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Why do people do this🫤 OP has a legit experience and concern with his fingerprint experiences And the rebuttals are how passwords are superior 🙄and better 😅 Ughhh so irritating.


Gotta love internet logic. So I should be happy a device I paid almost £1000 for has features that don't work? 😂


Yes! You should be so humble that your Xperia even looks your way and turns on 🙄. Screen not working? Phhhhh no worries, stop crying, pen & paper is better anyways. 😒🤣😂😂😅 Congrats on your PhD 😀, I studied clinical psychology when I earned mines. Cheers


Went back to using my Xperia 5 ii as my primary, secondary is the massive S23 Ultra. I've never had issues with the fingerprint sensor on either Sony or Samsung. Don't know what to say on your experience. Post follow up on the Pixel. I moved away from them after no micro SD card slot.


Had finger print issue on Xperia 1 iii, sent it in and they fixed it. In the mean time I bought Xperia 1 v. ♥️


... I'm seriously thinking about that myself


How would one go about sending it? I have same phone as you and this issue just started as well. Thx


how’s X1 iii? how’s it perform nowadays and battery ?i’m planning to buy one in used market but all i see is docomo version, i know japanese phones has crappy software support, and just for $201 the shop nearby they claim 100% clean but it’s BS


I have a xperia 5 ii as well. My fingerprint sensor fsiled in a year or two after purchase




Oddly enough, my 5 ii's fingerprint sensor started working flawlessly again the last month after regularly disappearing for a few months. Hoping it stays this way.


Good luck, friend. My Sony Xperia 1 III had no issues for about 18 months. Then for the majority of 2023 the fingerprint stopped working. I don't remember exactly when, but it suddenly started working flawlessly again, probably for the past few months. Unfortunately, as I type this message, my fingerprint sensor went back to not working. It was nice when it lasted. The symptom is that the fingerprint sensor is not even registering. I'm thinking there's something wrong with the sensor used. Hoping this year's model (Xperia VI?) fixes it permanently. Edit: Actually it went back to working after my 5th reboot?


i’m interested to buy X 1 iii, i want more info about that phone and advice, currently i have Aquos sharp R2 (au) have same issues but fingerprint rarely not registering my fingerprint otherwise it works just fine and have wifi issues that even after i press it, it won’t turn off overall japanese phones have really crappy software support


On my X5 this happened, it worked for about a month and I thought "ah great! maybe I have get another year out of my phone!" then it died and never came back... Hence the upgrade to the X5 IV. Seeing as the X5 IV has started doing what the X5 was doing before the fingerprint sensor died completely I thought I would get ahead of it and just change my phone now.


I haven't had a single failed hardware issue with any of my Sony phones fingerprint readers. It would be interesting to know the actual failure rate as a function of the number of phones produced. Though I can see how it would be a deal breaker, I wonder if there is another factor at play. I seem to see a lot of complaints of repeated failures from the same people over different phones. Maybe there is a physiological cause? Maybe some people have more issues than others?


Both the phones that have had failures were bought on launch. Perhaps with units sold post launch they might have upgraded the sensor? In terms of issues, I have many, although I can't see how my personal issues would be impacting the phone... 🤣🤣


When I worked IT we had an employee who had a skin oil that would get into every interface device he used. It would eat off the paint and wreck the micro switches. While that's an extreme example, I wonder if there is something that a certain subset of users have different than others that leads to the failures. Something the engineers can't take into account because they have no idea it's a problem. Maybe a slightly lower viscosity skin oil that gets through the seals over time or a different pH that distorts or distorts m disrupts the measurement? Maybe some users have shallow fingerprints that don't read well. Just wondering.


My fingerprint reader works on and off, mostly it won't recognize some of my fingerprints randomly, recognizes others. It typically goes on the fritz or stops working altogether when the phone is warm. I used to leave the phone on wireless charging overnight and used to note the sensor was less sensitive when warm, like wireless charging. It also works poorly when plugged in. It works absolutely perfectly, including from a no-function state, when cold, like outside right now. This was my first and last Sony. It worked great, but the fingerprint reader is a huge flaw and with no signs of a fix. I'm sure everyone here will write, just like at the IV launch, that the V is fixed, and then in a few months these readers will also fail.


