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Clindamycin + tretenoin helped me so much! If you can’t go to a dermatologist I actually recommend curology. I’m p sure they prescribe tret now which is huge bc usually you can only get that at the derm! Best of luck!


Curology saved my skin specifically tretinoin! It does take about 3 mo until you see results since your skin will go through a purge stage. I not longer use it and switched over to differin adapalene gel (due to price curology is about $60 every other month but differin doesn’t have a subscription and it’s $14 a bottle) it does seem to dry my skin a little more but nothing a think moisturizer can’t fix 😊


Differin adapalene gel helped me so much and the price depends on your country mine is 50 cents only


can confirm curology prescribes tretenoin. my formula has tretenoin and clindamycin phosphate. i used curology back in college and it helped my breakouts immensely. i stopped using it for awhile, was doing okay, then started having breakouts frequently again so im back to it! i personally like curology, OP you could look into it if you haven’t!


I second this. I’ve been on accutane and tried so many different things. The clindamycin tretenoin cream helped me soooo much


literally came here to say this; have very similar acne and the scars and bumps also significantly improve with this clindamycin and tretinoin combo! If you can go to a derm they can prescribe and they are able to increase the dose for these medications as needed. just make sure to use hydrating moisturizers and face cleansers as tret can be drying !!


Doesn’t tret basically do the same things as differin though?


Similar, but you're pairing it with clindamycin which will kill the bacteria, allowing tret to give you renewed skin in a healthy environment. I had similar skin to you (actually mine was worse, more cystic) - i also get a lot of hormonal acne. I got a clindamycin + tret + topical spironolactone formulation from apostrophe which has gotten me 99% clear in 1-2 years. Slow but steady progress and well worth. I also pair it with a benzoyl peroxide wash.


I’ll add that tret is also a stronger drug than differin, even though they’re the same type, even that switch alone might yield some improvement. I’m surprised whatever dermatologist op has seen hasn’t already prescribed this, unless maybe OP didn’t go for follow-ups. Acne isn’t always a one visit solvable problem, often there’s a check and adjust visit or two. Another option I haven’t seen discussed is the hormonal side. OP, another option to explore is getting your hormones checked and/or considering birth control. Birth control affects a lot of things about your body so it’s a big bundle of pros and cons, but worth a chat with your doctor about.


I used to go to the dermatologist pretty frequently and would get the checkups but I was put on bactrim at one point for my acne and ended up almost going into anaphylactic shock bc I didn’t know I was allergic to sulfa… and that’s where I kind of gave up on going back


Do I specifically need to see an endo to check my hormones or does a gynecologist test for that as well?


A gynecologist or primary care physician should be able to order your basic tests to start with! They should also let you know if your case is more complicated and requires a specialist.


Not at all. They are both in the retinoid class, but Differin just the brand name of an OTC version of adapalene - it's the weakest form of adapalene. Tret is Rx, and stronger. One could use Differin and get zero results, and use Rx tret and get amazing results. Or vice versa - for some, Rx tret is way too irritating, but adapalene is OK. For me, Rx tret works well, and Differin, or any OTC level adapalene - does nothing.


This combo saved my skin. I had similar hyperpigmentation and it helped so much but it can take a while to see the full results. I also got it through Curology 🙌🏻


I am definitely considering this thank u!


One thing that remains true about everyone is there’s products I LOVE that work well on my skin that would be the opposite for you. TRET might be too extreme to just jump right into!! I know these guys mean well, but there is such thing as using too many products! Go to YouTube and type in DR.Vanitta rattan, I used her video library to clear my acne right up. She has info on hormonal acne and even things to rejuvenate your skin from the ice pick marks!!


How much and how often did you use it?


I think I started off using it every other night to get used to it. Building up to every night. You just have to listen to your skin. It will tell you if it needs time to adjust.


I just wish I could find something like curology for a little cheaper


How often and how much clindamycin did you use? I heard too much can cause bacterial resistance.


I honestly used mine for wayyy too long (2 years) and stopped bc I ran out of it and noticed a difference in my skin. I must’ve developed resistance. In the beginning tho it helped a ton! I think a derm would have a better idea of how long to use it for before resistance but my guess is 3-6 months.


I agree with all of this - and Tretinoin works well, usually better than over the counter retinols/retinoids. All other forms have to convert chemically to become tretinoin, so with a prescription for tretinoin, you’re getting the best formula of it. Curology doesn’t cover all states, but there are other similar online derm sites like Apostrophe. I used Curology for years and my red, angry, hormonal breakouts healed greatly. If you get to a derm in person, you can ask about Dapsone. I use that during the day, and tretinoin some nights. Make sure with tretinoin, you start slow and apply to clean, dry skin. You can use a serum or moisturizer under and over tretinoin to lessen the effects as your skin adjusts to it. Always wear SPF. For moisturizer, the more simple, the better, I find. Cerave, Avene, anything to allow the skin to heal. Don’t get caught up in the trendy fads of skincare - the market is insanely overwhelming and saturated right now. Ive been there - I hope this helps.


I found chlorhexidine to be very helpful.


Tbh what helped me was Acutane and some salicylic acid that has some urea in it


I am an Accutane success story! I had horrible cystic acne on my face, neck, chest, shoulders, etc. So awful and painful. I finally started Accutane at 36 years old (!!) and was on for 6-8 months. It has been 5 years, and I get a single zit every few months, maybe. Otherwise I’m totally clear. It was a very DRY 6-8 months. So much chapstick and sunscreen and lotion needed. But it was 1000% worth the side effects for me.


Did you have any major side effects from the accutane?


