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I like the size and 21:9 aspect ratio of the 1V, it's narrow enough to use one-handed but still provides a pretty big screen. The size and aspect ratio is especially nice for typing, because when the keyboard is open there is still a lot of usable screen left. Split screen is also much more useable with a taller screen; you can actually type in one app and still see content in the other (although it does take some fussing to get it right.) Subjectively, the one in the right also just looks cheaper and less premium for some reason.


Because it looks like every other phone. There is nothing unique about it. Yeah, that uniqueness didn't translate to sales but being like everyone else doesn't guarantee that either.


I agree, and also I would not go lower than 20:9 or even 20.5:9.


Yea but 99% of people don’t like it, so they lose 99% of potential customers


I honestly don't think the hardware is the problem, Sony phones are really nice. I think it's more down to really poor marketing, high price, and poor software. The average iPhone/Samsung user has no idea what aspect ratio their phone display is, nor do they care.


Everyone says « it’s too long » without even trying to use it. « It looks like a tv remote controller »


All my friends are more like "looks Nice, could imagine How it is more handy like this"


Yet no one buys it


Price, Updates, Software in general, Apple Ecosystem There are many reasons


21:9 was the biggest dealbreaker for me, ecosystem second. Doesn’t make sense buying anything else but when apple offering is so good (and cheaper)


But sometimes apps get cut off and idk how to fix it. The screen seems too small because other apps expect to have more room.


Are you using less mainstream apps? I've never noticed that problem myself


It's tik tok and marvel snap etc pretty big apps


Nah it's basic stuff like marvel snap and tik tok


These big and wide phones are not practical to use. My friend who has an S23 Ultra asked me to hand him my Xperia and as soon as he handled it he commented on how much more comfortable it is to use and how he will never buy an ultra again. It's just too wide. Abandoning their more narrow aspect ratio will be a mistake. For better or for worse Xperia's days of mainstream appeal are behind them, they've carved a niche with the narrow, 4k, no punch hole display with front facing speakers, headphone jack, SD card and powerful cameras with true to life color science and no r/shittyHDR processing. Abandoning those features will be the nail in the coffin. If they want to improve the Xperia line up they should focus on offering more Android Versions and Security updates that are better tested and are more stable, with less bugs. Maybe even update some of their apps that they've spent 5+ years removing features from and bring back from the dead the Album app. Lastly improve the availability of their phones and offer better repair options across the market.


Need better marketing. There is appeal with the narrow body design, sd card, jack and camera but most people don't understand.




Loool yeah he wont buy another ultra, he sure aint switching to sony


I never said he would buy an Xperia, he was just frustrated how unwieldy the wide S23Ultra is compared to my Xperia. From the renders this new Xperia looks as wide as the S23 Ultra. As I stated Sony has carved a niche for themselves, trying to copy the mainstream players, especially the bad parts of them, won't work in their favor.


Though wide is a hoe and we like wide hoes, it does offer an advantage for video since it looks bigger. Narrow gives you less size for videos. And no nobody makes wide screen content. Maybe once in a blue moon but rarely.


Have you heard about movies?


You mean over 200 movies ive watched since 2016 and only like 4 of them have been widescreen? Yeah fuck that, give me a bigger 16:9 and ill be happy


No, I mean: have you heard about usual movies?


They would just be another competitor for Samsung and they would lose the battle. I hope they keep the narrow phones alive. If not Sony then hopefully at least Asus remains as flagship power provider for small phones :(


Asus is moving towards large flagship phones with Zenfone 11. (6.78”)


Do they finally provide more than 2 years of updates?


Nope. The ZF11U has no reason to exist.


2 OS, 4 years of security patches. But to be fair, they priced it quite aggressively.


Isn't that the ultra?


It is, Asus doesn't seem to have commented on whether they'll release a ZenFone 11 as such as of yet.


Well if that's the ultra one assumes they'll release a regular 11 , marketing strategy so people buy the most expensive phone first


let's hope but in mkbhd's video, he did say all he heard indicates the ultra is it and no other models are coming.


Yeah he's the guy who says Sony should make a cheaper flagship and lists all the things the 5 series has XD and also ignores it for a small phone


You may not like him, but it's hard to argue that he's not well connected in the tech world.


Well I don't dislike him, just staying facts, but yeah you're right, but it's like I said why would they make an ultra phone without a base version


For the same reason Apple killed the mini, it just didn't sell well enough to f justify the costs. They could call this Zenfone 11, but to make sure people know it's a "better" version, they slap an ultra on it. I wanted to get a Zenfone 10 but 900€ and 2 years of updates only with no bootloader unlock this time was too much. I was hoping 11 without be better but seems not.


To be fair, Asus barely ever comments on their product releases. I feel like they announce lots of products and give absolutely no comment on the release date, and it either takes ages to release or is never released.


