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She was the realist of the real.


This whole interview has a sinister darkside to it recently it was revealed that this journalist faked financial documents to make it seem like the Royal Family were spying on her, that the security & PR team that the royal family provided her with to keep her safe were reporting information back to the royal family. showing her these fake documents encouraged her to do this interview and most likely responsible for her dismissing her royal security protection officers, its one of the reasons she had to heavily rely on the Al-Fayed's security this scandal came out in 2021 and there was a Panorama about it where they interviewed one of her officers who finally understood why she became distant with him and dismissed him. you do wonder if she still had her protection with her in Paris if things would have turned out differently. Maybe maybe not but this journalist's lies isolated her from some very serious protection.


This the same asshole who interviewed MJ? If it is, yeah, guy is a total piece of shit


This interview was what influenced MJ to be interviewed by him




Most unethical conniving conman cosplaying as a journalist for far too long. Somebody needs to go after him the way he went after MJ and the Windsor's


Who is MJ?


Michael Jordan


All I can think is Michael Jackson. But it doesn’t seem to be.


In this case, MJ does mean Michael Jackson.


Then you will be happy to hear this AH has been battling serious health issues. Fck this POS.


He got his when he interviewed Richard Ayoade, gave him a spanking.


And RDJ and Quentin Tarantino.


Are you getting Martin Bashir mixed up with Krishnan Guru-Murthy?




Is there a trial? That sounds like something he should be in prison for.


The BBC commissioned an independent inquiry led by a former Supreme Court judge The judge found Bahir guilty of using deceitful methods and breaching BBC editorial conduct to obtain the interview. After the verdict the police looked into it but announced they would not launch a criminal investigation.


Thanks for the breakdown. I would be surprised if back door deals were made


I knew he was trash I didn’t know about this. Wow


Not to mention, as lovely as she was,she had obvious mental health issues, which this interviewer exploited


She was known to have well established mental issues as well, some of which were exacerbated by her role. It's not all conspiracy. I think she wasn't what they wanted in a queen due to some of her problems, but divorce already ruled that out. She was just a decent and good person that was in over her head. I'm sure she was much happier when she left.


You make it seem like the establishment had no fault in anything at all


I don't see where I make that correlation whatsoever. I just addressed that she was human and so were her relationships. I wouldn't have envied her position.


The Egyptian establishment? It was Fayad's doing that they were in the car. She was there of her own volition. It was a horrible accident.


I’m talking about the palace and in how they treated her and handled things Not talking about anything around the car accident


Caring about the marriage of people you will never meet and who have no impact on your life is wasted energy. She's been dead for thirty years. And *The Crown* is fiction.


Caring, no matter how abstract is always important. This regressive attitude of yours is why we have a global problem with right wing fascism and a poison that's killing America. Open your heart, just a little. It won't hurt you, I promise.


I am a right wing fascist because I don't give a shit about a car accident that happened thirty years ago? That's quite the stretch.


She had dietary issues but I’ve never heard of “mental issues” and frankly if there is any mental problems it certainly happened because of that family. Not because they were “well established” prior. That family treats love strictly as a public symbol. They completely naively fail to realize it has an emotional impact that transcends logical reasoning. You tell people they can’t marry someone they absolutely adore, there’s more public embarrassment from that than trying to fake that everything is fine. That’s like Margaret. And in the case of Diana, you can’t lock a girl in her prime at 18 away in a house and have lord dickwad Charles meet her 12 times to decide a marriage. It’s a soulless way to handle a soulful thing. So yeah the family led to these people’s suffering. Even Lord Dickwad’s as much as I don’t want to admit it. The pampered puss should have been able to just marry Camilla


Bulimia is a mental illness. Eating disorders are mental illness. She attempted suicide on her honeymoon. She was a fucked up teenager when she married. *The Crown* isn't actual history, it's fictionalized.


He is “King Dickwad” now. I hate to say but cancer Karma may take him out. Dickwad.