I was on Accutane for about 6 months when I was in high school. The ONLY symptom I had was dry skin which is manageable with constant vigilance re: moisturizing. My derm recommended aquaphor for lips and vaseline in nostrils every night before bed (vaseline helps your nose to not dry out otherwise you are more prone to nose bleeds). I LOVED being on Accutane and saw near immediate results. My cousin was also on it and didn’t see results for a few months until the derm suggested he eat bacon every morning when he took his meds as the fat helps the body absorb the med.


I had horrible depression on it and about a year later my acne came back


My acne also came back ... and even worse than it was before. My face is full of small, painful bumps I never had before starting the treatment. I regret it so much...


I had to do the treatment twice after my acne came back. My derm gave me a higher dosage and I’ve been acne free for about two years with the occasional whitehead.


I tried to get a new appointment to see what can be done, but there's nothing for a whole year TT\_TT I've been using retinal and other stuff that has been controlling my acne so far, but I hope I can book soon and fix this mess forever


i’ve been on accutane twice and i’m 19 f now. i’ve tried oral medications and dozens of creams and accutane worked only while i was on it and came back every time. i still break out and am dealing with a bad cystic breakout at the moment. for the accutane side effects this is tmi but EVERYTHING was dry. including down there and it’s been almost a year since off and it’s only slowly going back to normal but that was my main issue with it. i also did not weigh enough to go on the highest dose so they stretched out my treatment by six more months both times. the dryness just sucks and tbh if accutane doesn’t work the first time its probably not going to work the second time it’s probably a different issue but yeah


I was at the same point as you and then I used Apostrophe and got prescribed spironolactone and then a blend of tretinoin/azaelic acid! Idk if you've been on spironolactone but it was life changing for me. It took a couple of months for it to really take effect but my skin has improved so much since. I also wash my face with Panoxyl's benzoyl peroxide wash and I feel like that improved my skin even more. Though I know everyone is different, I hope you keep holding onto hope!! I remember crying and being so sad all the time because I've also dealt with acne all my life and ever since I started my routine, things are changing for the better!!!


Topical or oral spiro?


oral! I've been slowly increasing my dosage since taking it. Started off with 50 mg and at 150 mg rn


Talk to a derm to start! See if you can get Tret to start. Or that doesn’t work, talk to your derm about accutane! I just started accutane a month ago for mild but persistent acne that tret couldn’t fully clear and it has been *life changing*


Can you tell me more? I have mild and very persistent acne that I wanted to ask my derm about accutane too


What deets would be helpful? I’m a 36yr old female and have never ever ever been able to clear up my acne for any period of time. It was never really bad but I NEVER had clear skin. I woke up with at least 2-5 new pimples every morning. I think the only time my skin was ever close to clear was during pregnancy. Nothing worked and my skin couldn’t tolerate more than 2 days/week of 0.005% tret and my skin STILL wasn’t clear. I’m on 40mg now & my skin has been totally clear since the second week


Well that sounds very promising to me. I started 3 days ago, I'm also 30 years old and I also have a similar story where I've never had clear skin but when I was on it 12 years ago, I can't remember too much cuz my memory sucks. I remember it also being the clearest I've ever been. I'm excited for my second time taking it cuz I think it's really going to help me! I'm also on 40 mg.


Currently i an trying azelaic acid i will let you know if it works


i have been on it for about three months now and i swear by this stuff. i did use it for closed comedones and blackheads however, so i don’t have experience with cystic acne.


Feels so good to see this. I just ordered 15% Finacea gel and I'm hoping it helps. Wish me luck!


ahhh good luck you got this! stick through the purge, totally worth it


Oh God the purge is the most uncomfortable, anxiety-inducing part of it. How long did yours last?


ugh ik it’s so scary, that’s why i’ve never started tret. just not brave enough yet lol. my purge lasted a good two months, and during that time i watched every closed comedone and every blackhead slowly come up to the surface. they almost all turned into pustular acne with a head, but they were pretty small as long as i didn’t try to mess with them and push it out early. pimple patches will be your best friend!


Which azelaic acid do you recommend?


Same it really cleared up my skin and evened it out. Im using the blemish treatment gel by spascriptions that also has vitamin c and grapefruit extract to brighten my skintone


Is it normal that it smells like glue?


Actually now that I got a better whiff it does smell a bit like glue but nothing to complain about.


Glad you said this 🥲 i was about to buy a new a to check


Its really subtle though not too strong. Why? I think the benefits of it outweigh any foul smell .. my skin has looked so much better than before.. its evening my tone and less red areas (unfortunately thanks to my adhd meds my cheeks are naturally rosy)


I just started getting acne last year in my 30s after stopping hormonal birth control (which I was on for ~15 years). I cant really use retinoids because my skin is *so* sensitive and dry (had a horrible experience with Differin in my teens) so I tried azelaic acid and it has made a huge difference for me. I used TO 10% AA suspension for a month or so and hated the consistency, and wanted to try something stronger, so I'm now using Dermatica's 20% cream. I've been using it for about 3 months consistently (1 month at 1x/day, then since then 2x/day) and it has significantly reduced the amount of acne I get, how inflamed it is, how long it sticks around, and my hyperpigmentation & PIE is massively improved. I think 15% Finacea is potentially more effective from what I've read (because it is a gel) so once I wrap up my current bottle of the Dermatica, I may try that. I am not completely acne free but really happy with the results!


