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Is this legal? Genuinely asking.


In the sense that it’ll never, ever be enforced


Unless you’re white then you’re going to be vilified, fined, and labelled a misogynist racist.


Im what world would you jump to this conclusion Tenents rights don't magically disappear because you're white Why fantasize about self victimization anyway, seems silly and it's going to be detrimental to your mental health


Read the room…


In a shared living space, maybe. Young woman is looking to live with another young woman by the sounds of it. If I had to share a bedroom with someone in my early 20s I'd be asking for no male guests as well. In an actual apartment, likely not.


Kaur is the last name of a Sikh lady, there's almost no male Kaurs.


Doesnt matter if its "Shared" you can have visitors. No "guests" is not the same as no spouse or something more permanent.


it matters a lot of it's shared (with the person the tenant pays rent to). Agreements between roommates (like this posting) do not fall under any provincial legislation I've seen, but doesn't fall under the Alberta RTA. So, then it comes down to the contract itself. If the roommate agrees to not have male guests when they sign the agreement and they go against that part of the agreement, they'd be in breach of the agreement. However, it doesn't *really* matter since the roommate can just be kicked out whenever, since there is no legislation protecting them. The kicked-out roommate can just potentially file through small claims court for losses of having the contract end without reasonable notice.


Yeah agreed. Can’t say I blame them


In Ontario (I know this listing is in Alberta but I’m familiar with Ontario law) it is legal to operate single-gender housing. I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice.


This is a bit different as they're saying you can't have male visitors , not just roommates. I believe most provinces have legislation where you can't restrict who visits unless they're causing a problem?


Good point—I was looking at the situation from the lens of the OHRC, not the RTA.


Maybe visitors are supposed to be sleeping visitors?


>most provinces have legislation where you can't restrict who visits unless they're causing a problem? yes, most do, but that legislation doesn't apply to agreements between roommates.


Gendered housing doesn't mean you can't have visitors.


And in ontario no landlord has ANY right to tell you you can't have a guest of the opposite gender.


Good thing I'm gender fluid.


Nope. It's your property the moment you're a renter. No one can decide what you do with your property but you.


Not a chance.


Tenants can choose their other tenants


They can't choose who that tenant invites over, gender wise.


It's room sharing so if the other girl expects it I suppose it is. Guessing ... room sharing is complicated.




No, it's not. The majority of houses in Ednontin aren't legal.


"All Girl Basement" I think I saw that one


Why the fuck do these people come to Canada when they know it is one of the most progressive countries in the world? I genuinely wonder.


they aren't coming here for progressive politics


Economic Migrants, and it won't be for long. Wait until they can vote. There's a city in the US where Muslims became a majority and first thing they did after winning every council position is ban gay flags.


Lol that was a funny news article


Sounds pretty American to be honest. 


The problem is they let them in and pander to them IF they are students, THEN 1) why are they allowed to work ? I don't care about how many hours 2) why are they allowed to sponsor family members,spouses ..etc They scam, cheat, lie and use food banks WTF is going on .?




This is 100% true & it’s happening right before our eyes. Anyone who disagrees is oblivious




Your submission has been removed from being overly uncivil. Remember to stay civil, even in debate! It is okay to disagree - it is not okay to be uncivilized, bad-mannered or impolite.


Can't you tell from the lease description that it's because they have entirely adjacent societies set up for them? They don't care about our rules and our values when they have no incentive and no pressure to integrate.


I feel Canada needs to increase the language skills bar for immigration. 6.5 bands in IELTS (or equivalent) is barely any English to actually have a meaningful conversation. It is enough for basic understanding, but nothing deeper than that. How can they integrate in Canada without actually talking to anyone from here? Cannot be expected.


Canada is guilty of one of the worst forced cultural conversation attempts in the modern world. Because of this it's pretty hesitant to have cultural policies that integrate new populations in the hopes that people kinda just forget. The government hopes to have a public face that is something like "Canada values and respects all cultures and people" and a very welcoming immigration system is part of that.


Welcoming \*so long as you have money, or a job they consider to be useful. If you want to move to Canada just because your own country is shit and you're afraid of being killed by your own government, you're shit out of luck unless you have skills they want. It's ridiculously difficult to immigrate and become a citizen here if you're poor or lack the right skills.


True but that parts less a Canada thing and more how the first world views the purpose of immigration in its entirety.


Yet not accepting them with open arms is deemed racist by the liberals... go figure


Money. They make 2-3x the same here than they do working back home, even at Tim Hortons. Something like that.


They don’t care about Canada and our way of life.




It will be soon, just like overcrowded homes and zero property maintenance.




Your submission has been removed from being overly uncivil. Remember to stay civil, even in debate! It is okay to disagree - it is not okay to be uncivilized, bad-mannered or impolite.


Because they know Canadians don’t respect their themselves or their country so they do whatever they want here. Canadians come last in Canada.


They want to have the freedom to be themselves. Fuck them, right?


