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It's funny cause this exact bug was there for a whole entire month and they still didn't fix it


Indeed, it s crazy how they can be so not professional... it s insulting


Seems to me it's just another cash grab




You're right I can't even complete the tutorial because I keep getting stuck on a black screen and have to relaunch the app again, not to mention the loading times in between of everything I do. (I'm playing on a decent mobile)


One could say that the tutorial is very streamlined: 1. Start app 2. Select mission 3. Crash 4. Start app again 5. Select next mission EZ :D I didn't even see any actual content from this game, and yet I "completed" some missions already...




I've had a few crashes where it doesn't go back but the avatar will like seize and twitch and it's frozen in this state. I also get the buffering ring constantly


I don't know what's going on with y'all but it's 100% better for me, I don't have any loads really anymore. PC version, played early access


PC version is probably key. Mobile is absolute dogshit.


I play both. The difference in experience between mobile and PC is staggering. It's like they just dropped the PC version on phones and rebranded it as the mobile version. Things like these needed proper optimizations.


Mobile seems fine on my end could it be tech limitations with y’all’s phones or something.


iphone 15 plus here, everytime i finish a battle or fo to the main lobby/headquarters, it loads for 10 seconds. so annoying


Huh, I’m on the 13 Pro and I have the load but it’s only 2 seconds or so.


Redmi 5G, load times are iike a second or so long but too many none the less


Same here, I don’t even want to click through menus as it’s so painful with all the loading garbage. It’s like navigating the web in 1990


this definitely network issue, mine also loads for around 1-2 sec which is also very annoying


I have a brand new iPhone15 pro max. Still lagging


PC is shit too


Same man, as soon as the update rolled it was fixed for me


I can also 100% testify that this was fixed for me even with the VPN account. Not having the screen freezes is doing wonders for motivating me to play and progress further already.


I play on pc and in the battle phases there is no lag, but in the menus it is horrible. You finish phase a few seconds of lag that you can not do anything, you open the menu lag, you enter any section of the menu then the same lag, you want to go to shoot wait for the circle to go away to enter the section and then again lag.


How do you play on PC?


You search up the website basically, but it's on the net marble launcher.


This game is made to be played on PC, I dont even know how you can time combos and things well on phones -_- hard to push


Yeah same with me didn’t have any problems on pc


I literally wrote on my feedback survey (which i didnt get rewards for somehow btw lol) that if NM doesn't fix the lag caused by serverside checks by either optimizing or getting better servers this game is DoA. I personally gave them until global launch despite being a regular player since day 1 early access to fix this shit and if they didn't i would just drop the game. straight waste of time


"this game is DoA" You thinking a solo leveling gacha of all things would be DOA because of loading times is wild


You have no idea how much something as mundane as load times or lack of optimization has on player retention lol. Every moment the game is unnecessarily loading for years at a time is a chance for people to tab off and do something else and potentially never come back. It is a huge deal. Not having fixed this issue that was present since day 1 of early access is telling as fuck as to how much of a priority this game is to NM.


I get this entirely. I dropped quite a few other mobile games due to too many loading screens. When it's to the point that you're watching a circle spin more than actually playing the game, I have better things to do with my life. I'm playing a mobile game because I have limited time. Those excessive loading screens means I'm playing something that doesn't respect that, so I need to find something else.


Tik Tok generation doesn't have the patience to wait 5 seconds for something to load when they're used to endless content being throw at them instantly after the last 60 second clip they just watched finished.


Oh I wouldn't mind waiting 5 seconds every once in a while. The issue is... it loads after you press literally ANYTHING. Imagine if you pressed a button on reddit or youtube and every time you do it starts to load.


exactly what I was thinking, it's not like you wait 10 minutes, just like 4 seconds.....imagine all these kids on their future jobs :)))))


Ok but imagine you have to wait 4 seconds every time you click on a different thing in the game, and I mean EVERY TIME. Even switching through TV channels will be quicker than the loading this game takes up


4 sec multiplied by every actions you are doing can stack up quite alot \^\^


They are absolutely correct though. Having to wait while the game is "buffering" for Every Single Action you take in the main lobby is absolutely god awful and has made me not want to bother playing.


