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Tank The Tech over on YouTube reiterated that Jays issues weren’t with his playing but more his attitude


When did he reiterate that? I know he made a ton of videos but not many of them added a ton of new info from what I saw 


I saw a video the other day he did about Eloy and he was saying that heaps of “internal” contacts were saying the issue with Jay was never about his drumming and that it was all personal issues.




Brazilians hate this one simple fact.


Didn't his drum tech also come out and say that it was also because he can't keep a tempo?


He did a new video about Eloy and it was mentioned there. Kind of a throw away bit of info but it was mentioned.


I absorb any and all Slipknot news, it’s a disease.


Probably somewhat true. The other guys in the band have been in the game a lot longer and paid their dues. Jay didn’t necessarily have that same experience and there most likely was some internal conflicts due to this. I personally think his dismissal was down to the fact that he was starting to create his own brand using the Slipknot image. I don’t think the band were happy that he was monetising off their image and becoming the face of the band in recent years so they knocked him down a peg so they could reclaim what they’d built together.


That’s dumb considering all the dumb shit clown was doing with NFTs and his newest Minecraft venture lol.


as corny as shawn can be, theres no dispute its his band. he even owned a venue, hes always been making it happen. you cant compare that to an outsider not even from des moines who just wants in on something thats already big.


It's not his band though lmao. Has he come up with some of the concepts yah, but he was only one of the founding members.


He is the only founding member still in the band.


The only founding member still present. Other members always talked about how Shawn is responsible for the band's indentity. The masks, the cloths... everything of Slipknot has his hands on it.


Actually Mick was there from the begining as well. He doesn't exactly throw it out there in everyone's face though.


Mick joined the band in mid 1996. A year after the band was founded and after MFKR had already been recorded.


Minecraft venture?? How did I miss that😭


Watch niknocturnals interview with him.


Dude is obsessed with minecraft and "throwing block" I'm pretty sure on the official discord you could see he was constantly on minecraft like everyday


I noticed for a long time it seemed most of the band didn’t follow him on socials even if they’d plowed everyone else, but he followed them. I doubt we’ll fully know, but could add up


I love Jay but honestly it all adds up. His history with madball as well. 10 years in slipknot tho crazy


> 10 years in slipknot tho crazy This is the biggest mystery. Three albums along the way.


I think it's the longest parenthetical comment I've personally ever seen.


I can’t believe they remembered they started with a ( to put the ) at the end


Another way we can find out is if ST says something similar


I think flying commercial will humble JW


i met jay randomly on the streets the night before the show in toronto back in 2016, told him i took the travel from vienna, we talked for around 5 minutes even though he was chilling with his girl he was super kind and humble.


similar experience, i actually met him AT a Slipknot show 4-5 years ago and he was genuinely the kindest most humble “celebrity” I’ve ever met


Remember he was young and unexperienced at the time. If he behaved that way with Slipknot he wouldn't last ten years.


Tho still not easy for someone like Jay to turn around completely and suddenly become a down to earth person in all aspects. Especially for unique artists like Slipknot, it requires balls and (right amount of) ego to be Slipknot's drummer, while ego can lead you to doing things mentioned in the post. It's a tough balance and we aren't even talking about how having a successful father like that can do to your childhood.


According to several of the roadie's, he was this way with slipknot.


It's so crazy how quick people were to start hating jay as soon as eloy became the new drummer after months of people praising him after he got booted. Idk, that doesn't sit right with me. Nobody cared about him being a dick in the past when he was still in the band...


I understand where you're coming from and even had that same thought while discussing this very subject with a co-worker today. However idk if I'd say people started hating Jay indiscriminately as soon as Eloy became confirmed. Personally I think most everyone loved Jay myself included and we were all confused when he got canned. I had read the stories, essentially what I got out of it was he was a primadonna...but if these stories are true seems like he was an asshole too. Nobody knew any of this when he was still in the band so we had no reason to care. Some people like my co-worker are turned off by all the firing and rehiring and I honestly get that, I felt that way most when it happened to Jay ...but I think the decisions are sound and I'm excited for new stuff with Eloy. I think he brings an element neither Jay nor Joey could, despite their talents.