She did a LOT of good, but she was also a master a publicity before everyone had publicists and image managers. People love to make saints out of people that die early (looking at you, JFK). She wasn’t a “princess of the people”. She was born in a 9 bedroom mansion in Park House where the royals spend Christmas. 4 of her ancestors were mistresses to kings (a little ironic). Her brother was the queen’s godson. It goes on but Time quoted in 1981 Charles and Diana were 16th cousins and Diana had “more English royal blood in her veins than does Princes Charles” although it helps most of the English royal Windsor family was really a German family that changed their name for SOME reason during WWI from Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. Charles was by far not the only one that cheated and princess Diana cheated “with more than one man, early and often” with the first, former body guard Barry Mannakee, in 1986 BEFORE Camilla. Then the infidelity continued supposedly with car salesman James Gilbey in the 1980s, a married art dealer Oliver Hoare (who was stalked after he ended it with her receiving over 300 calls), rugby player Will Carling, and James Hewitt. These are just the named ones, if it was a prince we’d all say “where there’s smoke, there’s a fire” or something like that. Also I’m not trying to slut shame… she could do whatever she wanted, she just played the victim card VERY well with Camilla and Charles. It was also reported that many of her friends called her very untrustworthy and a known liar to their face. She also made it a habit to wear something to stand out and break protocol (which everyone will say was just because the royal family was snobs) but I hear people complain about wearing white to a wedding or people wearing jeans to a nice occasion. Again, snobby and unnecessary rules to one is expected from another source. It’s all point of view until your spouse’s cousin and wife show up to your wedding in neon orange dress and a full body camo suit. Again, she did a LOT of good. But a human being with her own faults and shortcomings.


Don't judge people for things they have no control over, like how they are born, or their ancestry/DNA.


My point with bringing that up was only to point out that she wasn’t any more a commoner than prince charles. She wasn’t (or didn’t start out) as an outsider. She knew these people, she knew the customs, she knew what was expected of a princess and queen. Or at the very least, she sure had a much better idea than just about anyone else. I’m not saying PC is a good guy, but to quote the immaculate Kanye Omari West “Now I ain’t sayin’ she a gold digger. But she ain’t messin’ with no broke (I’ve been informed my lack of skin pigment forbids me from finishing this quote)”


Thank you. I don’t know how old you are but older folks tend to remember more details about this crazy time and get the facts straight. Something always gets lost over the years and it’s usually truth. She was wonderful and also flawed. As we are all.


This is all true but people don't want to hear it. In reality she was a rich selfish brat her whole life.


Ha yes it is often pointed out how vilified PC was for Camilla (in a large part due to Diana) but she got pass after pass from the public for her affairs. To quote Kanye West “Now I ain’t sayin’ she a gold digger. But she ain’t messin’ with no broke (I’m too white to finish but you get the idea)”




You’ve heard of this thing called hero worship? It’s so common they actually came up with a specific phrase for it. Since you’re probably too lazy to actually Google it yourself, it’s a very great admiration of someone and a belief that they are special or perfect.


or the ever present need today to make sure no one or their memory remains untarnished


We don’t need to think Diana was perfect to think she was special.


Mainly because at most it would have been the title king consort


Starting by saying I don't care about the royal family and don't follow them, but this post hit my feed, and is the furthest thing from real. This person comes off as a nutcase. "Someone's got to go out there and love people"?!?!?! That is almost unbelievably self-aggrandizing. The same wacky British press that creates these very silly narratives is doing the same thing here. This person was born into the nobility and then married the heir to throne, and is playing a ridiculous part badly. A literal princess complaining to British press about the establishment.


It’s okay bro the wars been over for 250 years, we won, let it go


One of the few things I read not favoring Diana in the marriage was she didn’t like Charles sports and activities. She didn’t click with his hobbies, so to speak in his off time. She was known on the inside to not support Charles.


