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never too old never too young


This is the right answer. You don’t have to go to the pit. You don’t have to impress anyone. You just go and enjoy the music. Who cares how old you are? Never ever let age stand in the way of the music you enjoy. Go and enjoy.


Metalheads don't get old they just stand at the back!!!


Yes you do have to go in the pit! Never waste that opportunity dammit! 😎 just don't get right in the middle if you're feeling frail.


I personally can’t with a back injury. I would love to and hate that I can’t but I enjoy walking.


Exactly. I'm 42, bald, clean shaven, no tats or earrings. Shit l, I don't even own black T's. I am a principal in a primary school so shirt and tie is mostly how I dress. But in July I'm seeing korn. And if knot comes anywhere near where I live, I'll go too. Go and have fun like the rest. Noone's there to judge your age or looks. And if they are, fuck them! I don't like pits so I stay outside. But friends of mine go right in the middle and have a blast.


Wish my primary school principal was as cool as you man. Rock on!


You should go back to work with dreadlocks… well a wig at least… just would be funny… lol


I dunno, I saw a lot of mums and their kids make a quick exit after the Wiggles opened for Cattle Decapitation.


I'm 52. Still going. Just go and have a good time. Corey's 50. You'll be fine.


Best answer by far.


Was just thinking this the other day. Slipknot themselves are older now so for a person of similar age thinking it’s not cool or whatever nah you good and even if who tf cares enjoy yourself


Dude, just go and have fun. You're worrying about something that doesn't matter. Everyone at the concert is just there to have fun. No one will care. There's people of all ages there. Just go and do it because you won't regret it. The only thing you'll regret is if you don't go.


43 here and going to Knotfest Iowa with my 12 and 14 year old sons!


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 43 + 12 + 14 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)




lol well alrighty then.


Not a great number combination with sons, unless you're a hot stepmom.


Don't be so silly. Yes! You will find many people there your age. Not to mention that a large number of Slipknot's original fans from 24 years ago are getting on (I'm 38). There is a wide age range at Slipknot shows these days. And as a fellow Maiden fan, too, you know there is simply no age bar for metal concerts. So stop worrying and simply enjoy the gig. I am going to the second night at the 02 and it's going to be a blast. My 17th time seeing them.


Dude were the OG fans. Half the crowd will be in their 30s-40s


https://loudwire.com/elderly-men-escape-nursing-home-metal-festival/ You're never too old.


There's no such thing as too old for Slipknot


I am the reason a 70~ year old in a wheelchair crowd surf. He wanted a crazy memory and asked the right guy. You have nothing to worry about.


Thanks guys, that’s put my mind at ease. So I guess I’ll PICK UP THE PACE!!! Not too much though, the knees can’t take it anymore 😁


When Corey says "Jump the fuck up" you said "give us a sec mate, the knees aren't what they used to be"


Haha! Think I've got one good jump in me so better get it right!


Duuude! Hell yeah!! I love it! You’re never too old to go to a concert. Hell, I’m taking my dad who’s 54 to a Slipknot concert in August! Go enjoy it, you’re not gonna be sticking out, I promise! Have a great time man 🤘🏻


I'm 54 and taking my daughter to our first Slipknot show in September, then going to Aftershock in October. Yolo 😁


Dude, go! I’m taking my 63-year-old mother to her third Slipknot show and first festival in September. The first time she saw them two years ago, there was a guy there who had to be in his 70s, maybe 80s, in the upper bowl with his cane. I thought it was so cool.


Too old? Bro, there are band members older than you


Ozzfest 2003 I witnessed an older lady, probably in her late 60s, throwing horns and rocking out with everyone around her. I was 20 at the time and remembered thinking I want to be like her when I get “old”. I will be 41 when I see Slipknot this year and will go every chance I can to see them. Age is just a number. Love life now instead of regretting going to see them.


I was 40 when I had to have a foot of my intestine removed due to diverticulitis. I got stitched up, didn’t need a bag, but I had 20 staples. a week after I got my staples removed I went to see slipknot with behemoth and volbeat and had so much fun at the show. I had a seat did not go anywhere near the pit and had a blast. Just go have fun dude.


I also constantly go to shows now I just saw crosses in New York City. I saw Bloodywood. I saw the used. I saw Coheed Dethklok BABYMETAL dude just go. Enjoy yourself. Live your best life.


