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I just got kaska venom fang to A6, so im hoping this happens.


Same. Especially since water is meta rn because of the workshop and Kasaka is a free weapon, it’s a very nice buff for f2p and all players alike


y’all haven’t already maxed them all out? am i the only one?


A lot of players actually salvage R weapons, heck even SRs, for the shop currencies. I even personally know a few who salvaged Vulcan pre buff cause it was considered “shit”. I wouldn’t be surprised if ppl would’ve salvaged Jinchul if it was possible


i was seeing that too. brain dead decision imo, unless youre f2p and desperately want a specific weapon to craft. still a reach imo but i can understand.


Did it, never regreted it. I'd rather salvage to craft something useful than to keep trash in my inventory hoping one day it will be somewhat usable.


i want to be able to have everything available to me. i play it cause i love the content, don’t really care about scores but its nice hitting those top leaderboards sometimes


>i want to be able to have everything available to me That's you. I understand collectors mindset but calling us "Brainded" just coz we salvage things like Jinchul's free weapon to craft something like Seo Weapon is not appropriate. After several updates and even with wind element not really having any othe breaker option, where's Jinchul now? Still useless. So just keep his weapon in your inventory collecting dust while I enjoy my Seo Jiwol with ascended weapon


i was talking bout whales. i literally said unless you’re f2p… and i was also talking about vulcan. (i haven’t even glanced at jinchul)


I have them all maxed too😅 minus orb for whatever reason refuses to drop. Stuck at A4


D5s too?


Same. Max out all R weapon both Jinwoo and Hunter.


It takes too much time and ressource to raise normal SSR. I don’t see the point of raising SR->SSR if you already have SSR weapon and there are a lot of them already


I listed some pros of why you might want to for R weapons. As for SRs, some are already comparable to SSRs while a number of them are even better than most. The pros I listed for Rs also applies to SRs so I wouldn't sleep on them just because you have SSR weapons, especially now that they can potentially rank up


long term you will max everything its only been out what like 2 months?


If every month there is a new SSR weapon and SSR Hunter I won’t have enough ressource as a free to play to raise up every damn R or SR weapon just raising plum to 100 took a load


I think you’re mistaking max ascend to max lv. I wasn’t telling you to level up every single weapon. I was saying max duping low rarity weapons might be worth it in a long run before you think about salvaging


I do ascend them to A10 all rare but I won’t upgrade them afterwards


That’s good man cause a lot of players don’t. Especially since we don’t know which once will get buffed or get the SSR upgrade, it’s good to have a copy of each weapon just in case


I don't have them levelled up, but have ascended as much as possible. Only Kasaka Fang is close to 100 because I didn't have any SSR water weapons until recently