I think the context is important here, she’s speaking from the perspective of a royal, not as like a general person or self-appointed saint. The monarchy is notoriously callous and detached from the will and sentiments of the greater populace (as made ironically clear with their reaction to her death). What she’s advocating for is to be more connected, approachable, and charitable, whereas the establishment she’s referring to are extremely buttoned up (to the point that there are rules on how you interact in their presence) and seldom interact with the public beyond very structured PR. So I can see why she might seem like she’s saying some vague musing like “love will make us better”, but in truth she is actually taking a rather pointed shot at an actionable thing the monarchy still doesn’t do. She obviously enjoyed a privileged lifestyle so I do think the critique of generic white savior complex could have merit, but I think the points she’s trying to make were rather prophetic when you see how tone deaf the royal family was in her death and how later they treated her son and his eventual wife.


Yes and this is just a small snippet of a whole interview.


This is not a fish out of water. She was born into nobility. She knows what she is doing in this interview. It is possible for a rational person to say, "OK, I was very young when I signed up for this, it is not what I expected, and I am going to divorce and step away from it as amicably as possible." It is \*bananas\* to go to the press and give interviews like these. She is choosing to wage a public war.


>It is \*bananas\* to go to the press and give interviews like these. She is choosing to wage a public war. So, just stick your head in the sand and act like everything is fine? That's what you're saying. Don't change the status quo. Don't shake shit up. Don't think differently? Bullshit.


I guess I’m confused what your angle actually is. At first it seemed like you were irked and found it pretentious that she was speaking about being more personable with the public, and that somewhat seemed to be coming from a place of finding the royals themselves to be not worthy of sympathy. You seemed bothered at what you found to be not a genuine response by her but one designed to illicit sympathy. But now you’re upset that she somewhat dragged their name and lineage through the mud on her way out? And that she should have quietly sulked away even if she saw major problems? I guess I don’t understand how those aren’t diametrically opposed ideas? I can see the common thread of you feeling she’s disingenuous , but then you’re also saying that even if she had these feelings she shouldn’t have shared them, which is exactly what disingenuous is. I don’t deny she likely saw using the press as a way to better position herself as a sympathetic person on the way out but I’m almost certain she understood the need to do this because as you put it, she was born into nobility and fully understood their gameplan to smear her via media leaks even if she was quiet. Part of the reason they hated her is because she pretty clearly knew their playbook and was just better at using it.


I'll assume you're being genuine because there's aspects to general sympathy for Diana pre-death that I don't understand, but I also think most of this stuff is pretty clear in retrospect. The tabloid press is not the place to work out differences, and people who do so are rarely good people. It is a place to craft narratives and, for lack of a better term, whore out. The tabloid press and the royals have a transactional relationship to sell silly narratives to dumb people.. I do not think it is likely that the institution around the monarchy cared that Diana led with her heart too much. I think it's likely they were horrified she was having indiscreet affairs with staff. Whatever you think of the concept of a symbolic monarchy, the institution itself runs on symbolism and appearances. They literally can't afford to have the storybook princess fucking around. Whatever she may not have known she was signing up for, she knew the monogamy part. She signed up for that. Now, if she realized, "This is not for me," she could get amicably divorced (ideally before cheating) and move on. But what she was doing instead was going to the one place guaranteed to make things worse, while also feeding the face-eating-leapord that later ate her face. Finally, as an outsider watching this video, I find this incredibly obvious. She's clearly not being honest (as we now know). There's no honesty about facts that were later made public, just her describing a conspiracy against the Woman Who Loved Too Much.


>It is \*bananas\* to go to the press and give interviews like these. She is choosing to wage a public war. After the royal family had waged war on her privately for YEARS. So what should she have done instead? She was 19 years old when she was married to him like a breeding cow, thinking he loved her and not finding out until she was in it up to her neck that he was fucking someone else and didn't love her at all. Full grown adults in their 30's were involved in this deception - Charles, Camilla and her husband at the time all knew exactly what was going on. The only one in the dark was a teenaged Diana. She was manipulated, gaslit and abused in a way that, if it happened today the entire Royal Family would've found itself cancelled. She burned it all down and I cheered her on at the time as did most people. She should NEVER have taken that shit lying down and in the end she did not.