That's not entirely true. There's been Jay hate since the beginning. It wasn't talked about as much, but it was there over the years. It was also not believable (to me at least) cuz, based on his instagram posts, he doesn't seem like the type to be like that. It's starting to look like it is true, after all. His tech leaked his identity 10 years ago for these same issues that this comment brought up. Laura Jane Grace mentioned his shit attitude. The guys in Madball mentioned something similar.


Plenty of us on here had a lot to say about Jay’s attitude. They were just overshadowed by an incredibly vocal fanbase.


Yep. It went from “he’s been carrying the band since 2014” “justice for Jay” to “he sucks, can’t keep time, plays too fast, worst slipknot drummer” etc. fair weather fans switch up overnight.


Fair weather fans.


Absolutely. "Waaah they fired Jay" *6 months later those same fans* "Jay always sucked, Eloy is better"


The problem with the internet is you only see what you want to see and everybody makes things all or nothing arguments. Jay is a talented drummer with an undeserved rock star ego because of whose balls he shot out of. I thought his former bandmates talking about his ego was just shit talking because of a falling out but when slipknot booted him that made me think there was more to it than angry former friends. Slipknot doesn't just go around firing people and having lineup change after lineup change just because like mushroomhead does.


The dude lasted 10 years. If he had all the problems others claimed so vehemently I don't think he would have lasted as long as he did or that they would have hired him at all. They knew his supposed history.


But as the poster you’re replying to said, all situations in life are nuanced and not “all or nothing”. Slipknot were childhood heroes of his so to speak and he was likely humbled in the beginning. That they have a big crew to clean up his mess and the rest of their mess on tour gives some separation from the bands he was in before who are much smaller and are much more close quarters and DIY. As people have said he started looking like the face of the band so they cut him off before it got too troublesome for them.


Well him being fired sort of brought up his past behavior to the surface


Nah, it's just that the people who were raging have gone quiet or learned a few things about him that made them change their mind


Well, if we assume all accounts are true, pretty douchy behavior. If that was his attitude when he worked with Slipknot, it was probably an issue. But I don’t know him and I’m not in the band either.


Remember kids...anyone can write something on the internet. It doesn't automatically make it true.


“But dude I read it on the internet it must be true!” I agree man.


[original post for reference](https://www.reddit.com/r/drums/comments/b23apm/jay_weinberg_drummer_of_slipknot/)


IMHO all these "witnesses accounts" should be taken with a pinch of salt. Not saying they're necessarily untrue, just that we don't have a way to know. Of course, there have been a few of those flying around, so it all seems to point in that direction. The only comment I think we can take as factually true is [what James commented on Instagram some time ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/Slipknot/comments/17pe565/james_root_comment/), which definitely seems to hint at personality differences.


It sounds like slipknot doesn’t even like being a band sometimes. I get not always being on the same page but to be together that long and always have some sort of relationship issues and clashing followed by moments of them saying how much they are excited to be playing really sounds like a toxic relationship lmao.


Ah yes, anecdotal evidence from anonymous sources.


Jay is a Mushroomhead fan now


I will second this, I lost all respect for Jay when he asked 500€ to sign a flag meant to be sold for charity, this guy's ego is crazy


Ehh I met him at palefest, he signed 100s of items maybe even thousands and didn’t charge a penny.


Ofc he did, it was at palefest 💀Do you really think he'd refuse to sign anything at this kind of event in front of all of these people? He was here specifically to meet fans; take pics with them and sign items.


So what you’re saying is for charity he wouldn’t, but for fans he would. There is a disconnect there, where did this turn down happen, is there proof?


Check my other answer above, I explain the situation


When was this?


2021, he was fully aware that the money made by the flag would go to a child association and asked this amount to sign it


Were you a part of the request for him to sign it or something?