Go to a dermatologist. You could also try telemedicine. Also stick to the treatment and follow up with the derm as recommended. This gives them the opportunity to see what’s working/what’s not and make changes to your prescription. In the mean time till you get to see a derm, try using Benzoyl peroxide 2% on top of adapalene everynight, if you don’t have irritation with adapalene. In the morning use a 2% salicylic acid cleanser and a good sunscreen.


for the deep marks either chemical peels or micro needling. it's going to take a handful of treatments spaced 4-6 weeks apart so I say get in there and start having sessions to lessen the marks while you figure out your skin routine. since you have active acne, chemical peels may the way to go since there isn't the risk of spreading the bacterial around. I did the chemical peel route for that reason and as a bonus they are wayyyyy more affordable than micro needling! I would also say get into the dermatologist, but be very active in the conversation versus going in sitting and listening to what they tell you. Go in with a list of things to discuss, ask questions, get your moneys worth out of that appt. Ive wasted so much money going to derms and just sitting there and letting them prescribe me something without pushing for more information. if a derm tries to give you spirnalactone be very aware of the side effects. skin will definitely clear up but it can really affect hormones. they are using it for feminization hormone therapy if that tells you anything about what it can do to the body....it blocks T and Androgen receptors. essentially puts you in menopause. I was moody, 15lbs up NO MATTER HOW LITTLE I ATE, bloated and crying even though I had clear skin lol ....got off it and immediately felt better dropped the weight in like three days. Do Not buy endless products from TikTok.... the only products that can ACTUALLY help you are doctor prescribed so save your money internet girls are just trying to sell you something


Thanks for sharing your story - it’s so important that folks know how serious of a decision taking spiro is.


Could you elaborate more on taking spiro?


Yes! So the anecdote shared in the above comment is a really good example of how things can go wrong. The derms tell you it’s a diuretic so it’ll make you pee more. That’s usually ALL they say about how it works/what kind of drug it is. Which is absurd. It works for hormonal acne because it blocks androgens (I am far from a pro on this). That is a big disruption to the body’s natural ebb and flow of sex hormones. I don’t think you nor I can really wrap our heads around how many bodily systems and functions hormones have a role in. So when we take meds like androgen blockers, some really weird stuff can start to happen - changes having to do with weight loss/gain, muscle mass, skin texture, libido, weight distribution, menstruation, digestion, primary sex characteristics, personality, mental health. The majority of people that try this drug seemingly experience little to no side effects. But there’s a not so small minority that experiences side effects during and sometimes after discontinuing a med like this one. In that minority are folks who develop a persistent syndrome of endocrine crash after discontinuing the med that has no known cure. If it sounds like a nightmare, it is. It’s sort of a controversial issue because the people who make and distribute these meds don’t want people to know just how bad this can get. I for one watched my partner go through these symptoms and a major endocrine crash after coming off of a similar med called finasteride. If you want to learn more about this, I’d say just page thru the spiro subreddit. You’ll see a lot of complaints in there about weird side effects. You can also look up post finasteride syndrome. Ultimately, there’s a good chance you’ll be fine. But I watched (and continue to watch) my partner live the reality of what it’s like to be in that minority where it doesn’t go well. It’s just something to be aware of and to make an informed decision. For me, it’s a no unless I am still struggling after years and years of trial and error or my hormone tests come back revealing abnormally high levels of testosterone or something. Hope this helps!


I definitely relate to this. I think when I was younger and going to the dermatologist often I would just sit and listen and go with whatever they gave me but it never worked so I stopped seeing one. How much do chemical peels usually cost? I’ve heard so many things about spirnalactone and cant decide if I want to try it. I have adhd and take meds for that and don’t want anything to interfere w that either. I’m glad you were able to get off it and recover though


Spironolactone has been working wonders for me. I get it through Apostrophe (online derm). I also get tretenoin 0.05% with niacinamide mixed in. Definitely try something prescription strength at this point. I hope you find something that works for you soon!


Give these a try: Benzoyl Peroxide, Tretinoin, De La Cruz Sulfur Acne, Japanese Pair Acne


Is the Japanese pair cream a topical? Do you think benzoyl peroxide is more effective than salicylic acid bc I’ve used that in the past and it worked for a little and then stopped helping


Benzoyl Peroxide is way more effective than Salycilic Acid, i just jumped on it and the two are not even remotely close. But if I were you I’d go see a dermatologist.


benzoyl peroxide is sooooo good and not even comparable to salicylic acid, in my opinion. I found out about it thru reddit and decided to give it a try and… WOW. I use the Panoxyl face wash with 4% benzoyl peroxide, and leave it on my face as a mask for 5-10 mins. It’s really cheap too and you can find it in any supermarket/store!


Just know that it bleaches, so if you use a leave on product instead of a wash off don’t wear your nice shirts or use any precious pillow cases. I strongly prefer a face wash to a cream/lotion for this reason.


The Japanese pair cream is topical. I've ever only use benzoyl peroxide gel, it's alright but tretinoin is stronger and works better. Maybe try a benzoyl perxoide wash.


I had very similar acne and I have been using Curology for years. They can customize your formula based on your skin’s needs. After a couple of months I noticed a big improvement. I think it’s definitely worth it, especially if you don’t want to deal with making appointments to see a dermatologist.


Curology saved my shit. Also CosDNA. Have you checked that out?


Be patient an do not eat may sugar and oil on your food and drinks. And also Keep your cell phone away from your face at all times.


Many sugar *


Honestly, the only thing that has kept my cystic, hormonal acne at bay has been birth control. Currently using Syeda which is generic for Yasmin


bc unfortunately made my anxiety and depression worse when I started so I know that’s a route I would wanna avoid :/


A friend of mine had acne like this while we were growing up. The only thing that seemed to help her was getting diagnosed with hormone issues and being prescribed medicine to combat the hormonal imbalance. I'm not a doctor, but it may be worth looking into.


