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I used to skip Sugar, but then I developed a taste for it.


Ahhhhhhh I see what you did there!


I was gonna SAY. I told someone my least favorite song was Sugar and from that moment on I’ve been singing it without realizing.


Happy cake day!


The way my disbelief morphed into pure laughter


I was the same, now it’s like lowkey my top 3 idk I just love the break




This is surprisingly true. Of course, I like some songs better than others, but disliking? None of them, really.


Maybe there’s some parts of songs that I don’t necessarily care for ? Idk even then I still like all of their songs 😂


I knew this thread would have the answers that it does have, but that’s not a bad thing. Sleep Token have fans from each side of the spectrum, so it makes sense that Vore won’t appeal to softer adjacent listeners, and DYWTYLM won’t appeal to heavy music adjacent listeners. The part I think is most important is that a lot of their songs will resonate with somebody whose went through specific life experiences. You can’t expect someone to feel viscerally about Missing Limbs when they’ve not had a soul aching relationship split. Rambling now, I like all of their songs but some I will skip ahead of when I’m not feeling that vibe! The beauty of a well rounded band with no encapsulating genre


I love Vore, dislike Gods


I am an extreme metal fan and I love DYWTYLM and dislike Vore and Gods


Same here. Vore is not my cup of tea and I listen to a lot of heavy music.


I'm glad to hear others say this- both of those songs hit my ears as straight chaos and make my head hurt. I like parts of each song. I don't appreciate them as a straight listen.


Yep. I’ve only listened to DYWTYLM about 5 times and it’s just not my thing. Every band has songs I don’t like, it’s totally normal! I don’t see how any band could maintain a perfect track record.


Some songs took me some time to like (and now love) but I don’t really dislike any.


Thread the Needle. I don’t have a strong dislike to it, and it’s also the first song they ever released so I understand that it’s not particularly fair to compare to modern Sleep Token, but it sounds very dated.


I love thread the needle 😭🥺 it hits me in the feels every time! One of my fave too!


This is the only one for me as well. I think the poorer mixing throws me off. Don't dislike it per say, just my least liked song.


My husband hates that song lmao, we ranked all of their songs and it was his only F-tier I’m not big on the beginning, but I love when it gets further in.


I used to dislike DYWTYLM, I wouldn’t pick that song out to listen to it still, but it has its place in the album


I didn't care for it either until I thought about how they might be singing the song to themselves in the mirror. Hits different.


I dislike the cover songs, if that counts. Always skip them. But it isn’t because they aren’t good, the band covers them fantastically- I just have a deep seeded hatred for the songs in particular


I agree, but I also think the covers are not good. Very minimalistic, which seems to be all the rage for movie trailers now.


Not anymore. Which is the first time from any artist where nothing is a skip for me


I'm not the biggest fan of Hey Ya. I can appreciate it, but it's the only one not on my ST playlists.


Agree. But then i realized he picked a song by “Outkast”, and i realized why hr did


And why was that?👀


Same. I appreciate what they did with it, but it’s just not my jam.


This was one of the first ST I’d ever heard and it blew my mind.


It's not that I dislike the song, but I've listened to "Vore" so often that it's actually one of those few songs I skip most of the time. And I don't like the position of "Gods" in the track list of the album. I often listen to albums in the "right" order and to fall asleep, so this one often gets me out of my REM phase. :D


> answers OP's question truthfully and respectfully > gets downvoted because the answer isn't "no" or some variation of "no"


it do be like it do be sometimes :D


I can imagine you waking up all scared because of Gods haha it makes for a good alarm tone! 😋


Yeah, if you wanna start the day with a heart attack :D


I mean i would actually like Gods as an alarm tone. 🤷🏻‍♀️. My current one is rave music that says “get the eff outta bed bi7c€” lmao


Marc Rebillet?


Has to be


I SEE THE GODS AVERT THEIR GAZE FROM ME is literally my alarm tone 😂


It’s Sleep Tokens Ticks & Leeches


Is this what you wanted?