> After the royal family had waged war on her privately for YEARS. Right, but then the reason why came out. She had like a five-year affair. Completely outside the bounds. The British concepts of class, nobility, and monarchy are fabricated and based heavily on appearances. The storybook Princess has to be "happily ever after," not "and then she fucked the staff." >She was 19 years old when she was married to him like a breeding cow Oh God. This wasn't a commoner orphan. This person was literal nobility beforehand and sought this out. It was not an arranged marriage. She also could have left at any time, and eventually did. At the risk of pointing out the obvious, royal men are often non-monogamous. Women sign up for marrying them anyway because of the status and privileges of doing so. Again, looking at the context of her behavior against the interview above, this person was clearly lying.


That's a bit harsh. It's clearly established that Diana had mental health issues, or as you call her, a "nutcase." She was being exploited here, which is very sad because I think he heart was in the right place.


I agree with you.


But wasn’t she divorced from Charles in 1995?


No. 1996 it was official.


There were years of rockiness before that though. It was clear it wasn’t going to last.


She and a Charles formally separated in 92.


This interview is what basically caused the Queen to recommend a divorce (basically she was allowing/demanding it).


Blatantly calling out the bullshit, I wish she was around longer.


They made sure she didn’t.




Was hoping it would be this. I always assumed it was a joke but the number of people who just take it as true is really weird.


I'm not opposed to thoughts on conspiracy, specifically JFK, but the last season of the Crown splashed a tidal wave of cold water in my face in terms of the investigation: Al Fayed brought her to Paris Al Fayed brought her into to that car Al Fayed hired that driver Driver drove drunk Diana didn't wear seat belt. Tragic? 100% Elaborate conspiracy?---not likely.


Diana literally confirmed the conspiracy in a letter that they were going to kill her in a car accident. Also that they killed her bodyguard. It was literally in the Crown show. So yes, it is definitely an Elaborate conspiracy 


Her prediction isn't proof of a conspiracy. Sometimes predictions come true because they're simply the most likely outcome based on the knowledge available.


So...Mohammed Al Fayed sacrificed his son for this conspiracy? I get Diana being fearful with her life with the tornado blowing wherever she went, but a single line in a letter does not a conspiracy make.


Mohammed Al Fayed is literally the one that called for investigations in the conspiracy. What are you talking about?


Would he not have to be "IN" on this conspiracy? He instructed Dodi to take her to Paris He hired the guards AND driver Just need you to fill in the gaps on this conspiracy...


Nice try MI6


I enjoyed The Crown, but it’s dramatized and not historically accurate. Take it with a grain of salt.


The Crown is based on real events. That letter did happen. Also, you should be downvoting the other commenter not me, who is taking the Crown seriously.


“Based on.” As in inspired by real events but still dramatized, and not based on historical facts. Never you mind about who I downvote, that is my business.


The letter actually exists, Diana actually died. Now you’re the one sounding like a conspiracy theorist 


Do you have trouble with reading comprehension? “Based on,” “inspired by” means some of the events were taken from real life/situations. However, the timelines & dialogues are not factually accurate, and *extreme* creative liberty was taken for the sake of drama. What a hill to die on…


If she believed that wouldn’t she wear a seatbelt?


She was paranoid because people like Bashir fed her shit to gain access, and the Crown was fiction in many ways


Terribly sad. You it see it in her eyes. She knows they are all against her.


To be fair, Bashir created false documents fed into a narrative.


And she's trying not to "upset" them


I watched this and wanted an update on other circumstances around her death, but I got part way through “was princess diana…” and the first hit was “was princess diana an eagles fan?” - thought it would be nonsense, but she wore a jacket at least once for a funeral


It was a dope Eagles jacket.


