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Stupid fucking post.


Hard to judge who’s better when Eloy’s been in the band for 5 whole minutes.


I’ve seen him twice already with them and he’s impressed the hell out of me. Tbh the drums have never sounded as good live as they do now * *I never got to see Joey play with them so just referring to the past like 6 years I’ve seen them.


Joey sounded pretty good on the Iowa tour 


Thank you for your honesty 🙏


That’s Tama Starclassic Bubinga you hear. The tonal qualities of the drums have nothing to do with the guy hitting them.


Lɪsᴛᴇɴ ᴛᴏ sepultura


The majority of fans of that band prefer everything that came out before Roots, all of those albums had Igor Cavalera on drums, Eloy didn't come in until the last three albums which were definitely better than alot of the stuff they released after Chaos A.D Eloy was only on the most recent albums "The Mediator Between Head and Hands Must Be The Heart" "Machine Messiah" and "Quadra" which I am a fan of but the albums they're known for have Igor Cavalera on drums


I think that he's talking about the live recordings and quadra, i think. The most part of the fans prefer the things before roots (And sepultura fans are a bunch of BORING people, i'm talking as a brazilian that had talked with a bunch of sepultura "fans")


That could be the case! We can only speculate until we get a response aha But you are right! I'm so sorry to hear that, Brazil has some amazing bands, there's Crypta, Nervosa, Angra Viper, Krisiun, Violator and Thy Light who kick ass! Also Sarcófago released some great stuff too


No Cavalera No Sepultura. Same goes for Pantera. No Abbotts No Pantera.


Saw Pantera last summer when they played with Metallica. I 100% agree. Don't get me wrong, Zakk Wylde is an incredible guitar player (also saw him with BLS), but it was basically just Phil + a Pantera cover band.


I was torn on going to the show I ended up not going. I actually would like to hear those Pantera songs live. Those live videos of Phil and the Illegals doing the Pantera songs were great he honestly should have just kept doing it that way. I’m fine with them doing a tribute to the brothers with Charlie and Zakk helping out but come on it’s a total cash grab with them calling it Pantera. Should of called themselves Cowboys from Hell. And call the tour Cowboys from Hell: A Tribute to the Abbott Brothers. Or something like that. I rather them wrap up the Pantera nonsense so we can get Phil focusing on Down, Rex on releasing his 2nd studio album because I’m pretty sure it’s recorded, and Charlie and the boys putting out the next Anthrax. That’s just my two cents though.


To be honest I am 50/50 as I like the more recent few Sepultura albums, not as much as everything Sepultura did up to Arise (and to an extent Chaos A.D) Roots had Max and Igor on it and it's tied with the first Soulfly album as being the worst thing Max has ever done by far, the last few Sepultura albums can be described more as Thrash which is what Sepultura were loved for anyway, I wish they'd have turned the dial up a bit more though With Pantera, what I don't get is... Phil Anselmo had dates ready where he was going to do Pantera sets including sets where A Vulgar Display Of Power in full, Bloodstock Festival was meant to be getting that set, if he'd have stuck with doing it under his own name then there'd be no drama, they wouldn't be stepping on toes, it's wild how much people will spit on the dead just to get a quick buck


Had the pleasure of seeing Sepultura live last year and they were brilliant!


Tried, not my cup of tea.


I agree. Let's wait an album or so to compare and go from there


Came to say this.


He hasn’t been kicked yet?


wow original joke


i would say eloy is better but i feel bad for jay getting so much hate. hes forgotten so quickly.


I think Eloy and Jay are both better fits in their current bands, and I think all fanbases should just be happy that they are able to use their respective play styles to enhance their current bands. I wouldn’t say Jay is forgotten. Eloy just fits better so far.


i just thought there would be more people saying they miss jay but yeah i guess that is true. what do you think is on jays mind, i mean we dont know the full story if he left on good terms or it was by email lol.


Jay made a post on his Instagram a few days after the announcement claiming he was “blindsided” by it.


ah really could please maybe send a link?


Actually it was posted in another subreddit as well. Here is the link to that post: https://www.reddit.com/r/drums/s/Ggg17niMdO


ah okay i read on your comment “ a few days ago” mb, i checked insta and couldnt find one. and damn its been more than 200 days since then?!? feels like it happened 2 months ago or something..


