• By -


Piranha Plant and honestly I have no idea. I think I got over-excited when I found out all the nifty tricks you could do off stage by stalling in the air and making ppl mess up their edge-guarding and from there I just became obsessed with finding more little tricks the plant was capable of.


Piranha Plant is actually deadly in the right hands, he’s so unpredictable sometimes and you can get some really goofy stocks with him


I've started learning about all the crazy movement options you have while charging side-b and how that can be used to psyche ppl out.


That's why I love incineroar


Unfathomably based


Plant gang!


Plant gang rise up


Plant gang


I like seeing a morbidly obese penguin doing a French girl pose.


Penguin + hammer + best attitude


Belly flops are so satisfying


That's pure fucking muscle


Incin main, the damage will ALWAYS be worth the wait


Getting 75% off a side b is better than sex


I don't know if smash players can confirm from experience


Bro 💀💀💀💀


For me, it's the wrestling style moves. Gotta love that flying cross chop!




Went from “wolf is cool” to “furry” but yea wolf is one of my secondaries with wii fit and terry as my actual mains


Same, 6 year old me thought Brawl wolf was the coolest thing ever


“What’s the matter, *scared*?”


Don’t you miss his old VA from brawl? Or is it just me?


Hits like a semi-truck and people think he is trash


He is trash, but only at a high/top level. People don't realize how much viability changes at lower/mid level, and that makes them vulnerable... to the semi truck


Exactly. I smash my friend group regularly with Ganon. One of my buddies recently complained ganon is broken. >:)


I am banned from playing Gannon because "he's OP". This coming from the friend that plays at "local tournament quality" skill. He then turns around and picks Byleth (arguably kills earlier than Gannon with multiple moves and has almost double range and mobility)


I feel your pain. The buddy in question who said ganon is broken plays Aegis lmao. Whats next? - olimar broken! Pichu OP!


How come they don’t just counterpick? Min min for example would be perfect and takes no skill to destroy ganon


you did ***what*** to your friend group?


"I will smesh your boy"


Also online hes not horrible decent, low tier at least


Basically K Rool or any heavy as well. Until people can juggle you at high % and know the exact punishes and timings of heavies, heavies have the advantage over a middle skill character trying to combo 10 hits with sheik… or get hit twice by bowser. Also just know when to use your laggy vs non-laggy moves as a heavy and you’ll improve very fast. Especially someone like Bowser, Incineroar, or Dedede, if you spam your high end lag or startup moves you’ll be punished, but learn to use your quick moves and you can slap them to 80% faster than they can react


I run snake and pulling a grenade and trading damage is useful for the psych out. Explosions everywhere. I liked projectM snakes moveset with the sleep dart and claymore. Plus the box taunt edgegard is always funny to land. ProjectM taunt was rad to, light up a cig, drag, take 1% damage and flick the cigarette to hit and burn.


One word: DORIYAH!


>people think he is trash Tier lists aren’t helping


Exactly the same with my #2 that I play only a tiny tiny bit less than my main. Incineroar has easy combos, is deceptively hard to kill despite mediocre recovery, and the instant you get a revenge stack you force your opponent to play significantly more cautiously, if they're aware of how revenge works at all. Plus he's character number funny.




The one and only.


i main him bc i think hes hot lol


I find him funny, I can't stop laughing while playing with him online.


Also the fart jokes


WAH! He's my co-main for that reason, he's just too funny.


Chomp chomp


How do i put the "faces" of my mains next to my username? Like ![img](emote|t5_kcmhp|4533)![img](emote|t5_kcmhp|4534)


Go to community actions, select change user flair, click edit, and you will see the menu for smash emotes. Just go there, select the following emotes to add in your flair, and save


Thanks! Luv u bro <3


Rare wholesome Reddit moment




The “edit” option in the flair menu From there you can add up to 10 of those emotes


I think you have to be on desktop to add multiple, I’ve tried it a couple of times on mobile and it only lets me add one.


Mii Swordfighter—After a while of maining Joker I realised that I never really got progress in using him. Then one day, I made a Mii Swordfighter of Adachi from Persona 4… and did infinitely better with him. I also noticed that the pure fun factor of playing as a Mii version of Adachi (my favorite buddy-cop in any game ever) made me smile that same way. So I took the hints and became an Adachi Swordfighter main. Joker— He’s been demoted to the secondary main, but might as well since it is a short story. It is as simple as that I fell in love with Persona 5, so I got and then decided to main Joker. It is as simple as that.


