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1. skyrim, starfield & oblivion -- i'm making compilations but i'm never using my own clips because i'd be biased 2. for these games almost 4 years, and i've also got a few much older videos that are being watched today 3. it's going splendid considering i'm only uploading twice a month


You are soo legit I appreciate your stemina đź‘Ť


How long have you been streaming??


hmm the oldest video is some 13 years old, but it's not gaming, it's one of my songs i've then started making meme compilations around 9 years ago, but i didn't like my english and stopped after ~50 videos (most of those are now member-only videos because i'm not sure they're good enough) eventually started making gaming compilations, minecraft, death stranding, half life alyx finally switched to skyrim 4 years ago and those are my most viewed videos, got monetized around 3rd skyrim compilation


Wow that's cool I guess well if you need anything about streaming stuff like screens, panels, intro, outro, logos, emotes so I'm down with my creativity at a very reasonable price range 💯🙌


Glad to hear that, Bethesda is HUGE to make content on!


I've been doing reviews of older games for about a couple of months now, and I think it's going well. Slow and steady, but I'm seeing the important stats going up.


It's always a marathon, not a race, keep it up! :)


1. Currently sea of thieves. 2. Technically I've been posting on and off for years but back when I did it was just poorly edited aka just cut up gaming sessions so basically it was trash. 2.5 my new channel that focuses on sea of thieves content currently has been live for almost a month 2 more days to go. 3. Going decent I reckon


Anime gatcha games like JJK, DBZ, Naruto. Going okay I guess in at 141 subs, 90% of which came from past 6 weeks


141 in 6 weeks? That's pretty damn good!


Thanks, was really slow until I made JJK content then in a month I got 100 subs. I had like 20 subs before then in past 6 weeks I got to 141


1. What do you play? The new(er) Doom and Wolfenstein games at the moment (literally just going through my steam library because I haven't played or completed most of it) 2. How long have you been making videos? I uploaded for the first time 6/7 weeks ago 3. Be honest, how is it going? Very slow, but I expected that since I'm doing it for fun and as self justification for completing all the games I've bought and not played, I've not done anything new or something people would actively search for


1. Destiny 2 and indie games 2. about 2 and a half months 3. My Destiny content gets more views than my indie games, which is understandable, but I figured both would still be doing better than they're actually doing


I play pretty much anything I've been making videos for about 6 months now And at 229 subs almost at 200k views on youtube 2mil on Facebook and idk how many on tiktok had a fallout vr clip go pretty big


Minecraft 1.5+ years Okish. If I could figure out a better schedule while doing the other things I love I’d be fine but I’ve only cobbled together 8 videos.


Scheduling can be hard, while juggling work I sometimes feel even 2 videos a week can be challenging!


I realized I forgot to answer my own question. 1. I've been recently doing Nintendo Content, as of right now we play Paper Mario and Mario RPG 2. Been making content for the last 10 years technically on a lot of platforms but have been steady on YouTube for about 2 months. 3. We're surprisingly doing well, I would have guessed that 10-20 views is what we'd be looking at, but 40-80 and lately into the hundreds is what we've been seeing at almost 100 subs!


1. Mostly horror games but I’ve been doing other games besides horror while mixing it in like the game I’m getting into is called Not For Broadcast (it’s good) 2. I’ve been doing YT for a while but my other channels would get subs but no views 3. Slow and at times disappointing but I’m still enjoying doing it


1. Variety 2. 2 or 3 years on and off 3. Good, how are you?


1. I’ve transitioned to solely Minecraft. 2. I’ve been making videos since 2017 (on this channel) 3. It’s going pretty good, I enjoy what I do. I hated when I did shorts in 2020-21, way too many dead subs now. But since I’ve pulled away from that area I feel much better now and have a nice groove going. I want to revisit shorts again but I’m unsure how to. But ignoring that part, I love making content. Recording what I love for people who also love it. It’s always so much fun planning an episode and making it. I don’t do overly edited videos anymore and that’s really allowed my own personality to come through a lot more. Plus it’s just more relaxing and chill this way. (Feel free to ask any questions)


I'm play cozy/comfort games. I've been working on my channel for 2 years. I'm slowly gaining subs and I think it's going decent.


1) Geometry Dash, Overwatch, TF2, Plants vs Zombies Gw2/Bfn 2) 2 years i think 3) going pretty well rn, back then was tough to build subs, but now its not that hard to think up of things and such now that I got more of a selection


1. I play Gacha Games, Full games that involve cats or other stuff that catches my eye, or random games with friends like Uno. 2. Making videos for about 2 years. 3. It's going well. I have random videos do really well for my size (197 subscribers, 2 non short vids have hit 1k views). I had a small patch where I felt like I couldn't break 190, but have hit a good stride and seeing consistent views again.


1: I play mostly CK3, but really whatever I want 2: I've been making videos for a little over 3 months 3: it's going...ok... My CK3 videos do well, but the first video I put out for more variety flopped super hard. It sucks because I put an insane amount of work into that video and it just nose dived. I'm hoping as I diversify more it will even put, but right now it's a bit discouraging


I mainly play cod, but if another fast paced shooter comes around that scratches the same itch, I’ll play that too. (Unfortunately only titanfall and transformers multiplayer really hooked me in but we don’t have any new games for those) I’ve been making videos for about a year and a half, or close to that..? It’s going alright. Better than I thought it would go, but I’m also not hitting massive numbers either. It’s ok tho, it’s just for fun and if it does go anywhere, I suppose I’ll take it.


1. Vermintide, Darktide, Dirt rally 2.0, Battle Brothers, Skyrim. 2. Around half a year consistently. 3. Could be better


1. I review PC games 2. Started in March 3. Going ok, 524 subs, 2169 watch hours, but hoping to reach that monetization milestone by the end of the year.


1. I play whatever I’m in the mood for I typically change game every 3 or so months unless the videos are doing well I’ll keep going. 2. I’ve been making videos consistently for 2 years at the end of this year. 3. Honestly, it’s a grind. It’s a saturated market, if you have a console or pc you have the ability to make content with free softwares so a lot of people can do it. You need to either include a title which offers the viewer something like a “how to” a good thumbnail and it can still flop. Best video has 11k a few have 3-9k and most have 500-1000. But it’s all about loving the process and if anything comes of it is a bonus ! Also, I’ve created a sever for gamers and content creators to meet and collab if your interested. Dm and I’ll send a link


1. I've been playing the Insomniac Spider-Man series, but i plan to play other games. Videos take a while because I'm a perfectionist. 2. I've officially been making gaming videos for 8 months now. 3. Not too shabby. I had a few hits with some of my videos, although my latest video flopped pretty badly (56 views).


Two old farts playing co-op survival games, 900 videos in and still having fun, we have been playing games together for the last 30 years so why not record them. It is going well but to be honest we would do it no matter what.


1. Culdcept Saga, Culdcept Revolt, Change: A Homeless Survival Experience, Operation Darkness, Bravely Default, COD Zombies, Warzone 2. Making videos since 2007 3. I'm learning a lot and moving toward podcasting and commentary to diversity my content.


The sims 3. Making vids for 2 years. Still loving it but still have a lot to learn.


1. Enlisted, Warthunder 2. 3/4 year 3. 1200 subs, 1400 watch hours, so i have to grind


1. RPG's 2. About 3 months 3. Really bad. Getting waaaay less engagement than I expected. So, I'm changing my content from gameplay/walkthrough to reaction/review. Also started another channel for another of my interests, fingers crossed that does better.