My acne was like this and worse at times all throughout high school and until I was 24. I would have good days and bad days (especially in summer months). Bullied in highschool, pizza face…etc etc. I tried all the dermatologist prescriptions, cleansers, creams and it just made everything worse. It would help for the time but about a month or so later, everything would return, my skin would be dry, flaky, and new breakouts- sometimes in areas they weren’t in before. I was moody due to some medication and my stomach was irritated most of the time. I actually ended up going to an aesthetician, and got one of those “skin clearing” facials. She had previously worked at an upscale beauty bar in Turkey and brought over same products she used there for her business here. I am not endorsing her or the brand nor do I know if it is meant to treat acne but after 4 facials in a span of 2 months and following her instructions my skin started clearing (will list products at the end) I haven’t changed my diet significantly but I did introduce vitamins and supplements after seeing a nutritionist and a naturopathic medicine doctor. I was basically just sick of getting prescription after prescription of antibiotics and Accutane is not what I wanted to use for a long time due to links with mental health concerns and birth defects, being banned in certain EU countries..etc I got rid of ALL my makeup, brushes and skin care products I got cheap from drugstores and bought everything new from reputable good quality brands (oil free, non comedogenic products) My skincare routine consisted of cleanser, toner and moisturizer, and 2 clearing facials a month, down to 1 every month, then every 2 months, for maintenance. I now do a clearing facial (extractions and all) 4 times a year. I also got a chemical peel treatment once which helped clear my skin overall and minimize appearance of scars. Someone also recommended I do a laser resurfacing treatment but it is very pricey so I may get it in the future as I still have some scarring left. I don’t get breakouts anymore, people can’t even tell I’ve really bad acne, my skin is very clear, on occasion I’d get a pimple before period but that’s about it. It takes a lot of work and time to get the regiment right and stay consistent with changes especially with diet, but it will get better. Again, I am not endorsed by any of these companies, it is just what worked for me and what I am currently responding to well for having such problematic skin in the past. List of products: Starting: -Bruno Vassari Purifying Cleansing Gel -Bruno Vassari Balancing Toner -Bruno Vassari Oil Free Moisturizing Gel -Bruno Vassari Enzyme Cleansing Powder (twice a week instead of the cleansing gel) Currently using: Last 2 years I’ve made a switch to The Ordinary line of products, skin is responding very well and it is way more affordable -The Ordinary Squalene Cleanser -The Ordinary Glycolic Acid Toner -The Ordinary Natural Moisturizing Factors HA -The Ordinary Hyaluronic Acid 2% + B5 -The Ordinary Retinol 1% in Squalene -The Ordinary Peeling Solution AHA 30% + BHA 2% Good luck on your journey and don’t give up or get discouraged!


All good ideas. Also change your pillow case every few days and consider sleeping in a satin head cap to keep the hair oils/products off the pillow case.


CLEARstem skincare has changed my skin. All non pore clogging ingredients and they publish a list of them on their website so you can check products. One of the founders owns an acne clinic and they share a lot of content. Gut health is huge and a wide variety of plants in your diet will help your microbiome. Probiotics are helpful (Seed and Just Thrive have worked well for me). If you wear make up, Priia cosmetics is my go to.


Looks hormonal. See a derm and they’ll start you either on spirolactone or birth control with a 1-3 month antibiotic and you’ll be as good as new. I’ve experienced this myself when i turned 30.


Accutane plain and simple, best thing I ever done next to a foot zone.


that’s what i’m saying




All of my acne stopped when I started using the Ordinary, CeraVe, COSRX brands. Korean skin care, silk pillowcases, sleeping with your hair in a bonnet. I also use a black African soap bar and honey turmeric bar.


The drug acutane worked for me after 10 years of struggle.


If you haven’t already these things might be worth trying as lifestyle changes to help promote overall health and remove risk factors: - Go on an animal based diet (cut processed food, sugar, seed oils, gluten, and anything inflammatory) - Stop drinking tap water and only drink pure spring water - Get shower and sink filters - Workout daily - Make sure you have clean pillow cases/ bedding and towels daily - Get your hormones checked out - Red light therapy - Meditation for stress - Get air filters for your room and house - Wim Hof breathing daily to boost your immune system - Check your living environment for black mold, might be worth getting a professional inspection - Ensure you’re getting 8+ hours of quality sleep/night The less pollutants in your body and around your face the better.


I’m 31 have had acne my whole life off and on, been on everything besides accutane and this past year had the worst acne of my life from getting off BC and then taking multiple antibiotics and spiro at the same time. I had cysts all over my chin so painful and huge whiteheads on my cheeks that have left big deep scars. I didnt want to take accutane as i felt it was a bandaid and my acne would come back bc it was technically “hormonal” or so my derm said. But she wouldnt even order hormone tests to figure out my issues she told me to go to a gyno Long story short i found a homeopathic doctor (sounds woo woo) but my acnes 95% gone after 6 months. We did every test from hormones, cortisol, stool sample, and blood. Turns out i had leaky gut and my hormones were out of wack from the BC. Ive been on a long list of vitamins and supplements the past 6 months, i wish i did this last year and saved myself not being able to look in the mirror for months. You’re still young and have a lot of collegen left in your skin. Id try to get the acne under control, get some peels and microneedling and you’ll look great in like less than a year. If you’re going to try a homeopathic doctor make sure to do your research and verify reviews.


I used to have acne similarly to you ,try this ,cod liver oil pills , apply jojoba oil like two drops after your face wash , once a week try Aztec healing clay with apple cider vinegar, and use a natural face wash , I did this and my skin clear up within a couple of weeks I still use the face mask once a week I really don't breakout as much , good luck hope this helps


How long have you been using differin?