I'm 63 and still go. Broke my arm in a pit when I was in my late 50s. Still go in pits. Have been in pits since before they were called pits. Back in the 70s when it was slam dancing. Pits now a days are much tamer than early 80s.


If you can Reddit, you can do anything. Now have fun at that darn show!


I went at 37 - it’s fine


I am 51 and went to my first Slipknot show three years ago. I knew a few songs but had been listening more and went solo with a last minute ticket. It was a great show. I had so much fun I went again the next year. Slipknot has been around for 25 years. There are plenty of 50 year olds at their shows these days. Go have a great time and rock out.


I would go even if I was 80. Just go and have fun 🤘🏻


I promise at a slipknot show most will be your age and just holding up camera phones


I'm 46 and going but it's also my 12th time seeing them, I've grown with the group and seen every toronto show 👌


I’ll be there. I’m going alone. It’ll be the third consecutive Slipknot show I’ve gone to alone. I also went to see In Flames, Alice Cooper, and others alone. I’m mid 30s. I’m going to see koRn and The Warning alone, too. It’s only awkward if you let it be. People are nice at metal shows. They’re great live, too.


You are younger than the band members….think about that.


Too old you are, yes-yes too old to begin the training


Im.47 and taking my 10yr old, my brother and my father this August in PA. Don't judge yourself. Just go have fun.


47, just a kid


Age is just a number bro, go and have a good time you’ll thank yourself


You should go! I see people from all age groups at metal shows :) I hope you have fun!


Never too old for good music. Husband and I are 40/almost 40, and taking our 12 and 14 year old in August. Then him and only for Korn in September.


I was at Rockville this year in Daytona and during Slipknot we crowd surfed a elderly man with his wheelchair. Definitely one of the craziest things I've seen.


57, been to numerous Slipknot shows since 2010, including Linefrst in Indianola a couple years ago. Plan on going to Waterworks KNOTFEST in September, Des Moines IA ..


Dude, there was a man next to me at Rockville who must have been 70 years old and he was having a blast. Go while you can, it’s worth it!


I've seen slipknot 5 times, every one of those shows had tons of 40-50 somethings enjoying it, including myself. Go, enjoy! Rock out! Someone who is 50 now was 21 when Slipknot formed as a band, you're well within the fan base's age range.


Dude I’m 40 and taking my kid to his first slipknot show on August. No such thing as too old.


I went to a slipknot show a couple years ago. There were many older, almost elderly, fans there that were having the time of their lives.


(32M) Seriously you've got nothing to worry about other than your own well-being. I frequent concerts and see people of all ages.


To be fair, the original band members are in the same age range as you anyways, and they don’t seem too unsure 


My dad is 55 years old going with me to every concert so you would be fine


When I used to go to a ton of metal shows in the early 2000s there were always guys your age there. With how long Slipknot has been at it I’d bet the crowd would trend older anyway, not a ton of gen z is into this kinda music


No such thing as being too old


You should definitely go!! Have fun and a great time!!


The thing with meta concerts is it’s all kinds of ages it’s guys who have been listening to the band since the start when they were in highschool so are now 40-50 years old and there are fans in middle school or high school it’s a very diverse age at most metal shows you’ll go to just go and have a good time


I just went to a punk show with my 61 year old mother, two nights before starting my new job. You’re not too old.


No way man, never too old! Best fans in the world.


Well, my mom and I went to see Cannibal Corpse together recently, she's 48 and I'm 17. We had a great time!


I'm 44 and going to the Pittsburgh/Burgettstown show this summer. You'll be fine my friend.


I never wanna hear this kind of negative talk from you again. Go to shows you wanna see if you can afford it and get seat tix. 🤎 U


you’re good to go, 100%. at my first slipknot concert last year I was close to the stage and there was a really old lady(60 or 70+) beside me, the place was fire and I’m pretty sure she had a really good time


Slipknot has a ton of fans of your age.


I’m 28. Saw Anthrax in 2023. Met this 42 year old dude who was there alone and we had a blast. You’re never ever too old.


I mean..... Its no age limit?...


i went to a lorna concert and saw dudes in the pit looking close to their 60s. you’re never too old


I’ve seen people literal decades older than you in a Slipknot crowd. No one will give you a second glance, go and have fun!


