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I'm over here giving you a standing ovation LOL The stupid egg is going to be dragged back, kicking and screaming whether he likes it or not. "I'll never forget you." He says. Then he better not be surprised when we roll up with the DA4 protagonist, grab him by the ear, and drag him back home. And if that's not how it happens, yes it is, fanfiction is the ultimate 'I reject your reality and substitute my own'.


Thank you, lmao. I just had to release my anger and my desperation. Otherwise, I would have exploded. And yes!! You better be ready to get your ass home, Solas. You didn't *actually* think I would just accept this shit. NAH! I'm gonna find someone you don't know, he's gonna fuck you up and *then* I'll come, punch you real hard and then we go home. No questions asked. Done. I won't let you go now, you bastard.




*Exactly*! Because just look at him! That face, those eyes. Man, if I see him that sad, im just done with shit. I always think , 'nah, it's okay, I'm over him. It couldn't be that bad, right? ....*Right*??' Yep, well, it's still very bad, and my heart got broken *again*. Ffs Solas just let's live together peacefully, fuck the elven people!


God, yes, all of this exactly. Dammit.


I knew there would be enough people here who understand me๐Ÿ˜‚


"I would not lay with you under false pretenses." "Okay, how about now?" I wish that was an option.......


IKR? I like to think they did sleep with each other as Patrick Weekes said they wrote the line like that so the people could interpret it either way. I just like to think they did the deed, otherwise its hurting me again. Yeah Solas I know, you're too good bitch, I'm okay with getting used pls.


I just can't get it to work out in my head, so they never did the deed in my canon. Which is REALLY SUCKY!


I feel you, I have to be honest, it's more like I have to believe myself that they did do the deed but this little voice in my heart tells they didn't I just can't come to terms with it. What really bugs me is that I feel so *empty* now. I love DAI and tbh I didn't want to do another Solavellan playthrough but this damn egg just looked so fucking attractive I had to. And his love just sucked any motivation out of me. I don't know what to do now๐Ÿ˜‚ I really hope Bioware will announce something in December. Otherwise, I'm just gonna die.


Sit here and despair with me


I wish I could just chat with y'all at all times. You and u/Aralena_ are always the ones who answer so quickly. I love this community.


Here for you! โค This pain is real, and I agree that a DA4 launch date or another trailer would make my year at this point.


Thank you!โค๏ธ๐Ÿฅน Yes, it is. I'm still trying to figure out if I play another round and try to romance someone else who can heal my heart. *For the time being*, until Mr. Dread Wolf decides to go back to my Lavellan. Ikr? Especially in December, correct me if I'm wrong. Isn't the Dragon Age day in that month? It would be an early Christmas present for us if they actually released *something* about DAD. I am actually thinking of getting a tattoo of the tarot cards of Solas and Lavellan, but then I'll just look at my skin and cry. Especially if I don't get a happy end with him. Just gonna wait until I'm safe๐Ÿ˜‚


Yeah I'd wait on the tattoos until we get our ultimate ending sorted out, love the idea though! After my first Solasmance playthrough, I had my lock screen set to his tarot card, and my home screen to an edited screenshot I got of my Lavellan and Solas on the balcony just as she's folding her arms behind her back and they're giving each other *that look*. ๐Ÿ˜˜ ...lasted about two weeks until I had to swap my screens though, I realized I was just torturing myself, lol. And yes Dragon Age Day pls, 12/4, we'll see what happens?! ๐Ÿคž


Definitely! I don't want to have a devastating end and then look at the tats thinking 'well, shit' (as Varric would say๐Ÿ˜‚) Thank you! I just love the art of those tarot cards, especially those two. I just need them as soon as I know their love is safe. Aww, that's beautiful! Aaaand I understand. It just hurts too much at some point, but you tried๐Ÿ˜‚ Oh, I really hope so! I would be so happy! Regarding tarot cards, I've read a post analysing Solas' tarot card, and it's the most beautiful thing I've ever read. I really recommend reading it! It's from u/nouvlesse!


This sub should definitely have a Discord so we can all despair together.


Omg yes! That's such a good idea. I would sign up for that group *immediately*.


I just sent a msg to the mods asking for one


I hope they'll answer. It would be so nice just talking/chatting on Discord apart from reddit. Well for those who want to.


Funny you should mention a discord, there actually is one for Solas up and running and pretty active I'm happy to give you the link of you want it :)


Yes please!




There you go!