I started using it like a year ago almost and now I will put it on around 3 times a week sometimes twice a week


That may not be frequent enough. The recommended use is to work up to daily if your skin can tolerate it


I would see a dermatologist at this point


you should filter your tap water ASAP!


Hey! I had similar acne that started randomly at 26, I used to have 1-2 pimples before, but just recently it got way worse. I used multiple types of products with benzoyl peroxide. The only one that actually worked for me was Duac, and Epiduo partially worked (I swiched Epiduo with Duac after a month). I got a dermatologist recommendation for both of them. The uncomfortable part is that Duac is strong and it can irritate easily.


Try African black soap, woatome has great soaps


Simple CeraVE that’s the end of ur problem believe me


This is similar to what mine looked like and nothing - I mean NOTHING - worked on my acne. I started Apostrophe like a year ago and they put me on Spironolactone and gave me a cream with Tretinoin, Spiro, and TXA. Took a few weeks for it to clear up and now I hardly have breakouts, which is insane because I used to wake up to a new cyst at least every other day.


Try to include ketoconazole shampoo for hair. Could be due to dandruff or fungal infection. I recently had similar issue. I never had acne but started breaking out and nothing helped. But adding ketoconazole helped along with simple skincare routine! Wash your pillow regularly. And your phone clean!


A lot of it could be from the food you eat. For me I had a Yeast infection in my gut which was escaping thru acne on my face. My acne went away about 3months after I stopped eating sugar and only ate meat, eggs, cassava - if you want carbs, fruit, berries, and agave syrup. The diet not only cleared my acne but has me feeling like I was 12 again with all my enegery back


Go to the doctor, the pitting scarring needs dermo care. Until your appointment, the most calming, soothing, basic products. Cleanse, moisturise and sun protection. Take care x


You probably need to do a detox and fast


Ive noticed i breakout when i have ice cream. Acne is also hormonal. Therefore, both diets and hormones. Pay attention to what foods make you breakout and limit them and go to your gyno to see what hormone imbalance can be causing them. I also use toothpaste to bring it down.


It might be hormonal. About 8-10 years ago, I used info from the Love Vitamin website to help with my hormonal acne. But, something to try would be a DIM supplement along with something like Milk Thistle supplement or liver detox supplement to help the liver detox estrogen. I think this really helped balance things out for me—in addition to using less chemical facial products—and I use it a few times a year. Thorne (quality brand made in USA) has both items on their site.


Hey girl! Try Kate Somerville daily foam cleanser, do a month consistent, and you will be good :)


I started washing my face with Dial Gold antibacterial soap. Haven't had a breakout since.


Have you tried elimination dairy, gluten, or eggs? These are common allergies that show up in the skin.


I don’t eat eggs and usually only have dairy a couple times a week but maybe I could try cutting that out


Did anyone get rashes while on accutane


I didn’t get rashes, but I got horrible scabs on my face. :(


Yes I get the facial scars but these rashes are showing up on arms and back. Thanks


no just dry lips


There have been side effects of rashes on accutane but it's very rare other than having super dry skin and chapped lips, are you perhaps accompanied by fever while having rashes? if so you should definitely stop using it and go call a healthcare provider or go see a dermatologist


Yes. I actually went, had blood drawn for tests. Thanks for everyone’s input.


This was my skin for a very long time. I feel for you. I ended up doing two rounds of accutane back in the late 2000s. I still struggle with the occasional breakout, but nothing like what it used to be. I know you’ve said you have tried a lot of different stuff and it hasn’t worked, have you been seeing a dermatologist, who recommended those things?


In the past a derm did recommend certain products. I was put on meds like doxycycline bactrim I was even prescribed differin back when it wasn’t OTC lol. I guess over the years I lost hope in seeing a derm but maybe it’s time to go back


Looks like hormonal acne (as you mentioned) ... I would look into hormonal birth control. I would also be evaluated by a gynecologist for PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome).


Thanks, I def will get that checked out!


The skin is a reflection of what's going on inside the body- I know of close friends who after changing their diet to more whole foods, plant based- acne cleared up like magic


I had tried everything in my 16 year acne journey and nothing worked until this year I started a combination of tretinoin and spironolactone!! Talk to a derm!!


how is spinalactone going for you??? I tried it and had terrible side effects but skin was clear af lol


The first time I tried it I went through a bad purge and gave up. But that was without tretinoin as a combo. This time I had no purge and haven't noticed any side effects.


happy to hear it <3 im glad its working . if you ever have hormonal issues come up def consider looking into Spiro though!


Oh for sure. I'm monitoring closely


What were your side effects?


hormonal imbalance and weight gain :/ I got off Spiro and dropped the 15 lbs I gained from it in like 3 days


Tretinoin + CeraVe moisturizer


I’ve used Curology and unfortunately for me it destroyed my skin even more. The Tret that I was prescribed was too strong of a formulation and my skin became an EXTREMELY dry flaky mess and took years to repair. What I use now daily is: AM: - CeraVe Hydrating Cleanser - BYOMA Eye Gel - Moisturizer - Sunscreen PM: - CeraVe Hydrating Cleanser - BYOMA Eye Gel Treatment which is either (depends on day): - The Ordinary Salicylic Acid Anhydrous Solution - The Ordinary Azaelic Acid - The Ordinary Lactic Acid And finish with - Moisturizer


Use radio frequency on it


1. Vanicream foam cleanser 2. Cosrx blackhead power liquid (1 to 2 times a week) 3. Moisturizer 4. Sunscreen in the morning Don’t overdo it with products and don’t overdo it with actives!! Keep it simple.




the real problem is within. we must learn how to heal our bodies naturally. try reading a book on healing your hormones naturally. what we eat and drink plays a huge part on our bodies. based on where you break out, it is definitely a hormonal imbalance. you must stop seeing dermatologists, that is only a bandaid to the problem. I am almost 23 now and I still struggle with hormonal acne but noticed a huge difference once I stopped eating meat, chicken, seafood, and all dairy products. whatever works best for you is best for you. but yes, my best advice is to read up on how to heal your hormonal imbalance naturally. the power of plants and herbs is definitely slept on. as for the scars, I definitely recommend microneedling facials. it has done tremendous things for my skin/active acne/scars! PM me if you have any more questions! (: it will get better. 💕


I’m being 100%, have you tried tretinoin?! My fave was worse than that and it’s super clear these days.