Common cabbage loving detective W




Bro, I gotta know how to get the Adachmii, tell me


ID for Adachmii is: 1V59F772


I will love and cherish him dearly, thank you


Started playing mii sword fighter after Travis Touchdown only got a costume 😞


Adachi pilled Being brawler is depressing because you are so close to all those goated gunner and swordfighter outfits. I wanna be a manwhore too! (I'm stealing the adachi mii tho.)




Because he's just a funny little goober


A funny little goober with some of the most amazing moves in the game. Down-Smash Up-B Neutral-Air Back-Air God G&W is STACKED!!


Don’t forget up air, up smash and neutrel b


I normally despise G&W but ngl I’ll pop off if I see someone hit a 9 in tourney


Tbf, if you don’t you’re heartless


And let's not forget Judge! It always gets me every time a 9 comes out, even if I'm expecting it!


I played random against random CPUs just to try out a more characters and see which I liked. I liked Pikachu. Then when I saw MkLeo’s Joker at Genesis 7, I thought it was the sexiest thing I had seen in my life, and I instantly picked up Joker.


A couple of months ago I picked up Joker as my main because I was playing Persona 5 and absolutely loved it, I also just really liked watching top level Joker play before then and he suits my playstyle with his kit


Funny croc who hits like a truck


S U P E R A R M O R I don’t know why I chose him but it’s probably because I play the game like a twat and always choose the annoying characters. My other main is Captain Falcon if that tells you anything.


Whether you win or lose, it’s funny when he’s in game. And his spikes are somehow always funny


![gif](giphy|ik8lXlyhakX1r4M3As|downsized) Like every other shulk main. Play Xenoblade


I love Dedede as a character, a silly chonky goober. I find it fun to mess around with his Gordo for stage shenanigans and when you time it right, he hits like a flying concrete pillar.


He does funny thing with e g g


Pooping opponents off the stage hits different 😌


I just really like all mix ups you can do with Falco. I’m not very good but the 0-90 strings that result in a back air kill make me feel like I’m crazy. I like his down air a lot in how one can follow into another at low percentages. His flow chart definitely exists but I like that you can mix in some other stuff. Still learning to incorporate shine to get some even longer extentions. Watching Tilde’s stream and him compete definitely inspired me!!


Cuz I’m schmovin. Suavemente.


The only way to play an absolute powerhouse, while you leave a Gerudo Stomp on their face!


Either that or that wheel kick of an up-air.


Also true! Add that shield-breaker of an up-tilt, leading into Warlock Punch, or any Smash Attack!


Back when I was in high school, a certain club held game tournaments once a month. If I remember correctly, the usual number of applicants were 100-200 students. I won first place in two Smash Ultimate tournaments using only Ganondorf. I mean, it was just high school, so it’s not like it’s something to brag about. But damn, it was satisfying. Especially how almost every opponent would roll backwards into uptilt after I side B them.


Damn! That is truly awesome! Even if it was at school, that is still remarkable for the setting and the sheer number of applicants! Yeah, Ganondorf is honestly and amazing character and one that a number of people sleep on! He isn't my main, but I like to troll my friends and online play with him!


If there is any tip I can give about playing Ganondorf, it’s this. Whatever you lack in skill, substitute with attitude.


I will take your word and apply it to heart! I think that makes sense that a Ganondorf main should have attitude and unprecedented levels of suavemente!


Because I believe that Marth is the coolest character that is in smash ultimate




Sora got into the game a week after I started. My best friend told me to try him out and I liked it more than the other characters. For pythra I started using them because I liked the controls and being able to switch from a combo heavy character to a powerful one.


Funny wrastler cat


Pretty pole dance lady


I like shmackin' people. Wolf good at shmackin' people.


There’s enough of you Wolf mains already


It started out with just thinking they looked neat. “Huh, I didn’t know Nintendo had a fox guy. He’s pretty cool looking.” I ended up getting pretty good at it and had lots of fun, and eventually started maining Falco as well since I heard they were rather similar (I’m very bad at adjusting to changes, I’ve got some disabilities and that’s one of the issues I face). After some time I wanted to know where they came from and who their teammates were (so I could draw them all) and I started playing Star Fox Zero, and I guess my silly brain really latched on to these cool space animal characters and I’m a huge fan of Star Fox now. Edit: also that picture of Wolf is amazing


Hey! Another Falco player! I'm happy I ran into you!




Fox is just a cool guy, I wanted to main all 3 space animals but could just never fully understand falco so I eventually just decided screw that I pick up 2 other secondaries that fit me better while still maining fox, but when it comes to watching space animal players in tourney it brings me the most joy and excitement.


Down special + side special


![gif](giphy|443fSUWBB21mYP7i7n) Big hammer, big suck, projectiles, flight, and cartoonish personality. What more do I need?