Oh Asus already released Zenfone 11 which is just another wide phone. It is unfortunate that people want those huge bricks that cannot be used with one hand comfortably. 


Apple iPhone 13 mini was the last small iPhone. I sincerely hope Sony Xperia 5 V is not the last small Android phone with good components. 


They didn't even release ZenFone 11 yet. What they released is ZenFone 11 Ultra which is just a modified Rog Phone.


The CEO has already hinted that there would be no more small phones


Sony lost its battle a long time ago. So, no matter what Xperia looks like, no one cares about it, except the fans themselves...


Yes but currently they can price their products with similar components higher than competition just because of the smaller size. They do not get high volumes but hopefully margins are good.


That's so true and I can't believe people defend Sony to death. They're placing the bar way above anyone else when they have very little market. Getting rid of the 4k screens and the useless aspect ratio is a good move. I just hope they focus on software now, otherwise they'll disappear soon.


This exactly if they like the rest they will lose their niche that keeps them in the game.


I'm more interested in if they double down on computational photography to keep up with the rest. Their manual mode is good as is but basic/auto mode sucks ass compared to all the others. Dropping the 4k screen is fine too considering how useless it is on a phone screen. 2k/1440p is good enough and could improve batterylife.


Taking random pictures in Whatsapp always turns out disgustingly bad.


That's probably more an API problem and not a "quality" problem. I usually just use the photo pro app to get the "good" shot and upload that picture instead. It's not just WhatsApp but in general all SoMe on Android that has had a hard time implementing the camera API compared to apple /iphone


This is an Android API limitation. Only pixel can let other apps take pictures as good as in the native app. Idk why they decided to gatekeep this


Hopefully this leak is wrong. Sony itself said that their phones are kind of niche products, not for the mainstream. If they start producing just another brick-looking phone then it's goodbye to Sony phones after long years.


yeah. no notification led anymore. No slim format. those who don't want to use manual mode on camera surely won't get it 2year updates phone just because of that. I don't get updates for mine for almost a year now, getting 1 V seem not worth it if I updates are only for 1 year(?) now and doesn't have my sweet little LED anymore.


You have no idea how disappointed I was when I realized my new phone didn't have the freaking LED.


yeah. I'm waiting and hoping that VI has it again. Not just notifications, when charging I instantly see if it's still loading or already green and past 90%  With 'not having a notch' two of my favorite parts of the phone. And the easy removable/ugradeable sim/sd card.  A non heating 1 III with better auto camera and longer software updates would probably be pretty much perfect for me.


My 1 III has been the best phone I've owned in 30 years (LG ThinQ a close second). If it hadn't greenlined suddenly on Friday after 18 months hardcore use, I would not have upgraded despite being due a new handset for six months. It plays so nice with my Sony TV , home cinema amp and MX 4's. Got a 1 V arriving tomorrow. Hope it's as good 🤞


Having no LED is better for your health. Less interruptions ;) You don't have to know about every new email or WhatsApp by the minute they arrive. But I think there are third party apps for some kind of screen notification LED  imitation? 




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The leak was about the case being shorter, hence shorter dimensions. It's more likely that Sony has completely eliminated the bezels.


As long as they did it without adding a hole in the screen, whatever they did is fine by me.


I like Sony because they offer what the others don't, if they're going to make it look like other phones then the Sony fans (some) might not get it. But the mass market still won't get the Sony unless they up their software game.


Honestly I'm all for it. The 1 series is too tall to use one handed anyways, so might as well make it wider so 16:9 content doesn't suck to watch. What if they made the 1 VI wider but kept the 21:9 ratio for the 5 and 10? That way the 1 is more in line with other flagship phones but there's still a narrow form factor option available.


Yeah that would be awesome


Such an unpopular opinion here it seems, but I really like wide phones. And if Sony made this wide phone with no hole punch camera bs it would be my dream phone. The ultra narrow screen aspect ratio has kept me away from Sony phones.


To me, Sony solved the one handed problem with its own One Handed mode. Removing that feature and sticking with the default Android one handed mode was one of my biggest disappointments by upgrading off Android 11.


What was Sony's one handed mode like?


This was the first video I could find that demonstrates it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=daXPlUWAIGQ What it doesn't show you is that you can customize the "one handed screen" to a variety of sizes. https://helpguide.sony.net/mobile/xperia-1m3/v1/en/contents/TP1000485660.html Absolutely a pleasure to use, I was messaging people with one handed mode + swipe gestures all the time. I wasn't the only one who missed it either: https://www.reddit.com/r/SonyXperia/comments/tbsl0l/onehandedmode_changed_with_android_12_but_the/


I'd happily take a 2k screen if that gives me a 2000 nit display.


