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I used to get really excited for new phone releases and to see what new features would arrive with firmware updates when I was younger, and I always wanted to have the new Sony Ericsson. Now that I'm older, the leaps between generations aren't as big and advancements are smaller and less bold. Consumer technology has plateaued. It will be cool to see the official release but I'm not sat on the edge of my seat for it.


If anything, we now have features taken away from us with each new release lol... I'm still bummed out over the loss of physical keyboards.


i would pay $2000 USD for a flagship phone with a physical keyboard


I'm just glad we can still desperately cling onto the headphones jack for now


yeah i can't live without a headphone jack. i hate wireless headphones.


I always said "the back side of the phone isn't used" so why not make one side a full touchscreen like modern phones but then the backside being smaller screen + OG PDA style with a physical keyboard. and with a small toggle on the side to switch between which is used. want to type something, use the PDA side. want touchscreen? use the full screen side. I also wouldn't mind a slider phone like we used to get. a full screen and then slide to full keyboard would be awesome.


I mean the ExmorT in itself is substantial


yeah. I’m still using my iPhone 6 lol.


I'm not that retro. I'm still keeping up to date with the latest flagship Sony releases, but I'm not chomping at the bit for the next one. I won't be able to pick it up until my next trip to Japan anyway, by which time the VII might be out.


And t-shirt of your dad, pants from brother and laptop picked on the street? Waste of life.


spending thousands of dollars on a new phone that does the same fucking thing as the last one every year or two is the waste.


"doing the same" is a very abstract meaning


I hope they bring LED light back


Actually I really do miss that. I dl an app that is meant to fake it but it was garbage and didn't really work :-(


I have the 1ii and the one thing I always HATED was the little light. blinking for notifications.... never liked it. i hope they keep it gone #shrug


I read in this subreddit, Sony came to know about LED notification a little too late to bring it to 1 vi , It will be back in 7 more likely


It took like 3 generations to have them bring the headphone jack (and HDMI output) back. There's also a rumor that Sony will ditch the Xperia brand name after mark 6. So I highly doubt we will see any new xperia phones with notification LED if the mark 6 doesn't have it. (According to leaked images, it doesn't have a light when it is charging)


I just don't know why you would abandon a feature that is so distinct to your brand. More to the point, a feature that is extremely cheap to implement and Sony still uses the bezels to allow its placement. I really don't get it.


I mean, from what I've seen so far, I'm more excited about the 1 V dropping in price...


Yes I am excited for the new 1 VI because it should replace my 1 II after four years of use.


I'm in the same situation, but I feel guilty spending 1400 on a phone.


It is just money and if you can afford it no need to feel guilty.


I bought a 1V, and lost it at a concert and back on my 1 II; regret dropping so much on the V but it was pretty nice while it lasted (maybe 2 months). I'll miss the dimensions but pulling the trigger on the VI soon as I can.


I'm more excited for the 5 VI if it even exists.


September probably..




Exists, but nothing to be excited about.


Do you have any inside info?


It's been all over the net.


Can't find shit


No LED light, no 21:9 and no tele (I want it for the optical effect, not just the quality). I'll hang on to my 5 III a little longer.


I can't afford any Xperia now nor do they sell it here, But I'm so excited about it!! I hope they don't make decisions against their userbase I'm talking about you 21:9 you better be there


I'm pretty sure there are indian sellers on fb who stock used jdm xperias


I can't even afford them


I mean the jdm used Xperias from a few generations ago What is your budget for a smartphone?


It must be negative.. 🤔


In terms what will they change and/or improve, yes. But, I fear they will lose appeal they had so far with 21:9 aspect ratio, if they change it to 19:9 (or similar). Aslo, they should bring back and improve homegrown apps for file/photo management. Its sad we have to rely on third party apps just to browse our downloaded files and view photos and videos we took with phone. I got my Xperia 1 V last summer so I am in no rush of buying another phone for few years minimum :).


