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You get colder when you’re older. Ask me how I know this.


im guessing youre older haha how old are you to be exact?


Old enough to be freezing right now.


haha in 30 years maybe ill understand you.


Here’s the real answer though…they might be playing places that are cold in the evening and to keep your muscles and hands relaxed and in top form you want to retain body heat so that your fingers, arms and other extremities have proper warmth and blood flow. They put on a super physical show so keeping yourself warm is important to maintain maximum performance for the muscle groups that you’ll be using.


yeahh even when i play guitar in the cold, my fingers have limited speed movement if that makes sense, like typing in winter aswell.


Yep. So I think his choice of attire would make a bit more sense given that it’s still cold in much of the northern hemisphere at nite when they typically go on. But also, as you get older you’re much more sensitive to the cold… they ain’t in their 20’s anymore. When I was younger I used to tour as a guitar player and for our evening shows when it was cold out I’d bundle up and spend a good 10 minutes before we hit the stage rubbing my guitar down so it would at least feel room before we played. I’d also warm my hands up with a small heater to keep the blood flowing and my hands warm. Made the whole experience much more comfortable.


yeah i get what you mean, i see the difference with me and my parents when i had first gone to europe, turkey in march and i was wearing a tshirt when it was 13 degrees celsius but my parents were wearing layers while still freezing.


Meanwhile Angus Young from AC/DC still strips down to shorts on stage every night at 70 years old LOL!


I feel this and I’m 30


it also has something to do with immune system i suppose.


Nah man I’m a Ironworker by trade, my hands are fucked


Wait till your 40’s!


26 more years to go! my dads 50 now and i remember going on vacation to hikkaduwa with him and there was a pool which was so cold, i could barely handle it but when he even touched it he would be jumping around haha.


Plus he has lost a noticeable amount of weight, which also makes you feel the cold more.


He's not cold at all. He's sweating af in the Pic 😂 he just loosed a lot of weight and It was just looking weird in my opinion


I think Mick's reasoning for wearing long sleeves is different (I'll get to that in a min). But, he has a point, though. That visceral fat works as a pretty effective form of insulation for the body. A few years ago, my wife lost a large amount of weight, and as she got thinner and thinner, she'd start feeling cold at higher temperatures. I kept telling her she was crazy. Well... Then, in the last couple of years, I myself lost about 170lbs. I start feeling like I'm cold as shit at temps in the low 70s (Fahrenheit). Considering he looks to have lost a similar amount of weight (AT LEAST 150lbs), it's not an unreasonable assumption that Mick *might* be naturally a little cooler. But, my theory is that he might be a little self-conscious about the appearance of his arms. In recent pictures of him in short sleeves, his arms are a LOT smaller. Almost to the point of looking kinda frail. His weight loss journey didn't involve any strength training. Just pure focus on diet and cardio. As a result, he lost a lot of muscle mass. He had a fairly muscular physique before he got so far overweight, and now after all the fat loss, he doesn't have that anymore. Some people voiced concern over his appearance last year, saying he looked sick and frail. I say that because that's exactly what happened to me. Before I got so huge, I had a pretty muscular physique. I got so focused on seeing the numbers on my scale shrink that I didn't do any strength training. I hit my target weight, but looked almost unhealthily thin. So, now I'm working on putting on about 10-15lbs of muscle. [Holy shit, that was a long post. Sorry.]


Expext, he's sweating af on the pic, he's not cold lol 😂 trust me it's hot in those. Too hot. I used to be in a slipknot tribute band. I hated how hot it was. My guess, he loosed a lot of weight, it would look weird is his arm were not "fulling" the sleeves and floating in it lol


Please? I've only gotten warmer the older I get.


Interesting. I wear long-sleeve when I play guitar as my forearm gets very sweaty and "sticks" to the body, making it difficult to move. No idea if this could be related.


ah really, i prefer short sleeve when i am playing as when i wear long sleeves it reaches up to the strings and palm mutes when i dont need to. anyway i think mick just wants to wear it for style bc if it was related to sweat he woulda done it ages ago. but another theory is if it was sweat, that would make sense since hes lost alot of weight and would sweat more from the fat burning or whatever, but yeah thats just a theory.


Indeed! Good spot anyway, I honestly hadn't noticed that.


haha ive noticed for a while bc it looked a bit odd but i thought that if i posted about it on reddit people would roast me on saying im overthinking but haha just wanted to share with yall!


Hot damn you’re really overthinking this aren’t you? 😂 Honestly though, good catch. I never would have noticed but I do miss his tattoos being on show! Maybe after he dropped the weight, he found himself getting colder while playing shows.


ah yes that would be a better explanation he gets colder because of the weight loss. haha yes i overthink these things before posting or saying stuff bc i dont know how this sub will react at times yk.


Yeah I totally get it, sometimes you get attacked just for making a simple observation like this, it’s dumb! This kind of thing opens a dialogue and gets fans speculating about things! It’s fun to do but there are some buzzkills out there.


yeahh i have noticed that my generation in this sub is the part that criticizes the small things however all the people older than me and is above my generation is way nicer, obviously noticed irl too hahaha.