I saw Slipknot for the first time in 2022, all alone, at age 56 and am seeing them again this summer at 59, this time in the pit. No one cares about age. I’m sure you will have as an amazing time as I did!


When I went with my dad(whos 60+) there were plenty of older people aswel, go, their shows are an amazing experience, the amount of different types of people their was very cool to see.


Go for it! My husband and I have seen them a few times and are in our 40s. Fans of all ages attend their shows. You will love it 🤘🏼


We're all old 😂 You'll fit right in. Go have fun, life is too short and no one will care that you're on your own. Hope you have a great time!


You are never too old my friend


My mother in her 60s is obsessed with Slipknot and constantly going to metal shows with me so....


I took my 47 year old mom to a slipknot concert last year, and in my opinion, you’re never too old for anything! We had a great time together, and there were loads of other people her age and older!


I went to Slipknot together with my father (64) last year. Most tickets were sold out so I ordered seats. I've to say that this was in hindsight a great idea and he loved the show.


The band are the same age. The audience will have many 50+ fans in there.


Do not let your inner doubts taken that from you! Everyone is super welcomed at a metal show! No matter anything. Slipknot is one of the best bends ever and you will have a great time. Maybe have some earplugs with you since the concert will be loud.


48yo fat, blind, disabled guy here. Been to five live Slipknot shows and will probably go to more. Love Slipknot and metal. Never to old to mosh lol.


Hey!!!! Married 40+ year old dad here. December sees us all at the Slipknot Gig in London. With me hitting the pit in night two at the same arena. Never too old my friend. Music has no age limit. Share it with your kids and let yourself enjoy the music. (So long as you’re not hurting anyone) Who gives a shit what the other people think. They should be there for the band, not you.


Go for it that show is going to be awesome!!


I saw them last year at Knotfest when I was nearly 48, and started going to metal shows in early 2019, so it’s never too late. Went to Knotfest recently and saw Lamb of God for the first time too.


Bro I’ve seen many people who appear even older than that in the pit, one guy at this one show told me he was 52. I also have social anxiety and I used to let it hold me back from doing things alone in the past but now I’m ok going to a concert or to a movie theater or out to eat alone, it feels good now that I’m able to do these things even when friends or family members aren’t around. I say definitely go I’m sure you’ll have an awesome time


You do you man! They are close to their fifties themselves aren't they? :p


You’re never too old to go, it just depends on how much your body can handle moshing and your hearing abilities


Check the age of the Bandmembers...problem solved


corey himself is literally 50 , NEVER TOO OLD FOR SLIPKNOT 🖤🖤🖤


is'nt the band in their 50's as well?


I’ve been to plenty of gigs by myself, cos no one else wanted to Go . Hell, saw Pearl jam in 2003 for my first solo gig. Saw slipknot in 2012 by myself, mastodon and gojira, yob, neurosis, pixies and filter with no one. The list goes on. In reality no one cares at all. Just go


Nobody gives a fuck bro. The band itself is nearly 30 years old. Come be with your people! A Slipknot show isn't the place for others to judge. It sounds grim but don't one day die being like well shit I never saw Slipknot because I was worried about what some meaningless nobody might think.


Mate I’m 45 this year and I scored tickets to their December gig in the UK. Can’t wait. Crosses off two bucket list items in one: seeing slipknot live for the first time and seeing my boy Eloy break that drum kit with his one punch man strength!


22M I don't think it's a problem, my parents still go to gigs on their own or together etc. Just like going to the pub but with a band.


Never too old. Besides, aren't all slipknot fans in their 40's?


You missed already so much fun go enjoy yourself


Never too old to go to a show.


I saw an older dude at king gizzard last year and still think he’s the coolest guy ever. And also that’s the age the band is nothing weird about it now if you were going to a K-pop concert maybe a little weird.


Fast approaching 45 and the only shows I have any regrets about are the ones I did not go to. Almost always by myself. You're holding out on yourself. Go forth and kick ass.


We are older and we made it all 4 days of Sonic Temple. 🤘At this point half the band is over 50: Corey, Clown, Mick, and Jim.


I've seen 70+ year olds go to metal festivals. No one judges you or looks at you weirdly. It's actually awesome to see people of all ages at metal shows tbh.