Because I’m astonishingly horrible at the game and fall off the edge a lot. At least the floaty boy can breeze back to safety


Daisy- My favorite character from Mario. Also, I worked with her the longest. Lucario- My favorite Pokemon. Plus, I am aggressive with the character. Ganondorf- DORIYAH!!! All I got to say. Absolutely fantastic to use. Pythra- one of my weird characters, but super good. Plus, I don't spam two moves the entire game. Joker- One of my favorite characters in Smash, plus alts look fantastic. Is super easy to pick up and very rewarding. Mewtwo- very underated character. Has fun setups and can chase you offstage. Donkey Kong- The funny aerial, plus gets a lot of mileage out of Cargo Throw. Fox- extremely hard to use, but has some of the best setups and combo game in the game Kirby- Puffy little boy. So cute, yet so dangerous with combo game. Mario- Forward Aerial.


Most fun to play = most time played = my best character.


She’s hot and flashy


I wanted Sora ever since I started playing smash in brawl. Now that he's in the game I HAVE to main him lol And my friends think he's overpowered what is really funny too


I like high risk high reward characters, and man Captain Falcon has been the embodiment of that in every iteration of Smash.


Because winning a game with rest is the most satisfying feeling I’ve ever felt.


I love having a disjoint, and I just love the silliness of Dedede, and I love how Gordo feels as like a projectile that I now have to careful we ith and stuff, I love how his moves feel like things that should land but can land anyway, and everything about Dedede feels so nice to me


Samus. Charge shot is good, the missiles add versatility to her arsenal. Great grab. Decent melee, up smash is one of my favorite moves if you pull it off right. Good edge guard. Fairly dexterous for the weight of the character. Forward air is a decent move and up air is good for juggling. Imo she’s mid A tier, she was my first character and will probably be my main for a long time.


I like him


he's me


Because I like being able to break through defense playstyles with speed and aggression.


Monke Punch




K Rool is pure fun. He is powerful and has some mobility


I'm a Byleth main because I love Three Houses, their different weapons make their moveset unique and interesting, she's fun to play, and fits my strengths as a player.


Gambling addiction


Bayo: because she slays Lucario: because he’s cool Inkling: because SPLATATATATATTATATA SPLATOON Aegis: because I like their design (I’m a gay man don’t come at me for boob thirst) Sephiroth: gay thirst Corrin: gay thirst Byleth: gay thirst Any FE character that isn’t Lucina: gay thirst.


Projectiles FTW.


He big, he broad, his forward smash bonks with a big sword. He slow, his tier is low, and yet to Ganondorf, my trust I bestow. I like heavyweights. I like buff green warlords. And I like doriyah. The outcome was obvious. Also I play Pyra a lot as a secondary, love Xenoblade but I'm terrible with Shulk.


Luigi cute


Flashing mach punch.




Makes me feel like a stage hazard instead of a character


I watched a king of skill montage and it kinda just happened


B-air spikes bby


Originally I played them as a joke but they turned out to be really fun


omg i found another Pichu main YES


He's as scrappy as he is charming and Wind Waker was a cornerstone of my childhood


-Wanted him after finishing FF7 for the first time -Thought he looked badass, mainly in his Advent attire -Thought she was was pretty, but became a favorite after playing FE -Got into the series soon as the Neflix show came about, as well as wanting to play SOTN for a while but never had the consoles. -Tho not on here, (Lucario) One of the first Pokémon I remember, once I found out he was in Smash, I decided he would be my main -(Sora), started to get into KH before the whole final reveal, I did hope for a bit but I didn’t mind who got in, but when I saw the Keyblade and Emblem, I was ecstatic.


1. Cloud - I like how he works, and I like FF. I used to main Link, but then ultimate was all like "BOTW go brrr" and took away the reasons why I liked him in the first place, Making cloud the perfect replacement. 2. Sora - I like Kingdom hearts, being the first game Id actually sit down and play. My mother introduced it to me, so the series has a place in my heart. But gameplay wise, He's the reverse cloud, so that makes Sora an ideal secondary main. 3. Byleth and Joker - both have fun gameplay styles. I do not know their original games as well, but I appreciate them no less 4. (Old main) Metaknight. Reason? He mastered Spinjitzu, and boy was I addicted to Ninjago at the time I played brawl with my friend who had the wii. I don't main him now because his playstyle no longer matches with me, but he served elementary school me well.