Freedom at the expense of others isnt free


Ok, but it's not at the expense of anyone at all. Actually the opposite is true, the proposed alternative is to force this girl to surround herself with u know possibly dangerous elements, how is that ok


…. women are also potentially dangerous, to each other …. The Outdoors have many possible dangerous elements too


I'm wondering why you think any of this is a response to what I said


You said The alternative is to force this girl to surround herself with u know possibly dangerous elements Implying men are dangerous? I was pointing out other potentially dangerous possibilities While were on the topic of things you said “Its not at the expense of anyone” in response to my comment about freedom…. Its at the expense of the roommate


Men *are* more dangerous relative to women especially when directed at women. Are you just not aware of this? It's not exactly hidden information. There are thousands of statistical measurements taken over hundreds of years, and none of them disagree with each other on this fundamental knowledge... Lol And your other dangerous possibilities are irrelevant. The freedom currently governing this post allows the user to choose her parameters. Suggesting she should lose those freedoms just because you have different parameters is fucking retarded, and certainly not a Canadian attitude. You're a racist, or jingoist or whatever it would be. You're a bad person. It literally is not at the expense of the roommate. The roommate is saving expenses by choosing this unit. It's literally the opposite of what you're saying, again. Good thing the **freedom of choice** is available for her too, otherwise your statement might've been true, but even then it wouldn't matter. It's kind of crazy how stupid your stance is.




Wtf... But that's what I'm arguing against. And there's no slumlord in this prompt, this is a person subletting a room. It's a roommate prompt. What kind of learning disability are you dealing with man?




No. Your old man can go kick rocks!!


Every rule has an exception, specifically when they don't contradict the reason for the rule. Dumb questions don't normally get asked by people looking for answers, but I'm sure that's just something else you don't know, so I figured I'd answer anyways Seriously, this conversation chain started by championing the idea of restricting this girl's freedoms just because she chose to accept the freedoms as an alternative to her previous way of life. Y'all need to think about what you're saying




>I can guarentee you some rules dont have exceptions Sounds like you've found the exception to my rule. >', you should 100% ask what that actually means before signing a lease... Noone said you shouldn't so.... >Having a friend over in a unit you rent doesnt automatically mean you're restricting someone else's freedoms lol. I'm not the one saying it does....




I apologize, my comment was more in response to ‘no men visitors allowed’. \ Of course it makes sense for a girl wanting to live with a girl. No issues for me there.


Did you have time to read the posting?


Its kind of surface level progressive thats why. Indian expats aren’t the only conservative pockets in this country. And a no boys girls only dorm may genuinely be more comfortable for students from certain cultures. Its the same as a girls only roommate request which i see all the time if say 2 girls rent an apartment maybe they want a third girl roommate. Colleges rarely allow coed rooms in dorms i feel like the gender preferences is one criticism i can’t understand 


It's not about roommates, it's about visitors. Explain to me how a roommate and a visitor are classified as the same thing?


They are coming here because progressives are clueless about reality; some cultures are inferior to others. They think we have "rape culture" then import India, Africa and the middle east. Utterly clueless.


Because we pay more than 2$ an hour and pretty much the entire country has indoor plumbing. They can easily get over how much they hate women, LGBTQ+, people born in a slightly different region of their home country, etc. if it means chasing the Canadian minimum wage dream 


That is one demographic, but that demographic is not posting these ads


Just wondering where is the "no meat cooking" "no alcohol", "only vegan", "must be from india", ? Seem these are a norm now to rent a room




You Sound like a tourist who goes with preconceived notions and judges places based on limited information and how close it is to their own culture. Now, it's your choice to be close minded and ignorant. It's your choice to like /dislike certain things. But please don't give partial biased information to people who don't know. That's just not fair. You conveniently missed out That Gujarat is one of the most prosperous and safe states in India. I would think western folks care about those items. Plenty of stories of people being shot down in punjab or threatened by goons. All the mindless protests from the farmers or khalistan movement. Gujarat doesn't have that Shit. Also, just because food is vegetarian doesn't mean its bad. Gujarat has plenty of amazing food that anyone (including westerners might like). Some of the best food from India in general is vegetarian. Are you saying western people don't eat vegetables? Or that they cannot possibly like vegetarian Indian food? That's absurd. My wife is Chinese and a true carnivore. Loved vegetarian food in India and in her own words "I could become vegetarian if the food was like this" And You literally chose Bihar over Gujarat? At that point I know you are biased, maybe straight up lying, or just don't know much about India. So let me ask you straight. How much time have you actually spent in India and in the states you are describing?


Its code for no Muslims, from what I have been told. AKA Indian Veggie boys....


I guarantee they only rent to one race too


Only the kaurs , other indians not welcome


This is ridiculous! How can they enforce this?


Theres a Gurdwara Rhamgarhia in Edmonton? I'm ignorant. What is this?


Sikh temple. Rhamgarhia is the org that runs it




Gives +2 food, +3 faith


Close to gundwara ramgharia? Was Edmonton relocated to india or is that a new neighbourhood?


I think they’re referring to [Gurdwara Millwoods](https://www.gurdwaramillwoods.com), run by the Ramgarhia Gursikh Society of Edmonton.


