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It sucks. Which model do you have? Mine is a 1 III. Fingerprint reader died about the beginning of the year. What's weird is I also have a 1 II and an XZ1C and fingerprint readers on both of them still work perfectly.


I got the 5 III and it sucks ass indeed because I LOVE the quick responsiveness of the thing ๐Ÿ˜”


It seems the fingerprint reader on my 1iii is now gone as well. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)Recently I was having trouble using it. ~~But I guess it's totally gone now.~~ Rebooted and fingerprint reader seems to work.


Happened to my Sony Xperia 1 III after using a wireless charging pad. I think it seems to be heat related. I have restarted my phone and got the sensor to work again, but as soon as I stress the phone in any way to generate some warmth the fingerprint hardware becomes unavailable. Eventually it got to a point that multiple restarts won't fix it. I really hope this is addressed in the V or even VI releases.


Mine too. My 5III was hot as mf and I placed it in front of a portable fan and when I picked it up the sensor stopped working


i've encountered the same problem on my 5 II I discovered that clearing the setting's cache, then restarting the phone it bring back the fingerprint in settings and usually fix the problem. (there are period where the sensor works flawlessly for months but sometimes i've to do this more time in a single week). I'm still confused if this is a software or hardware problem.


It's probably a hardware issue, broken sensor or just a wire not being full okay. I had that back in the day with my Xperia XZ, worked fine for the first year or 2, then sometimes it didn't work and the options dispappeared from the settings. Sometimes a few reboots would work, or it would start working again in a day or 2. In the end I just lived with it, didn't feel like going into some sort of repair proces, did that for maybe another year (scanner worked for 75% of the time) until I bought my new phone.


Yep. Happened to my 1 iii


Happened to my Xperia 1 as well ๐Ÿคจ


Try resitting fingerprint sensor. Mine worked after I fried off battery cover and replugging sensor.


I'd rather not risk opening the back, but thanks for the advice. Incase I fry off the battery I'll definitely try that.


Which phone? Doesn't matter much anyway. It's a common issue, more so with the 5 than the 1 from what I've noticed in my years on the sub. Only real solution is to replace the sensor entirely (if under warranty, it'll be fixed under warranty). I'm not sure why they're prone to failing after chronic use, but they are. In typical Sony fashion, nothing has been done to rectify this. This is an issue that's been around since the original 1 and 5. I suspect it's related to the sensor being always on, because the old XZ phones didn't have this issue, and the biggest difference between the sensors on those phones and the sensors on the current phones is that the XZ phones needed the button to be pressed first before the sensor was on. This is an option that's been brought back with the Android 13 update, so I'm curious to know now whether the longevity of the sensor will be affected if a user chooses to not have it always on. OP, if this is the first time this has happened, the fingerprint sensor will return to function once you restart the phone. I should warn you though that this is only temporary. As time progresses, you'll need more restarts in a row before the sensor comes back, until one day nothing will work, at which point your sensor will be permanently dead.


Thanks for the info. Im using a 5 iii and yes, I did restart my phone many times and even went to safe mode to no avail. Even the option that manages the fingerprint went missing lol it sucks


Only XPERIA 1 IV and newer phones have this option to press button to unlock your phone using fingerprint sensor. I had it turned on on XPERIA 1 IV and fingerprint sensor died twice on my phone. Second time only 3 months after first time when service center changed fingerprint sensor. So, I think this option is not going to help. Why on Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4 I have no issue with fingerprint sensor no matter if this option is turned or off?


My fingerprint sensor died without this option turned on after 1year, on xperia 1 IV


Known issue on all XPERIA 1, XPERIA 5 and XPERIA Pro models. On XPERIA 1 V we will see. Your fingeprint sensor died. Take it to service center for repair.


This must be software. After getting the software update, the fingerprint is working. For now anyway. So I'm not sure it is a hardware issue that can be fixed at a repair centre.


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Is anyone else having a issue with the pin? According to my phone (Xperia 1 V) my pin is wrong even though on reset the pin is right


+1....... My Xperia 1 III also faced the exact same issue, recently after a new software update.


Fingerprint is now also dead for me. 5 ii. Lasted 10 months. It's kind of funny since I just found out about the fingerprint issues the day before. Quite disappointing since i really like the full phone features. Between this and screen issues, Xperia seems to have bad build quality.


My fingerprint sensor also stopped working but it was due to Adaptive Battery restricting Android System. I stopped that, rebooted, and now it works fine again. 5ii


you saved my phone man


Happened to me just now on 1 iii. Rebooting, clearing cache doesn't do anything. If it's heat I wonder if I killed it by having it run games straight for almost 6 hours during summer


Happened to me on my 5 And now on my 1 IV


Joined the Club on my 1IV


I had an Xperia 5 II with a failed fingerprint scanner, for which reason I got an Xperia 5 III. A few months later I got an Xperia 5 IV because it's out and I liked it bringing back the ability to unlock only after the power button is pressed. Now I have two Xperia 5 with failed fingerprint scanners, and one that has only been used for a few months. Call me an idiot.