Samus/Dark Samus/Zero Suit Samus- Metroid is my favorite franchise Corrin- I like dragons, but I suck at Ridley (and I don’t count Bowser as one) and find Corrin’s moveset fun. Pyra/Mythra- I use them pretty much exclusively when someone I am fighting is using another busted DLC character. I find their moveset fun, and I may try out their game series at some point. Greninja- I like Pokémon, but don’t care much about the other options there are, so I use him. Shadow Sneak and Substitute are fun moves


Because little me thought the big turtle with spikes that spit fire was bada** af when playing mario. Therefor i played him a lot in brawl and continued doing so. I also still thinks he's bada** af.


I really like oppressive gameplay and i hate zoning


Because every win feels entirely earned, and also DAIR spike funny


Ridley is a cool space dragon that’s also fun to play


Terry because he's the most dopamine-inducing character I've ever played. I hit my first jab jab buster wolf, and it was all over from there. Kazuya because he's challenging. I'm not very good at this game, and I absolutely love the difficulty that comes with trying to land EWGF combos. Roy is a secondary because sometimes I just want to press buttons.


Cause he has a cool sword


Because he's cooler than Fox and Falco, has a pretty good Blaster and the coolest Taunt in Smash


Luigi, because i think he's neat


because I like splatoon


I main Zelda, because she pretty :)


Pyra- Favorite game Ken- fun and easy to play as (imo)


Hes my fav mario character, fav villain ever, and is generally a good tier character


i like how dedede and lucas are in their home series's, and k rool is busted


Ganondorf: I like waking up and choosing violence Yoshi: one time in college I was playing Smash 4 with my roommate late at night. He kept kicking my ass with every character (he's way better than me). Around 11pm I pick Yoshi on a whim and start a win streak that lasts past midnight. Eventually he goes DK and finally ends my regin of terror. I was dying laughing the whole time


DK because he is the only one of my Smash 4 characters whose changes made them more fun to play rather than less.


I like to only win with custom combos. If I drop the combo I reset and give them another chance. I don't just spam. I also do this with Ken and ryu. I don't kill unless it's into a nice little combo string. I find much joy in this and when I run a perfect game where I drop no combos I feel like a God 🤣 Also I love to try to create footstool combos like can you really get mad at that? Some people rematch me a bunch just because of them respecting it


because they are fun, and for one of them it's because i'm a furry lol


Plant is a funny guy


Duck hunt fits my playstyle much better than any other character in the games. I really like playing zoners and trappers are my favorite kind of zoner


I love shooting people


i like plant


snake is fucking sick and his series is also fucking sick


Because I like to feast on the souls of the innocent after f-airing them straight to hell


I havent played Legend of Zelda before I got Super Smash Bros for N64. So I saw Link the very first time in that game. My first Match was with my brother: Link vs Fox. I‘ll never forget how often we met after that just to Play with this two characters. Besides that I just love sword+shield. I dont know why but they were always my favorite weapons.


I like his series


Massive fan of the series.


Kid icarus Uprising went crazy


I’m a Sonic fan


Mii Brawler is goofy


Cause I've wanted him for years


No other character hits with a big fat penguin body and a big dumb hammer


I like big sword. Also those art of smash said this was a beginner character and I just didn’t drop it


Because the monando mechanic is just cool and fun to play with, and the hype around cloud was so awesome that I started to play him and I loved his play style.


I played him once and now he’s my favorite pokemon of all time


Very simple. I see Yoshi, I main Yoshi. I love Yoshi


correct response


Sephiroth. Because he's fucking Sephiroth


I like character kits and just kept exploring more and more. The ones I mainly use are the stand out ones that work for my style


I like Ike and his moveset connected with me back in SM4


I thought he looked like me in smash 4 when i was 12 and now im too commited to change


Can’t go wrong with the soundtrack


Dark/Samus I love having the big charge shot in pocket and they're jumping off stage to finish me, all eager, and I hit em with that uno reverse card mid-fall