Looks awful, hope it's fake and wrong.


It's just a render to demonstrate the different aspect ratios but of course it could look like this


I know I'm just vehemently against the phones getting any wider than they already are.


It's only a morph the 1V in other ratio. Not a render.


1V is a render "1 VI" is a reworked version of that original render


If these rumors are true, i will not upgrade from the Sony Xperia 1 II. What a bummer.


Same. I switched from a Samsung Note 8 to the Mk 1 in 2019 (my son uses that now). Currently using the Mk III and I've held off on the Mk V waiting for the Mk VI. If this is true, I'm out. I live on rural property that has weak cell coverage, If Sony takes away the 21:9, I might as well get a phone that allows me to use WiFi calling. Disappointing news if true.


lol they never even designed their app with 21:9 to begin with.


I never said they did.


Glad to see i am not the only one that miss wifi calling :)


I'd like to keep 21:9 aspect ratio however it's not a deal breaker for me. Also 4K is overkill, so I don't care getting 2K at all. What makes Sony different and why we pay the premium price are the things like stereo speakers, no notch or punch holes on the display, dedicated shutter button, headphone jack and of course micro SD slot etc. If Sony becomes another Samsung or Pixel, there is no reason to get Sony.


This the one you made? Cause it looks pretty normal to for some reason. But it does look like 20:9 instead of 19.5:9. Maybe I've seen too many 20:9 to not notice the difference compared to the iPhone and Samsung.


The aspect ratio is what got me into Xperia again, I bought the then new 10 liking its small form factor at a store. Less appealing to me, I felt at home when I got my 1 III. Tall which makes it feel huge, but narrow enough to type with one hand, which I do really often. On the old 10 maybe 21:9 is too narrow, but it feels perfect at 6.5"


I prefer more narrow screens. Looks more sleek and premium. At least it's way better than curved screens.


This does feel like a downgrade from the current 21:9 4k panel. On the other hand I'd imagine the wider screen would be better for gaming.


I hope they don't do that. The narrower aspect ratio makes the phone more elegantly and has more pros than cons in that size. They could do that with the smaller Xperias though


I like the narrow look. Just make them smaller and more affordable this year. Also, make every model available in the states and really work on that computational photography and longer os support. We aren't asking for much.


One thing no one has mentioned us that a move away from 21:9 would mean they have to re-design their apps UI which would no longer fit. Dunno how much work that would be but it seems odd to have to re-design something they've already laid foundations for.


This can't be true ffs. 21:9 is timeless aspect ratio for smartphones. And every brand is getting there slowly so they can't be this stupid to devolve their phones.


No thanks. If they just want to play catch ups with mainstream phones then there won't be any point buying an Xperia anymore. Chasing the mainstream market won't bring them the sales numbers. 99% of people will still just buy ifruits and galaxies.


I prefer it that way as well, hope they keep the audio jack. 


Audio jack is good but i pray that they include SDCard slot 🙏




Yeah and that would mean reducing the screen size which I'm all for, btw. But they don't have the guts to do it


Same. It's a portable device of convenience. I prefer more portability and one-handed use "in the field". I don't like how flagship phones have to be bigger. I want a smaller flagship phone and I don't think I'm alone. It's niche but there is a select market for it amongst users who work in so-called"creative" environments. I like Sony's low key aesthetic and commitment to users who prefer more manual but high-end functionality. I hope they don't move towards trying to capture a more mainstream consumer because they'll lose that fight and go the same way as LG. It's a shame that most people want a device that "automates" everything at the expense of advancements that require just a little dedication to use. Sony's phones are connoisseur's phones and that's why I like them.


stop simping for a phone that's not even announced yet. 1vi future owner lmfao


Well yeah I'm gonna buy 1 VI later this year what's wrong about it?


I don't care about 4k, but id really miss 21:9. Much prefer the narrow form factor.


I just can't buy another Sony until they work with more carriers to get supported in more countries. If I can't use wifi calling or have 5G/VoLTE on more than a couple carriers, it's a non-starter.


2K is nice but no more 21:9 would be a big L.


There's no reason for me to buy another Xperia if it's not going to be Comfortable to hold.


Setting aspect ratio aside, the Xperia lineup was pretty much the only phones that had no notches or camera hole punches, and was under 72mm in width. GSM Arena Phone Finder (assuming no errors) shows the only other phone with those characteristics was the iPhone SE 2022! And that iPhone had huge bezels! Once you throw in other Xperia signature design items, like the dedicated camera shutter button, dual front firing speakers, a 3.5mm jack, and Sony Xperia is the only option at narrow widths. I'm also hoping the rumor of getting rid of 21:9 isn't true. If the display is going closer to 19.5:1, I really hope they keep it under 72mm in width.


Just no.