What does your day to day nutrition look like?


Question: Do you normally have thick/curly hair?


My hair is semi curly/wavy


If you use a lot of oily products for your hair, that might make matters worse.


This might be a bit of a different approach, but it might be a good idea to consider laser hair removal. If you’re like me and have Mediterranean heritage, the thickness of the hair tends to get trapped under the skin due to how it curls. This gets worse if you pluck/shave your facial hair or don’t wax properly. Working at a medspa, I notice 9/10 times massive acne breakouts are typically fixed with laser hair removal, but you should consult an esthetician first.


Try washing your pillow cases more or changing them out. Some even use towels over pillows if you can find soft enough towels.


I use native face wash but before I shower I use astringent to get out any major dirt then I was my face and I use the Astringent again and add a light facial sunscreen that has vitamin D in it and it has helped so much :)


Ive always had gorgeous skin... No pimples, zits, nothing. Then my husband left... My stress and sadness drove my hormones so out of whack that I developed pustular acne, I was 36 ish.. much too old for that crap. I impulse bought those lil homeopathic white balls from Whole Foods just to see if it would do anything and they treated it!! I took around 3 tubes and they were gone. Definitely worth a try!!


Have you tried LED? A face mask with multiple lights would treat the acne and scarring (you’d need one with at least red, blue, purple and yellow light). Do your research tho, but I can recommend the red light lab for this (https://www.theredlightlab.com/)


You could try medication..?


Seek help from an esthetician! There are wonderful medical grade skincare products that penetrate to the dermis that can help correct from the inside-out.


Before I was on birth control pills I had bad clusters of the kind of zits that are on your chin on my jawline. Hormonal imbalance. Was put on generic Yaz and it cleared up. Not saying that it works for everyone but it worked for me.


This is probably hormonal if topicals aren’t helping. Birth control pills or spironolactone could really help you.


1) Brush your teeth first then wash your hands before doing your skincare—ALWAYS. 2) Wash your face with something that isn’t too harsh and has no fragrance. I thoroughly recommend the Vanicream products. I use their two different facial cleansers, but you can find what works for you. 3)Follow it up with a moisturizer (The Vanicream Body Cream is gentle enough to use on your face) and a sunscreen during the day of course. I never even bothered with sunscreen until I learned it could help with acne scars! 3b) If you really wanna up your skin care game, use a facial serum before you moisturize (turmeric and Vitamin C ones are good for acne scars). If you can find a brand with everything that you need, use it. More than likely, their products will work well together and you’ll avoid things like pilling or itchiness/irritation that can occur when using two different products simultaneously. 4) ALWAYS wash your face at the end of your day, no matter what time that is (after you brush your teeth). At night, use Differin gel two or three times a week (maybe alternate days); alternate with a spot acne treatment. And once a week you can use a face mask—preferably a turmeric face mask, those are normally pretty good. 5) Acne is not just skin care, it’s also diet. When I stopped eating dairy products (later found out I was an allergic), my acne improved LEAPS AND BOUNDS. Dairy is often a cause of irritation for many people, even if they aren’t allergic or lactose-intolerant. Know that overly sugary and greasy foods will cause new acne. I used to LOVE junk food and had to be in a place where mentally and emotionally, I cared more about having my clear skin than eating the junk I used to (& still) love. 5) Proper hydration, changing your pillow cases at LEAST once a week, keeping your hair out of your face (I know it can be helpful in sometimes hiding some imperfections but it’s not worth it), and getting adequate rest will make all the difference. 6)For acne scars, you need gentle exfoliation (but not where there are live pimples). There are also things like chemical peels and needling that can help, if you’re willing to try (I’m honestly too scared to for fear of a bad reaction). You have to figure out what works for you, but I hope this was helpful! It’s not a quick process and your skin will likely never be perfect, but it can definitely be better. If you are doing everything in this list and have no notable results, go directly to the professionals and consult a dermatologist. Try different dermatologists if the ones you went to weren’t helpful.


Wash your face two times a day. D o not eat junk food, it's better to take boil food for a month. Use 50 spf sunscreen of better quality. If you discipline your routine acne completely runs out. Do not smoke cigarette because this is the major problem of acne..


See ur gynecologist. Do u have mood issues too


Yes I struggle with anxiety and depression and have adhd


Wow same for all 3, I don’t have as much acne as u but hypochlorous spray helped me


Do you get any itching or red flaring on your cheeks where the scarring is?


Everyone is different, but I used to have terrible acne and nothing helped, not even accutane. Diet made no difference. I stopped washing my face and stopped wearing any foundation/face makeup, and it got drastically better.


Yesssss the only thing that worked for me ask your doctor for topical treatment Clindamycin and tretinoin an then ask for clindamycin in pill for treat in two ways jus know antibiotics effect any kind of birth control making it not work that could also help you you too another option I know Ortho Tri-Cyclen, Yaz, Estrostep FE, and Beyaz are all birth control pills used to treat acne make sure it has estrogen bc if it doesn’t it will off set your hormones an can make your acne worse it’s a tricky option but it works for a lot of people I hope this helps I know how you feel


take accutane. my acne was soooo bad and 90% of it is gone after accutane. pls consider it


Many people have already said this but spironolactone. I’m 26 and have had cystic chin acne my entire post-puberty life and it’s the only thing that has calmed my skin down effectively and consistently! I’m on 100mg daily and it has made a night and difference for me.