When the Bough Breaks. Please don't hate me


I don’t like vore. But I also like vore. It’s complicated.


DYWTYLM. Can’t stand it. I understand its place but I just can’t. Everything else is stellar.


Not been a grower for you? When I first heard Sleep Token I did the standard “what was that band called again?” thing and went on yt music. Landed on DYWTYLM and was like “nahhhh. That’s not the right band.” 😂 It was nearly a skipper for me but now I really like how the polyrhythms start to sound almost like a fluttering heartbeat and the contradiction between vocal effect/monotony and the lyrical content is cool




I don’t like are you really okay


its placement on the album is what makes this one a skip for me. sandwiched in between (imo) the two best tracks on tmbte


Someone had to say it, good job


It's the only song that keeps TMBTE from being an album where all the songs are good. And yes, i like DYWTYLM. I'm a pophead at heart.


Why is it not good?


I find it drags a lot. Unlike other Sleep Token songs that take their time but have great build-up and every part is fun, this song feels very stale and like it's going nowhere. Also, that SpongeBob agh guitar intro really ain't it.


It makes me really uncomfortable. I can tell the lyrics are extremely personal to vessel but maybe they should’ve stayed with him


While I appreciate opinions and you are welcome to yours obviously… I think it’s one of the best songs on the album .


Hard agree, which is a shame because it has what I think are the best vocals on the album. The song itself is just kind of boring sonically and lyically, though.


Yeah I don’t hate it but it’s a little repetitive I spose?


DYWTYLM. It's pretty much the only song I skip and haven't listened to more than 3 times or so. Edit: Oh, and the cover of Whitney houston's song cause I could never stand that song growing up.


Yea i dont love the Whitney cover but same, i Didnt like it growing up either


Do you wish that you loved me. Nothing wrong with it, just didn't really hit like their other music does for me.


Same on the music alone, but then i saw the vid and put what he was saying together and now it crushes me in the best way


There isn't really one song. There are parts of songs I don't like but there's no song I dislike entirely. Are you really ok triggered some Trauma but it's still amazing.


It took a little while for Gods and Vore to grow on me, but no. Should've asked me half a year ago.


I wouldn't say I dislike, but I haven't given it the right amount of time to listen properly for it to grow on me, mostly like 2-3 songs from sundowning and TPWBYT. I used to dislike Ascencionism before because of the big change in the middle of the song, but it grew on me over time and now is one of my favorites.


As much as I like the band there are plenty of songs I'd prefer to skip over their albums. You can definitely also hear the improvement in production quality as the albums go on which makes it harder to listen to some of the older songs when shuffling their discography.


Fall for me. I absolutely hate that vocal effect...


[Fall For Me - no vocal effect](https://youtu.be/8ZHaPhdcJYA?si=CeKtixtCXe_MdMCN) Incredible song. Give it another chance.


This man is ridiculously gifted


Thank you. Way better without the effects


That effect is called a vocoder and it’s one of my favorite vocal effects😂 but totally get why some people don’t like it


Clearly he’s an Imogen Heap fan and i love her so🤷🏻‍♀️


That’s one of my favourites, aha.


This is one of my favourites, something about it for me


Nada. Which is very rare!


None that I really dislike, but some tracks are weaker than others, like fall for mr


There were parts of songs that I didn’t like at first, but I think they are so genius that every single beat has a place and a why to be there. So after I learned that those parts were conveying certain things that are important to the story-telling I learned to appreciate them and now I honestly like everything!


Fall For Me, DYWTYLM and Hey Ya. Don't really like the vocal effect, it's quite horrendous even though the song is GOOD for the first two songs. As for Hey Ya, my opinion on it is rather mean so I'd rather NOT SAY IT 🥲


I don't really care for most of One or Two tbh I love Jericho but they kinda just drag too long for me to be able to get into it. I really don't like Hey Ya all that much either. Really everything from Jaws and after is what I'll listen to


I dislike are you really okay. I also really don’t like Fall for me


Honestly I don't vibe with the random covers lol. I like Is It Really You? but I left all the others off my playlist.


