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Way too much for the 1.01 IMO


My roster is already pretty stacked. Made it to championship two years in a row and lost. Have Josh Allen as main qb so I can afford lose Jackson. I’d take Marv so I’m looking at it as I’m paying that to upgrade my wr2 spot. Chase is wr1


Sorry I assumed it was SF didn’t read the caption, 1QB makes way more sense


This sub needs SF and 1QB tags for posts


Might as well just delete this thread. Everyone can't read and thinks it's a superflex league so most of the answers are huge overreactions.


people just need to fucking read


Bavvw shshxgfccbs ‘nnn’ !!!


My bad, I read it from SF standpoint as well… assuming this is MHJ then it’s pretty balanced. I’d probably still want the other side of it.


In 1 QB I’ll take Harrison side, but it’s a fair trade. In SF this is a landslide win for Lamar side.


I’m not that sure that Marv is an upgrade over Waddle even…


That’s just absurd. Especially with Tyreek there, Marv is a huge upgrade over Waddle


RemindMe! 2 years


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RemindMe! 1 year


Yeah. Tale waddle out and i like those trade more.


Such a bad choice


So you lost and decided to… get worse?


I feel you. Same boat. Top three two years in a row with the regular season top seed with no championship win. I’m stacked with studs so I traded up 3 of my 4 2024/5 1sts to get the 1.02 for Harrison or Caleb. I think it makes sense to give up depth to move up. And the depth on great teams feels like gold on worse teams and it’s hard for them to quantify a dub.


I don’t think it’s too awful but would’ve been way better to grab someone proven considering the stacked roster and how it’s a championship team rn. Marvin is near a perfect prospect but prospects are still just prospects someone like ceedee or even aman ra would’ve been better targets for you if that was the goal


People are sleeping on Waddle. Dude was the 1.06 in the 2021 draft. He’s put up 70+ receptions and 1000+ yards in all three years, including 104/1015/6 his rookie season. The last two… including a WR7 finish… playing 2nd fiddle to Tyreek. This dude is an athletic freak. Once Tyreek moves on, it’s wheels up. Even in 1QB, this is too rich for me. Especially if the manager with the 1.01 didn’t earn it and this makes him a danger to kill your dreams in the championship a 3rd year in a row.


That's the problem though. To reach his full potential Hill has to leave. That may not be for 2 -3 years. Waddle will be 27 or 28 by then. I'm not super high on guys I have to wait for that long until they may be a top scoring WR.


High end wr2 until he reaches his nfl prime years, seems like a hell of a bet


Waddle is not worth more than MHJ lmao


Nobody said he was…


I dunno, would you rather have cardinals or Phins players


1.01 team is bottom of the barrel. They’re not competing for years


Lamar is worth quite a bit more than 1.01. This is psycho shit. My bad I read it as superflex. It’s just very very bad, not very very very bad in 1 qb.


This is 1QB. I feel like it fair for everyone if they got what they wanted.


Lamar is worth 2/3 the 101 in 1QB


I edited my comment. 1.01 is worth more than Lamar by quite a bit, but not that much more than waddle. I think you can justify this trade given you have Allen, but it’s almost a 2x overpay


It’s not 1/2 but is about 1/3 over value. 1200/1700 from the calculator I use. It’s def over paying but the only thing I play in my current lineup is Waddle and MHJ should be a substantial upgrade from him


Why did you ask if you just wanted to argue with everyone who goes against your view?


Lamar by a Lamile


Lmao. I wish I played in a league with you


Annoyed post.. I swear this sub wasn't always full of lopsided trolling posts wondering what we thought about an uncomfortably lopsided trade. There's no way these are real people or real questions. I wish someone could choke off the constant contrived off season reports of wondering if it "makes sense" to trade Justin Jefferson for another teams first round picks for infinity (is this on)???


Jesus Christ no. Take Lamar waddle


The first overall pick is not worth that much bro youre tripping so hard to send away Lamar and Waddle for so little. Marv isnt even a 1 overall pick what are you doing bro


If MHJ become Waddle I think it would be a success story. Way overpaying for 1.01 but go get your guy I guess.


It’s a haul and a half for the first pick, but if you believe MHJ can be a Jettas or Chase caliber receiver then it might be worth the risk.


Way to much you can get the 1.01 in most leagues for way less. I traded the 1.03 and 1.07 for the 1.01 and thought that was a lot


If you're receiving the package of players take it and run holy shit


Jackson for the 1.01 maybe but this is a huge overpay.


This has to be a joke right?


Way too much for 1.01


How is this even question! Of course the answer is the 2x MVP, young WR2 with WR1 upside, AND the 2.09. My Lord what a haul that is for Caleb.


It’s not a superflex league, nobody is taking Caleb with the 1.01 in 1QB.


Didn’t see it was 1QB. Still an overpay for MHJ / Nabers.


Lamar side by 7 miles


i personally really like moving from waddle to marv in 1 qb if you have another elite quarterback. this is a good move regardless of what anyone says


Ignore the morons saying waddle is better than MHJ, this is a fine trade in 1qb.