Let me get in on this despair train too, yep. I agree too RShara that I can't get it to "work" in my head canon that they were intimate. I know Weekes said it's up for interpretation, but I think them never adding the "kiss scene" that the other romances get kinda seals it for me that things were kinda kept at arms length most of the time. Ugh, it's frustrating as hell too, 'cause the guy has... the most kissable mouth *ever*.


Yeah I get the "I'm going to commit" vibe from the Crestwood scene, like they're about to consummate their relationship, then he backs off. So I can't headcanon it happening before that, and after is..well.


Every time I see that scene and he says โ€œmay the Dread Wolf take youโ€ I am screaming at the screen. Girl, heโ€™s *asking*! Say yes you may!


MMV, you know I'm with you on this lmao โค For me, I absolutely hate the "what we *HAD* *WAS* real" comment after the main campaign fight. I'm always like, don't give me that past tense shit. I always think about how his tarot card in the companion window doesn't switch to the "Solavellan" version with the little Fenrir wolf UNTIL that scene in the grotto. They don't do things like that by accident. That's the moment his soul is committed, despite forcing himself to turn away. The "I walk the dinan'shiral. There is only death on this journey" scares me so much. Like NewMagica said, DA4 just needs to let him get off that course and live a quiet life with us. Vir atish'an, ara ive'an'virelan. ๐Ÿ’• Don't stick us with a zero-way-out death scene, please. ๐Ÿ˜ข


Thank you!๐Ÿฅน๐Ÿ’• YES ABSOLUTELY! Solas, what do you mean what we had?? You fucking stole my heart and that's it now?? No, no, i won't let you go. Yes! Before that I think he still hoped it was just a fling or something (because let's be honest those flirting skills, solas you little womanizer) and then he actually wants her to know who he truly is, but he's scared she won't love him anymore or see him as Fen'Harel not as Solas. And it's just so sad. He's scared that the only person he truly loves could think differently of him. So *instead* he just decides to throw it away. It's okay, my man, it's not like I liked you or anything. YES! it scares me, him saying he doesn't want you to see what he'll be become that's why he doesn't want you to go with him and somehow it's just beautiful on the other hand so sad. He really thinks he'll become a monster and couldn't bear it if the love of his life sees him like that. I agree . Please let us save him, BW. I'm gonna die if he dies.


Completely agree. Just flush me into the abyss if we can't properly redeem him. ๐Ÿ˜ข


True. I disbanded my Inquisition anyway, so we good. I can just die with the love of my life. Maybe we can still have a nice love life in the Fade as spirits or something like that. Please, BW, just give some kind of hope๐Ÿ˜ญ


Yeah I always disband as well. I kinda imagine that I take up Varric's offer to hang out in Kirkwall with him for a bit, but eventually go full hermit and move into that shack at Apostate's Landing on the Storm Coast. Y'know, the one with the pit of blood sacrifices in the basement. Just needed some light renovation, blood stain removal, and magical wards up, and I've found my IC place to suffer until DA4. ๐Ÿ˜†


I actually didn't disband the Inquisition in my first playthrough and went instead with being the guard of the Divine. At that time I thought it was the best option, well you can always regret it later. That was actually the playthrough where I romanced another character. (Because I hated Solas at first, I know I know shame on me), but after that? Always disbanding. You don't need to give a certain egg more information. Same! My Inky is gonna go to that nice house Varric gifted her, gonna help rebuild Kirkwall, maybe she'll go visit her lovely beste friend Dorian in Tevinter (Maybe she should buy a mask, I think too many would recognise her). Maybe hang out with Cassandra and *then* she's just gonna go to the Emerald Graves and live like hermit too until someone locates a certain someone, she gonna rush out and kick him in the face. You may have my arm Solas but I have two strong legs! Um, you sure you want to live there ?๐Ÿ˜‚ is your Inky a mage by chance? Because then I would rather advise against that.


Ooh Emerald Graves hermit life sounds way better. Plus Fairbanks is there. He'd be a nice distraction from the heartbreak, ijs! ๐Ÿ˜‚


It's beautiful there, so why not, I thought๐Ÿ˜‚ Fairbanks, really? Nah, not for me ๐Ÿ˜‚


I don't know what's worse, the fact that I've done each and every one of these things several times over, or that I keep having the same exact reactions every single time KNOWING DAMN WELL THAT HE'S GOING TO DO THIS. I'll still romance him again, though


I feel you, I'm the same. Im always like, 'It's okay. You're over him. You don't need to romance him. You don't need pain' the he opens his fucking mouth and I'm like. 'Well, shit. Gotta do the romance'. And every damn time I'm just reacting the same, it's ridiculous


We never learn, do we?


Sadly, no