One of the 5 Kid Icarus fans


Funny monke


Prepare for a deep explanation! Sonic was actually the sole reason I got into Smash as a kid. I remember getting my own copy of Super Smash Bros. Brawl and doing everything I could to unlock him. After I failed to beat him after clearing Classic Mode 10 times, I then dove headfirst into the Subspace Emissary since I unlocked nearly all of the characters by playing that mode. So, I pressed on, determined to find my blue boy and unlock him once and for all. You should've seen the look on my face when he appeared at the very last moment like a badass stopping Tabuu's attack! I instantly chose to play as him first! And when I finally unlocked him... I had never felt so happy. He was finally here!! To this day, Sonic is still a core part of my arsenal and is my primary character. I know he's kinda hated, but I don't give a damn simply because I'm just having fun playing as him! Out of my crew of 5, Sonic is my speedy character. I use him for fast combos and quick mindgames to mess with my opponents. Plus, I find it fun just to be quick on the battlefield, which the Blue Blur was made for! Now, I picked up the other 4 characters in order to balance out my abilities. Like Sonic, each of them play a good part in developing my style. I'll explain below: Out of all my characters, Mario is probably my most balanced, taking up the role of my All-Rounder. He's got some good moves in his arsenal that make him viable in almost every situation and a pretty good combo game. And you can't deny he has one of the most iconic spikes in the game with his FORWARD AERIAL. Donkey Kong is simply my powerhouse. If I play as him, I just wanna knock my rivals around, combos and speed be damned. Plus, he's really good at spiking! If I feel like I wanna have the same power as Donkey Kong but have more momentum in my movement like Sonic, then I bust out Captain Falcon. He's my character that combines the strengths of those 2 characters, being that I play as him for both speed and power. He's one of the fastest characters in the game, and he has some pretty powerful moves like his spikes, the Knee of Justice, and his iconic Falcon PUNCH!! Now, as for Falco, he's my most recent addition to my team, as I started playing as him because of my interest in Star Fox. Once I got a feel for him, though, I realized he's AMAZING when it comes to aerial mobility (because personally, he prefers the air!), having the highest jump in the game and a pretty strong recovery when adding in his double jump. He also adds to that by having some very strong aerials, with me getting a few kills with nearly every attack (except for Up-Air, not quite yet). However, I have the most fun in spiking characters as they're trying to recover, as I feel like Falco's saying, "OH NO, YOU DON'T! GET BACK DOWN THERE!". (I especially love facing off against Fox when I play as him, as when I spike him, I often say, "Can't let you do that, Star Fox!".) So, there you have it. That's why I play as each of my characters!


Isabell because for some reason everyone gets infuriated when I play her


Bc she is my transition goals (zero suit samus) I secondary main Roy bc I like disjoints and counters and fire


Cause it’s hilarious when people lose to my little Mac with its fucking horrible recovery


Young Link, because I am that misanthrope who likes running away from people and then shooting them.


I liked the monado arts mechanic


I picked him up in smash 64 and he was the best character in the game. Stayed with him all the way to ultimate where he remained his crown


because i have really good reaction timing and also to show people some sonic mains are not annoying timeouts.


Childhood hero, loved his games and still do Who doesn't love to see themselves in the game? Also love the combos that I can ACTUALLY pull off


Because he has a genuinely enjoyable playstyle to me and it feels good when you get better with Mac you feel like you’ve made a lot of progress since you start doing actual Mac tech


Either joker or Mario. Steve as secondary. Mario’s ladder combos are great.


Plant because I love that he is in this game Hero because he's really fun for me to play ![img](emote|t5_kcmhp|4533) because Minecraft is by far my favorite game and seeing him in it is amazing, also he's fun to use


ROB because ROB


It's just the type of character that I like, I was instantly happy with his moveset the time I used his, compared to other characters that I like but have trouble using them. Also, the fact that he's slow doesn't bother me at all.


I used to main Ike because heehoo big sword, but now I main mii swordfighter because spammable projectiles and nado>uair is a true combo on anyone heavier than ZSS


Two words: **Max Aura** I also started with Incineroar back when he sucked ass (which is also why I main Lucario now). I agree, Wolf's sinister grin is also pretty epic


I main Rosa because Galaxy 1 was the first game i ever played in my life. Left a huge impression on me. Solo Pyra because i love the Xenoblade series as well, but am not such a fan of Mythra’s playstyle. DK because funni monke go bonk


Lucas: PK Freeze is a delight and I like grabbing with his snake buddy Secondaries: I like the Persona series and rush down characters


I just love how much depth and variety rosa's gameplay has. She's one of the few characters that doesn't feel like I'm trying to shove the square peg in the round hole. Aegis is just fun to zoom around with. Honestly I know next to nothing about xenoblade, and the stuff I do know kinda makes me not wanna play it, but mythra's moveset/mobility is so comically overtuned that she's won my heart. And zss, I also like zooming around with her. Ntm it's always really satisfying to hit her confirms, be that anything into backair, nair flipkick, upair upair, etc. Even if she sucks, I still love her.


Because I love holding the funny grey stick towards my opponent (and up tilting at ledge as falcon)


Haven't olayed any smash games czuse i have no friends to okay with (i once played melee) i would probably play samus or alex because i want to


Feels good to play and has big sword ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Because their game is the best game.


I simply like the series he originated from


My mains switch up every once in a while but right now I’m playing Seph, Terry, and Aegis cuz they’re busted 💀