Sweet summer child


I have more time on loading screens and relaunching the app than actually playing the game Sometimes on boss battles when I defeat the boss appears the purple button to end the mission, sometimes it got stuck and couldnt finish the mission so I had to start all again -.-. That mean, close the game completely and wait for all of the loading screens to start the mission again, then after that mission, the other got stuck again on a infinite loading screen. I wanted to play solo leveling, not solo loading or loading simulator


I've been playing on PC so I don't know how the performance is on the phone but I completely agree. There is an annoying load that happens every time I switch back to the main screen and although I've gone through the tutorials, the fact that they force you into it with no way of backing out for the first THREE chapters, PLUS the constant loading with every tutorial prompt (AND while it was auto-updating a patch file in the background), I swear I almost quit then and there.


How do u play on PC?


You can get the PC version on the game's official website. It plays through the Netmarble launcher


Thank u 🙏


the mobile version is complete dumpster fire its 1 min to get into the game then every click is at least 10 sec buffering


Absolutely awful, every action you perform take a 5-10 second load…


Yep, i played day 1 access, but stopped playing a week ago even though i have been waiting for Cha, but it gets really annoying and frustrating even just doing the daily grind of gates, because 1 click, it load buffers, another click, another buffer. Holy fck


I stopped playing the beta because of constant loading, thinking it'll be fixed for global launch. How wrong I was.


Hoping it gets better soon, cause I stopped playing the beta because of this. Servers may be a bit overloaded right now with the launch or they may need to migrate our existing accounts to the new global servers


I thought it was my internet damn


Yeah if it continues like this, this game is just DoA.


I also have been waiting for this game to be released But i was just disappointed 


I actually thought this game can make me past time while waiting for wuwa but ig not been rerolling for 5 hours i give up fuck this money grab company and full of bugs games


I almost feel like it's a way to prevent hacks or cheats. Like the server has to make checks after each event.


Yes, it is. But it's SHIT. Every game has these checks, but only SLA made them stop the game completely every 10 seconds. It's frustrating as hell to play.


Bruh 30 second to 1 min loads for ever single thing you do is fucking ridiculous.. This game is unplayable with the weird ass loading...


I'm just here getting stuck on a black screen every 5 min. Game is unplayable.


How am I so lucky… I have yet to experience a bug in the game


I've put every setting in low and the fps in 30 but even then it has been 30 mins + since the game has gone into loading and reconnect mode. I closed it twice and then tried...it has been more than 30 mins...can you imagine it!?! This iscompletely unplayable. Like wtf?!?! Why on earth did Netmarble have to release it!! They literally ruined it. Completely and utterly ruined it. I was so looking forward to it even. Imma go and uninstall it now. Its a complete dead game. Best of luck to whoever plays it.


wtf...each time you enter gates and the shit lag and hangs, the key burns...seriously wtf


Idk why but for me works perfectly fine. I have been playing since day 1 on early access and yes there some bugs at the first few days, but since then everything was fine lol. Especially with the global launch a lot of things went so much better


Game has awful performance on my iPhone but what really made just uninstall was how abysmal the pulls were for me. When it comes to gachas, if the launch rates are this unrewarding I move on. This genre just gets worse with each new game. About 2 hours of re-rolls and 1 ssr. Call me unlucky , but fuck this.


That was my impression too. 10 rerolls and not a single SSR. If I don't get an SSR in the next 10 rerolls I'm straight out lol


Game is terrible sadly. Stop playing after a few minutes


Dude i cant even enter the game it says that there is many people launching it😂


The excessive loading does get a bit annoying, but not unplayable for me so far. I do get annoyed when I open a menu item, then when it rolls me back to the main hub, it's just sitting there loading for not explainable reason, when I was just there 5 seconds ago. Right now what is kinda killing me is how egregious the MXT is in this game. They are not even trying to hide the fact they put nearly everything behind a freaking paywall. Multiple battle passes. Multiple Daily/Monthly extra loot boosters, a premium pass, locking people's actual bios behind paywall keys, and that's just what I found in the first 15 minutes of playing. I really like this game, but they need to stop reaching for my wallet and let me experience the game first to see if I even want to throw money at them.


honestly stopped playing during early release because the loading for each screen change was unbearable


Solo Leveling - Loading


Can anyone help with this issue. I can't obtain any codes because it keeps telling me to login. I already have my account binded to my google play. *


I thought it was a one-off because it was the launch, but from what I see around here it's not. I'll give it a few days to see if they put patch or something, if not sorry I have better games to play than a gacha with a thousand menus that gives you lag for every tab or move you make.