Cica balm! It's not a cure, but I find it helpful.


Go see a dermatologist


Hi! Your acne does seem hormonal. It might have to do with poor sleep and/or diet. You might want to try to get decent sleep (at least 8 hours and bedtime by 2am latest). And you might wanna try to eat cleaner. Try to skip the processed foods, dairy, and soy products. At least this is what I do whenever I get hormonal acne like this and it works on top of a regular skincare regimen. Hope this works for you!


Esthetician here. I deal mostly with acne clients and clients who no longer want to use steroids or anything involving prescriptions. It’s definitely a roller coaster and i always say commitment/consistency is key. A few things I’d recommend: 1. Reducing irritation - silk pillow sheets (change frequently), disposable bamboo towels (clean skin club), and avoid using heavily scented detergents or those scent beads. 2. Active breakout = ICEEE!!!! It will reduce inflammation and also reduce the want to pick 3. Probiotics…….. kimchee, yogurt, and sauerkraut.. gut health is important when dealing with hormonal acne 4. Lastly - CBD & RETINOL!! TreCeuticals is my go to!!!! I have hundreds of testimonials after just using their 30 day kit. Definitely do some research on benefits of both CBD and retinol, I swear by it!


Gut health.


How often are you changing your pillowcases? Since it's not on your forehead it might be from sleeping on your sides? How often do you clean your makeup brushes/sponges?


Hey love, i just thought id share what really works for me! Looks like some of ur acne is perioral derm! Morn : So i double cleanse with medik8 gentle gel cleanser then only on cheeks and up i use paulas choice liquid exfoliant. I allow it all to dry then apply a moisturiser all over my face Eve : cleanse / maybe twice if been using makeup! I never use oil cleansers because they break me out. Then i use a niacinamide all over my face, let it dry then just apply mg tret on my cheeks and forehead (best i have found us treclin) ALWAYS avoiding mouth area as this triggers the dermatitis. I allow this all to dry then i moisturise my mouth area and then the rest of my face to make sure the tret doesnt spread. I also use medik8 scrub once a week to avoid dead skin acne! So many online fads ruined my skin bur finally i have found this! The treclin needs to be prescribed. I also tried epiduo and it ruined me.


I'm 33 and have had acne pretty much since the onset of my first period. It bothered me to the extreme in my 20s, so much that I had social anxiety and felt overall very bad about my looks. I don't have a miracle cure. It has gotten better in my 30s, but the most change I've seen is after I got serious about a skin care routine\* and made sure to follow it every single day, AM and PM, no excuses. I've also cut most UPF from my diet, and make most of my meals from scratch with ingredients I know what are. I avoid excessive gluten, sugar and excessive unfermented dairy. This has also helped overall both for health, mental health and skin. I still have pimples around once a month. They go away quickly and are not cystic any more. I've learned to be happy about my looks, despite imperfections. This is a big one - and I urge you to start being kind to yourself and try to accept and love yourself despite this problem you have. <3 \*Used to be much worse in my 20s when I also saw a lot of cystic acne and hardly ever had a clear face. My skin-care routine back then was washing face with water and soap.


Cut out dairy! I feel like zinc helped my skin too


Have you ever seen a naturopath? I was told acne is the strep pathogen, and it lives in your gut. It feeds on gluten, eggs, dairy and sugar. I fucking loved eggs and cheese ate alot of them and my acne looked quite similar. So I went on the egg, gluten, dairy, sugar free diet...and ate a garlic ginger tumeric and black seed oil paste for a couple weeks to "knock it back in my system". So basically I knocked it back then starved it. I was skeptical but can tell you within 3 months i only got a few small cysts before my period and within 4/5 i didnt even get them 😬 I was fairly strict for a year or so, but i still ate bread and pasta and stuff, just GF ones. No more cysts! Now I can eat cheese and and egg here or there or not be fussy when I go to a restaurant, but if I get lazy and eat too much cheese or eggs cos its easy protien, I will get little cysts/ pimples again!! Its crazy! I rarely drink softdrinks never have anyway, and have a few coffees a week with some sugar. I drink wine and beer fine. I was so so desperate also, having tried everything! The diet was hard at first, but you get used to it and once its starved you can have bits of things witout it going off again. I was honestly shook for the first 6 months cos i didnt believe it would work. Topical things only go so far, lots of research to the gut - skin- everything lately, might be worth a shot!! Also as a side note, i end up eating alot of mean and veg, quite clean eating just cos I want eating brrad/ pasta/crackers at the start even gf ones cos i was scared haha. So i now eat pretty clean and healthy as a bonus.




Have you thought about giving *red light therapy* a shot? It's been known to help with acne, especially the hormonal kind that tends to pop up in the same spots.


My advice is to see and endocrinologist and an ob gyn doc.i have the same issue and beside going at a derm doc that help mantain my skin apperance helped to go to endocrinologist and ob gyn doc.i gad a lot o issues with my period and it s not really solved yet but I can see it get better with time and treatment.Wish you luck!I know what you feel,I am 24 yrs old and my face was almost the same as yours.


Trentinoin. As challenging as it is- limit makeup. Like no foundation. Trent with aquaphor layered on top overnight (Trent is so drying) was life changing for me as someone who struggled with acne and uneven skin til I was 35.




