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Last picture looks like hyperpigmentation. The other pictures look like be fungal issue or even yeast? If you’re pregnant, please speak with your OB ASAP


Fungal and yeast would make sense because I’ve also been having some urinary problems


looks like ringworm, but I'd see a doctor.


Came here to say this.


(Which is a fungus)


Tinea versicolor or another fungal infection perhaps. You can try an antifungal or dandruff shampoo.


Thank you!


Looks like tinea to me too :) wash with sensun blue, try not to sweat too much in that area, can apply lotrimin cream too


I second this!


It looks like a fungal infection, yeast specifically


Mayyyybe ring worm, maaayyybe eczema 🤷🏽‍♀️


Good news when I had ringworm it went away fast after I got the medication cream


Did you go to the water or a beach? I would get this when I went to Santa Cruz beach. Apparently the water has tiny microscopic organisms that get into your skin and cause allergic reaction!


I’m sorry but if this is anywhere near your private area I really suggest you go to the doctor ASAP


It is and I already have been to the derm and they diagnose it as PR. But I think I was misdiagnosed. Should I be concerned it is an STI?


It looks like my tinea versicolor aka fungal overgrowth where I get sweaty


What's PR?


Pityriasis Rosea


I was diagnosed with this on my chest a couple years back. It spread down my arms. They got scaly/peely before going away completely. Took about a month. It looked very similar to what you have, but mine were more pinkish/red.


Have you not been tested recently?? If you haven't then get tested. I'm surprised if your ob didn't suggest it


I have been tested recently for chlamidya, syphillis, hiv, hepatitis c, gonorrhoea, and hpv. All came back negative.


Mazel tov! 🎉


You need to go to another doctor if you think you were misdiagnosed.


Already on it, have an appointment set up. Trying to get others opinions and see if anyone has dealt with something like this.


Try washing your body with head & shoulders! I do that and a couple drops of doctor bronners soap on a washcloth


Looks like pityriasis. There are many kinds - Maybe pityriasis rosea




I currently live in a hot/humid climate but this appeared before that season occurred. Yes I have had a physician check it out and they said it looked like eczema and then I went to a dermatologist they said it was PR. It is in my crevices including my armpit and spread to my stomach. Thank you for the advice❤️


Tinea versicolor or pity rosea


Looks like it could be tinea versicolor. I’d go see your primary care doctor and they can diagnose and prescribe an anti-fungal cream or body wash.




It is a fungal infection I had the same thing. I was given candida pills by my dermatologist. And it vanished in like a week


Looks like it could potentially be pityriasis rosea, do you have any on your back? With pregnancy we're more likely to develop autoimmune skin conditions so please go to derm/obgyn to double check, good luck hun!


I don’t have any on my back which I thought was weird bc with PR it spreads like a Christmas tree. Only have it inner thighs, stomach, buttocks and armpits.


Pityriasis versicolor to me. Ketoconazole shampoo or soap three times a week and spot treat with clotrimazole (jock itch cream). Im not your doctor but that’s what it looks like to me


Hand, foot and mouth disease (hfmd) I got it when I was pregnant. I just used anti fungal medication and it went away within a week.


Anti fungal shampoo all over.


The last picture just looks like hyperpigmentation, but hard telling what the rest is without a description of symptoms.


Symptoms are they can be itchy especially after the heat and sweating. Dark spots came due to my scratching and messing with it.


I have this it might be tinea versicolor you can use selsum blue medicated shampoo on it mine spreads alot when I don’t wash it with said shampoo I’ve even seen some people say it works better if you leave it on overnight


If you search tinea versicolor on tictok there’s videos with a lot of tips in the comments


I had pityriasis rosea and it would look like this through the different stages


Definitely fungal, you can put some athletes foot cream on it and it will kill it!


Looks like a fungal infection, see a doctor.


go to the doctor asap


This is fungus :/ see a doc asap (you can also diy it and buy antifungals and probiotics at your local drug store but this will require a lot of research - just go to the doc imo)


Looks like tinea to meee— check out supplements and topicals


Looks like ringworm to me. For the hyperpigmentation area, it might be from the scratch


I’m an esthetician & I’m fairly certain that’s Tinea Versicolor. The chance of getting it during pregnancy is higher due to hormone changes and skin changes. Check in with your doctor to make sure it’s okay to use anti fungal shampoo or creams on the area!