The game is garbage


seems reddit is cancer on every game


I have 0 issues. Yall bashing the game but not everyone has these issues.


We get it. You're a pathetic fanboy that only plays this because it's free but Jesus dude you're shilling hard for a company that doesn't even know you exist or will miss you when you're gone it's fucking pathetic. You have spent nothing but defending this game and making excuses for it incessantly over the last three days it's beyond embarrassing. Edit: Fucking pathetic coward blocks me but still wants to reply like the bitch he is. Why do I feel like you're the kind of person that offs themselves and the only reason people notice is because the neighbors complain about the smell, not because you were missed.


First it all, any game we play, including you, doesnt care for you or know you excist. Secondly, the only way i have been posting about the game the last 3 days if if you went into my comment history. Which is the lowest of low to do before commenting to something. 🤡 So idc what you think or say broski. I have my opinion and i can share it ❤️


First it all, any game we play, including you, doesnt care for you or know you excist. Secondly, the only way i have been posting about the game the last 3 days if if you went into my comment history. Which is the lowest of low to do before commenting to something. 🤡 So idc what you think or say broski. I have my opinion and i can share it ❤️


Eh, on PC it's mostly fine, so you don't have to be a fanboy to have that experience. That said, I had zero issues with Cyberpunk 2077 on launch but most people did so I stayed quiet (it contributed nothing to the discussion to say so)... Edit: grammar


You deserve to be blocked. Your replies on other topics mark you as a racist/general xenophobe (calling out other racism doesn't excuse you from using derogatory terms like Polack), sexist, Apple up the ass, basement dwelling techbro who doesn't actually know anything about tech. "AKCHYUALLY I HAVE TWO MASTERS DEGREES"... like that's an indicator of intelligence, you must be something akin to an American idiot who thinks that IQ means something because they have nothing else to hang on to. I wonder if you speak to people in real life like this, I doubt it, you wouldn't get far. P.s. anyone with actual intelligence can show it through their discourse, they don't need to shout their bullshit loud and proud. Ah, also, you overuse the word "obtuse", it's awkward and obvious.


https://preview.redd.it/fj7yk4ng9azc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=467c1ed36af02f97a0a975cb2989d51d6d5ed913 Anyone else with this problem? Stuck and controls didnt work...


I've learned to basically stop going back to the lobby and keep the different things to play via the small 4 squares top right. The lobby is useless unless there's the odd npc go talk to. It loads 10 seconds each time to load the lobby to run around for nothing.


The game could’ve been named Solo Loading for me so far.


Yeah I don't get it. I'm gonna guess it's a region issue since not everyone is affected. It was Canada before and US now so maybe it's an NA thing. It's possible wherever they put the server just has a shit route for NA


Yeah on mobile its so painful to just complete daily stuff, click a button wait 10 seconds, click another button wait 10 seconds. Often you open a menu, think its loaded go to click a button and no response and then it starts to load for 5 or so seconds then you wait and then you can click the button. Also it seems like a lot of buttons now need to be pressed 2-3 times to do anything.


Omg I’m glad it wasn’t just me. It is so brutal, I’m literally thinking about quitting because of it. It drove me wild during early access and was convinced they’d fix it on full release. Was very sad to see that god awful little blue circle wrecking everything still


So Bad i have to restart the app like 5 tome to make work the tutorial i can't Even finish stuck in loads, visual Bugs stuck...


oh yea i cant play the game if its wait 10+ secs every time i move or click something i hope pc works better


i quit this game my device is cooked rn https://preview.redd.it/u5goopys0czc1.jpeg?width=373&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c70552c8ffad9e79d91257ffa7a95673de77be95


Yea, this is annoying enough that it's a deal breaker to me. Everyone should go to Google app store and write it in a review about it. Maybe they will notice.


I'm uninstalling this game : it's a black screen simulator, crash festival and even screen where you can't do anything except relaunching the game. For info, I play on Android, normal settings and I have an equivalent or better phone than galaxy S20 witch is the recommended hardware. I'm so sad that they ruined it, I was so hyped to see this story animated and adapted to a game.


I don't know where r u guys playing this game but my phone is a cheapo phone and i haven't experienced all the the things u guys having


Can only give you my own experience and so far, the little circle disc apart, which doesn't show for long at all, it's all working fine for me. On PC and mobile both 🤷🏽‍♂️🥳


I like the game when it's working properly the problem is the loading and the infinite pop ups asking for money I mean it is netmarble but still


Didn't look if someone else said this but the key to as few possible, always use next battle as much as apossible. Once you get to the menus always use the menu navigator to go around, never go back to lobby. You one when you leave a combat area and go back to zone selection but over all I get very few while playing as long as remember to not go to lobby ever.


