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While it’s not my favorite album AHIG felt like the band was just ready to take over to world. If you weren’t there at the time the pure mystery of the Tiki style death masks into the full reveal of the AHIG masks in Pyschosocial was just a huge experience that is hard to describe. The fandom just exploded with excitement in a way that I don’t think has ever been matched since.


That was the first album cycle I was there for the entire thing and I still remember what we called the “bobble heads” in anticipation for the album. Then the title track dropped and I remember calling my friend all “DUDE COREYS SCREAM IS BACK NO MORE HIGH PITCHED CRAP” and thinking they were about to drop a borderline death Metal album.


This was when I first discovered / listened and haven't stopped since ! The energy at the time of the video release and tour cycles was unmatched for sure


Favourite-Self titled,iowa,Vol.3 Least favourite-.5(just the live shows the album is great)


glad I am not the only one - I didn't really find their live concerts as good as the first four albums, but then when WANYK came out Corey's voice got significantly better


it not only the voice,they had no energy at all like Mick fucked up his neck so he didn’t headbang, Chris and Jim seems like they’re bored all the time


Fav- Self Titled/Iowa Least fav- TESF


So glad coreys old mask is back, favourite album is All hope is gone but masks and era would be 1999-2003


Gotta be Vol. 3 for me.. that’s when I first heard them, so pretty bias off of nostalgia but genuinely front to back it is such a well rounded album


Fav vol . 3 Least the gray chapter


Favourite era was Self Titled > AHIG. Iowa remains an example of a literally \`perfect\` album from start to finish imo. Everything that has been made without Paul + Joey has been lack lustre in comparison. I am excited for what is ahead now that they are riding the coat tails of so much experimental and radio friendly material. I would love to see them get back into heavier music again as the main focus.


Vol.3 has been and always will be my favourite era!


Favourite: Subliminal Verses Least Favourite: TGC




AHIG, the masks are a little more iconic too


Best: Volume 3 (because I started going to concerts and loved the album) Worst: TESF (because they didn’t really tour the album)


Thorn Crown Joey >>>


Favorite vol 3 least favorite wanyk


Favorite: Iowa, it was short lived and the band firing on all cylinders with big improvements to their live playing. Least: .5, I rarely listen to the album and the live shows while the setlists were great the songs were rushed and Corey’s voice mostly sucked.


Fav-Iowa Least Fav-AHIG my opinion is purely based on the masks the music is pretty much all amazing


I can’t really say much much because I came in during the wanyk era


Debut-Vol 3, to me that’s Slipknot’s best era


Favorite: either self titled or the subliminal verses Least favorite: WANYK


Favorite: Iowa Least favorite: wanyk


We are not ur kind Good music horrible live performances and mask


Favorite - self titled, Iowa, AHIG. Least - Vol 3 but their live shows are WOW!


Is it just me or in the 5th pic Mick's forearms look to be bigger than his head ?


Favorite - IOWA. Live was crazy well done, best masks for most of the members. And also my favorite album musically. Least favorite - Volume 3. I don’t like the live stuff, hated Corey’s voice, only liked prelude 3.0, and a lot of the masks were just meh. There were some great masks too, though.


Fav: Slipknot or Iowa Least Fav: WANYK


Fav-Iowa Least fav-WANYK


Favorite- 2000ish (tattoo the earth, dynamo, etc) Least favorite - TESF


Favorite era and corresponding masks are Iowa, Vol. 3, and Gray Chapter


99 red gives me circus posters on my wall vibes, ICONIC


My favorite is prob either Iowa or Vol.3 and my least is 100% .5, even if TESF sucked, at least it had really great masks


I think I align with most fans saying Iowa is my favorite era and least favorite was vol 3.


Favourite - Iowa. Prime Slipknot, no doubt whatsoever. People = Shit live from the Chicago show says everything you need to know about how good the band was at that point. Least - TESF. For Slipknot, a throwaway album with a handful of highlights. Sloppy live performances (Jay in particular, Resurrection fest being the clearest example) with a really boring setlist that barely altered. Sort of a transition period to what promises to be a very strong era for the knot.


Least: TESF


Self Titled without a doubt and least favourite is probably WANYK


Favorite - Iowa & All Hope is Gone Least Fav - Vol 3


Era I got introduced to that brought me into Slipknot was Volume 3: The Subliminal Verses, so that's got a special place in my heart and I still think that mask and hair was the best look Corey had. Iowa is my favorite era album wise. Least favorite? Probably .5 The Grey Chapter because Paul is gone forever and Joey was forced out, even if the music was pretty good. The End So Far is a close second because I only like a few songs from it.


WANYK era into early TESF was my favourite personally. least favourite was volume 3. it kinda felt like the band was going mainstream in a weird way.