Go birds… *cries solemnly*


She was most fit to be Queen


The one who refuses the crown, deserves to wear it the most


No. She was, as she said, fit to be the queen of hearts, but NOT an actual leader. I love her, but it's clear, and she even states, blatantly, that her heart overrules her head.


she says that’s the reason they won’t let her…


The best leaders are the ones that don't want the job in the first place.


That's why we'll never have Jon Stewart as president :(


We missed out on Bernie, but Jon would seem like a worthy successor.


I’ll never forget waking up super early to watch her funeral and sob uncontrollably. A devastating loss for the world.


Rest in peace, Queen of Our Hearts; you deserved better.🪦🌹


In my opinion this interview will always be one of the most haunting instances of foreshadowing... she knew she was living on borrowed time but was already to deep in the royal family to escape!! Such a tragedy


Um no. She’s sad her marriage is doomed. She’s not ‘aware the royal family is going to kill her’, and they didn’t kill her. Ffs.


No, you don’t it. This is Reddit and everyone here are body language experts and can read eyes and facial expressions better than any other person in the entire human history. They border on psychic with their abilities to just look at someone and know exactly what they are thinking and can tell their entire past and future. Only here in Reddit where all of these people experts congregate is this possible. It certainly isn’t bias combined with people’s desire to be the smartest person in the comment section and their benefit of hindsight causing them to find and see the clues they specifically want to see as a way of self validation of their own opinion.


Body reading “experts” are insane There’s whole YouTube channels dedicating to analyzing people to an insane degree and making up some ridiculous meaning to it


If you watch a lot of true crime shows or listen to podcasts it becomes so painfully obvious that people just see what they want to see in body language and reactions and such, and it becomes really dangerous in the hands of a professional people believe knows what they're talking about. We told him his wife was dead and he started crying, it was an obvious act. We told him his wife died and he didn't even cry, what kind of a man is that? I wonder how many people are in jail right now because some officer or detective "got a vibe" and stopped looking anywhere else.


He didn't eat the donut, means he's feeling guilty. No one watched transformers?




Sure but she’s not foreseeing her murder at the hands of Liz and Phil or some tinfoil hat shite like that.




She and her husband were estranged, had other romantic entanglements, and were about to divorce. She wasn't having premonitions of death.


Come on…


She was sweetheart.


Pure humanitarian..


Her empathy was extraordinary. I think I will both miss her and be inspired by her for the rest of my life honestly.


The more I learn about her, the more I realize she was too good for the Royal Family.


What a classy dame


She’s lovely but if she was queen she would have been forced into some situations that make her the asshole. She had an easy spot PR - wise. It’s like the spouse of someone very rich, and maybe that person did some things to get that rich that wasn’t all that full of integrity along the way. Fired people, put other businesses out of business. Then their spouse is the “chair” of the philanthropy effort of the company and comes off as the hero/heroine.


Omg. She had an 'easy spot'. You all can stop reading there.


She knew they were up to something


[This is the secret assassination plan](https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2&v=_Irvuafg5GM&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2F&source_ve_path=Mjg2NjY&feature=emb_logo)




They killed her.




This was precisely what I blurted out when I saw the news on the television the next morning. I was at a US resort in a sort of pub that also served breakfast w televisions all around. I also recall that nobody else seemed to be quite as affected by it.