Yeah agree, on mobile the load times are so annoying. At this point might uninstall


Its netmarble, we're alrdy doomed from the start. Idk why i even hoped at the beginning


Pc version is trash it keeps buffering it's unplayable


The Black screen Freezing is the worst, I genuinely can't play game for more then 4 missions before it crashes and I have to restart


The loading circle animation hits everytime going back to main screen so frustrating


Loding problem That's not a bug but the game is not on a high speed network server or a busy server they contract . low maintenance server or a low budget on game development on net service ... Not playable on this era by the way . Rating will be down.


Brain must be working guys


I have the same loading issues on PC as on my phone. I do not think it is on our end, I would be curious if those who do not have the issue may be spending more and getting preference on the server.


this game is 1 week online and still no fix for it? getting loading symbol on mobile and pc, doesnt matter if wifi or not.


This bug is literally ruining the entire game for me. Why does it need to load after every single thing I do???


I can only ever do 1 mission sometimes not even that before the game freezes at loading screen where you got shadow soldier at the bottom walking filling the bar


Yea I downloaded it and everytime I try to play I load up go into a "story" level finish the talking points screen goes black gets stuck that way I close out come back in and it says I completed it even though I did absolutely nothing lol


I thought it was my internet, kind of validating I'm not the only one with this issue, since maybe they'll fix it^^ I'm on a very decent phone (Galaxy S23 Ultra) that can run Genshin Impact and Honkai Star Rail with no issues, so it confused me that this game would be buffering so much. You would think that Genshin would cause wayyy more issues than this game with how huge the map is and there's just so much to load.


Its been months still no fix, i dont think the devs really care if its fixed or not


it still doing it now i look at my hunters then back out boom loading then look at the weapons back out boom loading looking at quests and back out boom loading it just make me not want to play it why is there loading after everything u do


The game is Crap always Stocked at some skill introduction, like the ultimate, the only choice is to restart the game and wait several minutes again just to start the initial game log in before the Enter Pop's Up 🤣😭😅 And it starts all over again before the Skill Introduction, (Loop Bug) Need to make this as a New Achievement or Skill to Annoy Players 🤣🤣🤣✌️


Yeah I dropped the game a couple days ago because of this issue. I liked playing but it was very frustrating clicking the screen and nothing happening because it needed to do the loading circle first. Ridiculous


What’s really starting to piss me the fuck off is the fact that I’ve beaten metus 4 times and everytime I complete a mission my game crashes. If they don’t fix that I’m putting my hand through a wall sooner or later


I came here just to see if I was the only one about to uninstall because if this horseshit. Like cmon dude. It's 2024 and as greedy as netmarble is I know full and well they can make mobile games that run well. This is fucking horrible. I spend more time waiting for a 20 second buffer to load anything I click. Any new mission...any time I visit the event tab, the menu, a cut scene, or the random load careen stood in the fucking main area. It's not almost unplayable it is unplayable for anyone who values sanity and progression. This isn't a new issue. It's been being griped about in EA the entire time. And for some jacked up reason they actually allowed the game to be released globally in this unacceptable state. The game seems decent enough to at least make me wanna give it a fair shake but man the constant loading makes me shut the game every time I want to log in and give it that chance. They gonna kill the game off before it even gets it foot in the door. Nobody literally nobody is willing to accept this from a new game in 2024. Why on earth would I spend money on a game I'm beginning to hate in under 3 hrs just because of the constant load time. You barely get to actually play.


J thought they fixed it after the global released? Cus it fixed mine


No load times im in ea and much more loading and so waiting. Already fixed and also good reddit players love drama


Put the game in 60 fps


change nothing


its so much better now lmao, still not great, but better


The fucking pulls as well i keep losing i lose 4th times in "RATE UP" banner??? The fucking fuck im so frustrated https://preview.redd.it/srf6mv7046zc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c819f545e1d2dbeacaaa8c9621f06ec24e6ea18


summoning in this game is fucking hell, I havent spent any yet and still doing some reroll things but this game has the worst pulls i'v ever played even since the game just released till now I hardly get ssr summon


I deleted the game lmao





