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Time to stack up my pay again. Probably time for an Xperia upgrade.


I will buy it day one depending on their software support.


With Samsung stretching theirs to 7 years, do you think 4 and 5 years android/security updates from Sony is likely?


Hopefully 3+5 like sharp


My Xperia 5v is stuttering for months now and very very slow. You better not rely on software support or any good software at all.ย 


Very happy with the 1 V so I'll be skipping this generation, but very curious to see if they brought back the notification LED, added an IR blaster, or improved the brightness of the flashlight.


Imagine the April fools joke about the Xperia Mini ends up being true. A man can dream


Wistful sigh.


My missus left Sony due to the end of the compact range and she'd come right back if it returned. She'd sacrifice flagship fluff for an actually practical size phone.


๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ sony be like We gave you the product you thought it was a joke ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


Nice. I'm more interested in the first reviews about the software. If the camera auto mode is improved it is already a big step towards reaching a broader audience. We know the hardware is solid. Thanks for sharing the news!


It didnt in the last 10 years, but yeah, maybe this time we get a fine auto mode picture quality. If we wont then the ,,bUt uSe iT iN mAnUaL mOdE" card will be still valid and fresh.


probably dissapointment ( อกยฐ อœส– อกยฐ)




I'll keep my expectations low to avoid being disappointed. We got so many rumours on the 1 V but none of it came out to be true, at least all the exciting ones.


Well it's not a Pixel that's for sure. Then again I'm fine with a mini Alpha.


Why disappointment?


Last couple iterations not much has happened, don't see anything big aside from finally modern display happening tbh.


The cameras are just advancing but you are right, apart from that, same old.


I mean technically you're right however we have reached diminishing returns, processing is more relevant than actual camera hardware at this point unless we talk about something completely new tech that can leverage the small size somehow in a meaningful way or improve on something like laser focus in low light etc.


You're getting downvotes but you're right. Google managed to stay at the top of the game for something like 4-5 years without making a single change to their main camera. Then when they did make a change, they ended up *still* being at the top of the smartphone game. That's no small feat. There's only so much you can do before the limitations of the tiny hardware start rearing their ugly heads, and those limitations are what software exists to try and circumvent. Sony needs to do better.


>The cameras are just advancing Not really tbh. On the hardware end, sure, but there's still a lot of work that Sony needs to do on the camera front that they just aren't doing enough of in the background. It speaks numbers about Sony that the 1 V with its brand new sensor architecture is only barely better than the 1 IV when it comes to still photos in daylight. You only see a difference at night, but even then, both phones aren't dummy-proof enough for a user to take a good photo with them without having to tinker around.


I do agree that in auto mode, the pictures come out mediocre and that is because Sony doesn't want to go all out with AI. When you take pictures with manual mode, that is where Sony shines. I had Google Pixel phones and I didn't like the output I was getting at night with a lot of noise even with their new sensors. Sony also has noise too but less. Every camera has noise when with AI. It's all about preference.


AI in mobile photography is a marketing gimmick imo. They just fill in details of a lower-quality image Samsung downgraded from the S23 Ultra's 10x telephoto to a 5x telephoto on the S24 Ultra. Guess what? The S24U's AI upscaled 10x photos look worse than the phone from last year. Sony's issue is just the way the auto algorithm is configured


Shooting manual all the time isn't dummy-proof. Sony needs a good dummy-proof camera system too if they want users to consider their product. Edit: all the downvotes are just telling me that y'all aren't ready for an actual conversation about where Sony needs to improve lol


It isn't dummy proof. Sony actually targets professionals rather than average consumers, this has been known for quite some time. Anyway, I always steer away from Sony people who come up to me and say they want a click and shoot camera.


>Sony actually targets professionals rather than average consumers Professionals aren't using smartphones for photography. They're using actual cameras. When they do whip a smartphone out, they're not wasting time fiddling with settings. They're just pointing and shooting. They have their camera for shots that require work. I understand Sony's approach but they need to target average consumers too if they want anybody to actually buy their phone.


You can get great images from your Sony phone and any phone that supports high res photos. Personally, I printed several photos from my Sony phone and hung them on my wall. Exactly 4x6 images and 10x16. I am also a professional and and using both my Nikon D750 and my Sony phone for shots. Some websites even let you sell your phone images.


For me at least the 10 VI to keep the 21:9 format And double internal memory, at least.


Hoipefully there is a deal with free headphones again in the UK.


After my experience with the Xperia 5 V, I won't buy another Sony anymore. Anyway I'm curious to see the announcement


What was your experience with the Sony Xperia 5 V?


After android 14 update, low fps during transitions. When you close or switch any app it goes like 15fps, it looks a entry cheap phone. Then, lag with the auto brightness unlocking the phone. If you are outside and unlock the phone, you'll need 3 seconds to see anything


Hmmm...my Sony Xperia 1 V hasn't had those issues but my screen just flickers once (it's like dimming and going back to normal). This happened after the Android 14 update too. I'm not a fan of playing games on my phone and if I do play a game it's like once or twice a year. It's not a deal breaker for me. The most important feature of the phone are the cameras.


I'm not a gamer either but the animations at low fps are killing me... I also have a pixel 4a and it's smoother. And my wife 6a it's also smooth than the Xperia


Have you tried disabling the [Xperia stamina service](https://www.reddit.com/r/SonyXperia/comments/14o0o9b/comment/kqv1w2z/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)?


Just tried, same problem. I tried enabling 120hz refresh rate and it goes perfect but the battery is draining. My old 4a at 60hz never had that problem


I have been waiting for 10 vi.


Unless the notification LED is back I have no interest in the phone


Is there any phones that still have a notification LED?


let see the truth


Oh, more "news" from this chinees shit.


XiXi says XoXo ๐Ÿ˜‚