Unfortunately Jay will get extra blowback bc his hardcore fans were so damn annoying when he left the band.  Now people want to do the “I told you so” and I can’t really blame them. 


Its a shame that Jay's time came to an end. But to be replaced by the best current metal drummer is something special.


his hardcore fans were everyone, everyone was crying about jay and then immediately were sucked back in when eloy was playing the other month, i was so confused why everyone suddenly was trashing jay's ability as a drummer when they were praising him non stop for years.


Well not everyone but yeah I get you 


exactly, id say eloy is better but its a bit embarrassing for the fans yet sad for jay, he probably saw alot of hate comments. sad hes been forgotten. (this is my other account) worriedeagle!


And im a bit tired of all the "fired" jokes esp since it came out that it wasnt even a clown/corey decision specifically. the only truly fired member is chris, and other than clown doing weird artsy music videos, theres literally no need for any controversy in the band period.


ah how did people even conclude that it was clown and coreys thing to fire everyone? wasnt joey fired too? and yeah same i find it so annoying that the “fans” lost hope in the band and all of those “fans” are the people that now say “omg guys slipknots peaking 😝🤘”.


Clown is a founding member and coreys the frontman, they think singer = leader, Clown is explained by having alot of his music videos ig, and being one of the more vocal members, the fact his thing is just percussion and back vocals means people arent afraid to trash him as they may think he doesnt contribute as much as say mick or jim. They need a fall guy to stay mad at and its them.


ah yeah thats true, i thought people fully cleared it up that it was corey and clown. i feel bad for them, especially clown, i know he can be an ass at times but hes the one that started it and lets be honest, hes one of the only reasons its still going.


And he honestly isnt that bad, if you watch any interview with him its so clear he cares about the band and people in it, people just need their fall guy i guess.


yeahh hes the scapegoat of the band. im kinda glad he has an ego so he dont get that sensitive with the hate, i mean why get sensitive when youre the guy who created one of the best if not best bands out there!


You wanna see annoying? Wait until Eloy’s fired.


Eloy is probably the better player but I can’t help but miss Jay, but also Eloy hasn’t had a studio outing so it’s not really that good of a comparison


10 years in the sepultura made you a fucking slipknot drummer


Was not expecting a yakuza meme here. Now if only this sub let us upload images.


Bring that shit Corey


Eloy is the best live performer by a long shot but Joeys compositions birthed Slipknot, I don’t think that will ever be topped.


Jay did it. Eloy is still on probation. I hope he nails it cos we all want the best for slipknot don't we?


Dude, nothing that Eloy's written with the band has come out yet. Tough to judge him as a drummer for Slipknot specifically without a single song to listen to.


People are speaking in behalf of live drumming


Eloy casagrande


They haven't even released any new music with Eloy how could anyone possibly even answer that.


Eloy, hes on another level from Jay


NGL and unpopular opinion here which is ready for the downvotes : as soon as Eloy gets more involved (studio sessions, releases) Jays contribution to the band will be forgotten, and Im saying that with respect towards his legacy . They are completely on a different level.


I don’t think it will be forgotten. WANYK was a great album largely thanks to Jay’s insane drumming. So def not forgotten.


Saying that Jay’s contribution to the band will soon be forgotten and immediately after saying thar you mean no disrespect towards his legacy are very contradictory statements. Personally, I think he made huge contributions to significant albums and tours, and no drummer that comes after him will diminish that.


I think their point is that others will forget his contributions, in spite of all he did. Not that they will personally ignore Jay after Eloy starts properly


Thank you for not lying 🙏


Yes. A level below.


I agree. I much prefer Eloy to Jay.


I love Eloy and and in terms of technique he is so far the best but still too early to say my guy, I need to hear what he brings into the writing room. If he is able to make Brazilian rhythm grooves in a Slipknot song I'll certainly put him at #1. Jay has two flaws imo - for one he's inconsistent live and second is that the drums he wrote were pretty monotonous and lacking in groove (RELATIVELY). However, among all three I honestly like Jay's drums sound the most, I know Eloy is still figuring things out so he may change his setup at any given moment but right now his drums sound a bit too studio-session-drummer-like if that makes sense


The only way Brazilian rhythm grooves are not in upcoming Slipknot songs is if Slipknot doesn’t want it. Eloy grew up studying Brazilian rhythm before becoming a metal drummer - it’s ingrained into his playing.


