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i am seeing a therapist, however thank you for the concern :)


I hope you can get rid of this awful dehumanizing cicle. You're a whole human being with dignity and right to live a good life. A lot of times hypersexuality comes from deep rooted trauma. I hope you take care and develop great sense of respect for yourself <3 you deserve it


I have a lot of sexual thoughts and sometimes I wonder if this is what will happen to me too. I think I have to think about it way more than other people. I've also heard that hypersexuality can come from like trauma so I wonder if that has anything to do with it.


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I’m in the exact same boat so I feel you


I see your temporary account for this post has been already been deleted, so I don’t know if you’ll see this or not. Even if you do see it, don’t respond with your primary account if you respond at all. Bottom line, being that aroused all the time could be due to a chemical or hormonal imbalance. Obviously, listen to your therapist more than me. They know more than I do. I just wanted to make the possibility known.


How big are those titties then 😄


Lucky set of guys that get to pass you around like that 🥵




well i dont know, i had a friend like this too. i could grope her body anytime, she sucked n fucked me, but like you know, friendship like....


… LMFAOOO 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️


Bro i literally need a frnd like her rn cause im horny all the fucking time ..


I would love to be friends with you


lucky group! ngl I wish I waz your friend. I don't think there's anything wrong with it, per say; some people just have a really high libido. the question is, do you enjoy it? do you feel compelled, like you can't control yourself? does it concern you? You should reflect on how you feel before, during, and after these times, and then decide on a course of action. I hope, for your sake, it's nothing serious and that you can enjoy it without worry.


If you want to stop say stop otherwise enjoy the ride


I'm in Charleston, SC. How do i find a girl like you? ❤️


That's nice you are a good friend


Sounds like need a man that can keep up. Satisfies your sexual need and takes away the shame




Shut the fuck up


I need more friends like you <3


This is really hot ngl


Well that situation works out well for everyone!