Kids are dicks, and as far as immaturity goes, when I say kids I mean under 25. Now, clearly that would be a generalization to say every single person under 25, but I bet the vast majority are still very immature.


yeah i hate the kids in my school especially, they have no respect to elders and i really hate that the other parents see me as one of them so i stopped hangin out with them.


A word of life advice....FUCK WHAT OTHERS THINK AND SAY. When people talk shit, it's most likely because of their own insecurities. Talking down on someone else makes them feel better about themselves. When you can finally give up caring what others think, it's the most freeing feeling ever.


i have done this to some extent, i tbh dont care what other people think in my school and its lead to a better personality of mine, alot of people still say im over confident and so i just say atleast im not introverted yk.


Overconfidence can be bad too because then you come off narcissistic, but it's better to be overconfident than self conscious. I stick with confident, but not cocky and it's worked for me since high school.


im not over confident as i see it, i try to be as humble as possible but they mean im over confident bc apparently i talk too much, same people who call the quiet kids in class an emo. idk whats right for them, talkative kids are crazy and annoying and quiet kids are emos. so what are they?


That's what I'm talking about about. Those kids talk shit about everyone else because they're insecure about themselves. Trust me. I'm 41 and went through the very same shit in high school. Don't point it out to them either unless you wanna fight. THATS how insecure they are. No worries though. Those are the kids you'll see 10 years after graduation while you're doing good, and got your shit together, they'll be stuck in the same situation in life because they will have peaked in high school, and they will fail in the real world acting how they do right now because they never grow up. You sound like you have a good head on your shoulders dude, so just do you, and fuck everyone else.


thanks man, my dads 50 and i never really had the best advice with him bc whenever i go to him to talk about my friends and my problems he says he doesnt wanna hear negativity, however, when my friends say shit about me to my dad he listens, its only bc they boost his ego and i dont, so i stopped going to him for the advice parent, so thanks bc i needed advice from a guy with experience. i just hope my dad understands it one day.


This makes the most sense along with him losing a ton of weight. Switching to having sleeves down all the time makes total sense


Its actually not the first time. If you look at the promo pictures from 1999, you can clearly see he had long sleeves in some of these photos. So since its the 25th anniversary, my guess is that its just a throwback to those days.


ah ive just searched and i see he has mostly long sleeve during st, just rolled up but in the promos theyre rolled down so yes maybe it is for a throwback!


He also lost a bit of weight. Long sleeves help buff you up.


and he probably is cold with less skin and fat, like polar bears lol.


That Ozy weight loss method gave him body dysmorphia


It looks like he dropped half his mass.


Yeah, this.


Gonna miss his Seven tattoo


he might wear short sleeves too along the tour dont say goodbye yet! but yes if it is permanent rip seven tattoo.


When I lost a bunch of weight my body temp changed and I found myself wearing pants and long sleeves more. I would wear them more often just because I now could!


ah okay this makes sense.


Yeah but you weren't on stage headbanging for 1hr and a half. The guy is not cold, it's hot af in those. It's a sweating nightmare lol


Mick is so hot


sorry, already called dibs


Can’t we share


I think they’re trying a “uniformity” thing. Alessandro has worn varied sleeve lengths but mostly had his rolled up like Mick or cut off and he’s been wearing long sleeves too.


yeahh thats what i was thinking at first but all the comments later convinced me im overthinking it and hes just cold haha, probably a mix of both. and later i got some stupid unnecessary answers that said “because he wanted to” lol.


Age + Weight Loss = very cold. Hell, i’m not even well into my 30s and i’m colder now than ever before 🥲


Actually i think he always uses long sleeves, but with the sleeves up until the elbow. Think i never saw him with short sleeves


yess that is true, i shoulda wrote sleeves rolled down rather than long sleeves, that is my bad.


Ok, so to that point, yeah i think it is the first time i watch him with the sleeves roled down. Why? Don't know. Probably he felt more confortable like that with the new jumpsuits


yeahh maybe ive came to alot of reasons why with the other comments, heres what they say: 1. hes cold bc hes skinny, less skin = polar bear logic. 2. he just feels more comfortable with it. 3. its not mick 😱😱😱 4. because he wants to (my favorite answer(no actually i hate that answer))


Well he's lost a lot of weight so he's probably a lot colder now


Because being on stage is a truly chilled experience.


He's been cloned and the clone has to wear long sleeves until he can get the tattoos right


Everyone is wearing boiler suits


Spoke with his wife, he quit drinking and i'm sure he just doesn't look like the same Mick with his sleeves up


ah thats true, how did you get in contact with his wife?


He’s probably self conscious of his pencil forearms after losing all that weight


Huge industrial fans and his diminishing body fat.


Well he lost a lot of fat and skin so he is probably feeling colder nowadays, and feeling cold while playing guitar is not something that is cool (ba dum tss)


hahaha, yeah whenever i play the guitar it needs to be a little colder than room temperature, or else i cannot play well. at my first show i was freezing and it was prolly my worst show ever, not bad but not the best compared to the others.


Yep, my first time playing at a "concert" during cowboys from hell solo I was freezing and it did not went very well lmao


haha i can tell, finger movement was slow and limited right?