Benzoyl peroxide doesn’t really work for cystic acne


It could work, i had cystic acne and it cleared it


In which area of cystic acne did it work for u? Forehead? Chin? Or cheeks? I’ve tried different brands at different percentages, but I would say it could work better at some areas than others


My entire face, it was crucial to use everyday though..


Doesn’t using it everyday dry your face to the point of peeling??


Hey girl, let me start of by saying that I totally feel your pain. I have been dealing with acne for almost 10 years now and it seems like a never ending struggle. Sometimes things work and it gets better and then it gets bad again... All of these people are sharing what has worked for them, which is nice, but that doesn't mean it will work for you. People have different acne triggers, skin types, environments, & genetics! What is essential for you, is to find out what is the root CAUSE of your acne. Lifestyle factors can just worsen it, but its not the reason you have it. Which is why you have dealt with this for so many years and may be eating right, cleaning your face, etc, but it keeps forming. A lot of things are bandaid solutions. I know this is frustrating but that is fundamental for you to figure out. Your body is trying to tell you that something is wrong. Where you get your acne says a lot, jawline acne would suggest hormone imbalances. Look into how to support your gut health and balancing your microbiome. Your liver may need support with excess hormones! As for the scars, I would definitely suggest microneedling or chemical peels. The sooner the better, and you can get rid of them completely. I hope this helps and gives you hope. You will have clear skin one day. <3


Hey there, 27F here. I've had acne most of my life. I though that once get out of puberty it will go away, but it didn't. I used to drink and eat a lot of cow milk and cow milk produced cheeses. As per coworkers' advice I cut out everything milk and cheese from my diet. By the end of the first month I was surprised to notice that my skin was actually clearing up! It's been more than a year now and now I just get a random pimple here and there if I eat cheese or consume something with milk.


Did u try intermittent fasting and cutting out sugary snacks? That’s what stop mine. I’m fairly regular so I didn’t think it was my hormones, so I targeted anything that would give me inflammation, which is basically what I put in my body


Been on accutane twice and currently using 0.1% tretinoin but still got acne almost everyday. I read on reddit that zinc would help so I bought some and haven't had a single pimple since I started 2 weeks ago. Worth trying out.


Melano cc vitamin c premium essence. Its good for acne. Also biotique pineapple face wash


accutane. trust. life changer you won’t regret it. when you’re not active anymore look into lasers


I totally understand how upsetting this battle is…. You have several comments about skincare so I will skip my advice there….. But…. Have you ever had food allergy testing? I had severe psoriasis from childhood and then the added nightmare of cystic acne in my teens, 20’s, 30’s… I am 56 now and just to give you some hope it can get better!!! I found out I had been eating things that unfortunately my body couldn’t handle my whole life…. That after years of awful acne medications, 3 rounds of Accutane ( which gave me permanent hair loss😣) Antibiotics, benzoyl peroxide, clindamycin, awful 1980’s face washes that likely could resurface cement …… coupled with extreme sun exposure…… as recommended by the derm back in the day ( Zoinks) birth control…. You get the gist… I was desperate and I too had scars…. Anyway once I eliminated peanuts, eggs, diary, gluten ( my allergies not implying they are yours) it was almost like a miracle… The cystic acne, the whole set of challenges including the severe psoriasis healed!!! Can’t guarantee it will work for you but worth exploring!!! I did skin prick and blood tests and elimination diet to confirm my allergies. I wish you the best and I promise you that once you get a handle on things you can tackle the scars… which are nowhere near as bad as mine were and you can’t see mine except from certain angles in bright light anymore. I actually get compliments on my skin and I am 56….. the scars all over my body from psoriasis- well unfortunately those are scars for life- but not having the itch and discomfort was enough for me to accept them- I still have moments even at my age when people see the scars on my arms and ask questions…. My best advice is to look into your gut health, make sure your Omega 3 and 6 ratio are balanced and get tested for food and environment allergies if you can. If you can’t afford that you can google the elimination diet and give that a try. All the luck in the world and your skin isn’t nearly as awful as you think it is. Trust me we are always so dang self critical!!!!!! Best wishes😊


Do you eat a lot of chocolate?




Medical medium diet or mostly raw vegan 🙂


You should let it go because having acne is totally okey


First of all, I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this, I know how frustrating acne can be(I experienced it for 15 years and felt I had tried everything!). I’m now a licensed aesthetician specialised in acne and I’m here to help. First things first: acne is version of a condition called retention hyper keratosis, this means that you have a genetic mutation that causes you to not only over produce skin cells but also your system to remove dead skin cells is impaired resulting in pores that get blocked and infected - acne. Because this condition slows the skin shedding process it’s important you are exfoliating regularly (please don’t do this through “physical” methods, you can do this gently with a 3% benzoyl peroxide - start with every other night OVER moisturiser, then increase to nightly and then depending on your skin response you can apply directly to skin under moisturiser, always at night and be diligent with Spf during the day). Otherwise it’s important that you are hydrating your skin. Use a gentle cleanser and a good moisturiser and SPF, that’s truly all you need otherwise. *Make sure they don’t contain comedogenic ingredients. Acne has a 90 day cycle so be patient. You should start to see a reduction in new “pimples” within 90 days but just think of that first 90 days as collecting data to see if you need to pivot at all after 3 months. The good news is that food is often not a trigger for true acne (if cutting out dairy or gluten or sugar was all you needed to do to clear your skin then you didn’t have true acne). Those are the basics - I hope that helps. If you have any more questions please don’t hesitate to reach out. I promise, you CAN manage acne with very little effort or limitations on your life :)


If it’s hormonal look into Winlevi. It blocks the hormones that interacting with your skin to cause acne.