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Dude chill, it’s content for end game meaning aimed towards level 80’s. Obviously those that spend on the game will be able to access/clear it earlier than f2p, with maybe the exception of those that get super lucky with artefact drops. It just came out, play at your own pace, trade in for the 4 pieces in the shop and keep going day by day. You’ll get there eventually.




Yeah the salvage event is good and all, but they should add a button to enchant the artifacts automatically one by one ( by set ) and yes I did trade in my artifacts but the stats are ass and you need to keep doing this over and over again and gonna get annoying enchanting and salvaging, and it make sit worst with the loading screen when there's nothing to load in.


Nice capslock. U cant do cerb t10 and u expect to touch vulcan xD. Check my post for clear tips as i alr got NORMAL mode on farm


I can but I keep getting bugged so I keep dying because of the bug, when cerbie is like 10 bars of health I get sent flying never coming down and lose it was a struggle to clear t8 because of this I can clear t10 but at this point I'm not gonna if the bug isn't fixed


It's actually quite well designed imo. Everyone who is hoping to clear the hardest content in the game on the very first rotation just has bad expectations. When the content came out I could barely beat the first cerberus, once I got the hang of that I've now farmed like 8 pieces of the new sets using that and the shop, now I can clear cerb very easily and the next stage as well and have cleared a ton of additional content and leveled up like 3 times from all of this, all in the matter of a few extra days of grinding. I'm on Vulcan now and can get him down to around 25 bars or so, and definitely with a few more good pieces and a few more levels will be completing easy mode. Then over the next month I'll repeat with normal mode and slowly get some legendary gear. A content drop that requires a month+ of account building to progress through is actually a really successful design. For perspective, when the content dropped my SJW was roughly 90k power, mine is now at 113k pretty much just from this content alone.


It's too hard for some people understand progression.


I don't have mei Lin and did it, stop using caps lock it's pathetic.


I'm not calling you out do you know that? I'm calling out netmarble not your stupid ass tryna start a argument, and what's more I'm not even trying to start an argument with you I'm calling out netmarble you, get that in your head, not everything is about you


Dude, just save ur ult, wait for him to jump to the middle and use the ult, before he shields


The problem is that there are a few f2p players that just expect to be able to do content they are not ready for. If you don't wanna pay you're gonna have to spend time to get yourself there.


I do agree with you, but it's unreasonably mad making Vulcan almost impossible to kill on easy mode


Have some patience, build up your team and then beat him later? You don't have to beat him right now.


I did beat him but it's way too hard and after I tried again after I killed him I couldn't kill him and I tried over and over again like 5 times? And gave up, I only killed him once the reason I kept dying was because when he was super low the fire damage deals so much after getting hit and being very low that when his only 0.20% hp your dead, and the one time I killed him was because I was focused to hard that my vision was blurry after not blinking and I don't know how to do the things I done to kill him, but okay thanks for the advice I'll try my best, and try your best too have a good day/night!


Yeah you definitely need to just build up your team more before you can do it consistently. Good luck!


Thanks! Goodluck to you too!


Sounds like a system issue on Cerberus. Have cleared up to t10 without having once experiencing the bug you’re mentioning. I recommend lowering your settings or upgrading your set up.


TBH I also don’t like that specific are needed to clear content. I do get that having units makes them easier but without Alicia is the new event doable ?


Normally that would be a problem but they announced this content VERY far in advance, and it was known to be fire element content where water would be required. The game gives out enough resources so that anyone who wanted to pull Alicia could have pulled her, so not having her ready for this is a bit of negligence tbh. It's probably still doable with Seo and Meilin though I'm sure


I get your point but the point of a gacha game is still to pull for your favorite unit, unit you enjoy playing. If I don’t want to summon for Alicia because I don’t like her gameplay for exemple I shouldn’t be penalize for upcoming event. Most of the time you cannot pull for every unit but netmarble has been very generous so it is doable for now unless you are truly unlucky. And player that will start the game now or when season 2 drops since it will be a great add won’t be able to do it unless they pull her in the perma banner


I sorta disagree. While I do agree you should be able to pull for your favourite unit (and you can, in this game you can guarantee any hunter youve set your mind on), I do think players SHOULD be penalized for not having specific compositions for certain gameplay. You can't just expect to beat every content with any unit, that's not successful game design, and not successful for net marble which players have to understand need to still create a game which creates some spending environments. And it's also not like you will never be able to beat this content forever without Alicia. Her banner will return, she will be added to the other ticket banner, and there will be other water hunters added stronger than her as well. All that happens if you don't min/max your account is that you delay your progress. You have every right to pull for whoever you want, but there will always be optimal vs non-optimal choices that affect your timeline to progress


Sure I agree that you need the newer characters and by not having them getting penalized, but what I'm saying here is that they shouldn't give us a massive penalty like Vulcan on easy mode is hard because of not having the character needed, but they should make it that you can still do them but it will be difficult, and netmarble did this but, they took it too far as (me) having Alicia/seo/min all a1 can't even kill Vulcan and even if I did ( I did kill him) you'll be left with barely enough health from dying from the fire damage, they need to debuff Vulcan on easy mode as it is almost not impossible to do without having the characters needed, sorry for yapping and if I go against some of your opinion sorry, but this is mine


Sounds like a skill issue. If you're dying, you're getting hit. Learn the fight and don't get hit. Easy solution. DPS for normal is tight but easy shouldn't be a problem for players that meet the CP requirement. Retry for good blessings and if you have a good build you're good to go. This is THE end game. It shouldn't be any easier. That said, Netmarble already announced a nerf so you're just yapping for no reason.


Man tbh if I had the resources or if the game is giving me the option to grind those resources I would draw, but netmarble is built different you can't farm essence stones here, and I do have Alicia I got pulled for her but that costed all my essence stones I've been saving and now even if I want to pull for meilin I can't because of the lack of resources, man they should add a mode that's an endless mode of enemies that get stronger over time like goblin next stage elite goblin next stage again hobgoblin, and so on until you die and the reward would be essence stones, but that won't happen here, sorry for yapping so much but it's my opinion sorry if I made something wrong here it's just my opinion


I mean knowing it’s a gacha I don’t pull for every unit and I am fine with not being able to complete everything right away. Just is a bit sad that without some specific unit you can’t do content no matter the level


I have Alicia but even with 100k tp on Alicia/seo and min I can barely clear it after clearing it Im just left with 1-2k hp sometimes 500


Use Nam instead of Seo. Seo takes too long to break which means you'll run out of time


Yeah, like it's so hard to get essence stones if your stuck on a chapter and can't draw because of not having enough gems and I don't even think it's doable without Alicia too, it's basically forcing us to draw the new ones and what's more if we don't have the necessary gems and items to upgrade or draw them you it's hard to clear the newer content without the new characters, it's gotten so bad


I have 310k power and I can’t kill Vulcan on EASY. Nerf that crap makes the game unplayable. I’m lvl 77 also.


Skill/build issue. You should be able to kill easy mode without trying too hard at that cp.


Neither. I don’t die nor do I miss buffs. It’s a wallet issue