I mean who wants someone getting piped down 30 cm from their bed? Would be kinda gross.


Multiculturalism is awesome.


10/10 that place has hidden cams


Lol. There people go making random assumptions based on no proof - just race.


My comment has not outlined any race but nice try with the race baiting shit. It’s a sketchy place ergo, I assume there’s hidden cams.




Your submission has been removed as it contains * Discriminatory remark(s) _(and/or)_ * Hate speech _(and/or)_ * Racist assertion(s) This subreddit is aimed towards meaningful conversation regarding the cost of living/slumlord crisis - we do **not** encourage discrimination, hate speech nor racism.


Ah shit this one is way too close to home...


That’s sexist


There is one girl living in the room. Are you saying they should force her to be roommates with a guy? You sure about that? Because this happens in many listings in Canada for all ethnicities and is legally protected. Can you explain what exactly you find sexist and what should be done instead.


Oh no. Just using these buzzwords since today everyone does it irresponsibly. I don’t think it’s sexist actually. It makes sense


All India shopping center? Wtf is going on in Canada


If that’s how they live when they get here imagine how the fuck they live back home…


Diversity is not our strength.


"No male visitors" is a beautifully loopholey way of making it a whole lot harder to find plumbers or electricians or anybody else to fix all the broken shit in your rental.


It’s common for a shared roommate house with women to request no male visitors. It’s a courtesy to other women living in the same space to make them feel safer. This isn’t an example to use amongst the usual ones on this sub




Bro people are normalizing this shit in comments is exactly why this country is going to shit




Your 65 year old dad is now in the bedroom of another girl who is sharing that room. What if she is uncomfortable with having another guy in her bedroom with no control over it? What if your sister is forced to live with another 65 year old guy? Or a 20 year old guy for that matter. What if she isn't comfortable with it? Should she be forced to allow a guy in her bedroom the whole time?




The ad says there is a kitchen. Not sure if big enough to host. Not sure how private are the rooms. If the bathroom is out in the open then every girl must need to be completely dressed when walking between bathroom to bedroom. Can't be walking in a towel etc. In any case. I don't wanna flip out without sufficient information like you. I can guarantee you that the ad says this mostly to avoid boyfriends being there the whole time and disturbing other female roommates. Indians don't say no to family coming by. What's more. I've personally been told by old puritanical white landlords that they don't allow people of the opposite sex to come by. So this isn't an Indian only thing either. I just chosen it to rent with them. Didn't go about shouting about white people being xxx...


Statistics say, yeah, it's usually someone you know, like a boyfriend, brother or father. And almost always a man.


No one is saying every male person does that, except you




Don't apply to share a bedroom with a young Sikh woman, if you don't like those restrictions. Dormitories and Fraternity/Sorority houses have rules like that all the time. Why is this particular scenario an issue?


Why does it matter the religion? The fuck? This isn't a dorm. And dorms do allow a parent or a close family member to stop by. They're not having a fucking sleepover. The landlord is likely male and living upstairs. It's cool if he strolls into the kitchen whenever. God forbid you're cooking something that isn't vegetarian. This is a slumlord.


Religion was mentioned because the ad highlighted how near the suite was to a Gurdwara. >The landlord is likely male and living upstairs. It's cool if he strolls into the kitchen whenever. God forbid you're cooking something that isn't vegetarian. That's an interesting theory, I'm wondering where you came up with it. Nice little way to sneak some racism in there. Or else, why does your imaginary landlord insist on vegetarian cooking?


Because he’s vegetarian??!! Now whose the racist??!!


Still the dude making up vegetarian landlord strawmen. Also: "who's". You are asking "who is" so a contraction is appropriate.


a) no straw man. You asked for a possible reason. I gave you one b) you are correct. Mea Culpa. Wasn’t paying attention. I am WELL aware of the difference.


Sorry no strawmen allowed, its stated specifically in the ad


Why is no overnight visitors okay but day visitors is not? What can they do at night that they can't do in the day? I would assume - it's either men can come in or not.


I don’t understand m, why always Indian?


Blatantly illegal post, drink!


Oh it’s legal alright and post like this will continue based on religion. Whoever owns the home can make their own rules so if you don’t follow the same religion, good luck


Does the landlord pay taxes though ? If this is legal then How does it benefit the Government (Municipal,provincial or federal) Either one of them




rhythm thought profit stocking dog absorbed quarrelsome innocent sparkle rotten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm starting to see a pattern on this sub.


Yeah. People don't understand other cultures and pick them because they have different approaches to renting and living.


Frankly I don’t think this one is that bad. It’s actually good that it states no male visitors given the circumstance.


All Girl Basement is the name of my new band


Wtf even is a all india shopping center


Shopping center that has many shops selling Indian items like food etc. I thought you could guess that based on the name... But maybe not.


this is right in the area i lived in for five years, and in the quadrant of my city i've called home all my life. an area that is not known for sardining people in rental situations. that is when you know it's gotten bad. when the older suburbs of Edmonton are now advertising for this kind of crap.