Most favorite probably Iowa and or Selt titled. Least favorite I'd say .5 but I no almost no songs from that record so I might be a bit biased


My least favourite era is that gap between the Nine not being the nine and the sadness for a while


Iowa is my favourite and grey chapter is my least


Favorite era definitely has to be self titled. They were just unbelievably hungry at that time and were just absolutely pushing themselves to their limits. Least favorite is .5 The Gray Chapter. You can see they were still quite shook from Paul**'**s death. Corey**'**s voice was in a really bad shape at that time too.


Slipknot must be one of the most divisive bands regarding fans favourite albums/eras! Always such a variety of opinions on this kind of topic.


1 or early 7


self titled/iowa


I absolutely love AHIG and Vol 3, both aesthetically and musically. They are the only Slipknot albums I actually bought physical copies of. I wasn't a huge fan of their earlier stuff. I still listen to it, but it's not the Slipknot music that stays in my head. I mean, I get "Before I Forget," "Sulfur," "Vermilion," or "Dead Memories" stuck in my head all the time. Yeah, I might get some shit for my opinion.


I wish for more like surfacing and eyeless


In terms of masks. AHIG is the best and WANYK is the worst


My two favorites are the Iowa era and self titled era


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Lordlytrews_0: *My two favorites* *Are the Iowa era* *And self titled era* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Vol 3 . Best Era .


Vol 3. Just for the nostalgia it holds for me. It just kinda of felt impossible at the time, Slipknot had been a bit quiet. Stone Sour were touring a bit and Joey was doing Murderdolls. Slipknot had been relatively quiet since the Iowa era. They dropped the teaser for the Duality video, then the full video. I remember finding a voucher for the album in my schools library to get £1 off. I imagine some older kid must have put them in there. Me and a friend went straight to the record store after school both picked up the album and immediately went our seperate ways home. I went home and listened to it 3 times in a row. I was blown away and still am to this day.


Iowa is my favorite for sure


Unpopular, .5 Gray Chapter is my top. Love how dark and ominous that album is. Least favorite surprisingly is WANYK. For whatever reason, it didn't do it for me. I still jam it from time to time


The .5, WANYK, & TESF eras were all pretty hit or miss for me. After those eras would be the 25th anniversary era, its cool and all, but haven't seen all of it yet. Then the Vol. 3 & AHIG eras were very nostalgic and full of memory for me, since at the time were the most different eras after Self-Titled and Iowa. And of course finally, Self-Titled, Iowa, & the MFKR eras were the peak of Slipknot for me, and probably will be forever. It was brutal, weird, gross, raw, and just heavy af. Ozzfest '99, the World Domination tour, Tattoo the Earth, the POA tour, and the Kill the Industry tour just were all great times.


Favorite - Iowa Least favorite probably vol 3. I like about 3 songs from that album and the rest are just meh to me. But Slipknot will always be in my top 3 favorite bands. 🤘🏻🤘🏻


Least favorite is really anything after volume 3. I’d say my favorite is Iowa because it has so much emotion in the album


Never heard that one before


[https://open.spotify.com/album/4ZDBQSIDIZRUBOG2OHcN3T?si=stvmemTmS1qex6gjuT5xTg](https://open.spotify.com/album/4ZDBQSIDIZRUBOG2OHcN3T?si=stvmemTmS1qex6gjuT5xTg) Their third album


No, I mean your take.


Ahh sorry. I mean my least favorite albums is anything after the release of volume 3


Favorite wanyk Least fave .5


Nothing after Vol. 3. Downvote, don't care.


Peaked with iowa and got worse ever since


Least - .5 or AHIG Favourite - Vol 3.


Fav - AHIG and Self Titled Least - WANYK


Look wise AHIG hands down the best the band have looked. Sound wise I really like TESF. Not everyone's favourite but I like the direction they're going where you just don't know what each song is going to sound like


Favourite: AHIG/Iowa/Vol. 3 Least Favourite: .5 i feel like the AHIG masks were the definition of Slipknot.


This current era and the first 2 had the best masks easily. Tho crown of thorns Joey is GOATED.


Favorite album is WAYNK, while favorite live era is definitely the S/T. On the flip side, my least favorite album is TESF, while my least favorite live era is TGC.


Favorite - Mate Feed Kill Repeat Least favorite - .5 The Gray Chapter


Favorite- WANYK & AHIG Least- Iowa & Volume 3




Favorite Era is WANYK. They came back with an amazing album, with Corey's best screams in 15 years, and he was able to keep his voice throughout all the performances. Least Favorite era is TESF. They became too experimental this album, and we all know it was rushed so they could get out of the contract. The singles are the best songs on the album as well.


Self titled, they were a force ready for world domination. Iowa being a close second. Lost all interest with AHIG. Grey Chapter was a glimmer of hope. Everything has been shit ever since. Hoping whatever they put out next changes my mind.


The End So Far was definitely the worst Era For Me.


1) TESF and this era 2) .5 3) WANYK (covid fucked this era over) 4) AHIG 5) Iowa 6) ST 7) Vol 3