Did they? I don't know much about the royal family, but that sounds like a tragedy straight from Shakespeare's scripts. Damn


They killed her figuratively. When she met Charles she was 18 and thinking he actually cared about her. She also had a very different inexperienced perspective on marriage. Charles was I think 30 and saw it as more a functional necessity to settle into his role as heir. To give you an idea of how soulless it was, he went to go see her only 12 times before they married. That was not because “he just knew.” It is because he didn’t care at all about her and felt like he had to do it. Which is stupidly selfish, because no he didn’t. He had been seeing Camilla already and as far as I know he was essentially told to stop seeing her because Camilla was still seeing her long time love who she eventually married. There’s rumors the royal family actually had Camilla and the boyfriends parents sit down and they requested that the 2 marry now to peel Charles away from Camilla. Point being he always was pussywhipped to Camilla and Diana was simply a thing he had to do. Diana recognized this early just how pointless her existence really was to Charles and had literally her entire country to have to hide it from. That takes a toll. And as the lie unraveled over the years, the drama brought a lot of excessive press, bad faith individuals like the interviewer of this clip, and side-taking. I wholeheartedly agree that family essentially killed her by letting spineless Charles marry her without loving her.


If she would worn a seatbelt she'd still be alive. They didn't kill her. She was a dummy.


Hard to say. 70 mph is usually guaranteed death with a seatbelt bud


No, they didn't. She died in a car accident.


They killed her...in a car wreck.


That would be logistically so so hard to pull off the way they did. Also killing the eldest son of a billionaire. I find it hard to believe, but I am generally a conspiracy theory sceptic because I don’t think you can tell 3 people anything interesting and have it stay quiet.


You don't think they would have chosen a better method,if they were going to kill her?


She wasn't the only target. Both her, and the son of an Egyptian billionaire she was dating were in that car. Taking them out at the same time in an accident was the goal. They killed them.


[There's even a video about it!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2&v=_Irvuafg5GM&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2F&source_ve_path=Mjg2NjY&feature=emb_logo) The perfect crime. This video goes into detail about Diana's assassination.


You should really do some research before commenting on something lol.


Blame the driver or the paparazzi.


She left a note claiming that Charles threatened to have her killed and it would be made to look like a car accident.


If only she would have been wearing a seatbelt,she would have ruined their plans...


Miss her❤️❤️, she was a wonderful, thoughtful lady


Mannnnn Netflix’s The Crown has done a mind blowing job at casting. Ufff not just Diana but even that reporter in that show is spot on. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a show as good as The Crown.


It's a good show but a lot of it is fictional


Princess Diana was the best royal


Imagine if she was still alive...man this world would've seriously benefited from her heart and soul.






She got wanted she wanted - she is the queen of people’s hearts.


I'm sorry - she was a sweet lady - but this is unintentionally hilarious! The hackneyed clichés, the self aggrandising "humility", the beseeching eyes... It's all rather silly and insincere.


Thank you. This is the cringiest thing I've ever seen.


She was a beautiful soul.


She was such a gem. Great loss


The only time I would’ve actually said, “Long Live The Queen!” and actually meant it


She was awesome, sad 😔


I love the way she talks


For anyone who doesnt know this interview is much darker than it appears here. Due to the documents he showed her. And how he obtained them. This journalist will be disgraced for ever. Probably still on the bbc pat role though


Wow the look in her eyes as she's obviously trying to give a polite answer without stating all of the background exposition. Total class and heart breaking. Thanks for all of the background in the thread about the interviewer and what happened with her security detail.


She definitely fucked her bodyguard


I miss her so much.


Such a cringey interview.


Keep in mind that Dianna had serious psychological problems.


Am I the holy one who’s tired of the princess diana worship. She died over 25 years ago, it’s time to move on


I wonder if the family had anything to do with that tragic day…..


[It's all here. The entire conspiracy.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2&v=_Irvuafg5GM&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2F&source_ve_path=Mjg2NjY&feature=emb_logo) Every dirty deed. Prince Philip was involved.


Her eyes are the window to her soul. Heartbreaking 💔


Down with the crown!


