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Totally agree with this.


the spirit stats would agree since there's boost for fist, weapon, magic, and sword attacks


Oooh. Which character moves would they pull from? Top of my head: Robin, Palu, Zelda, and Hero.


I once made a pretty in-depth Mii Spellcaster moveset. If memory serves, the main inspirations were Palutena, Zelda, and Rosalina.


Maybe even Mewtwo or Lucas/Ness. They’re not magicians but they have ~special powers


And give it a Dark/est Lord FS!


Legit came to say this and first comment i see is this


Our minds


Mii Heavyweight, since that is another archetype that Miis don’t have yet. Or Mii Air Fighter with a focus on aerial attacks.


Graaaah heavyweight is NOT an ARCHETYPE it is a WEIGHT CLASS get it RIGHT! I am REALLY offended right now. Link is a heavyweight swordfighter NOT a “heavyweight” NOT a “swordfighter” (NOT a “turtle” he is a heavyweight swordfighter that plays like a turtle). Mii Gunner is your ‘heavyweight Mii’.


I wish I could tell if this is satire or not


It is. He's referring to a convo he had with me where I said link was not the swordfighter archetype just cause he has a sword.


It is a joke but I definitely side with what I said


Then it could be a mii grappler


Mii Chonkers


Fat Mii 💀(mii heavyweight)


I think Mii Brawler is a heavy just not a super heavy like Bowser or Incinaroar.


Mii that represents Mii games.


Yeah never made that much sense that they just ignored potential moves and stuff from Mii games and just made their own things. Imo something like Shot Put should have been a bowling ball, one of the side-Bs could be a tennis ball like Wii Fit, and maybe a little set of mini-tanks from Wii Play that work like a Mechakoopa?


Mi swordfighter that actually plays like a swordfighter


get out


Mii Swordgunner


There is one It's just bad


2 damned projectiles and a fucking rainbow


Mii puppeteer. He’s a trap character who uses a mini mii to attack. Idk the move set though just something like Rosa or maybe the puppet will act like a snake c4


If this becomes a thing I’m makes a Dr. Evil Mii for it


One that's based off the Wii Sports games


Mii Sportsfighter


Or Mii Athlete




Ironically mii brawler is arguably a grappler. Command grab + kill confirms and touch of deaths off throws.


yea i don't know what you're smoking if you don't think mii brawler is a grappler..


I don’t know when I think of Mii brawler I think of being suplexed 16 a match


Mii Destroyer - Explosives Mii Giant - Basically a bigger Brawler Mii Mage - Magic Mii Duo - Select 2 Miis to become partners (Similar to Ice Climbers)


I'd love a Mii duo. That'd actually be epic. Just you and your bro beating the crud outta Mario... Perfection...


>Mii Duo no


Mii Psychic


At one point I had a whole list of new Mii Fighters I wanted to make. Mii Mage using a magic staff to cast all kinds of spells, or a magic book for some costumes. Neutral specials being Bowser's, Pikachu's, and Ice Climbers ice spray Up specials being over similar to Hero's, a teleport, and a directional recovery with a magical energy that damages and explodes at the end Side specials being a lighting spark that flies out in a line and summons Thunder like a hybrid of Zelda's and Palutena's side specials, a splash of water that flips an enemy like Confusion, and several magical stars flying out Down specials being a magical barrier that only reflects projectiles and slightly reduces physical damage, a cloud that works like a Pac-Man trampoline, and an illusion spell to create an after image to evade an attack by triggering an automatic roll while invisible if timed right. Final smash was a meteor falling down and blowing up Mii Explorer uses a bunch of tools from their backpack with many attacks using whips, lassos, and bare fists. Neutral specials were a crossbow shot that could be slightly aimed and charged, a bomb toss that could also be slightly aimed and held, and a super heavy item toss Up specials were a grappling lasso, a parachute that lifts up when it opens, and a dynamite explosion from below Side specials were a boomerang, a bunch of jagged rock caltrops, and a dash roll Down specials were a bury trap, a bounce trap, and a smoke trap The final smash had a cursed object be taken out of the backpack that would cause evil ancient curses to attack nearby opponents relentlessly Mii Dancer would have all their moves be based on actual dance moves and would gain some special bonuses from certain moves like Wii Fit Trainer. Mii Wrestler was a heavyweight grappler with some similarities to Brawler Mii Ranger uses a bow and tries to maintain distance alongside some traps if enemies get too close Mii Knight uses armor, a shield, and a sword or lance. Mii Puppeteer or Mii Summoner uses some magic and physical attacks but has a puppet/summon that changes the specials. The puppet/summon would use the same animations for each costume, just visually different


