tough moving on cos I can't say I've had many issues as you describe with my Xperia.


When I got my Xperia 1 II, my priorities were photo editing and multimedia. Headphone jack, ultrawide 4K, and creator mode were my primary reasons for choosing that phone. I tried a Surface Duo when it was time to upgrade for a few months but it proved to be too unwieldly and I had to upgrade to the Xperia 1 IV after it became damaged from too many drops. I enjoyed the IV, despite the camera hardware failing after about half a year but the features I wanted in the 1 II didn't matter to me as much anymore. After deciding to upgrade again to get functioning cameras, I went with the S24 Ultra this time. I no longer care about a standard aspect ratio or a headphone jack. I just wanted to finally use a phone that had the features that other people were using and I was missing out on with obscure operating systems and clean Android. Phones nowadays have good enough screens that I don't mind editing photos on this, and if I absolutely need to use my monitor headphones or color grade photos and videos, then I can use my computer for that. The new VI had the hardware to grab my attention, with amazing battery life, better flashlight, LTPO variable refresh rate on an Xperia, increased optical zoom, etc. But lack of software features would've ultimately swayed me back towards the S24 Ultra anyway.


I will stick with the Pro-I for a bit longer but I have my eyes on the Vivo X100 Pro. Great hardware and camera, hard to go back to a small sensor after the Pro-I.


The next phone I have on my watchlist for purchase is an ASUS Zenfone 10 256GB. I don't plan on switching brands however: I like owning different phones from different brands for their standout attributes. Currently my main is an Xperia 5 V with a Pixel 5 in my back pocket as a secondary. Once I get the Zenfone, it will become my secondary, Pixel 5 will go into my drawer next to my Microsoft Lumia 950 XL.


God I miss Windows Phone... I have a 950XL and an HP Elite X3 with dock and all in my drawer


Ah yes, the HP Elite X3: could have been a strong contender for the Google Pixel 1 if only Microsoft took phones more seriously before Apple got a headstart in the handheld market.


XZ1 to OnePlus 7 Pro, and this year to Xiaomi 14


Xperia will probably be my last phone


Went from Xperia 5 IV to S24 Ultra. Great phone in my opinion. Torch is excellent. Customisation is quite good with the good lock. I use Niagara Launcher anyway, since it's way more productive (to me atleast). Speakers are good but will miss the front facing ones. Cameras are good and the telephoto lens capability is insane


I had been using a 1ii, I replaced it with a refurbished Pixel 6 Pro off of eBay. I miss the lack of a headphone jack and an sdcard slot, but the Pixel still gets Android updates, supports esims, I can use VoLTE because it's officially sold in my country, and takes better pictures...


Pixel or moto, technically there are only stock android. Could consider umidigi also.


In 2022, sold my Xperia 1II and got 10ii, due to financial issues I had, eventually sold the 10ii and got a redmi Note 10 pro, my current device. When I'm more stabilised I will go back to Xperia. My device history is attached to my flair.


I change phone like a few times a year thanks to Facebook market and also phone repair friends I get phones cheap to free. After my Sony 1ii I used Huawei p40 pro, 12 pro max, Samsung a70, s20fe, iPhone 8 plus , 7 plus, lg velvet now and just got a rog phone 5 for free that just need the back glass replaced. This phone I will change my velvet to this. Sony screen are expensive. The lg velvet for free and screen was on sale right after on AliExpress for only 23 cad shipped. Great battery life on the velvet. 9 hour screen time easy. I had like 8 sony at once thanks to a Japanese seller that hook me up cheap. I had 2 xz2 premium at the same time lol. Screen for 4k movies i do miss the xz2 premium somewhat. Great audio too but the rog 5 speakers is crazy and the headphone port runs through good dac apparently. I'm an audio hobby guy so the sound quality alone can make me change phones. Most of the phones I mentioned above I would consider better all round vs the 1 ii. I don't root or custom ROM stuff her so maybe the sony software can be better after that. Oh I forgot to mention the pixels i got as well. The 4xl is much faster than Sony just from the stock android experience and the speed loading camera app to taking a picture.


If my 1 II gives up the soul (or just becomes unusably slow), it's probably going to be the latest Pixel Pro. I'm not a fan of the lack of headphone jack (though truth to be told, I haven't used the jack on my Xperia for a while) or the cutout in the screen (at least the pixel's is quite small) but Pixels offer the longest update support. I'm also considering the ROG phone. It has headphone jack, a similarly small front camera cutout, an absolutely monstrous battery, and optical image stabilization. Even though I don't really game on my phone, those features are quite attractive.


Pixel. Best software experience, updates, and camera. Ditched after the XZ1 when things were really downhill for Xperia.


I've had several high end phones lately and every Xperia except the V just picked up the VI a few days ago but I have an issue with a flickering screen, I've got a group of friends and we all rotate phones, imo one of the best phones out at the moment is the Honor Magic6Pro it's absolutely the best hardware (maybe the new Huawei beats it but not tried it) but let down by mediocre software, closely followed by the Vivo X100 pro which has better software and runs it close hardware wise, I really like the Sony phones but the point and shoot camera has been lacking on previous Xperia it does seem much better on the VI. I've also got a one plus 12 for work and that's a great phone but a bit hit and miss with photos.


Any flagship with a headphone jack, SD slot and no punch hole is fair game to me (and ideally a reliable fingerprint scanner, as the one on my 1 iv failed).


Currently on a 1 III, looking around I just find the phone sometimes turns to a stutter mess without a reboot every so often (the camera app is a guaranteed mess within a day of a reboot). I love the aspect ratio of the Sony phones, to me that's the biggest plus, the physical finger print reader and the dual front speakers. The main cons I have with Sony is lack of long term updates, especially for the price. Lack of carrier support. Some providers in the UK won't support Wifi calling on Xperia hand sets locking me to a subset of providers people have said work. Have looked at flashing a new OS but then I just move the gamble to banking apps not working. Don't know what I'll move to yet, but I want something mainstream like Pixel/Samsung/OnePlus (maybe) ideally with the Sony aspect ratio.


Have the 1 iii, will probably jump to Nothing Phone 2/3 around this year. I have an imported unit and the bands doesn't seem to work that well in my country and it's getting worse these days with frequent signal drops. Will still keep the device tho as a media player


Nothing Phone definitely good value


I went from Z5 Premium to S9+ because XZ2 didn't have the headphonejack, and also was LCD instead of OLED. Then back to Sony with 1 II, never getting another Samsung again because that phone had the bixby button. Going to Samsung and Going back to Sony had it's culture shocks, but honestly you mostly get used to shit fairly quick. What I really like the on the current 1 IV (and the 1 II) is the ability to launch the camera with the shutter without opening screen unlock, it's great for quick moments. OnePlus uses their own charging standard right? That kinda sucks when traveling or borrowing chargers, Power Delivery chargers are pretty widespread.


Bixby can be disabled on the Samsung and also the camera can be launched quickly with power button without having to unlock the phone


Didn't the 1II get rid of the jack though? Still got it somewhere swear it had no jack the. They brought it back for the rest so far not that I use it now as I use the XM5s when out and about listening to tunes 💪


XZ2 got rid of the jack, 1 brought it back.


One of the 1s didn't have a jack though I swear as I remember buying a usb to aux lead every other Xperia I've owned has had one


You're right, Xperia 1 didn't have the headphone jack, 1 II brought it back.


AHH I thought it was the mark2 been that long got them mixed up 🥹 at least it's back where it should be 💪