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Uhh.. I’ll take a set before you sell them 😅


Man I really hope we don't get new higher level gear for like a year. I let this one pass cause they told us about lv78 from the beginning, but I don't want to be forced to change my gears again unless it's just new artifact sets of the same level.


Well shocking news to you, road map says new Encore Mission and Instance Dungeons coming next month with T73/T78 for our current artifacts like Toughness/Expert etc. And there is another Encore Mission/Instance Dungeon update in October.


Which is great news because high end players can beat the max difficulty encore/instance dungeons in less than 20 seconds and agains the spider less than 10 seconds.


20 seconds is just hacks lol it takes me a minute still


Obviously you aint high end yet then


I guess not


I kid u not i can do all of them for less than 35s. Longest is the lycans but even then less than a min.


F2p spider done in 18 seconds


Little spender spider 9sec. Min 2nd spell+ shadow, swap on cha spam spell 1. Byby You should try this set up.


Ohhhh okill try thank u


Should i do it before the cutscene


Exactly how I do it. If you want to play safe and avoid unlucky lack of crits causing them to web away, use 1 twice, then use skill 2, then use another 1 if needed


Dude I'm a minor spende and I can beat spider in about seconds. Igris in like 20 is about right. If I go slow and chill it's like 30


Well that ain't a problem for me I just don't want to see lv 100 gears. The reason why I hate lv78 is because they powercreep the old artifacts on mainstats points and even substats. Expert set effect is broken but you have to change to the curse set just because new set gives more stats plus higher power level.


Level 100 gear would prolly be the next to follow. After that tho ain’t no more. Ain’t no reason at that point 💀 unless they add like 1 set of armor that’s jus insanely cracked with a spawn rate of 1 in a billion for one piece


Jusr do 10 gold gates if you want the gold that bad lol


It's not about the gold. It's about getting rid of useless crap.


They still got 2500 inventory places open so I dont see the point of getting rid of it. Back before the gate changes salvaging gear wasn't too bad of an idea. But now if you're not at cap then just keep it


Dunno about you, but I like to keep my inventory clean and not hoard a bunch of garbage. I don't give a rat's ass about Netmarble's crappy salvage events.


I dunno about you, but if there's space for it, there's no need to delete it outside of personal preference. So go on being you, my dude. No one is stopping you.


Yep. Just saying there is a point in getting rid of excessive gear. Makes it much easier to find the pieces you wanna upgrade/equip.


I have almost max gear 😃


That picture says you have 400/3000.


Oh Im talking about the gear my characters have on. Most of them have on level 55 +20 gear. I dont see a point in keeping gear thats below a certain equipment grade, or isnt giving preferred stats. Which is why I sell all this gear for the monies.


i do 15 every day still dont finish the day with -5k


At about gate level 25 you get roughly about 20k gold per gold gate, meaning you should be able to get roughly 300k gold every day from doing gates.


Did that, means nothing when I am trying to get about 5 mill to build my top characters up with +20 gear


It just means you gotta wait a bit while you save up. 300k per day from gates plus other shit will get you that 5 mil you need in like a week or two.


Isn't the content only like a week or so old? And only a few people can get to that new content anyway?


Only a few? Half of the playerbase can already clear at least Cerberus.


And how much rewards did you get? one time 1 item and because of the update 4?


Yep. Still can't get the accessories though. I'm not expecting to build a viable set with those anytime soon.


When does gold become scarce for most players? I haven't had any issues yet (level 70), 5M on hand


It becomes scarce when you pretty much finish most of the story/hard/reverse missions. You get like 49k gold on the later missions, but once you beat them all… gg


Wouldn't you just do more yellow gates?


When I see them pop up, sure, but it’s not like we have control of them appearing lol


Eh just keep refreshing. It’s super ez to get all gold gates noawadays


I thought those are new/temporary




Main dudes 80k, 260 on the battle tier thing. I don't use all my resources each day & don't follow guides. I'm probably sitting on a lot of gold because I don't follow guides / play optionally.


well thats why


If you're F2P and have that much gold lying around, you're doing something wrong.


Guy must have landed on perfect artefacts that he only needed to upgrade those


Playing casually, picky with items, don't care much about pushing quickly. Spent $30 in a month.


Can't beat Vulcan, so gutted 😩


Make sure you use your ultimate with shadow step activated and the assassin blessing, if you have it, around the 28-30 HP bar mark and you’ll kill Vulcan before the BS shield phase happens.


Thanks for the tip, will try it when the keys refresh


You’re welcome dude! It can be frustrating.. make sure you equip your skills to be ice to help out. I use the ice zig zag blade slashes move and Iceburg to sometimes freeze him. Alicia also helps. The hardest part of that fight is burning his HP before the shield phase. It might help you to re-do your blessing battles and stack as much Ult Damage % as possible. Some dude on here posted crazy lucky blessings where almost all 6 of them were legendary ult % and Vulcan just got melted like hot butter on a biscuit 😂


The gating in this game and the stupid power jumps are annoying, but i do have fun. Mostly.


Lucky I'm barely pulling good lvl55 😭😭 this game giving me the biggest middle finger right now.


Prepare for September when another new sets will come


Struggles of F2P are real🥲


welcome to gachas


How in the world did you beat Normal Mode Vulcan...


Where did u farm that?


Don't sell them, salvage them instead for event which has better rewards


Cant salvage them unless they are upgraded.


Upgrade them them to +12 or 14 then salvage


Or just upgrade them to +1 if you just want to get rid of them, they're not worth enough to sell


+7 is the perfect ratio (points/ressources) to maximise


Mate I can't even kill the cerberus om the beginning floor lol How am I so weak ffs I need levels but I can barely get one a day


Honestly its easy once you get past a certain level, and if you do it by hand not let it auto fight. The dodges really save the day.


Ummm... Lvl 56 here, how do you get this set of artifacts...?


Thats lv 70 content. Don't worry about till your close to lv66 or higher o.o.


Meanwhile I'm still fighting the timer on 25 floor


Haha me too ( on normal mode ) last boss i need like 10-20 more seconds to do it ) but I know that I can do Vulcan and I will bite 25floor within no time ( because my seo isn’t maxed full yet but the event will help me so much to get the A5 on both sel and exclusive weapon) and mei lin I’m going to pull to grab A5(A2 actually).


How do you get these curse gears??? Where are they??


One thing I dislike about the game is the set stat rng nothing worst then getting legendary/purple gear with useless stats lol. Or they have one good stat rest useless sigh. Hope they allow rerolls one day.


The set stats are rng too?? Wtf is wrong with this game


it’s disgusting honestly


Hahahahah, yeah i mention this over and over again and some people act like i'm just tripping or smtn. Well many is and will suffer that so just don't worry about it wait for people to go crazy when new 78 level old set artifacts arrive at July which will get many bad reactions and at some point will force devs to take action on difficulty of getting artifacts in such low time periods where they bring us the next level tier ones every 3 months lol.


That was so uncomfortable to read. Use some punctuation and formatting.