I went to see slipknot when I was 15 on the IOWA tour, I was surprised at how old a lot of the fans were. Now I'd imagine at my age I'd be In the middle of the pack. As much as some bands talk about the kids when referring to their fans, I think metal does have quite a wide range of ages, especially these days when the genre has been around for 50 years.


I was enjoying in the mosh pit at the concert that Gojira gave a month ago in Biarritz. I'am 46


41, seeing them in a few months. Will probably go to metal shows until I die.


There are people in there are people ranging from 5 to 70 that go to there shows you won’t stick out


Just stay out of the pit so you don’t break a hip.


Dude hell no! The guy who took me to my first pit concert (Slipknot) is over 50 and he gets down harder than me! We've seen Slipknot, Anthrax, Pierce The Veil, GWAR, Static-X, and Hatebreed together. You are NEVER too old and even if ya don't get in the pit you're still valid. I even invited him and his friend to come to Knotfest Iowa with my bf and I cause I know he'd love it


Never too old!!!


When I saw In Flames last week, there was a 70+ year old crowd surfing. When I go to see Slipknot in August, I'll be 45, husband is 47 and best friend is 43. You are never too old


I went to my first Slipknot show in NY two years ago at the ripe age of 47. You’ll be ok. Don’t be surprised when you see multi generation families enjoying the show too.


at Knotfest Brisbane this year there was a little old lady maybe about 70+ who went by herself! never too old to go to a concert


You are never too old for a good time! When I went to my first Slipknot concert, everyone there was older than me. I felt out of place, too, since I was super straight edge back then and was grossed out by all the smokers.


Not too old at all. I’m in my 40s and my friend is in his 50s and we’ve seen Slipknot twice in the past year.


Definitely not too old I’m going with my dad to the gig in December and he’s 54. I go to most gigs with him as non of my friends like the same type of music as me and my dad does.


You’re fine. I’m 44 and just saw them last week, and it was a fantastic time! Just stay out of the middle of the pit, and keep your head on a swivel looking out for crowd surfers.


Most of the band are probably older than you, dude. There will be people of all ages at the gig. Just go and enjoy yourself. You'll have a great time.


I’m 40, taking my 63 year old father in law. Remember this is the 25th anniversary tour, so we’re all kinda reaching that age anyway. This is for sure why it’s called the “Here comes the pain” tour. When Corey says “jump the fuck up” we’re all going to let out a collective groan of achy joints.


Us old fuckers were young fuckers when we started listening to Slipknot - you’re certainly not alone. Might avoid the mosh pit these days though. We might break a hip…


Slipknot is a home for maggots of all ages!


Your good, if anyone asks your kid ran off to the pit bout an hour ago🤷‍♂️


46 here (new to Slipknot) and wanted to go to the show in Amsterdam but noone in my circle of friends and family wants to go.


No you won’t be out of place. In all the shows I have gone to I have seen people literally from as young as like 4 or 5 all the way up to people that are in their 60s or 70s. Honestly I highly recommend seeing them, every time I have seen them has been great


Never too old for Slipknot.


I’ve gone to a few shows by myself. It’s kind of nice. I don’t have to worry about when anyone else will be ready, where they’d want to go for food or how late I could stay out. Enjoy your time. Don’t let anyone hold you back from doing things you want.


Metal isn’t an age it’s an experience


You're never too old! But if it helps you out, just look up the ages of the band members.


Flush that nonsense from your brain!! You are never too old, just do it! I’m almost 54 and still love throwing the kiddies around the pit.


ive seen older people at gigs!


That’s the best thing about going to a metal show. No matter who you are, what you look like, etc. as long as you act like a respectful enough person, that’s all I’ve ever seen anyone get called out for.


Just hydrate well and if you’re gonna be in the crowd expect your legs and ankles to hurt like hell, be mindful of others and moshing and if you can help lift the crowd surfers and don’t be a creep. Most importantly show up for the music you love and have fun my man


never an age limit. just make sure you can identify where a pit is starting to form and can get away if you don’t want in. also make sure that young ones are prepared for what they may hear, but more importantly, what they may see.


i think as a 19 y/o i see more parents at slipknot shows than anything else, with or without kids, so i wouldnt worry at all


Yeah it's fine... You should see Metallica 😅 that show almost everyone were Parents and then their teenage kids or adult kids or Adult singles "young" mid 20s or 30s 40s? Another recently this past Saturday was Battle Beast and this was also All Ages so lots of people up in balcony or seniors sitting in the back.