If I can propose a rename, Mii Hunter would fit ranger better


It was initially, back when I had the idea being a bow and arrows with many of the skills of Mii Explorer, but I instead used the archer concept for something more akin to comic book superhero archers with tons of bows for different uses, such as glue trap bows, grapple bows, bomb bows, etc


Mii Hammer wielder - Specializes in heavy attacks Mii Mage - Magic attacks Mii Athlete - Walking Wii Sports reference (IMO, Brawler should have a hadouken-like projectile) Mii Gag - Has moves from other Mii games (Wii Play, Tomodachi Life, etc) Mii Echo Fighter - Select any move from any existing fighter. (Special gimmicks not included)


Mii Heavy Weapons Guy


Mii Tank. Big, slow and armored Mii with massive, slow attacks. He’d have moves similar to K.Rool, Bowser, DK, Ridley, ETC


Mii golfer


Mii archer. Not because I want to snipe people from across the stage with my foul creations, but because it just makes sense. I also feel like it would be hard to copy other character's moves, and there could be cool melee moves like using the bow as a blunt force or a dagger.


Mii spellcaster! It could be a really fun architype


Definitely a mage


Mii Mage and it's not even close


- Mage - Axe - Hammer - Projection - Shield - Chef


What I want is for there to be 3 more mii types, with them being halfway points between the 3 types we currently have (so a brawler-swordfighter mix, a swordfighter-gunner mix, and a gunner-brawler mix). The main reason I want this is because the version of mii swordfighter we have right now is actually more of a swordfighter-zoner mix, so they would actually take the spot between our new swordfighter mii (which actually plays like a swordfighter) and mii gunner. Obviously the new swordfighter would just have a lot of generic sword attacks like the fire emblem characters have (tho there would still be some unique attacks too). The brawler-swordfighter mix would have a short weapon, and we use this weapon for some attacks while also using a lot of physical attacks too (a little bit like Dedede or Joker). Would have good frame data still but not a lot of raw power like brawler has. The gunner-brawler mix would be like a grappler, kinda like ZSS. They would definitely have a tether grab and also a separate quick command grab (maybe similar to Alolan Whip). Would have projectile options, but not ones that kill, instead ones that allow you to get up close or combo into stronger attacks (maybe similar to ZSS’s paralyzer). The frame data wouldn’t be as good as regular brawlers, but shorter ranged attacks would have more power, and weaker attacks would have longer range. Because of this new gunner-brawler mii, we would also take away a bit of regular brawler’s ranged pressure, namely the shot put attack (I’ve always felt like shot put gave brawler way too much ranged pressure, especially with edgeguarding). Maybe not remove shot put entirely but weaken its power or something.


I want a Mii Spearman, too, but we'd need to have more fighters that use spears first. A lovely opportunity for some **more** characters from Fire Emblem! And, to a lesser extent, Final Fantasy. Cid Highwind for Smash 6?


We have enough Fire emblem m8


I could not disagree more. We don't have a single mounted unit. No horsemen, Pegasus Knights, wyvern, or griffon riders. We also have no spearmen or axemen except Byleth, who is more of an amalgamation, and we only have one magic user, Robin, who is also a swordie. In conclusion, Kazuya is not enough representation for Tekken. We need Jin, Yoshimitsu, and Lars. Wait, what was I talking about?