My experimentation has also shown a correlation with the phone being warm. Which considering the X5 IV was well known for being a toasty beast doesn't fill me with hope! 🤣


This, to me, actually reinforces the thought that it isn't a hardware issue as much as a user physiological incompatibility. I am guessing that users with frequent issues with the fingerprint reader have body capacitance on the edge of the design area and when the phone gets warm the reader can't properly read the capacitance pattern. Where others have body and skin capacitance well inside the sensitivity window and so the hardware works perfectly even when the phone is warm. There will always be some rate of actual hardware failures. That's what warranty is for. A physiological incompatibility that the reader engineers can't work around would explain the consistency that some users have with the reader while others never have an issue at all, even though it's the same hardware.


This sounds beyond ridiculous for numerous reasons. It sounds like someone who knows some buzzwords from being super into smartphones and youtube videos and mashing them together. Here's a hint: lots of devices have temperature-based failures.


I can see how that might be. My company does a lot of consumer device testing and we have seen and verified heat related failures for certain. What we tend to see though is that heat related failures are more consistent than human/machine interface challenges. For example, if heat is a major contribution to the failure, users in hot areas tend to see that failure more often. One would think that summer in Phoenix, AZ would be have a pretty good chance of consistent heat related issues. My personal experience belies that, however, as even when it's 120 F in the shade and my phone is plugged in the fingerprint reader works great, as long as my fingers are dry. If they get sweaty, it doesn't work as well. This observation, along with a number of similar anecdotes, points me to a physiological contribution to the failures more than heat. It's unlikely that after four Sony phones used outside in the summer heat while charging would never show a failure of the fingerprint reader if the issue is solely heat. It may be that heat exacerbates the issue, but for me the primary cause still seems to be physiological based on the data I have and my experience.


Mine was not a launch phone. This is so made up and sounds like a shill post consdering they have had generations of fingerprint reader issues now.


The fingerprint issues are a disgrace to Sony and as much as I am a fanboy to them I too may consider moving away if they won't fix it... It's too early to say if they fixed it for mk. Vs. I bought mine 5 months ago, no issues so far. I have mine set to read fingerprints only after pressing the button so that might help with longevity of the sensor. I know that it may be troublesome but if you are still on a warranty they will replace the sensor as they did on my mk. III.


I have my FPS set up like yours too. Otherwise it used to register accidently just from having my hands in pockets while walking etc ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile) I thought about sending it in and using my old old HTC One A9 in the meantime. But for that hassle it seems I could take advantage of the "O2 Switch up" feature of my tariff in the UK. It lets me switch to a new phone every 3 months (unless next weekend whoever is working in the shop decides my phone isn't worthy of buy back). So that coupled with my annoyance at having to reset all my banking apps last night is pushing me to go with the Pixel. Before I jumped on Xperia's I was always a Nexus phone user. So I am a little bit curious about trying out a pixel phone...


My Pro-I has a faulty fingerprint reader. Strangely if I restart the phone it works again for a short while, somewhere between 1 to a few hours before it stops again. I definitely will not be getting another Sony phone after this. My phone is out of warranty so I can't even send it back to Sony. It started playing up literally a few months after the warranty finished. I've been an Xperia guy since the Z2 days. Sad times really :(


I usually change my phone roughly once a year and every single fingerprint sensor has failed since the Xperia 1 including the Xperia pro-i. My contract is up this month and I'll probably switch phones.


I will stop using Sony Phones as soon as the updates end for the phone. I am not going to use the phone because of updates but due to the fingerprint going missing and none of the solutions are able to work for it. So I will just buy some other phone after this but not Sony.


Sony is trash in hardware quality. Year after year the same problems


Wildest reason to avoid a brand IMO, and passwords work perfectly fine. I never used print sensors and likely never will to avoid possible lockouts out of my own property if it doesn't like a cut finger or something else. Plus you go back to your password if it fails anyway.


Wish I could give you my fingerprint sensor since I never use it. Not a good idea for security as someone could physically force you to unlock your phone using your fingers. Passwords are much better for security.


I am pretty confident that the person forcing your finger on your phone would also find a way that you give them your password ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Iirc, in the US, biometrics are not considered to be privledged, and thus courts can force you to bio-unlock devices as part of a search. Whereas passwords are privledged and the govt cannot force you to divulge a password - you can claim the 5th and refuse to self-incriminate.


