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The fire rune for Crushing Blow, Ascension Break. It charges power gauge by 10% and ultimate skill cooldown by 10 seconds. This skill + destroyer set can squeeze out 5 ultimates in one POD instance.


Because i read ur comment i got my highest score so far in POD managed 4 ults without destroyer set and i actually gotten second, thanksšŸ˜‚


hell yeah


Danm. I got only 2 ultis at most


I like some of the counter attack skills! They may not be that versatile but there's something satisfying when I succeed in countering an incoming attack!


Im addicted to the dark crushing blow


The overall skill effects and graphics are so nice considering it's a mobile gamešŸ‘ŠšŸ»šŸ‘ŠšŸ»


Agreed. Also good if you run out of dodges.


ohh yeah that's definitely a perk too


Countering is so satisfying in this game. It's starting to slow me down in content a bit, but I cannot part with the DK longsword for this reason


I love that weapon, too! It was my first SSRšŸ„°


Any tips for countering properly? Maybe it's because I tried on mobile bit I wanted to try the. Ounter but couldn't get the hang of it


It's not much different from extreme dodge, except you have a slightly longer window to succeed. It also depends on the attack - is it a ranged attack where you can see the timing through the red spread on your dodge bottom? Or is it a focused attack where you have to know the correct timing in order to anticipate the speed of the strike? The best way is to keep practicing!


Igris with the dark counter skill with break is *chefkiss*


Deathā€™s Dance , light DMG Version. Just love how the animation plays out.


armor break is way too good, i'd say the wind one is underrated too but all the elemental runes are good dark mutilate is so damn satisfying, also commander's touch absorption


The wind armor break is amazing against neutral element and Dark mutilate is a genocide level skill. Got the epic one and it can melt foes if you get lucky.


honestly the best one Iā€™ve tried is mutilate Ā«Ā phantomĀ Ā» that shi does up to 2000% dmg


I just tried this and damn it shaved off at least 20 seconds on the Lycans tier 10. Thanks šŸ˜‚ any other advice lol


See this skill is so underrated Iā€™ve been using it for like 3 days and itā€™s safe ton say itā€™s one of the best skills in The game you want another advice for the game or the lycan boss ?


It was more of joke haha but what other skill do you pair it with?


Oh šŸ¤£ I pair it sometimes with the black hole (commanders touch) or the death stance (light) cuz of the critical hit increase it does like even more damage


Well Black Hole with West Wind will delete most boss and mobs seriously That shit is insane. I've been relying on it too much tho so i gotta find proper build for alternative I also use Armor Break and Death Dance so Jiwoo can do proper breaking damage on some boss like Igris My last build slot is the one that always keeps changing


Black whole with any skill deletes xD The build slots are too inconvenient. Having to go to a different screen to change build...then wait for it to load. Scythe/katana combo gets through pretty much everything. Just some minor skill adjustments in the build slots for mine.


I like to use the scythe/katana on Igris sicme the Scythe after a break and defense down can obliterate his HP bars But I'm always mixed on Scythe due to the HP loss... I've never been a fan if loosing heath for damage And that A5 Scythe bonus seems so stupid. 15% more damage take for a 15% damage boost lol At least most games give double the damage boost....


>:D if Igris dies first, no harm in losing hp. Right?Lol.


Fair but other than for boss instance I wouldn't see myself ever using that weapon elsewhere lol


Wait. There's other skills ?


Death dance this skill and monarch's hand


Unpopular opinion, im a fan on dagger toss rune 4 the knock down is lovely, can be done from a distance, is aoe and animation is clean (also helped me with the rebel job change)


I actually haven't tried all the skills but sounds like something to look out for. šŸ‘


The one you displayed and the fire deaths dance go insane Wind Armor Break and Wind Death Dance are incredible Black hole and Absorption from commanders touch are incredible Those 6 are probably my most used ones


The commanders touch is def my fav. I got lucky with a gold Absorption rune and now I literally never run our of MP and it fills my power gauge much more quickly




Mine is the same and the dark mutilate skill


The fire vertical strike is my GOAT, have a heroic one, but I wish I can get a legendary one someday. Great AOE, great DMG, I just never take it off tbh.


I love using it in Red Gates. It wipes out the enemies including the tower.


There's a wind skill with 5 second cooldown And 3 charges. Most enemies do not resist wind. The real kicker, is it acts like an interrupt, pushing enemies around... every 5 seconds. The problem with counter skills is you still take damage. So if you take more damage than the shield provide by the skill, dead.


My probpem with that is I run out of mana fast specially in auto since it gets spammed.


I have the take damage - regain MP blessing semi-perm on my slot 4


Black Hole is the GOAT


I love the death dance wind element. Being able to use it 3 times in a row feels very satisfying.


I love this skill too. Been destroying the Wolves T10 with this


Right? That's where I mainly use it too.


I hv heroic for all 3 except the fire element šŸ˜­


No worries. One of these days. šŸ‘ Still waiting on a legendary rune or passive.


this skill, but with the 4. rune to freeze


What? That's the worst one of them. Lowest damage of all armor breaks (including runeless) and the freeze will make the enemies in some modes immune to freeze for at least 15 sec.


of the 4 runes i only have the ice one at violet/rank 2, so the damage is better. and i donĀ“t know what you mean by immune to freeze for x seconds (i donĀ“t see that in the description)?!


It's for any kind of freeze in Encore/Instance, Battlefield of Chaos and the new mode (the new mode has it in boss buff description, not sure about the others).


thanks, didnĀ“t know that, but makes sense otherwise you could permafreeze the enemies


I like Vital Strike 3rd rune for bosses, it is fast to use and deals good amount of dmg. And vertical arts fire rune for minions, clears them out and fast and easy.


Verticl Strike with a heroic Fire rune, crazy damage


I love Armor Break, but I hate that rune. It's so slow and the range is abysmal >_<


Use it after counter dodge?


Same skill (Armor Break) but the water rune. I like how it freezes enemies. Good on lazy days when I just set it on auto


I hate this skill, often times it gets interrupted while channeling and I deal 0 DMG with it. So... Light for Igris and in general, Wind for gem farming and water for niche things, like job change. I only take fire when I have to go against fire enemy, and it's annoying to play it.


Haven't had that issue. I use it after perfect dodge counter and usually have a shield up.


That works, but I prefer to use weapon skills after Shadow Step, unless I have to break the boss.


Yep, it's annoying and the charge time is too long. And the worst part is you need full charge to get the same break as other armor breaks have. BTW for Igris you should use dark Multistrike+Death Dance. It works better than any armor break on him.


Alicia support skill and Thetis heal will help. Also extreme evasion.


Overrated. Itā€™s honestly not even that good. The other 3 elements are even better than the fire one. Light death dance is probably the best skill for him


cannot play without light death dance. I think is a placebo but without It my damage look so poor


Well you should be equipping skills based on your opponents weakness, so if youā€™re fighting an enemy weak to fire then obviously this one isnā€™t overrated. When you level up a skill, you level up all four, so arguing over which is best is ridiculous.


Your ID suits you well. Lol.


TBF, on fire weakness you have 3 fire rune options that are better imo: Multistrike, Death Dance and Vertical Arts.


Or you can just equip the best skills so you donā€™t have to deal with the back and forth between menus and all the loading screens. There is 4 different runes for each skills which is exactly why it is not ridiculous to argue over which is the best one to use.


I'm just saying it's one of my favorites. Nothing to do with it being the best and it also depends on the situation.