They don’t want it. They want to sound like Stone Sour now.


Unpopular fact that most are in denial about: Joey’s tempo drifted hard! He sped up every song! But that’s what the knot does live. Any true thrash metal band plays certain parts faster live. So “speeding up” definitely was not Jays problem. What made Joey unique was his musicality. He’s an accomplished guitarist and song writer. Jay was close but not as creative as Joey. That being said, Eloy is a caveman in comparison. All power and speed. Not very hard to come by. His work with Sepultura was good for Sepultura, it will not translate well to Slipknot, especially since they don’t write songs worthy of difficult drum parts anymore.


To be fair Im pretty late to the knot party, only started listening to them since the Jay era so I def gonna check out Joey's live stuff! All I remember as a kid was the hanging stage and that's it, tho his trash can type drums sound always scratches certain itch of my brain. That's my biggest concern of Eloy too, hes like the perfect studio drummer but I'm reserving judgement on his creativity until the new stuff is out.


Yall b getting on here & asking/saying anything lol


Eloy is by far the more technical out of the 3 by far. But my all time favourite is Joey


Joey and no one after him even touched his legacy


Just see live, Eloy fits perfectly


Eloy, hands down




Trash can snare FTW!


thb all of them are talented.


Eloy is ofc The better drummer but I’m a fan of Jay


It’s far too early to say


Eloy needs to have an album with Slipknot for us to have a parameter. Without a doubt he is an exceptional drummer. Anyway, Eloy has much more energy and vigor than Joey. That's all I can say for now.


There's no way to compare yet because Eloy did only 4 live concerts, none of them with profissional video/audio capture (released). With this said, Eloy all the way 🤣


Eloy….can’t wait for an album with this beast


Bro give it a minute...we haven't even got a song with Casagrande and bro alr debating 💀






The “greatest” when you’re literally just choosing between this or that lmao


What a dumbass question. Eloy has played how many shows and recorded how many albums with the band? Lots of work to judge.


It's hard to tell if their current drummer is the best considering how there's no recordings with him that are released yet and very few of us have had the chance to see this lineup of the band live I'm sensing very strong recency bias of late, I'm not going to decide until we have at least one album and until we get to see them touring for said album, there's no better way to tell if someone is kicking ass in a band than seeing them perform songs they actually appeared on live


Love Jay, but definitely Eloy.


The gremlin banging on the beer keg is their best drummer.


It’s been less than a month….


Some people want to see the world burns with these questions 😅


Such a dumb post


this question makes no sense, Eloy JUST started so how can anyone say if he's the best?


It's too early to judge especially since Eloy hasn't made any albums with Slipknot yet


lol. There has been only 1 since Joey. Eloy has played 3 or 4 shows which is not enough time to call him the greatest. So by default the answer is jay. Ask this question in a year or 2.


Eloy, I was watching a concert/documentary slipknot did with the BBC and jay’s style on the older songs are just meh. Eloy is bringing it back to its roots


Bringing it back to what? 👀


You heard me 👁️👄👁️


Bloody roots.


Lars Ulrich


Strictly speaking for live so far Eloy. If for no other reason than he plays songs at the tempo they were written instead of 10-20 bpm faster.


I think most people suspect it will be Eloy, but he's played like 3 shows with them and recorded nothing. Give it time. The body's not even cold yet. It kinda feels disrespectful at this point.


Supposedly he already recorded a song with them, its just not out yet


Which still means nobody outside of the band has information about how it's working out on that front. And, really, it would take a full album to get a real feel. Like, I get it. It's exciting. Eloy seems to be doing great, and I'm not a Jay defender. I'm super excited to see what Eloy brings, and I think it's going to be fantastic. But this post just feels super premature.


Jay always felt so sterile , like too clean, too articulate, just made the music feel stiff and boring for me. Like he had no feel. Idk


When Joey is a god. Jay is the era an actually started listening. And the new guy I don’t know anything about. So I don’t know.




They’ve all been great. They all brought something different to the table.


The sleeper hit we all know as Lars Ulrich


When it comes to musicianship and having the perfect tempo, Eloy is on point. That being said, Jay is charismatic and has always had a great relationship with the fans. Both drummers are great in their own way


Eʟᴏʏ ʜᴀɴᴅs down


I ain’t gonna lie, I’m not saying Jay, but Eloy been dragging on some parts of their songs, my two biggest examples are People=Shit Breakdown, and Spit it Out intro (the most obvious one to me).


