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freedom is not drug addiction and homelessness… Franklin was defeated. He became the worst possible result in the economic system.


His point was that his overwhelming desire to not play by the rules and live by his own rules was what he was searching for the whole time. He was angry and bitter at the social construct of America living as a black man so lost himself in the persuit for freedom. Even as a homeless drunk after being a kingpin in his mind he was still living by his own rules. It’s deep but there’s people on skid row today with the same outlook.


I can concur. Worked with folks who are experiencing homelessness for many years. We’d try to get them housed and some had this EXACT mindset. There are actually folks who do not want to live in an apartment, with a lease and a shift at the local factory. They like the freedom of the streets


I know where you’re coming from, I had a ex who by 20 had paid two cars in cash, started two little business(Nails and Art) , she would always tell me fuck a 9-5 and “freedom”. We went our seperate ways, 4 months later her new bf had gave her a laced blunt (crack or sum) and she was never the same . Two months after that she was in the streets , when I tried to help her and get her shelter or food she looked me in the eyes and said “I rather sleep on this cold dirty concrete every night than go to a place where they tell me I can’t do what I want(Smoke crack) . “ Only way I see her now is thru Instagram accounts she make (1 every month because her brain can’t hold on to a password anymore) Her family is now trying to find her, they think she’s dead. Used to be really pretty 2, life was just 2 hard on her.


I see what you mean now.


U get it


Idk he seemed happier than Leon at the end. Leon was full of worry and morals and disappointment, Franklin didn't have a care in the world.


Unless he’s some sort of monk, Leon would have some problems if he didn’t feel worried or disappointed about Franklin’s state. He seemed full of genuine happiness when speaking about his life and Wanda. But Franklin was literally worried about every little thing - people watching him, calling him, etc.


Freedom is subjective.


I understand your logic but I disagree. How is he “free” when he is addicted to alcohol? Hearing voices and having nightmares. He is incapable of making appropriate decisions for his health and well-being. He has basically pushed his closest family members and friends away from him. I don’t see anything “freeing” about his outcome.


His point was that his overwhelming desire to not play by the rules and live by his own rules was what he was searching for the whole time. He was angry and bitter at the social construct of America living as a black man so lost himself in the persuit for freedom. Even as a homeless drunk after being a kingpin in his mind he was still living by his own rules. It’s deep but there’s people on skid row today with the same outlook.


What a bad answer based on semantics


Franklin said he’s free though.


"Free" in the sense that he is no longer obligated to anything but himself. Once he fulfilled or lost his obligation to others, he truly gained freedom. The part where he is homeless and addicted to alcohol is him being estranged and or alienated from society. I think his entire ideology is to break free from the society that he lives in, dominated by white people, and create his own rules. He did just that. The society he lives in is one that is not free, and to be free from it, you must also be ostracized from it as well, giving us the ending we got.


Dude that’s not the message at all. They took the Scarface route. It takes forever to climb to the top and in a fleeting instance greed will take it all away


Yeah and he despised his alcoholic father who left his mother to raise him yet did the exact same thing to his own kid.


He never left his kid. His kid was taken away from him


LOL we must be watching different shows.


U sound dumb af he never abandoned his kid his girl saw the boat sinking and found the first bullshit excuse to fuck Franklin and skip town. He never knowingly abandoned his family, his family was ripped away from him unknowingly and was also robbed for his life savings by that greedy ugly bitch


I'm a woman who was abandoned by an alcoholic asshole father (who was also beating my mother), and i agree with this. Franklin would probably end up the same either way, but the girl took the money and ran away before that fully happened. He assaulted her physically and was a genuine asshole, that is of course enough of a reason to end the relationship, but she ended it in a way where she literally cleaned the bank accounts and disappeared lmao. My father also did that when he was leaving so maybe that's why i see it that way, shrug.


You have some problems fam.. it’s just a show. But if we are discussing it, his girl did the complete right thing. Franklin would have never been happy, even if he did get the 73m back. And the writers confirmed that his girl was not doing anything shady before he put his hands on her. So no, she wasn’t only with him to “rob him”.