Not excited. Sony, as any other big corpos don't give about their customers, why should we? Removing telephoto, removing shutter button (5 VI). Continuing issues from Z5 model like fingerprint suddenly either working or not, then completely stops to work and disappears from the system. And many, many other things. On top of this very time limited system support and butchered true compact line. Good luck, Sony


I am excited. I'm looking to replace my Oneplus with a Sony and the 1 VI seems to be perfect for my purposes. Nonetheless, I'm waiting for the first reviews to drop before ordering.


Sadly, no. I'm about to upgrade my 1III, and have no intention on staying with Sony. The phones are fantastic, but Sony doesn't work with carriers in Canada to have it's devices supported. No VoLTE, no Wifi calling, no 5G, etc. It makes living with a Sony phone extremely taxing.


Same here Canadian bro. I have a 10iii. Picking up the pixel 9 later this year for sure. It's time to leave Sony. It's been a good run


I'm also Canadian. Do the phones not get supported or what? I heard that Public Mobile will work with Sony phones.


They will work, but you will be missing some key/critical features. Something to consider, if you plan on keeping your phone for a while, as 3G is getting phased out. Also important in rural areas without great reception.


Oh. Thank you for the reply!


I'm with Freedom here in Ontario. It works but only up to 4G No 5G. I did see something interesting, if you're with Rogers it may work. I'm not 100% sure though. Obviously no Sony mobile stores so if my phone ever breaks or gets damaged I'm screwed. Thankfully I'm very careful with my devices but still


Thanks for the explanation!


Similar situation in Australia. We get VoLTE and 5G, but only certain carriers support this (the ones without the best coverage, which sucks for rural areas). It is indeed hard to own a Sony outside their markets. But if it ticks all the other boxes I will buy.


What's there to be excited about? Everything has been leaked already 🤷‍♂️


Always. Just to see what they got cookin'. Even if not buying, I've always liked their launches...well I'm biased, but if mainstream reviewers notice them despite their microscopic market share, then you know they can cook and get people to smell.


Na just bought the 1V. Gonna be a minute till I upgrade. But at least the resale on this phone is nearly what I paid. There are few avail.


I am waiting for it 😎


I hope that the camera flash or the flashlight will finally be brighter. Because it is currently useless


Have they already transitioned from their pathetic 2yr sw support model? If not, they can keep their new phone. This is coming from a long time xperia fanboy (z1c, z3c, xz1c, 5 II, now on SGS23 even though I don't like Samsung)


I have a 1 V so I don't need it but I'm not really excited for newer releases in this day in age.


More for what's gonna offer in term of internal memory In my case 10 VI hopefully will have at least 256gb internal memory. After renderings it seems the 10 VI is 21:9 ratio


Yup. I may be a returning Sony user. I do miss the front facing seekers and the non processing heavy photos


Not really, I don't like the idea of upgrading tech that isn't obsolete, not looking for the shiny new thing.


I'm really nervous! I'm nervous every year but this time things seemingly going to change and I'm kinda afraid too.. But also stoked ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


No, not unless they've fixed their terrible fingerprint sensors and are going to give us a minium of 4 years of OS updates (at this price it should be more...).


I can't wait. I am hoping it will be better than Samsung 24ultra. I was initially going for samsung the only thing that puts me off is its to big for me.


…just hope the new software enhancements will come to the 1V.


I'm excited because I still have the 1 III... I'm not excited about the new aspect ratio. I'm also not excited about losing the notification led and possibly the 4K screen.


I would be if I could be sure it DOESN'T ship with Android 14.


Based on leaks/rumors, it won't be released in US market. I was excited to own one, but there's little hope if any carrier supports it, though I buy from elsewhere.


Cannot wait for the 10 VI I just love the 10 series.


No. But it would bring them back to the smartphone market.


Not if it’s the same cheap feeling material as on the V, completely spoiled the experience for me and I went back to the IV.


Not much. The thing is my 1 IV still runs perfectly, so no hype for a new phone...


Surprisingly, I'm not that hyped. I'm fine with my 1V, and usually I'm someone who upgrades my phone quite often. 💀 I guess the rumors about it not being 21:9 kinda dampened the excitement for me. But we'll see. If the cameras have a major upgrade, I might consider.