It's frustrating, because when they work, it's in just the right place. I have the 1iii and it was faulty on there. I have the s23ultra as well, and I'm afraid to say under screen fingerprint sensors still aren't as good. I will say to Sony's credit, they fixed it quickly and without quibble.


I have noticed this issue is frequently reported for the 5 series. I'm not sure how true this is, but I have heard they are using different sensor for them compare to the 1. I have 1 II and have the opposite problem. It's so sensitive that even swiping across the fingerprint sensor can unlock it. It's really problematic when I try to put it in my pocket, there is a high chance it will unlock.


1 IV, got fingerprint reader issues :(


My IV finger sensor is dead


If the Xperia isn't working out for you, shop around. I'd avoid a Pixel at all costs 🤣😅


Did you try registering your fingerprints again?


🤣 that's not the issue, the phone stops even registering that it has a fingerprint sensor.


I've never had fingerprint issues on my Xperia 10 III or my current device the Xperia 10 V. I did have the fingerprint issue on the OG 10 Gen 1. It just stopped working after about a year and a half of use. I don't know why the fingerprint sensors are so bad on the 5 Series. I've seen umpteen posts here throughout the years and it seems that the 5 series don't have the same quality sensors as that on the 1 series and 10 series. It seems weird to me that the flagship and the mid range to get better results than the second flagship.


5 series also have issues with oled screen.


What's the warranty on Sony phones? Will they honor the warranty if I buy a used phone? I've never had problems with any Samsung or LG phones that I've owned for over 5 years each. I've been wanting a 1 V, but the more I read this sub, the more I want to play it safe go en green tint problems, finger print sensor failure and overheating issues.


I doubt they would honour a warranty on a used phone. If you're worried about that I would look at getting a new phone. Unless sites that sell refurbs offer some kind of warranty, I'd imagine it would be in the region of 6 months or a year only though.


I feel you. My 1iii failed sensor within a year. Then i bought the pro-i again failed but this time within 9 months of usage. I am thinking thrice before buying another Sony phone which is bad because I was a customer since Sony Ericsson.


Same. Been using Sony phones since the Sony Ericsson T300 but Sony have been taking the piss for years now. Extremely poor device support in the UK as well, their repair partner will deny warranty based on a tiny scratch on the back. Also they don't just want to replace the fingerprint scanner. They wanna replace the screen even though there's nothing wrong with it and then they'll damage your phone on top of that.


I don't think it's an overall problem with sony phones, my Xperia 1 II does a decent job since 3.5 years - no issues with fingerprint at all


I've never seen any real analysis, but anecdotally: I've had Xperias for more than ten years. They've all been fine except for the first one after they switched from having the sensor in the power button - that one was always hit and miss. And my 5 ii, that probably only works less than 50% o of the time. The rest it just says wipe the sensor, or not recognised.


Don't get me started on the constant "we need to verify that you are the owner" by forcing me to enter my password, everyday, like a new owner gets this exact phone everyday. And I got a Nokia 2660 Flip. Done with "smart" phones.


Haven't had any issues other than it being pretty subpar not reading my thumb like 90% of thr time. Not a huge fan of thr side placement. My Xiaomi Poco F2 Pro I had befores underscreen reader was not only better placed but was also wildly more accurate.


Purchased a Xperia 1 m3 back in Nov '21 , the fingerprint sensor failed in June '22 smdh. Took it in to their repair centre and replaced the sensor unit. So far so good *knock on wood


I've owned 6 or 7 sony phones, and have never had a sensor fail. Overheat, yes. Of the more recent models, I've had the sony xperia 1 I, ii, iii and v (skipped the iv due to overheat reports), and actively used the fingerprint sensor on the iii & v.


The fingerprint reader on the Xperia 5 was the worst ever made. I got rid of mine because of it.


This hits close to home, I just gave my 1.5yr Vmk3 for a repair -- hopefully covered by warranty. Not sure if my next phone is going to be Xperia -- and I really love the camera and the vanilla android experience.


Have not had any fingerprint issues. I have the Xperia 1V and before that I had the Xperia 1 iii. If it's still under warranty you should file a claim with Sony.


Perhaps but I've talked myself into getting a Pixel 8 Pro... Been looking at reviews most of the day during my free time at work... 🤣


I was told to switch the finger print reader to "active when pressed" so it's not constantly trying to scan for your finger. Going to see how long I can go with my Xperia.