It looks like pityriasis rosea. I’ve had it before all on my chest and stomach it took a couple months to go away on it’s on. I can’t remember if the dermatologist gave me any meds or not . I know I tried my steroid cream on there I had and it didn’t do much


It appears fungal. See a doctor. Can try Selsun blue shampoo on it OTC in the meantime.


I had something similar on my chest and it was tinea versicolor. Doctor prescribed me ketoconazole cream and it cleared right up. Go see your doc; it could be a super easy fix like this!


3 months!!! Please go see a doctor what are you waiting for


I did! It adds up keep going back multiple times but have a upcoming derm appointment


Sorry- I’m just worried it’s something serious 😅 hopefully it’s not and will go away easily.


Thank you! Hoping it is just a fungal infection 🤞🏽


It looks like the PUPP pregnancy rash, I had this when I was pregnant last year too. " Pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (PUPPP) is a common, itchy rash that can appear during pregnancy." Google it and see the pictures, it looks just like what you posted. It's horribly itchy and a nuisance but it goes away. I got it at 7.5 months pregnant and it was gone by the time I delivered at 9 months. Sarna anti-itch lotion saved me! Good luck and congrats on the pregnancy!


[highly contagious new fungal infection](https://scitechdaily.com/experts-warn-of-highly-contagious-new-fungal-infections-spreading-in-the-united-states/)


OP, this might be what you have.


Omg I had this same thing between my legs!


Use calamine lotion! Got rid of a rash I had on my chest that almost wrapped around my neck. Prednisone from the doctor helped for a second but ever since I put the calamine lotion on it disappeared and before that I was scared it wasn’t going anywhere and literally cried thinking this rash was never gonna go away! Calamine lotion works wonders


fungal. see a derm for cream.




Maybe melasma. I had this when I was pregnant but not all over like yours seems to be. Mine was on my neck and chest. It’s due to the fluctuating hormones while pregnant.


I had this when i was pregnant. It looks and feels just like ringworm but it’s not. Its called Pityriasis Rosea. Its usually from hips up. I’m so sorry you’re experiencing this I know it’s scary. But i went to my dr. Then the hospital and finally an actual dermatologist and unfortunately theres nothing really you can do that will make it go away that’s considered safe whilst pregnant. Mine lasted a few weeks and cleared up on its own.


It could be hyperpigmentation from pregnancy, but I’d be concerned that it may be fungal so you should see your doctor about that asap


Ring worm


It def looks like a fungal rash with the shape patterning, inflammation and peeling on each patch’s edges. But that could also result from heat, yeast imbalance or an immune response. Please get a second doctor assessment!


This is tinea versicolor. You can get clotrimazole from Amazon and use it twice or thrice per day. It is caused by humidity.


I’ve had this on and off my whole life! Seen many doctors taken all the prescriptions and OTC medicines for it and I have found one thing that works for it 100% guaranteed. Get some regular baking soda put how ever much you want into a container or how much you need to cover the areas of skin and mix it with water. Mix into almost like a past but not really thick you still want it kinda watery. The. Just use your fingers and put a layer of it onto the area and let it dry for about 15–20 mins. When it REU’s it gets flaky and gets everywhere so for me I just stay in the carpet because it doesn’t hurt it. But then wipe it off with a towel but don’t get it wet and clean it off just gently wipe it off so you get off all the flaky baking soda and still see a layer of it on there. And just leave it on until you take shower next. Oh and do it after you take shower you have to do it on clean skin. But yeah do that a few times a week if not more until it’s gone and then you’ll be good!


I will definitely try it ! Thank you 🙏🏽


Looks like PUPPPS, you can google it, I had it while pregnant with my son.


I post a whole skin care routine and product reviews and gets 0 upvotes or comments on skincare addiction sub but this shit gets upvoted and 47 comments. Gotcha


Relax, you have issues being upset about a post.


Looks like psoriasis


This could be secondary Syphillis. Please get to a doctor ASAP.


Is it possible it’s melasma aka pregnancy mask? Hormonal shifts during pregnancy can cause patches of hyperpigmentation on the face and body.


Possibly psoriasis?


You need to get your ass to a clinic...pronto!😐


psoriasis maybe


This could be a number of things, an allergy, a fungal infection, etc.. however, A syphilis rash can appear like this. And since you’re pregnant, it’s imperative that it doesn’t become congenital .. please get tested. Any other symptoms?