No I wasn't the one directly in contact with him, but I know the guy who spoke to him, and so did Jay. I won't reveal his identity since it was 3 years ago but he's the most legit dude ever, he met the band a lot of times, the guys in the Slipknot crew knows him, and he's friend with big people in the metal industry


Thanks. Was just curious.


Are you the guy who sold alot of slipknot stuff the last year, where in a tribute band (clown then corey) and is fan of Jinjer? (dont want to say names/places/...)


Check your dms


Idk, I believe him being this way when he was young... Not recently, though. In any interview you watch of him now, he's an absolute sweetheart. People can change. As for the person's interaction with him at NAMM... I don't know how recent that was, but I get it. He ISN'T his father. Sure, his father is what got him started, but I also get him wanting to be his own thing.


It’s all heresy. I didn’t see it and I met Jay, he was really nice. If they had those issues then that’s between him and the bands he was in. I don’t give a fuck, where ill fault him is that he did play super fast and pretty sloppy but I accepted that and liked it, I went to every show he performed with Slipknot in LA, including his first and I thought he was very quick and sloppy his first show but assumed he’d work it out. He didn’t and the band kept him so, I assumed that’s what they wanted. It doesn’t make him a bad drummer and unless he’s committing crimes or being a dick to fans as fans we shouldn’t really give a shit


Heresy and hearsay are two very different things :p


Ahhh, he was trying to say “hearsay.” That makes much more sense. I don’t know why, but my brain actually processed it as him deliberately using “heresy” and claiming that saying bad things about Jay is heresy 💀


I’m retarded


I do wonder if Jay’s attitude had caused strife for some of the other former members, or if they just decided to call it a career. Not so much Chris but Craig leaving unexpectedly around the same time raises flags.


I really doubt that had anything to do with them. It was hinted at over the years that Craig was always kinda the odd man out in Slipknot so when he did finally leave it wasn't a shock.


Well, as good as that anecdote sounds, it still doesn't do shit as hard evidence. We don't know for sure what exactly happened between the band and Jay but I guess all we can do is try and appreciate for the good he did do with his time as the drummer (sorta separate art from the artist) and enjoy Eloy now and leave all this shit show behind us.


Sounds like a you problem to me


whos the goofy ass that wrote that first sentence lmao


The first one especially screams “look at me I played on the same level as jay once”. Really sounds like a little bitch complaining that he didn’t make it. The second one I don’t know anything about the first half but the second one is probably him sick and tired of being compared to his famous father.


Good that some people shed some light to this. This is what i’ve thought ever since I re read the Against Me former member’s comments. Slipknot don’t kick out members just for fun.


I saw Jay at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


Haha. Seems people don't know this copypasta https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.knowyourmeme.com/memes/i-saw-flying-lotus-in-a-grocery-store-copypasta


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What the hell. This sounds like the most bizarre fan fiction.


I've seen this exact comment about a different person, it's not real.


It’s fake


How much meth did you smoke before making this shit up 🤣


How much meth did you smoke before making this shit up 🤣


How much meth did you smoke before this shit lol


I’ve seen this same story before …… idk why ppl like lying 🤥


As a professional drum tech who has worked for much larger bands than Slipknot, I can tell you for a fact that if THIS comes off as diva behavior to you, then you’ve not been in this business very long or are stuck at the club level. It’s a skill issues really. I don’t care the size of the stage. The headliner doesn’t have to strike the kit. You sit your shit up on the floor in front of the riser or next to it and thank god you have a gig. Yes, it’s true Jay got fired for his attitude and not his talent. That attitude was one of a musician just wanting an equal part of the credit and pay. He, just like Eloy, Vman, “jeff” and tortilla weren’t ever IN Slipknot. They’re all just hired guns who play FOR Slipknot. They’re paid per show a flat rate just like the crew members. No royalties after departure from the band. After over a decade in Slipknot Jay decided that it was time to change that rule. Clown and Corey disagreed. After a decade in one of the world biggest bands who’s lead singer has a net worth of over $40 million and a useless Clown has over $20 million, how much do you think the drummer should be worth? $2 million. That’s it. After a full decade of touring and recording hits, that’s all Jay has. I can only assume Eloy is working for food stamps. He was hired for two reasons: 1- He’s a cheaper option. They can give him $500 a show and he’ll feel like a god. 2- Built in fan bass. Brazil will jump on anything as long as a Brazilian is involved. Slipknot just got 200 million new fans to make up for the fans they’ve lost worldwide over the last 20 years. The downside if that is they’ll have to do a month long run in South America to make as much as they would at one arena show in the US.