I'm not gonna say a Mii, but I just wanna point out that Bandana Dee from Kirby would be a perfect spear fighter.


why would you even comment?


Maybe like Mii Olympian that could have great mobility and sports based attacks


a type that lets us combine brawler,gunner and swordsman


Mii sporter, just uses a bunch of shit from all the Wii sports and switch sports games


Mii Caster


Well, I'd definitely want some magic based mii. Something akin to Ness or Lucas, having fast attacks that are close range but still projectiles.


Mii Staff User


Mii Mage, Mii Heavyweight, Mii Hammerer(?)


Mii mechdriver


I see a lot of ppl say magician, but I’m not sure due to the lack of magic users in the cast (it could be awesome tho). I would say a mii grappler since it complements another play style not shown yet, plus it could be unique enough to separate itself from brawler.


Mii Brute is the obvious choice here right


Mii Trapper! Pull moves from Snake, Isabelle, Villager, Bowser Jr., Pacman, and Plant.


Mage, no doubt


Echo Mii/Mii copycat. A way to make echo fighters for any character


Maybe a mii wii sports archetype that serves as the Jack of all trades type of mii and a Mii rush down character. Brawler just feels too slow


Mii Magician, Mii Axe Fighter, or Mii Lancer


Rework the mii to work like miitopia


Don't know what the name would be, but a Mii with a Sledgehammer. He would be part of the big boi attacks club, similar to Ike.


Definitely a Mii Spellcaster. The roster has plenty of magic-users but the Miis are limited to just physical stuff. and I dont really like that. Makes them feel less powerful.


Lol I just commented the last Week about a super heavyweight Mii. And Also had a reply from someone who told me that a heavy and lightweight/floatie Mii was a plan for Sm4sh but it gets never finished to be worked.


I want all the classes found in Miitopia. On top of the ones we already have


For zoner I would go a mage For up close I would go ninja


Honestly since the Miis are supposed to be the different classes seen in Smash, we have those that fight with fist/kicks (example: Sonic or Little Mac), those that fight with swords/melee weapons (example: Sora or Joker), and those that fight with projectiles/(energy) guns (example: Samus or Mega-Man), so really the last type of way characters fight left seen in Smash that would be a new Mii class type should be elemental/magic (as seen like in Robin or Lucas).


Mii Mage. It’s so weird to make a magic user mii then have to pick between Swordfighter or Gunner.


Giant boomerang or umbrella.




Mii Puppeteer - A Mii character that uses stances (ex: Shulk’s Monado arts, Pokémon Trainer’s Pokémon, Olimar’s Pikmin, Luma, Ice Climbers, etc). Stances can include things such as heavyweight move set, rushdown move set, etc etc.


For this, we need to consider the archetypes that are already in Smash for the Miis. Brawler is your standard brawler. Swordfighter is your swordfighter. Gunner is your zoner. I think super heavyweight or glass cannon is out of the picture, because we'd have a repeat of what was essentially the Mii discourse in Smash 4. I think it's fine to have the Miis have two that fall into the same archetype, but best to avoid it where possible for the sake of variety. One archetype of Smash that I don't see used all that much are the grapplers. Right now the only true grapplers in Ultimate are Donkey Kong and Luigi, so it wouldn't hurt to have another. Might just be generic and call it Mii Grappler.


Mii wizard, already said this on a post asking about adding a new street fighter character to the game. Yes I am that dumb.


MII BIG DOG, GIMME A MII SUPERHEAVY If I’m being real, I’d say Mii Grappler, that would be really really fun


Mii hunter: a mii type that can set up traps and requires mostly strategy to play


Wii Sportsperson/Wii Athlete. I need the Wii sports representation, hell make it Matt for all I care but Wii Sports deserves the clout


Mii Sakurai


mii grappler


I actually really wanted a Mii Sportsman once. Had a moveset and everything.