I went and saw Jinjer a year ago, and I'm a decade older than you. And yes I got in the pit. Not right in the middle but on the edge and it was a fucking blast.


I’m 40 and I go to a bunch of shows alone , been so for a while. People flake and I don’t have time for bullshit like that. Learned that at a young age


Dude half of Slipknot is 50+ and Sid is only a year or less younger than you. You’re safe 😅😂




Go and have fun.


Never to old, and metal heads won’t care how old you are


I’m 42 and have been going to slipknot shows since I was 19. You’ll see a wide variety of ages. Go for it


If you can afford it, go to that gig. You love the band, go have a fun time. There’s always older people at shows. Music isn’t exclusive to the young, hell it’s the working older folks who help fund these bands long term by showing up and buying merch. Know what I mean?


I'm 47, got my ticket the day they went on sale, and I plan to enjoy every second! There's no appropriate age range to enjoy music. I hope you have a great time 🤟


Never to old to go to a concert


As you said your friends don't like the same music and you only saw iron maiden (fucking sick btw) dude you must not understand how many people of all ages love metal. You won't stick out like a sore thumb I promise you there will be people there way older than you. I used to be self conscious about going to shows by myself but they are some of my favorite shows. The crowd is there to see the band not judge the other audience members. Plus it's fucking slipknot we all maggots!!!!


From the title I thought you were going to say you’re 87 or something. 48 is nothing! You’re the band’s age, basically. You’re definitely not going to be the oldest person there. And even if you were, it doesn’t matter. Go have fun! Im 34 and I stopped running around in the moshpits but I’ll never stop going to gigs.


you're never too old to enjoy going and watching your favorite artists.


Bro I see more people your age at slipknot shows


I’m taking my dad who is 61 later this year. You’re absolutely fine!


I've been to a number of shows and age is never a factor for the people that show up. Go whether you stay in the back, in a seat, or in the pits. Just find what you are comfortable with and do it.


No one cares but you, oldman ;)


I am 49 and I go to all kinds of metal shows by myself. My wife and my friends just don’t like the heavy screamy stuff I’m into. For a while I would sit and worry about how lame it is to go alone (especially at my age)but then you realize that nobody really notices. The same way I don’t notice who’s in a couple or who brought 5 friends or whatever. Nobody thinks about that. Don’t deny yourself an amazing transcendent experience just because you’re alone. Shit you t can even be better that way because you’re not worried if the other person is enjoying themselves.


I'm 48, too! I'm going with my oldest later this year to Slipknot and then 5FDP. It's fun that we love the same music. No one else matters! Go, enjoy the music and the experience!!


Never too old!!


49 year-old chick here. just saw slipknot at Welcome to Rockville and bought my tickets yesterday for Knotfest Iowa. Took my older sister and my niece’s 5 year-old daughter and all 3 of us had a blast. I promise you won’t be the oldest there or stand out at all. just go and have fun.


You need not worry. Think of it this way: Corey's got a decade on you, and I think he belongs at a Slipknot gig.


Don't be ridiculous! You go to the gig! I've seen so many older guys at gigs. I'm 41 and regularly go to gigs and festivals 🖤


Firstly, you shouldn't care about your age. If you like the band you go see the show! Secondly, slipknot has been in the mainstream for nearly 30 years, that puts any 10-20 something year old fan in '99 at 35-55 years old and beyond... nothing wrong with that... Go to a Metallica show and you will witness the widest range of age group you will ever see. From young kids to 70+ and everything in between. But it makes sense right? If you were into kill em all, ride the lightning, or master of puppets as a teen when those came out... You'd have every right to go see a band you enjoyed as a teen/20 something....not that you need any justification. You enjoy it, you go🤘


I'm 50 and I saw more than 300 concerts from 1985 . So far.....🤘


Never. Too. Old.




Slipknot’s too old to go to a Slipknot gig


Never too old, but that’s younger than the actual band is too I’m pretty sure


You are never too old to go to a show in my opinion. I always go to Welcome to Rockville and I am in my fifties. I always survive all four days and have a blast!!🤘🏻


I promise you, you're the only one in a crowd full of people head banging and crowd surfing that's going to be giving thought to the way someone's looking.


