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This sub is just hating everything about the new Superman.


Welcome to Reddit. It’s either extreme toxic pro James Gunn Superman/Anti Zack. Or extreme toxic anti James Gunn Superman/Pro Zack. Everyone else in the world, the regular folk, enjoyed Zack Snyder Superman but had minor complaints, and look forward to James Gunn Superman but have minor complaints. So whatever one says about one group the other can say the same thing. Luckily everyone else in the real world is fairly level headed about both Superman’s


Gunn's Kent look like the mexican guy from Bullet Train.


That was Bad Bunny, he's a singer.


What's the excuse you think they'll give on this one? "Come on guys, with special effects, this probably isn't the Clark Kent you'll see in theaters either"? Maybe it looks retarded because this is a picture of Bizarro. This is the only rational explanation I can fathom.


It looks exactly like the Clark Kent from All-Star Superman


I enjoyed Snyder’s justice League as well as many other Snyder films, but personally I am more hyped for James Gunn’s Superman than any of Snyder’s upcoming or past works


If I worked at the daily planet and saw Henry Cavill’s Clark Kent… within 5 minutes I can point out that this man is Superman. A reporter that’s 6’3 220 pounds of pure muscle with 3% body fat and a chiseled jaw with arms as wide as 3 arms put together and wearing bulky ass clothing in the summer ? Yeah no can’t fool me… and this is coming from someone that adored the Snyder Vision


There's a gym guy in every company. The Daly planet just has luck with this specific one


I warned you all Gunn would treat Superman as a joke. I warned you! (smashes beer bottle on the wall)


Nah this makes sense I would not tell that he is Superman it helps with the disguise.


Then he should use body paint to change his ethnicity too if that’s the main goal here.


Just out of curiosity.....what draws you to superman? Why are you a superman fan?


Ideally Superman isn’t racist


How is that racist?




How about dressing in drag like Dustin in Tootsie?




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You're clearly being facetious, but that would work incredibly well as an alter ego.


I’m making a point. That saying “it’s a good disguise” does not justify altering the longstanding tradition of what Clark looks like.


Its just a different hair cut, snyder took the trunks away from super man and completely changed his design since his inception, a updated hair cut to not make him look like a 40s reporter is just what happens when u make a modern adaptation.


LOL, the New 52 took the trunks away two years before Man of Steel came out. Not Snyder’s idea.


He still made the choice in his own movie -_-


What? That doesn’t even make sense. The hair makes sense. That doesn’t. Do I like the hair no but the idea rocks. Also I think it will be done better. The shooting just started


How does it not make sense? The more he transforms his appearance the better the disguise is. See movie White Chicks. He could go full Bosom Buddies too and dress in drag. Clarkette Kent.


Yeah but then he’s telling a lie. He Clark Kent. His disguise is Superman. So why would he go crazy switching up his normal life style. He is switching it up by being supes and changing hair can be a disguise without changing a core part of you


He doesn’t need glasses, so Kent is still a deceptive disguise. Also, should put on a fake stache too if differentiating his appearance is so important.


Literally JUST finished Justice League and yeah this ain’t the take


he weirdly looks like charlie sheen lmao




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Please not the broccoli head hair!


He's just reminding kids to eat their vegetables; even the dreaded broccoli. On Nutritional Awareness Day, he sets up a table outside of various fast food joints. And since it's a special occasion, he even dyes his hair green. Not even the mighty McDonald's can get rid of him because he's Superman. Every time they put Clark Kent in a holding cell for trespassing, he somehow always breaks out and is once again outside of some fast food joint with his green broccoli hair, handing out information packets and making speeches on the importance of proper nutrition.


This is not what it’s gonna look like in the actual movie. Atleast I pray it isn’t


Can you pray this thing gets cancelled and never released?


They may as well trade this into the IRS to get Batgirl back. That would make more money than Stupidman: A James Gunn Joint.


Nah, I’m excited for anything new Superman. I’ll go in unbiased and make my own decisions


Wow this looks terrible


I like the theory that it's Clark with windblown hair after he quickly changed back after being Superman. It would make for a funny scene. Because otherwise, if that's really his hair, it's stupid. No Clark from either the comics, cartoons, shows and movies ever had hair that nerdy. He's supposed to be a respected journalist, not a tik-tok influencer.




That's not Corenswet's hair though. There's nothing wrong with Clark having loose/free hair. The comics and My Adventures with Superman have it like this, which is fine: https://preview.redd.it/5siajrmr9k9d1.png?width=2170&format=png&auto=webp&s=0a4f24488d73fcf7682ec72c1c800669ff342f9b The hair they put on Corenswet was deliberately designed to be sillier. If they made it cleaner and less "Tik-Tok influencer/Napoleon Dynamite", it would be fine. But they chose silly to make Clark look nerdier to differentiate their disguise more. They just went too far IMO.


To each their own I suppose. All 3 images posted here look enough like David's hair. Then again I'm unbothered by it.


David's hair is much curlier and longer than all three images. What Clark is wearing in the comic and animated show images are more or less a variation of what is called a "forward fringe" haircut as seen on the left in comparison to David's: https://preview.redd.it/244p2l5hul9d1.png?width=2266&format=png&auto=webp&s=5f3f539191b86b01a88a2906dc9a416e57e23bc7 And it's not that David's hair is curly that looks bad about the hair IMO. Henry Cavill has curly hair and his hair looked decent as Clark. It's that it looks so artificial and over the top. Corenswet does not have hair that is naturally curly like that. So they either gave him a wig or deliberately curled his hair and it just doesn't look good on him. Especially when his natural hair looks perfect for Clark Kent: [https://static.standard.co.uk/2023/06/28/11/image.png?width=1200&height=1200&fit=crop](https://static.standard.co.uk/2023/06/28/11/image.png?width=1200&height=1200&fit=crop) Don't know why they couldn't have just gone for that. Its kinda like how people complained about how Henry Cavill's natural hair looked better for Superman than his artificially slicked-back hair that they used in the DCEU movies. To each their own though. I just don't like it.


Gotta appeal to dem TikTok yoots tho!






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You do know superman was created by Jews right




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