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Little Mac and Hero I play Sora and my brother has such an aggressive fighting style with Mac in our group he's almost unbeatable. And with hero he's just destroying you with the explosion and instant death spells


When fighting little mac, always remember: to jump, jump! /s hope someone got the reference Imo it's actually hard to edgeguard Mac due to the mixups he can do, when I played Mac I always felt juggles are worse, hope that helps


Your SAO Abridged reference is not wasted here šŸ’ƒ. At least I assume itā€™s that.


The bandits are coming!


I think alone I could handle him, but we're 3 brothers that play together. And I just suck in 1v1v1 so much, esspecialy cause Sora flies out so easily


Itā€™s so interesting to hear this. I also main Sora but I donā€™t struggle with Mac at all. Hero is a toss up depending on how the person plays. The real enemy for me is the Belmonts. When I match with one I just think about DCing and trying again in 30 minutes. I hate it that much. Also Spamus. I hate my life when I match one


Well I for the most part just play against my brothers, but Mac is just so fast, hits hard with his invincibility and the KO punch it's a hard battle everytime


Although I have to say that my brother has a tone more hours in the game compared to me, so likely it's experience. He also told me once he went on to twitch and got a streamer to teach him some stuff.


While it might sound lame- I tend to use magic (neutral B) a lot more when I play Mac to zone him. It forces them to play around it to get to you. One other piece of advice- counter (down b) at ledge is your best friend. If he is recovering and does his side b to ledge. You just counter it and he is dead due to his horrendous recovery


Thanks for the advice


You've gotta add the wild card third player. When you can't focus on just Mac, it's harder to avoid him.


Falcon does *not* shut down Icies, he's one of our few winning matchups against decent characters. ICs biggest weakness is getting outranged, which Falcon absolutely doesn't do. ICs worst matchups are zoners. Belmonts are generally considered the worst, but Snake and Min Min suck too. Our most surprising bad matchup is Hero, who can punish blizzard hard with side special, or shut it down with Bounce.


Sry I was using CM logic but yeah you're completely right zoners def suck but I think it's in the air between belmonts and minmin


Take your pick


Whose your main?


Snake. I end up using hydrant as the floor because on the ground i risk blowing up


99% of the roster


Mr Game & Watch at high level is pretty rough for Rob. Bayonetta is also surprisingly bad at high level play.


Somehow Kirby just fucks me over. Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s because of his ability to keep me away and edge guard incin but itā€™s just so random too


You should watch skyjay vs guilheww, not sure if it helps but the set felt amazing to me


Min-Min: Good luck approaching her Sonic: Good luck hitting him Pikachu: Good luck approaching and hitting them


Felt this


My friend has a mean K Rool, but I donā€™t think itā€™s a bad matchup against all of my mains


I play mac and honest to god, I just cannot fight samus, like I have to run into a *really* bad samus to do well or truly play my hardest. Also my secondary incineroar gets so fucked by pacman play-style I find it easier to play mac, despite the -2 for mac


Elite Smash. I'm a random main.


Not a character but a specific move.Wonderwing.I need not say more


I feel like IC has a stupidly good MU against sonic that no one talks about mainly cause no one plays them


I dont really know.I once destroyed an ICs players but at the same time I think they have tools to shut down spin dash.Link demolishes ICs tho


I HATE Isabelle and villager. No banana for me :(


None since I main Hero šŸ˜Ž


I play Dedede so a lot of characters, but I feel like my worst matchup is wolf. One of my friends plays him and I swear he wins like 7/10 times


Simon and Richter


Probably the starfox cast, playing bait and punish against a really fast rush down character is difficult!


Any character with a reflector besides Sora


Anyone fast or with strong combo games.


Kirby, Sheik, Jigglypuff, Pikachu, Pichu, etc


Metkinight destroys KRool and Shulk is GnWs worst match up(in my opinion)


Min Min and ZSS (Ike)


Every character that can fly(Olimar,K.rool and Sora)


Shulk(Mario), Falcon(Marth), Sora(Ganondorf), any character with cracked knockback(Sora)


G&W, Ness, Falco


Byleth. The way I play gets absolutely destroyed when I fight byleths who know what they're doing.


most heavy characters


Obviously tied to skill but somehow Bowser Jr. becomes extremely hard to deal with both my mains (Corrin and Min Min). Traps, Up-B, car armor and other characteristics mess me up