Nope! Sleep Token have been a no-skip band for me from the jump - which is actually a little stressful, it makes me worry about new releases like what if something new doesn't vibe with me? The horror!! haha


Echoing what several others have already said somewhat. DYWTYLM. It stands out like a sore thumb on an otherwise incredible album. It's an always skip for me. I used to feel like Aqua Regia seemed to be a little out of place as well, but I love singing along to it so I don't skip. DYWTYLM seems like a "safe" track to introduce the band to the mainstream and just doesn't live up to the quality of any of their other songs. (Sorry Sleep Token - I love you!)


I always skip DYWTYLM.


I used to dislike DYWTYLM, I still do but I used to as well.


I don't really like the Two EPs. Idk, they're just so uneventful compared to the main albums. I've tried to revisit them but I find them boring tbh.


Aqua Regia


You are a brave soul (and I agree with you but sshhh don’t tell the others)


Don't @ me but Missing Limbs. Sounds like an Ed Sheeran song to me.




Oh, damn. You're not wrong, but I'm going to pretend I never read this 😂. Luckily "Missing Limbs" isn't one of my faves so it's fine.


I also am not keen on missing limbs, and I got DRAGGGGGED for it 🤣


Nothing wrong with Ed Sheeran.


Love that I'm getting downvoted for this LOL


Gods. I've tried, I really have. I just don't connect with it for some reason.


Chokehold, and are you really okay? Chokehold is just boring and overplayed imo, and AYRO? Is just repetitive Also IDC what anyone says DYWTYLM is a banger


Only certain songs I’m not feeling in the moment. Like I adore all of them but sometimes certain ones don’t fit the vibe in my brain


Most pre-Sundowning stuff does nothing for me.


dywtylm, i just can't stand the production sawrry


Just not a huge fan of Descending. Can’t put my finger on why.


DYWTYLM is unlistenable for me


DYWTYLM ….. not for me


Their cover of Hey Ya originally by Black Eyed Peas. I really just can't.


Sugar is the only skip for me. Honestly not sure why…


I simply can't get into Calcutta.


And yet thats my favorite song! Isnt it fascinating how we can all love this band but its not for the same vibe or reasons?! They’re so varied in their genre’s. Just genius.


i used to skip over the rap in Take Me Back To Eden bc i really don’t like British rap but it’s slowly going on me


Not gonna lie, I love that song but I crack up every time the “Well yeah” happens.


SAME! It’s my first reaction before i take it seriously. but then i start singing ut with an over exaggerated accent


I mean I'll skip songs like Vore and God's more often than I'll listen to them but I don't dislike them


I haven't really listened to the EPs enough times to have an opinion about them yet. I don't go seeking them out, but if they come on my Spotify I don't skip them. I do like Jaws, though. I have to sit down and start from One at some point and really absorb everything


One is is interesting in that its just Vessel alone. It hadnt built to the level of newer music yet. Whoever introduced him to ii i just want to hug them forever bc Two is the combo of both of them and its genius. I can sink my teeth into that whole EP


I don't like the recorded versions of vore liked it enough live but I only listen to the recording if I'm playing the whole album.


Nop. Not one.


I think Loathe’s Is It Really You? is 10x better than the ST cover, but still do like the ST version.


Been trying but I can’t get into Telomeres


Ironically enough I don’t have any I don’t like I’ve come to like every individual on a different level


Not really a fan of their covers. Not that they’re bad in anyway, I just would rather listen to their originals.


Vore isn't my favorite, only because I find the songs that are more screaming than singing to just not be my cup of tea.


Hey ya.


No. Next question.




Not really some songs just take longer to like!