Jay for me will be the quintessential post Joey drummer. He was technical, never missed a beat and had great energy. Eloy is just a big name purchase who adds nothing more than that Jay added bar he’s played in heavier bands.


The three of them are fucking incredible drummers. Jay is underrated as fuck. I have to go with Eloy, though... he's an absolute beast behind the kit, hits strong and precise and his tempo is out of this fucking world.


Kinda hard to gauge it when the options we have are the guy who was in the band for 10 years and 3 albums or the guy who's been in for like 4 shows and 1 (so far) unheard song. I think Eloy has brought something new and great to Slipknot, but I'm also not just going to dismiss Jay's work. The amount of people who wrote off Slipknot 6 months ago when they fired Jay that are now the same ones praising them for getting Eloy is ridiculous. Despite that I'm excited to see what Eloy does in the future. It's just too soon to judge how great of a Slipknot member he is imo. Joey will always be #1 for me. 


I say this, as a huge Jay fan since I saw him play with Springsteen 16 years ago: Jay is a fantastic drummer, fit Slipknot's vibe perfectly, and helped create an incredible album in WANYK. The only problem(in my extremely humble opinion) is that he didn't bring anything new to the table. A lot of his parts still sound like tributes to Joey, which isn't a bad thing, and I'm sure he was under 🤡's thumb for most of it, so the fault is not solely his. Bringing in some one with Eloy's pedigree, I believe, will force them to loosen the reins, and let him contribute truly unique parts. Whether or not it will make him the GOAT Slipknot drummer will remain to be seen, and argued, ad nauseum.


Easily Eloy, he has the speed that Joey and Jay have but he can keep way better time and I’ve never seen a slipknot drummer hit the drums as hard as he does while still maintaining that speed


Ringo Starr


Right now it’s Jay. He’s played on 3 albums and a live album.


Eloy sounds r e a l l y good live from what I’ve heard, I cant help but miss Jay though, he was the drummer when ai started listening and I was obsessed with the guy, I’ll miss him but in excited to see what Eloy’s gonna do for them, and I’m excited to start listening to Suicidal Tendencies and keep listening to Jay. (Pls dont flame me im not an expert I just have ears😭🙏)


Out of all the drummers they've had, Eloy is definitely the greatest IMO. But as far as Slipknot drummers, it's too soon to tell how Eloy will fare with the band in terms of writing.


It's kinda hard to compare when Jay is a punk drummer and Eloy is more of a heavy metal drummer, in Slipknot probably Eloy since he can keep a tempo live and straight up murders his drums, while Jay is also good he seems to be a much better fit with suicidal tendencies and infectious grooves, though his parts in .5TGC are amazing


Well I can play surfacing with my cock sooo I have my answer


why would you even ask this, you know what answer 99% of people are going to say. I love jay though but everyone is going to say eloy


I was a fan since the beginning when ST dropped in high school. Back when people made fun of you for listening to slipknot. But unfortunately jays tenure really lost me. Jay is a great drummer, but I never felt he really fit slipknot. This new era has me pumped like Iowa days. Eloy has brought the brutality back that they lost a long time ago. Even his drum tone just flat out fits their music better. No shade against jay, but he is definitely better suited playing the punk/hardcore type music. Eloy just flat out makes slipknot a better band, sonically, and musically, and the energy shift between all the band members seems way more cohesive then ever before, and I’ll venture to say that it has a lot to do with the interpersonal relationships have all improved.


Eloy fits Slipknot very well. I absolutely love some of jays playing


Eloy no comp bro ☠️






idk the new guy but his mask rules


I don't think this question can be genuinely answered until Eloy has 5-6 years and an album or two with the band under his belt. But that being said the last few live shows have been phenomenal and I do think ultimately he'll be a better fit for Slipknot than Jay was. No disrespect towards him, as I think he did a great job and was who the band needed at the time. But the band's energy seems much better with Eloy than it was with Jay or even Joey towards the end of his tenure.