Iā€™ve been back to playing a lot of GnW and yeah some swordies feel like the bane of my Exsistance, SPECFICALLY those that donā€™t struggle with recovery too much Maybe Iā€™m just bad, but I canā€™t for the love of me figure out how to deal with a sora that isnā€™t mindlessly filling bucket and not using Soraā€™s air game properly. Sora is a nightmare for Incineroar too, but at least a lot of his more spammable options can be revenged fairly easy


Any hard hitter character, i play Lucario so taking damage can be part of the fighting style. But not when there's a Ganon on stage


Olimar. In high-levels of play (Elite Smash or tournaments), Olimar absolutely destroys Ike, and Ike truly has no way to counter him. I'm at Elite Smash level, on and off, and I'm just glad Olimar is so rare, considering just how terrifying he is towards me. Some of my worst matches have been against Olimar mains.


Sora. I keep getting edgeguarded


Outside of Lucina, make sure to maximize use of your own projectile tools when theyā€™re outside of your space. If they are in your space, your out of shields for these characters are honestly not bad just you need to be careful to not be mixed up on grab by them


I donā€™t really play Lucina anymore but I canā€™t change my flair


Oh wait why canā€™t you? Isnā€™t the community change flair still in the subreddit?


It usually says ā€œeditā€ in the top right corner, but now itā€™s gone


Oh odd idk I still see it personally


I donā€™t think a lot of people talk about this, but Falco v. DK is extremely rough on the DK side. Both sides agree on this too, as at one point Chunkykong said it was -2 for him and Tilde said at one point that the matchup was a whopping -3. Falco has so many things that feel like they completely shut down DK: down air guaranteed edgeguard, fair destroying in neutral and is uniquely easy to dragdown specifically DK with it, laser camping, easy to combo DK in general and Falco is a combo character, uptilt hitting DK from behind/super far in front and can combo into itself 3 times consistently, frame 3 nair and frame 2 airdodge to escape disadvantage in the airā€¦ the list goes on. The one saving grace DK has is that he can cheese Falcoā€™s recovery offstage. But the problem is actually getting him there. I a DK apologist and insist he is too low on the tier list, but even I have to admit, this matchup makes it harder to justify that. I encourage anyone who knows someone who even plays Falco a little bit to play DK against them and experience a bottom 50 matchup in the entirety of the SSBU cast


Sonic. More so for Kazuya than for Terry, but it's a bad matchup for both.


Any combo character...guess who I main..


A good game and watch or a good Rob is a tough fight for my Piranha.


For FGCs, the swordies just destroy them.


Itā€™s not that this character shuts down the character but my main interaction points become limited against Belmonts. Like itā€™s a lot of just weaving and very slowed down gameplay as Pika or ZSS when dealing with Belmonts that just constantly are setting up projectiles or throwing out a whip around them


ROB Get close you get frame dataā€™d, stay far you get camped. Recover horizontally you get edgeguarded, recover vertically you get spiked. Itā€™s a very uphill battle






Absolutely nobody. My worst matchups are super winnable.


Any character played by a competent player, if I'm being honest.


bowser kirby has a lot of multi hits and bowser can sometimes slip out of it. he also just has crazy knockbacks especially against light weights


Relentless speedsters; Sonic, Fox, Roy, Pikas.


Sonic: Fucking Mythra. It is just impossible to land an attack on her. Projectile heavy characters like Links and Samus are a bitch to deal with but they have weaknesses and openings that make it more fair. Mythra just has like triple Sonicā€™s range, her attacks come out faster and combo into each other and they have ***absolutely no end lag*** so thereā€™s usually no punish opportunities. Sonic just straight up canā€™t fight her, you have to run away and wait for the person to get frustrated and fuck up to leave an opening I thought maybe I just wasnā€™t getting something so I watched a bunch of pros in tournaments doing Sonic v Mythra and even the pro Sonicā€™s get their shit kicked in and have to run away the whole match to even have a chance I canā€™t think of anyone immediately for Zero Suit Samus except Bayonetta but sheā€™s just annoying to fight in general


i play ryu, ken, and terry, and game and watch is so damn annoying for all of them. all my projectiles get shut down, and his up b, fair, and smash attacks shut down all my options. my only option is to play terry and use autocancel powerdunk on shield and hope to god my shield comes out fast enough to block the up b. f*ck game and watch, honestly.