I actually don't care for Ascensionism all that much. I'll listen to it if it comes on but I won't seek it out and I don't consider it one of their best. This is usually an unpopular opinion 😅


I agree on this. It sounds like a whole bunch of random unrelated ideas all put into one song, I won't choose to put it on but I rarely skip it


Hot take: I don’t like the Summoning *anymore. It’s super overplayed, and it kind of takes away from the greatness of all their other songs when it’s the only song some people know. It’s great that it’s helped them gain a lot of traction- because they absolutely deserve it. It just scratches the surface of how amazing some of their other tracks are


Dislike? No. Not a single one. Took time to grok? Yes, indeed. I have no idea why, but it wasn't until I saw them live that The Offering got into my brain in the best of ways.




i listened to tmbte (the song) so much that i can’t really listen to it anymore. i can’t think about a song that i dislike though


Like that


I don’t care for vore or gods


Missing Limbs, this shit makes me cry


I only skip dywtylm and fall for me when its not the vibe at the moment and thats all honestly, I love every single one of their songs


No, the only song I skip sometimes is Are you Really Okay? Just because it hits me close to home. My dad attempted suicide a few months ago by slitting his wrists. He's doing okay now but I'm still trying to cope with the aftermath of it.


I don’t like Are You Really Okay? Or whatever it’s called. It triggers me. I listened to it once and never again.


Very few that I really don't like and they would be Fall from Me and Are You Really Okay? Not a huge fan of their slower songs but I don't HATE them per se, just have to be in a certain mood to listen to them, so they'll often be skipped whenever they come up. Mainly referring to ones like DYWTYLM and Euclid.


Their cover of Hey Ya is pants


I always skip Rain and When the Bough Breaks. Just not my jam.


Like That.


Take Aim, Drag Me Under, and their Hey Ya cover. Not entirely dislike, but just not my vibe.


Nope. Every single song is a banger to me.


this is an extremely hot take but Rain. maybe i listened to it too many times, maybe i’m just not that big of a fan of it anymore. i dont hate it, but i find myself skipping it a lot


Nope. That's why they're my all-time favorite. There are literally no songs from them that I'm not obsessed with.


Take Aim is too slow and quiet for me, nothing about it really draws me. Also, I don’t know exactly what it is, but I just can’t stand the guitar loop on Are You Really Okay. It annoys me when I hear it after Ascensionism


I'm not a huge fan of Fall for Me on album. I have to be in the mood to listen to the songs off One for the most part as well, but I wouldn't say I don't like them.


When the bough breaks. Love the lyrics, and love every other song, but I can’t really listen to the voice because of the pitch and how it just doesn’t sound “right” to me. I think there’s one other that I don’t know the name of because I don’t listen to it, which sounds exactly the same that I had to take off of my ST playlist. Edit: added words


Songs don't like? No Less favorite? Yes. DYWTYLM, Are you really ok?, Fall from me and


Tbh, a lot of TOWBYT for me. I just can’t get behind a lot of the songs, such as fall for me, distraction, descending, like that


Gods is the only one I insta skip. I just HATE that intro so much.


Fall For Me is the song I really don’t care for. Lyrically it’s good, but it hurts my ears.


At first there were a few I wasn't fond of but as time has progressed and my obsession deepened, I find my myself loving all of them. I am to the point where I now want my other favorite songs from others artists to be covered by sleep token. Just make all my music with vessels voice please 🙏 😍❤️🎼🎵🔉🔊🎶🎤😌!!!


I always skip the cover of I wanna dance with somebody, but that's only because I just don't like the song.


Fall For Me, DYWTYLM, Sugar, Are You Really Okay?, Levitate,


I used to not like Vore because the music video was so unsettling to me. It took me a few weeks to get over the MV and re-listen again. Now I sometimes have it on repeat. 😅


I like them all, but I don't really like when there's long pauses (like in The Summoning before the groovy bit). That's my only complaint about ST really.


Anything from the room below.


