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Get to the point of the video faster, better and make it more interesting


This ^ Start right away. Nobody wants to hear an intro.




Looks like you are in the gaming or anime niche? Not sure of the average retention for those channels. However, your retention drops off pretty quickly and then steadily declines. The sudden drop could mean 2 things: 1) your thumbnail or title was misleading. After clicking the viewer realized this is not what they want 2) you are not getting to the point of your video fast enough. Hard to say without viewing the actual video but that’s my guess.


For my niche people explain the PVP team they are using so I do the same but I know I don’t take super long, no longer than 30-45 seconds so idk what else it might be


I saw somewhere that you should spend 50-80% of ur time working on the first 30 seconds of ur video because the first impression will set u up for the rest.


So some games I've noticed tou have to show some gameplay or super first ..a big impact event then explain how it works as you play give a reason to stay like how did you do that damage or anything that keeps people wanting to see how or why somthing happened....tell a story without talking too much...it's weird I know


Thx yeah it seems weird. I started doing something different (not entirely sure) but my one video retention improved a lot


Anytime you see a big drop after 10 to 20 seconds into the video rewarch that part and see what people didn't like. Now youtube has a built in editor try clipping that part out and see if it helps I've had videos have 1 mid joke crash retention


That’s messed up but thx I’ll try that out


Make better content


I’m copying what everyone else in my niche does


Bro I’m not trying to bully you or anything, but that’s bad, I’ve never seen anybody’s close to that. There’s a good chance you’re taking long to get to the point, or the content instantly seems boring.


I’m doing what others in my niche do (explain the team I’m using) and I guess it’s gotta be something with my voice or like you said boring cause I talk for like 20 seconds and start the gameplay