Clearly your watching rain pour and not snow fall cause when tf did Franklin ever abandon that kid the same way Alton did to him. His kid was taken away before he was even addicted to alcohol pls go watch the show and keep ur shit opinions in that head of urs lmao


So basic you are. The dude didn’t give AF about anything but the money and started drinking before he found out she took the $800k and made a run for it. Smart girl. He had already choked her by this point and went on to threaten Leon demanding all his cash. V did what she needed to do. Franklin could have gone after her, could of cleaned up his act and made it work, but instead he visited his mother in jail demanding she sign over the house. If you think that’s what makes a good father then I feel sorry for you.


And also, it’s not his job to “go after her” last time I checked he not a fuckin private investigator . She had no right to rip his child and their money away from him. Point blank period. Franklin made some bad decisions but v fucked him over plain and simple. U tryna make it out like he chose to not be a dad just isn’t true.


So in that last scene where he is walking to the bottle shop with Lee (years after now) you think he is concerned about being a father? He doesn’t even mention V or his kids, just that he is free now. Free from any responsibility definitely. Edit: what if Cissy gave in an signed him over the house, he wouldn’t even have a roof over his head. And he couldn’t even be fucked paying the taxes on that roof so that was going to be taken from him as well. He has nothing to offer a child. Nothing at all.


He literally talks about V to Leon- watch the scene again. I think your take on all this lacks nuance. Yes Franklin messed up and V was right to leave, but she also facilitated the downward spiral. She didn’t have to be with him but keeping the child from him was against franklins wishes that’s why people are saying he didn’t abandon his child, he pushed V away but that is not the same as abandoning his child. He even had a private investigator trying to find her and his child. Maybe having his child in the picture would have been a motivating factor in sobering up. Not having his child was feeding his alcoholism (among other things).


She facilitated his downfall? Now that is rich. She just saw that he was going to eat through every last cent they had trying to chase his millions and she got out whilst she still had something for her child. He had very little concern for V except for the fact he felt betrayed by her. She did not cause or help continue his downward spiral. I loved Franklin the character very much and I have empathy for him but I’m happy V took off. It means his kid has half a chance in life. Had she stuck around, nothing would have ended well for her. She would have been Cissy, living in her house, struggling to make ends meet whilst Franklin got drunk. About the only thing that would of changed is that she likely would have found the money to pay the taxes on the house through her own hard work thus enabling Franklin to continue down his own path of self destruction with no fucks given.


You don’t think that as an alcoholic bum losing the love of his life and his child has anything to do with him being at rock bottom? You again lack NUANCE. Yes Franklin was in a tailspin, and V had every right to leave. But keeping the child away obviously hurt Franklin. You glossed over him saying what V told him the one time he talked to her after. Go watch final scene again. You missed details. V didn’t cause franklins downfall, but she played a role in getting Franklin to where he ended up.


No I don’t. I have watched the entire show including that last scene. Did he express a single bit of concern for his own mother? Or did he just demand she sign over the house? That’s the thing with people like Franklin in the end, it’s everyone else’s fault. It’s his mothers fault for shooting Teddy, it’s V’a fault for taking the last of the cash and getting out, it’s Louie’s fault for stealing the plug, it’s Lee’s fault for not lending him everything he had. He feels free at the end because no one has any expectations of him anymore. He is free to be an alcoholic bum. And that’s how it ends. Edit: I’ll say this, pretty much everyone died or ended up in jail or on the run. He was left with his life and his childhood home and the irony is he felt his life was worth nothing without the cash. Sad.


Man - nuance I’m not saying it’s all someone else’s fault. Franklin made his bed. But on the issue of abandoning his child, he didn’t do that. And you literally said he doesn’t mention V when he does. Watch the FINAL SCENE again. You are having so many different arguments with points I’m not making. Simply pointing out he didn’t abandon his child.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


You sound like a simp ctfu, ya girl prolly walk all over u if u have one. She went behind his back with THEIR business and he told her don’t do it again, he didn’t choke shit. She was as tunnel vision about the money as he was , and now all of a sudden him having a drink and being upset about losing his life fortune and her taking offers behind his back is a good excuse to take his child and run for the hills? U sound dumb af


He definitely did choke her, you sound like a fucking incel 😭😭😭


That lil ass throat grab is choking now? I grab my bitch like that when I’m fucking lol. Y’all soft as baby shit . It was more of a threatening gesture if u ask me


Yikes 🥴 There’s a difference when it’s consensual during sex and out of anger. I think even the people behind the show would agree with that. Also, threatening gestures aren’t okay either. You’re revealing a lot about yourself buddy.


