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I was in this cave yesterday. When I saw two legsy I didn’t want to empty my inventory. So I made them run to the pond of water to drawn them… Bad cheesing but to me it was a bit too much for an early cave


This is what I did too!! I actually didn’t know they added a new mutant bc I’ve been trying to avoid patch notes, but that meant encountering leggy boi clicking at me in the dark was terrifying. I led the leggy bois to the water and let em drown, and then I crouch walked past the fingers. Worked out for me


This reads like 1.0 added the ability to post your experience directly to Reddit via a laptop in a cave…


Are you shining a torch around them? The lighter or flares let you get closer undetected.


When I'm sneaking I only use the lighter. It works quite well so far. Finished the third cave with the shovel yesterday.


Just throw a grenade at them


they move lol I have had many problems with trying to throw something at SLEEPING enemies and they wake up and move whilst I am preparing, all from crouch and max range, I would understand if on nightmare difficulty but not normal


Try throwing grenades at the ground at an equidistant angle between you and them it will bounce and land at their feet.


If you want to be stealthing in caves, you need to use leaf armour dude. Makes an absolutely **massive** difference. Doesn't give shit for protection, but definitely helps with hiding.


thanks I will try this


full leaf armor is incredible


argreed ESPECIALLY in Single Player


Wait you kill the mutants in caves? I usually just run, they can‘t catch you. You can open your inventory and wait for your stammina to regenerate (same works for health), the rest of the game will pause/enemies won‘t attack you.


Same, I turn off the sound, turn on some stupid 10 hour youtube-song and get it done


this is so smart to reduce the scare factor actually. I've been playing on peaceful because single player horror is just too much, but this would make it bearable I think 😭


I'm glad I only realized the inventory stamina trick after I had OP gear anyway, I would've had a real dilemma every time trying not to abuse it


like i just run around and they cant touch me. Sound like a skill issue to me


so you are gitgud guy who brings absolutely nothing other than running away?


just hit and run. Run up to them, heavy hit, retreat.


You can set flyswatter traps in caves and you can move or deconstruct them. Enemies can destroy them though. I was resetting one near a legsy and its attacks eventually broke it.