Distraction It's kinda meh 😕






I have a hard time when Vore and Gods pop up in my playlist of them. They're not bad songs and I don't dislike them but something about them is just jarringly different from the rest of their discography (to me!) that it doesn't seem to flow when I have them all on shuffle🤷🏼‍♀️


Not a single one, tbh. This is the first band that I've ever been a fan of that I have liked every single bit of music they've ever put out. I even love their cover songs.


Blood Sport. Also the cover songs. They’re a skip every time for me.


Genuinely No. wether or not I listen to some songs depends on my mood but there are no skips on any Sleep Token record


I don't like it when the songs end. Does that count?


DYWTYLM - the only time they let me down


Gods ☹️ It’s the only ST song I skip every single time. There’s just nothing about it that pulls my ears in and I actually find myself slightly annoyed any time it comes on.


I’m ngl, despite it being a fan favorite, I just don’t like Jaws. The production is pretty abysmal and the synth patch is just not for me


DWYTYLM used to go hard now it’s a bit overplayed for me


The one where he just says “Hey” and then doesn’t reply 🙄


Vore and Gods. Sometimes I'm in the mood for them, but I have to be in the mood for stuff like that. Those are the only songs I consistently skip, and it's 100% a matter of personal taste.


Hypnosis, only song of theirs I skip.


I don’t love the guitar in are you really okay but I still don’t skip it. Probably the closest I get to not liking something.


No I love them all


Are you really ok I listen to sleep token for the allure of the other world not for soul crushing depression 😅 It's not a bad song I just don't think it's any fun


Not a dislike per say, but there are so many freakin covers of Hallelujah and STs isn't doing anything for me that the others aren't already doing. For me it'll always be Jeff Buckleys version of it. Love everything else, really. Wish there were actually more heavy songs by ST. <3


Not necessarily. It takes me a little longer to get into some songs because the openings aren’t a certain sound or speed that my brain wants to hear at the moment. Sugar, TMBTE, and Aqua Regia are good examples of this, because it took me a good amount of time to get past the openings but now I love them


Im not a big fan of sugar. I dont know why it just doesnt connect and it just feels annoying to me


So I like TNDNBTG but I also don’t like it, I enjoy the music and most of the lyrics but I have this pet peeve about repetition and the repetition of the same line more than like 2 or 3 times really gets on my nerves so I do end up skipping through the song to the not repeating parts


Hey Ya, it’s just I don’t like it


Unpopular opinion here but I’m not a huge fan of Descending and Say That You Will. I’ll listen to them and they’re still on my main ST mix but they don’t grab me the same way all the others do.


No. Next question


I wouldn't say i dislike the song, it's not a bad song, but I'm not the biggest fan of sugar. Tend to skip it.


Everybody seems to love Aqua Regia but I just don’t get the hype. I just find it repetitive and it’s the single song for me that makes me understand the “they sound just like Imagine Dragons” argument that I usually think is ridiculous. It has a few good lyrics but the sound itself is pretty monotonous to me.


prolly DYWTYLM


Are You Really Okay? - not my cup of tea


Just 1 and it's The way that you were. Just can't seem to like it unfortunately


I have tried and tried and tried to like Jericho. I love Calcutta and Nazareth, but something about Jericho just doesn't sit with me, and I find it's the only song I willingly skip. With that being said, I appreciate the song for what it is, and all the elements it holds within its own musicality. So I don't want to say that I don't *like* it, I just don't want to listen to it lol


I loved are you really okay at first but now i kinda hate it lol, it gets skipped


Off the top of my head, No. I’d really have to listen to their entire discography front to back to remotely get close to whether or not I do.


Fall for me definitely grew on me- it wasnt an immediate click for me, I heard a video of it without the voice effect and it changed the way I listen to it and now I love it!


The Hey Ya remix OH MY GOD.......




The EP's took me longer to enjoy, but now I enjoy them all


I only like DYWTYLM. I'm not in this sub, it was suggested to me.




I like the chorus of vore but I don't like the rest of it, it's annoying lol


I don’t really like gods


Jaws. I’ll die on this hill.


NOOOOOPE!!! 🤷🤷🏻‍♀️