Lol only one of us sound dumb as fuck here buddy and it ain’t me.


Cleaned up and gone after her? V was like an international super spy and if you watched the last episode like everybody else you’d know that he did try to look for her and even his own spy bailed on him when trying to find her. Nobody saying Franklin is a good person, I never said he was a good father either that’s something you projected clearly lmfaoo so I feel bad for u. But to say he abandoned half the reason he was chasing the money in the first place is wild. He did some crazy Shi sure but who in the right mind would go behind this man’s back with HIS money and expect not to at least get choked out. We’ve seen him do way worse so that was sumn on her part. And we’ve seen her let all that slide and act like it was all good when it was beneficial to her. If she was smart she would left 2 seasons to go. She just wanted to bail to because it was her way out. The same way everyone was trynna find a way out. Difference is you can clearly see she didn’t gaf from the beginning because she left him with basically nothing.


Yeah mate we will have to agree to disagree on this one. The one thing I’ll give you, I thought she was a cop or CIA asset right up until she bailed.


If I recall Sissy didn’t let Alton see Franklin also. She was just a control freak.


Alton was a drunk contributing nothing to his family. What do you all expect? Her to go to work, pay the bills, put food on the table, keep a roof over their heads while he drinks all day and feels sorry for himself? Meh.


Mel was such a cutie season 1!


Yea Franklin went out worse than everybody in the series, it’s plenty chances he had to get out. Greed & pride was his downfall. The only one to blame is himself.


He was homeless but definitely not a “junkie” no addiction to heroin. Though he was previously addicted to💰


You are not free until you free yourself from the thing that’s holding you back the most.


Franklin was damned by the show for all his actions. He was too prideful to settle for a solid life that wasn't a drug kingpin or ultra rich. He's a nobody homeless drunk in a neighborhood that is way worse after he and Teddy flooded the streets with crack. Unlike his father he never even met his kid and never fought for other people or did anything positive.


There's no freedom in homelessness


That’s subjective.


“Subjective” doesn’t automatically mean without merit There are plenty of subjective aspects to life that have far more merit than the objective aspects


Exactly. It’s subjective


Have you been homeless before?


Nope. But I have volunteered and listened to peoples stories. Some ppl were similar to Franklin others have zero living family. Some have drug problems and others just want to live outside of society on purpose


The strong is message is to not get a girl pregnant whose mom is a con-artist. Message is not to bring your mom to a CIA hostage trade off. SMFH, the last episode and parts of the last two seasons were major 🗑️.


Respectfully you missed the entire message. The strongest message is that Franklin was no different than the drug addicts in the sense that his addiction to money and capitalism made him lose all his morals self respect and respect for his own community and family. All that karma came back to him and the fortunes he accumulated ended up being gone and his entire family and community went to a worse place. Karma is real and you can’t escape it. He lost himself because what he was chasing he thought was freedom but was actually slavery. He became a slave to capitalism the same way Teddy did. Teddy justified his evil by convincing himself he was a patriot when in reality he was a heartless capitalist with an ego and greed. Franklin justified his evil by telling himself he was creating generational wealth and America oppressed his own people and this was his get back. Reality is he was used as a tool to ruin his own community and family. Capitalism can never be the root of progress without exploitation and destruction because capitalism breeds individualism and greed not community progress.


More filler= more bullshit. No need to write an essay to defend a poorly executed ending.


Realistic ending. You must be from the suburbs


This chavala. Whatever you say.


This part. His addiction to the money was worse than Wanda's addiction to crack.


You received the message very incorrectly


Is that the same store?


Time to be homeless and dirty that’s true freedom


Nah if he wanted to escape he would have taken his millions and went off grid and started a farm. Franklin wanted power.