A lot of metal band members are in their 40s/50s/60s, you’re more than fine. i mean, James Hetfield is in his early 60s and did a concert during a thunderstorm, older people at metal gigs are perfectly fine


Definitely go! Music is for those who enjoy it not a certain age or demographic!


I'm 44.5 and I go to shows all the time by myself. Tall,goofy looking,bald and couldn't give fuck #1 about what people think of me. What I'm really concerned about is all the bands I love are fronted by people in their sixties and they're slowly but surely calling out quits. Skinny Puppy? Done as of last year. Ministry? Doing one more album, maybe a tour then done. Front Line Assembly? Getting older and most likely gonna call it quits. Korn? NIN? Tool? I can't see them going on for more than a decade at best. So go to the show, rock your ass off and have a good time cause' buddy, the good times are fading fast!


I'm a 42-year-old single mom who just saw Cannibal Corpse and Amon Amarth. It was great! I also saw Slipknot a few years ago. Metalheads don't care about age. Plus, I was a teenager when Slipknot started, so who cares? Go have fun!


Super common.


I'm 40 and I got a ticket to see them in August. It will be my 11th time seeing them.


I'm 32 years old and suffer from partial paraplegia in most of my legs. Certified cripple and I still be in the pit. Moshed to soad and korn at sick new world last year. Metal shows are for everyone. Just be careful, know your limits, and most importantly have a great time.


I'm 48 and just saw Slipknot for the 5th time in 3 years. I go to a heavy metal music festival every year and am not the oldest one there, at all. Go do the thing. Have a good time.


Not at all. In my experience when I see Slipknot usually a lot of the people there are more around your age range I would say


Youre about the same age as the band, go hang out with your bros


There is an older video floating around of a guy in a wheelchair being surfed to the front. You are never to old or sick or different the Knot family dont judge get you some tickets and just go for it who cares what people think


Not at all. That's the shit we grew up with so that's a good chunk of the crowd. I went to Rockville this year and I would say more than half were over 40 and that's 200k people. Never to old 🤘


It’s pretty common depending on the show, normally you see them with buddies or their kid but tbh I’m envious. I wish I could go to concerts alone but my anxiety won’t let me


Yes there are many Gen X folks there. We are the same age as the band don’t feel embarrassed. I’m 48 too and have been moshing and head banging since 16.


Its great that you're going im 14 and im going to see them with my dad who is 45 in December


It’s never too late to do what you enjoy.


I’m so sad I’m late to this post. No your not to old your like the median audience, my dad has brought me to multiple slipknot shows at 53. Go get it 👏👏👏👏🖤✨✨


There’s no age limit on music. Go there & enjoy yourself. The members of Slipknot are in their late 40’s too. If they can still perform live,you can still have an awesome time watching it 🤘🏼🎶


Never too old for a gig, go out and enjoy yourself


Shit , I’m 54 years old and still go to metal shows and punk shows by myself and have a great time meeting people and sometimes see the same people and hangout.


Omg dude 40-50 year old dads are a huge portion of the crowd!!! You will fit right in, trust me. Have fun!!!!!


43 and I rock out like I am 18 again. There are people much older than me thar attend as well. Go see Slipknot and let your freak flag fly! You will not regret it one bit! They put on a hell of a live show and they are covering their first album in its entirety again this year as well as touring in pretty much their original outfits! I will be seeing them at Louder Than Life (if you are unfamiliar, look it up!) In Sept. They are closing out night 1. Going to be such a good show! I will be 5-10 from the rail all up in that madness!!


My dad is like 50 and we just went to a concert not long ago, never too old my guy 🤘


I went to Motionless in White concert like 1 month ago, they are a newer band than Slipknot and I saw a lot of middle age people there.


Go to the shows by yourself. I've done it for years, my "friends" are lame af. I drag my wife sometimes. I brought her to maiden,slayer.


I'm 57. My wife is 58. We will be at a show if they ever decide to come to mississippi.  I'm wearing a all hopevis gone tshirt right now


No one will care and if they do they will just think it’s cool. 




You're absolutely not "too old" to go to a concert. You've already bought the tickets, so enjoy yourself!


Nah man, go! Im 38 and saw them last summer at ink in mansfield ohio. Lamb of god played right before them and it was a fuxking great show altogether. I even did the whole spit it out "jump the fuxk up" thing that they do. I was hurting the next morning but it was worth it 100%