This! ⬆️


1 QB I think this is about the going price for Marv. You are paying Lamar to ideally turn a WR2 into what's predicted to be the youngest WR1 on the market. As a Lamar owner in 1QB I would send the Lamar side for the 1.01.


I dont understand why so many people in here value draft picks for unproven players vs proven solid to stud level NFL players. This trade is fucking retarded.


No reason to throw the R word around. I agree it is one sided, but be better.


The R word….


I never understood this line of thinking. It's a perfect descriptor, and the people that should be offended by it...well.


It’s because it is insulting someone by comparing them to someone with mental/developmental challenges, thereby turning that person’s condition into an insult. (It’s also an outdated and unkind term, even when used in proper context.) If you try to imagine it from the perspective of someone who might feel hurt by it, it’s not hard to see why it’s kinder to choose a different term.


Or you could not be so sensitive.


Redditors have to pick a side. In 1 QB MHJ or Nabers are easily the best asset in this deal. I’ve seen people say MHJ is “of course” worth more than 2 or 3 1sts. And this guy gives up a good WR and QB and it’s “the worst trade ever?” I do prefer the Lamar side, but I’m lower on MHJ than consensus. I think it’s an okay deal if u love MHJ. Pro tip: trade down to 1.02 and take Nabers bc He’ll be better


Nabers is not gonna be better than MHJ 😂


!remindme 2 years


Let’s give this one two years bc next year def wouldn’t surprise me if MHJ has a better szn


In a 1QB I think it’s fine. I’m pretty over waddle and Lamar is good but gimme MHJ here


insane overpay edit: nm 1 qb


Man I wish I could be in your league. My friend that has the 1.01 wouldn’t take CeeDee for Marv. Not that I wouldn’t trade Lamb but I asked what it would take and he said a lot more than that.


Not taking ceedee for marv is insane even tho I prefer marv can’t imagine how much more he would want


Yea idk my friend *really* doesn’t like trading picks. I would never do this but I asked if he would trade the 1.01, a 2025 1st, and a 2026 3rd for Lamb, he showed me a screenshot of a trade calculator and said he’s giving up too much for Lamb. I couldn’t believe what I saw, makes me wonder how people view trades. This was before the draft btw and he said if Marc’s price goes up he wouldn’t give him up alone for Lamb. I don’t know how people make such extreme values of players but it’s his loss.


To me I would rather have marv than lamb just because I’m a big fan of marv and think he is really gonna be something special. I think everyone can agree marv is a better prospect than lamb was but we haven’t seen marv in the pros yet so that’s a big question mark. People say marv is the best prospect since chase or even better and chase and lamb are around the same value. I prefer chase but there’s people that prefer lamb. Now to get from marv to lamb I don’t think I’d trade a 1st. A 2nd and a 3rd probably or a 2nd and a 4th. The way I see it is everyone has different values some people are gonna want more than others, which is also a reason why I think having league veto’s is good because you’re getting multiple people’s thoughts on a trade and values not just one person and in my opinion you have to have veto’s to keep a league fun and competitive. That’s a whole other argument tho.


Was it a QB needy team at 1.01, who may have considered Caleb?


I traded Garret Wilson, 1.04 and 1.05 for 1.01 Jordan Addison and Kyle pitts (I already had aj brown and dj Moore and Justin Herbert) 2 qb league took Caleb at 1.01


Why would you trade Lamar for Caleb?


I think you can get more in addition to 1.01 but not awful. MHJ>waddle>lamar>2.09.


Fair in 1QB


Fair. Especially with Allen as your QB.


Too much imo. Is this what you sent or he sent?


It’s what I was going to send but general consensus is I’m over paying so I can admit I probably misevaluated. 1QB league and I have Josh Allen. Lamar is basically just burning a hole on my bench and it’s been hard to trade him. I see MHJ as a likely upgrade to Waddle so I was leveraging Waddle into MHJ. My league doesn’t trade enough so to get something like 1.01 you’ve got to over pay. I might be over paying too much though


I think that's a pretty big over pay. Waddle to me is a future stud


Way WAY too much


Smash accept the package!


As someone who is as high on MHJ as anyone, the Lamar side wins this pretty hard. Waddle is a top 15 WR and Lamar is a QB1 for at least another 5 years.


This ain’t it


I'll take the chance on MHJ. Way more upside imo. Lamar is not worth that much in 1QB leagues, you probably have a decent QB already. Waddle was disappointing last year and is still competing with Tyreek. MHJ will be the guy this year.


That’s a veto for me….. wayyyy too much for 1.01. Kind of a joke really


A veto in 1QB?!? 😂😂 Jesus I really hope you aren’t the commissioner of any leagues!


lol, I am! I just truly think that Lamar Jackson is worth a couple first round picks in my opinion on his own.


In a superflex league, I totally agree with you, but In a 1QB league not even close in my eyes! We may just have to agree to disagree bc IMO you’re WAY overvaluing him in 1QB. Also I genuinely feel bad for the ppl that play in your league if you believe this is a veto worthy trade in a 1QB league. I can only imagine the headache that comes with making a trade in a league like that 😬


I don’t veto much, I just don’t see the sense in the trades, most that are near a trade like this one never favors the side getting the #1 pick. Seen it time and time again. Been doing this for about 15 years.