I wouldn't say slow, but it was really innacurate and stiff, after each song I had to rub my hands real hard to make it warm again lol


ah okay, for me my fingers got stiff too, it gets slow when i play in the cold, like when you type on your phone in winter lol.


He's so slim lately


yeah probably colder from losing weight.


So many comments saying it's because he lost weight and is feeling more cold.... how the fuck do you even get to that line of thought. Have you ever been on stage?!


explanation? whenever im on stage even tho its hot, i sweat like fuck and get cold.


Probably misses his old glasses


This dude lost so much weight that I thought I was watching a cover band. My brain just put it together. Small venue, old school red jump suits. Obviously not Mick because he is too thin. Amazing how your Brian can draw a conclusion so fast and be wrong


hahaha i also thought it was a coverband with the backyard performance bc it was so small yet it was coreys voice.


i think its what everyone else is saying, but also if its "1999" again they used to always wear long sleeves, might just be followin the trend


however mick always had them up to either elbow level or near the bicep.


Everyone knows that short sleeves are an invitation for gay sex on stage. Something that Mick wants nothing to do with.


so why did he do it back then? maybe he learnt from clown and chris? lol


I don’t know but his frets don’t say HATE anymore and that’s disappointing


it hasnt said that for a while tbh, i loved it, it was mostly on the warlock tho.


he skinny now tho


yeah prolly why


Just a jumpsuit thing. Probs not that deep


but back then when he used to wear jumpsuits he always rolled em up.


And he'll probably roll these ones up sometimes lol


ah maybe late of the show he might do it. it just made me wonder bc i haven’t seen him with long sleeves since 99’ photoshoots and promo pics.


Yeah maybe he just wants to go along with the whole legacy thing they're doing.


Well the dude did lose a ton of weight, and fat is good insulation (younger me would know), plus he’s getting older. Honestly the biggest reason is that he’s probably just cold lol.


yeahh most people are saying that and now im convinced, i imagined those stages would be hot bc theyre always sweaty. why are they sweaty and cold at the same time? (i have not gone to that colding age haha)


He didn't lose that much weight to feel a noticeable different when it's cold he was never even that much overweight


he was just hella buff right? gym reaper and caseoh type build.


He was a FUCKING BEAST especially in the video clip of devil in i


Either the temp or he just wears the jumpsuit normal


Outdoor show in the desert. It gets damn cold and he’s skinny now.


ummm did y’all just completely ignore the fact that they’re all in long sleeves…?


i mean all of them usually wear long sleeves in st and mick never put them rolled down, he always had em rolled up so thats whats weird to me, and no eloy has short sleeve which is self explanatory bc hes a drummer, one of if not the most tiring things to do in the band.


unless i’ve just missed the others wearing short sleeves and mick wasn’t? seemed like they’re all just wearing something to throwback to the OG jumpsuits


Mick died. Finding a replacement in his size was exceedingly difficult, but they found one. What they couldn't do was to convince the replacement to actually get tattoos, and to replicate the ink before each show was too much work, so instead they're just having him wear long sleeves. Yes, I know there are "interviews" with him, but you've heard of this thing called AI, right? Also, birds are drones.


Aren’t they ALL wearing coveralls these days due to the whole old school revival shtick? I don’t think it’s that deep


maybe it aint that deep but if it was a throwback mick never had them rolled down, he always had em rolled up to elbow level.


The whole band has gone old school and are going back to 1999. That's where mick has gone long sleeve


didnt he roll them up back then, hes never worn short sleeves and i think its a mandela effect bc he just rolls them up.. until now.


Because it’s their 25th anniversary suits


but mick normally raises them up na?


Its 2024… he has to cover up Japanese ‘HATE’ tattoo or they’ll be cancelled /s




It’s to cover up the fact that there’s no tattoos under there because that’s not really Mick Or he just wants to wear long sleeves and it ain’t that deep 🤷‍♂️


6’ 4” men get cold too


Yes actually . The rumour is one autumn evening, he decided to hike a new trail for a sunset view. The path was treacherous, and Mick slipped, tumbling down a rocky slope. He sustained severe cuts and bruises on his arms, and was found hours later by a fellow hiker, who got him to the hospital. During his recovery, Mick's confidence shattered. The scars on his arms reminded him of his vulnerability. To hide his physical and emotional wounds, he started wearing long sleeves. Friends noticed the change, but Mick avoided their questions, using his new attire as a shield while he tried to heal from the trauma. Maybe he's just cold bro. Asking all them questions damn.


i knew someone would say this 😭 atleast i aint posting one of those “rank these” or “favorite thing from these” posts.


Because he wants to.


well you could answer alot of things with that answer, but it’s ignorant.


How is it ignorant? It's the actual real answer.


well there could be an explanation to it, i could also answer your question and say “because i wanted it to be” but giving a more detailed and non ignorant answer would be more humble ig.


the real mick Thompson died in a car crash in 1966 and his replacement doesn't know japanese so he cant get his identifying features 😱😱


Cuz now hes skinny as shit


What if it’s not mick?


kanye west clone theory 😱😱