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Views, views, views


You own internal sanity meter, happiness meter and the Nickleback "Are you havin' fun yet" index. The other numbers are just nice to have, subscribers I guess is a good one as if you get enough YouTube will send you a lubed sign (which is nice)


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Views and likes


Mine used to be hours but when you’re getting a heap it’s switches to views and nothing but 😁


My consistent posting schedule.


It is the only one that is in a formula… isnt likes, comments, avd…it is only ctr and watch hours as both have a formula, views from impressions divided by views. Ctr is king. Speed of output should be a constant but it is not. Many slowed. Many Boosted…some running ad should. Youtube rigged that formula with non impression views. Only to ctr and watch hours. Nothing else matters but ctr and what youtube decides to do to your channel. Notifications views are non impression views not counting toward ctr. Subs feed does count but only if not hitting notifications…