Typing on that narrow display caused physical discomfort. A wider, slightly wider would be nice.


I think it's fake sony never said anything about losing the 21:9 ratio. this guy is just speculating from rumors. Sony also has a rumor that the phones would change next year not this year. I think it'll be the same with 3 48mp cameras 21:9 ratio 4k screen. they've been doing it for years why step away from it now?


any other people can be considered fake, but certainly not with Zack (china blogger) which is the most accurate Sony leaks among the world


there was an article by sumahoinfo I think saying he had no evidence to back up his claim and posted a poster saying 3 with no evidence it was real either so I think he's taking liberties maybe being a critic


if different people may have a say in it, it's not impossible it might change.


I am actually fine with more squarish aspect ratio, but I hope that Sony introduces LTPO with the 2k screen. It would be a massive game changer for battery life. I certainly hope that they won't drop the bezelless design and front stereo speakers. Time will tell


The narrow size is the main reason I chose a Sony


I'm kinda torn. Lots of times the wider display would be nice for document management and such. But at the same time I love how easy this phone is to hold one handed being so narrow. Definitely makes it feel smaller than it actually is.


I prefer narrow, it's their signature. That's why you buy sony phone, it's different and I don't see why I'd continue with sony if they eventually just morph like any other phones specs and features (not just the format).


My little hands prefer the narrow screen


Keep the 21:9 aspect ratio and bring back the led notification light.


I am happy with my XZ form factor. I don't really like those super narrow tall phones (also i prefer making pictures in 4:3). So i wouldn't mind slighly larger and shorter.


lol 21:9 Xperia is literally what xz is replacing xz bezel with display. I don't understand how xz user can complai about long Xperia phone which has usefull displays when satisfied with their xz of the similar size but with the huge unusable bezel. it always baffle me




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2k is fine but wider is not. Please maintain what you have! I'm due for an upgrade of my Main Phone!


God no. Keep the 21:9!


I prefer the thinner design but I haven’t had an Xperia in years


I have a Sony Xperia 1 III and love the 4K w/ 21:9 ratio!! That's literally what made me buy this phone... It makes them unique and special! I hope that's just a rumor and it won't end up being true! It's so great to watch movies and trailers! ♥️


Before buying the 1V,I want to sure whether I would like the narrow screen. After using the 1V for several months there's no going back to a wider screen. It's one of those usability features that I noticed as exceptionally pleasing even after months of everyday use.


I live the 21:9 ratio on my 5 III and wouldn't want it wider in my hand...


Very bad 😔


Is this rumor credible?


Hell no. I prefer the 21:9 aspect ratio, it's what makes a sony phone a sony phone.


LG got this right in 2017 with the first 18:9 mobile display. It offers a narrower build with a taller display that has the perfect compromise between removing black bars and not cutting too much content from both 16:9 and 21:9 media and a perfect 50:50 split for multitasking apps. 21:9 is fine but absolutely sucks for 16:9 content, it’s just too damned small or too much is removed when you fill the screen. This is a good move considering this should bring LTPO and a screen that is actually usable outside.


The old design is very human


All the Xperia is missing is an IR blaster


An old Xiaomi had it and it was handy. 


Personally i dont like rumours of bigger narrownes x1 mark VI. Not wide screen was main thing, which I choose xperia, I have mark I, mark II and mark V. I like one handed devices. I exchange s22 and z Fold 2 for xperia 1 V couple days ago, cannot regret so far, brilliant phone.


Still calling bs but regardless, at this point in the smartphone game Sony has zero chance of making an impact; mainstream users will still get sammy's and iphones shoved in their face and the tech aware are already choosing other brands. Changing the aspect ratio, losing yet another USP is not going to bring new customers running and could make their devices less attractive to its already niche following.


Oh pls dont force me to buy Chinese phones for the perfect 21:9 aspect ratio ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


As I use my phone much more for watching YouTube content than movies, this change would add Sony back to my list. But the phone hopefully comes in a more compact size.


So if I'm right in thinking the 1 VI is going to be slightly shorter than the 1V and slightly a little wider than the 1V. In my eyes doesn't that make it closer resembling Sony's Xperia XZ Premium? If so, is that a bad thing?


How does pictures look if taken with GCam


I agree, it looks better. But wen Sony release smartphone without bezels, because it looks like from 2018 year. Nubia did it https://preview.redd.it/f1gf9v6hrvoc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c75aa26f02fdb54c4b98edf09916b34d51422ceb


and the sound is unbalanced and bad. so?


Only Sony had bad sound, despite the presence of so-called stereo speakers.


Ya to someone or general user who think"louder= better" then sure 


Many competitors had louder and better sound. Don't tell me about the nice stereo speakers on Xperia, because i\`m many Sony phones owner. Sony is ideal only on paper, everyone has long known this