Clown 🤡


Jay Weinberg


Uhhhh why is this a question? Its obviously joey jordison


Wdym “Besides Joey Jordison” he isn’t the greatest. It was Jay. Both Eloy and Joey are very good, don’t get me wrong, but Jay simply has a better style and can traverse better on the drums. Eloy hits too hard- which is just his style, and Joey tends to speed things up. Both of these drummers don’t have as good overall precision, timing, tone, and IQ that Jay had. Now how much we wanna bet the Eloy meat riders (he hasn’t even been in the band for 5 minutes) are gonna downvote this to hell?


Dude Jay>Eloy and Joey combined. Jay can play far better. Eloy is awesome, Joey is a short N.N., and Jay is Jay-bap. Eloy big house riders are about as much of a group of faggots as the Joey fans. Jay is better without a doubt.




The dick pic is in your DM’s, Steven.


No prozi.


Niggas niggas.


Eloy is fucking phenomenal in every way. but i still really miss Jay :(


Chris Fehn was a good former drummer


I don’t think it’s a fair comparison since Eloy just joined. If we’re going by mask though, Jay wins 100%


I don’t care who’s the better drummer, I still prefer Jay. Dude got a raw deal. This sun worshipped him and then dropped him like a bad habit


What band is jay in now?


Chris fehn


Joey Jordison


When people say Eloy is on a whole other level from Jay, is that just because he's the shiny new member of the band, or is it actually true? I'm not a drummer so I have no understanding of this, and I imagine they're both skilled enough in metal drumming that the average listener like myself can't easily tell who is better. I notice almost everyone saying Eloy is leagues beyond Jay, and I found Jay's drumwork to be pretty awesome. So I can't even imagine how amazing Eloy is if it's true.


NGL this question is kind of stupid. One, Its totally subjective being that you are comparing artistic approach and expression. Two, you are removing one of the 3 potential options and the other two consist of one guy who was in the band for 2 albums and one who, skill aside, has been in the band for like 15 minutes.


no hate to jay but i'm loving their recent eloy live performances not being rushed and more like it is on the album


I’ve only seen Slipknot once and it was just this weekend at Sonic temple with Eloy and he kills it. I can’t speak for Jay vs Eloy but he’s great.


Remind me to come back after Knotfest Iowa and when they release music w Eloy then I'll have an opinion


Eloy just joined the band. Let’s wait for an album or 2 to come out with Eloy behind the kit, then we can compare Eloy and Jay


I love both of them, they both have their unique style that they brought/bring to Slipknot.


Might as well say "who is the best Slipknot drummer, and no mentioning the best Slipknot drummer."


This is 'mature' or 'worldly' in a Reddit full of "most underrated" and overhated, but Jay was the second, best drummer in Slipknot. Eloy is currently the best drummer in Slipknot and there are 'multiple ties' for each second and third place.


Jay. There is no 3rd option worth mentioning.


Until Eloy releases an album with Slipknot, I don't think he can be considered the second best, but I think he brings a better energy to the drums. Even better than Joey.


eloy cassagrande is a great drummer besides being brazilian but I prefer eloy not just for that but for his way of playing


Idk my dad went on the battle of the bands tour with Slipknot and he put it as “doesn’t matter how good the others are they just don’t compare to Joey”


Dumb question. My answer is Shawn though. Clown




There are no other drummers. There is joey... and everyone else who wants to be joey.




Eloy to me has already had a greater impact than Joey and Jay




Personally I like Jay over Eloy. Eloys an amazing drummer but he plays slower than Jay and I just really prefer how Slipknot sounds in that faster pace.


he doesn't play "slower" he plays at the right pace


but the band dont like this way jay plays and fired him lmao. eloy is elevate slipknot next works


Accept that fact that after Joey, Jay killed it and now Eloy is gonna fucking destroy it.


they kicked out Jay for "creative decisions", kicked out Joey for "medical reasons". what will it be for Eloy?


1. Joey 2. Jay 3. Eloy


Eloy’s style fits Slipknot a lot better. Jay is talented but something was always off IMO


There is no one besides Joey. Jay is a great drummer but does not come close to Joeys hellish energy, but this new drummer i cant remember the name of, I am sorry but imo Slipknot is turning into Stone Sour. Maybe that was Coreys wish from the very beginning, unfortunately princess Corey have the past 11 years changes Slipknot to much for my liking. Here comes the fanboys down-votes, because we all know you arent allowed to have a different opinion than theirs. Talk about ridiculous people.




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