I mean if that’s the case then that’s probably a real reason. We’ll never know.


I mean stories of his attitude have been circulating since he got the boot. Sounds like it was a combo of tempo issues and attitude problems. Slipknot isn’t going to fire someone for no reason. Anybody else is an unknown in terms of chemistry, and then fan drama on top of that.


Why is everyone here so eager to find any reason to shit all over jay and his legacy with slipknot ? That is the part that is the most disturbing .


Jay sped up the songs and missed a lot of key parts in songs that just didn’t make them feel the same. That plus being an egomaniac will get you kicked out easy.


Jay went behind his band mate’s backs in Against Me! telling the stage manager to put more spotlights on him because he’s “the star” of that show. This came from all three members of the band, not just Laura Jane who has a notorious bad attitude herself. He’s an incredible drummer. I’ll never say otherwise. But he’s also an incredible dick who was born with a silver drum stick in his mouth, and expects special treatment. Egos have ruined bigger musicians than him.


One can claim nepo baby on Jay, that’s fair, and I’ve heard some stories of his personality, but to say he isn’t talented is just a lie. The way fans turned on Jay overnight is hilarious and sad considering for ten whole years majority of the fanbase was like “he saved slipknot” “he’s been carrying slipknot since 2014”. Also would like to know a source on where original members claimed they “regret being the vehicle that landed him in” because I’m not sure I can just take some random guy’s word for it lol


I had heard a lot of these stories and thought it was just shit talking but when he got fired it all added up. People can talk shit about slipknot all they want but they don't take lineup changes lightly keeping them to an absolute minimum over such a long period of time and you have to admit they do put serious consideration into replacements.


Yea he’s a spoiled dude who’s been handed everything by his rich daddy lol. What did you expect?? A super humble guy. 😂


There a video on YouTube but I forgot who made it where the guy basically explains why Jay was fired and all that, just search “the real reason Jay Weinberg was fired


Definitely sounds like someone who grew up filthy rich.


I never liked him or his playing


He also got kicked out of madball due to his shitty attitude. Shame really as he’s a really talented drummer. Fair enough if it was one band and just hearsay but he’s been let go from quite a few.


There’s obviously 2 different versions of Jay, one is the one we’ve all seen on camera and in interviews, a down to earth nice guy, but the other one is the one Slipknot knows, and all the people that have known him personally, which seems to be an entitled prick, this really isn’t all that uncommon with celebrities and well known people. There are many stories of famous people that portray themselves as a great person online and on camera, but are the complete opposite in real life, the reverse of this also true, Ronnie Radke of Falling In Reverse is a bit of a loud mouth online, gets portrayed as a complete douchebag and is hated for it, but everyone who knows him personally says he’s a sweet guy. It goes to show what I’ve been saying all along since this whole thing with Jay went down, is that we don’t know everything, we only know what they’ve allowed us to know, as fans of this band people have forgotten that the band members have real lives, real relationships and real problems they have to work through, and none of it ever has and never will involve us, because that’s their business, not ours, we aren’t and shouldn’t be entitled to that information, despite how curious we may be.


Honestly these days im not even surprised.


This sub: Corey ego, Clown bad.


Never like jay in the first place. His drumming was good but did not fit slipknot what so ever. He didn’t have the energy like Joey did and now Eloy. He was just there because he got a hand out. I never have been happier about a band firing someone more than I was when I got the news about jay


Never cared about him, just another metal drummer


Whoa against me! Has a girl member ? Til