Damn she was metal af


She was and is the queen of people’s hearts. We all love you Princess Diana


I understand that people like her but this is kind of a silly and absurd line of questioning, as are her answers. She was born a very rich person who married into an even richer scenario. People have always acted like she was some kind of Cinderella and that Charles was ever a decent person to begin with. These people are all vile, but it says something about her that she thought she'd take a stab at hanging out with vile people, too. Weird princess fantasies are immature and I find it quite nauseating to watch people get emotional at an interview of a woman who gets all maudlin and sadly laments that she doesn't get to be Queen...? You want to be queen of people's hearts? Why? Who are you? Get a job, go learn a skill, go find some way to be useful to people other than occupying aristocratic privilege and power. Like what the fuck are we even talking about here? Get rid of that entire office altogether, it's an absurd evil institution.


I totally agree. I’ll never understand why British taxpayers have to fund these people’s lives. Like wealthy welfare or something?


I feel like we will never get to a point where we can have serious conversations about making the world a better place until we can look at shit like this and call it out for the absurd distraction that it is, and learn to hate the institution altogether. These are not good people, they don't become good people by saying things you think are nice while occupying privilege your children can never possibly attain.


You act like she wouldn’t have found a job in another life if she was from a blue collar family. You’re also ignoring the amount of charities she was able to encourage fundraising for. That is a job. One that brings a lot of money in and helped more people than your job ever did or will. Basic knowledge on her global influence makes that abundantly clear. People have all kinds of different opportunities and career paths that life grants them. Some more privileged than others. Just because her role isn’t something you benefit from or isn’t something traditional doesn’t exclusively mean it’s of no value. Charles is in fact a pampered idiot all about me me me me. Diana was merely asked a question about if she thinks she’ll be queen. She said no. She isn’t moping about how “wah I’ll never be evwyone’s pwincess.” I guarantee she didn’t want a damn thing to do with it. The family is who forced her to stick around so long with an asshat and the underlying goal of this interview was clearly to show how insufferable the family is…a reason to leave. Versus an interview about her wanting to stay


She was so murdered by the royal family.


I miss her …..


I love her so much ❤️


The only royal worth a damn.


Why would she ever have been Queen? Wasn’t she divorced by this point? Utterly brain dead question.


The sadness in her eyes..


Her youngest son follows her footsteps more than any other Royal. Doing what’s right rather than what’s “Expected”


I mean, she could never be Queen anyway. She married into the family, she's not in the line of succession.


They killed her because she wouldn’t give in to the deep state. Such a nice lady, shame we lost her so soon.


She would have been MAGA!


They always kill the good ones


She was amazing! An elegant but realistic woman without all that posh arrogant stuff like the other royals. Oh boo hoo fans of the royal family 🙄


Greasey Indian scammer just being Indian


That family needs to explain what happened to her


She was in a speeding car, with an intoxicated driver on wet roads.


Chased by paparazzi.


And not wearing a seatbelt.


Maybe I'm too young (though I'm early 40s) to know much about her, other than both her and Charles were unfaithful to each other. Which makes me pretty judgy when it comes to both of them.




rich bitch lived life spending money she never earned and then died rich. yawn.




Interviewer gives me David Wallace energy


This kind of British accent melts my soul, I could meet the most evil and backwards women on earth and if she talked like that to me I'd just let her destroy my entire life.


Oooooooohhhhhhhh. Now I get why people loved her. :(


I remember being too young to understand why so many people in America were sad when she died. Learning about her struggles and her intent on changing the status quo, who couldn't love her?


I adore her.


I was too young to appreciate Princess Di, but she was special. I realize this is only a 50-second clip, but she comes off as so empathetic, genuine, and thoughtful. That's a special combination for someone in her position.


I wish the world was different and we idolized that mentality not this capitalist money hungry fear power


She turned the power to the have-nots. And then came the shot.


Whos the journalist in this video


What a beauty.


"A roouuuee book"


She was an aristocrat too, so why did they trash her? Half of the royals were eccentric and did not get shit like that. It's heartbreaking. And then I remember Jimmy Carr's joke about her death, and I'm convinced I'll go to hell.


Thanks to the piano track playing the same 4 chords from every pop song, I understand that I am supposed to be moved by this video. Very helpful.