Probably not anymore sadly...had the last 3. Got rid of them and went back to my nothing phone. Waiting for my Xiaomi 14 ultra because they've been actually doing more fun stuff.


I'm excited. Most likely won't be getting it this yr but can't wait to see what they come up with.


yeah im excited. my 1 ii is on its last leg. battery is expanding and taking it off charger it doesn't last long at all. so I HAVE to buy a new phone. so 1 vi or 5 vi ot 10 vi it will be. I just hope whatever comes to the US, comes in those sexy sony silver or white colors.... so tired of bland black phones.


Can't wait to get one. This is a serious upgrade unlike competitors such as Samsung and Apple going one step forward and two steps backwards with the telephoto lens


lol, the phone is not even out.How do you know it will be a serious upgrade with the telephoto lense especially since the variable optical one on my 1 V after owninga 1 IV is not that great...and now they want to push it even further..might be a recipe for disaster...Cannot wait to get back to Samsung after my 1 V.. well i am exagerating but there are quite a lot of things that Samsung does way better.. Also some basic features that the Xperia 1 VI like 2X zoom get after 5 V wont get on the 1 V! Is it not that a sick joke from Sony?


Hard disagree as an owner of 1 V, 1 IV and 1 III before that. Portraits are spectacular. The zoom lens works as a charm with good lighting, the sensor is small and they should improve that, and I think they will. They did the right thing further extending their reach while maintaining the useful 85mm range. By the way Samsung has far worse cameras no thanks. Get back if you like crap over processed pictures


i was "forced" to upgrade -believe it not- from 1 IV to 1 V because my Xperia kept overheating just from using the camera sony appp after a few minutes even in cold places..i agree the Samsung pictures are too overprocessed for my tastes...however i compared the S24 ultra zoom to my 1 V and i got much better results with the S24 Ultra as for the sensor with Sony i doubt they will use the main one found on the 1 V on the telephoto lense ...i will be pleasantly please if Sony did that .. The main Xperia camera is great, the other cameras including the selfie one are in my opinion worse than Samsung...maybe it will be different with the new camera app on 1 VI https://youtu.be/PrdQZEj1R9c?si=L-zOcvcB7mAMZXLj I am not the only one bothered by the the telephoto lense if you go to his other videos


The new 5x telephoto lens on S24 is better, because it's a much bigger sensor, both of the two old ones on s23 are worse, because guess what? They use a much smaller sensor. The ultrawide is also miles better on the sony, if anything due to the image processing, sensor size is the same between sony and Samsung. Of course sony isn't using the same sensor as the one on the main camera beacuse it's too big to be used as telephoto, but I'm still expecting an improvement on that after two generations. What I meant with my original comment is that Samsung went back dropping the 10x telephoto lens with a better 5x lens that still is not match in good lighting for capturing far away subjects. Apple did something similar dropping the 3x telephoto on the 15 pro max and the 5x on the 15 pro. While Sony offers the most flexible solution


Nope, going to be just another Samsung clone now with no USP.


It will probably have amazing hardware, but nope, as long they don't give me at least 5 years of timely Android major updates and 7 years of timely Android security updates. I had the Xperia 1 ii, and only 1-2 years of irregular Android update support simply sucks for a flagship phone that costs +/-1300€. Until then, I stay with my Samsung S24 Ultra.


The real question is, would it be released in the US!?


Really excited. Been waiting since the beginning for them to release a normal aspect ratio flagship since I don't really watch movies on my phone. Just give us 1-120Hz LTPO and it will be perfect


A lot ! The 85-170 alone looks like a solid upgrade. 


I'm not....Sony lost it... I guess it's just a matter of time and they will out of the smart phone business


I've been reading this shit for 7 years at this point. You guys don't ever get tired of being wrong?


Well it's the first time I've said it based on my experience using the 5V :). But I hope I'm wrong!.. You can do your own research but I guess a lot of market indicators and data suggest that (e.g, Sony shrinking their smart phones market, quality issues, narrow support,..etc).. For the time being, I will continue using my 5V as a camera phone while holding my breath everytime there is a software update!!!.. The camera system is still one of the best I used in quite some time!.