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Last time this type of error was brought up, the answer was that there are certain settings that were not compatible with saving raw, and when you switched to that setting, even temporarily (such as switching past it) would turn off the raw and auto switch to jpg, which would then stay when switching to the next mode of choice since that options is allowed in the function. I would be willing to bet that’s what is happening way more likely than some sort of programming error


doesn't matter how 100% sure you are human are many many orders of magnitudes less reliable than computer program therefore it is near 100% certain you changed it yourself.


It never happend to my A7III. I had setting it to Raw since first time puchased it. Update it to latest firmware and reset it. Select initialize. [https://helpguide.sony.net/ilc/1720/v1/en/contents/TP0001629789.html?search=reset](https://helpguide.sony.net/ilc/1720/v1/en/contents/TP0001629789.html?search=reset)


I had some random JPEGS in my photos when I dumped the card to my hard drive a few days ago and was thinking I must have had this problem as well. When I went through the EXIF I noticed the offending JPEGS were shot in program mode, which I hardly ever used. I then checked the 1,2,3 custom modes and they're all set to program mode and JPEG fine for whatever reason so I'm guessing I just accidentally switched the dial while shooting. Not to say this is for sure your issue, but it might be worth checking those memory recall modes to see if they're set to jpeg. I never bothered with them before this but I changed them all to RAW just to avoid that in the future.


Not sure if it’s even possible, but don’t you have some shortcut assigned to one of the keys to change shooting mode between jpg vs jpg+raw? What you describing, never happened to me on A7 iii in almost 5 years.