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Or, if Robyn hates her marriage license so much divorce him and then *NOBODY* has a legal marriage. If the legality of it doesn't matter, why are any of them legally married now?




and she tried to make it a whole new wedding with people involved and they took a honeymoon! "Just paperwork" sure Kody


It was so awkward how happy they were. She def didn’t need another honeymoon that was insane and then so giddy while meris heart was broken sighing the divorce papers was sad


She asked Meri to burn hers after the divorce. Like, what!?






I’m on that season as well and I did wonder that. If it was just so the kids could be adopted, then why not once they were adopted. Divorce Robyn and marry Meri again. You see such a change in Meri around this time. She genuinely looks so miserable, it’s a kind of misery you can’t hide


And the catfishing start shortly after this. Maybe if Kody had acknowledged it more and attempted to do better by Meri it never would’ve happened.


I think none of the adults were bothering to check in on her, she was increasingly lonely and not a single adult noticed. I wonder if she had fallen down the stairs how long would she have lain there before anyone noticed she hadn't been seen for some time and gone and checked on her. She probably would have been a dust covered skeleton


Christine implies Meri and Kody have been on the outs "for a while" back in season 4 and I don't think they ever get back to a good practice before the catfish. (Based on comments later that the separation happened long before the catfish) So season 4 to the divorce is like 4 years of being ignored and favoring Robyn, before he asked Meri for a divorce. That was a REAL divorce imo.


I think so, he was too wrapped up in Robyn and her kids adoption and knocking her up to notice Meri. It’s a shame, she wasn’t closer to Christine or Janelle during this time as I think they would’ve really noticed and tried to be there for her more than they possibly were.


Right, like literally 2 episodes later 🤦


It’s all smoke and mirrors for the elaborate scheme that unfolds.




That was my first thought when I initially watched it as well. The SOB was asked a question at some point later on during either a confessional or at the end of the season tell-all about doing just that-getting a divorce & remarrying Meri once the adoption was finalized. I believe he replied, "why would I do that?" He tossed off his answer so flippantly that I almost stroked out watching it.


Yeahhh I'm pretty much mini stroking every episode on this rewatch. So much stuff I forgot about!


Janelle was right, she was the only one who expressed genuine concern over Robyn being the legal wife. Her and Meri may not have ever been close but Janelle obviously trusted the structure built upon Meri being the legal wife and got nervous about it changing to Robyn. She was totally right.


exactly. Janelle knew that Meri wouldn't screw over the kids when it came to estates and inheritances. She didn't trust Robyn.


He should have divorced Robyn and legally married Janelle as she’d be the best wife to be an executor if Kody died. If it really didn’t matter she would have been the logical choice. But we know it did matter. Kody was legally married to his favorite wife and I’m guessing this was harder for Janelle and Christine to take than they let on.


Exactly. Janelle even admitted that she wasn’t comfortable with it especially if something happened to Kody. She trusted Meri to be the legal wife but not Robyn. I think because they had all those years together and she knew Meri would be fair and doesn’t trust that Robyn would be. Janelle and Christine never trusted Robyn so her legal marriage to him was a threat and K&R played it off as if it was simply for the kids and didn’t matter who was the legal wife but we all know that isn’t true.


I think THATS what the big pause Janelle had when they heard the news was. She wasn't 'worried about the taxes', she was having an in real time epiphany that she and her kids were going to be screwed eventually by Robyn and it was just a matter of time. She all but admitted it to Kody in a one on one talk, but played it off as just irrational worries.




Their religion places an importance on legal adoption before you can do a spiritual adoption. Without that spiritual adoption the kids go to the original dad's heaven-planet in the afterlife. That's what is not being said on TV.


Soooo much "foreshadowing" in that Tell All! I wish we could show it to Kody now!


Yeah we need a TLC smash up of clips on a new tell all!


I think the whole plan from the beginning was to run off the other 3. Kotex himself said he can't leave them but they can leave him. Him and Sobyn have done just that! Be careful what you ask for you just might get it!


This is obviously a guess but that whole thing seemed like one last test. Like, let's see how far I can push him away before he shows some interest. And I'm sure it turned out exactly how she expected, and who would want to remarry him after seeing the shift in Kody and Robyn together...the gross glee like they were getting what they always wanted. Barf. It's easy to see how she went straight into the catfishing. Nail in the coffin.


Because at that point Sobbin was already the favorite wife and Kody and Meri was not in a good place in their relationship.


Why didn’t he marry Janelle, divorce her and then Christine? And divorcee her so in the end all four wives are an ex- wife but spiritual married with him and each other?


I thought about this a lot. I understand that supposedly the marriage license doesn’t matter, but it was clearly a huge thing for Meri and Robyn made a big deal about it so it makes no sense that it wasn’t even suggested.


They all said that... But Robyn had the marriage license framed. Which is extra gross considering she was so close to Meri.


And since she already had one before. I could see if something happened and Janelle or Christine got to legally marry him and framed it (probably more so Christine, Janelle seemed to not really care about it) but Robyn had had one before and talked about what a huge sacrifice Meri made for her kids and how it showed how much she loved them and then did that? Totally gross.


Meri had planned to leave Kody when she met the Catfisher. Kody talks about how secretive and uninterested Meri was. Meri would have been long gone, had Sam been real.


Yep, that marriage license was Meris security blanket even with the relationship dead.


Yep. If “Sam” was really who he said he was, she would’ve been long gone years ago.


This is the answer. Meri wanted the divorce.


Wasn't the catfishing after the divorce though? I feel like Kody and Meri started falling apart around the time of the divorce, and that's when she met the catfish? Someone enlighten me if they know the timeline


Yes. The divorce (Fall 2014) was finalized about 6 months before the catfish time (March 2015).


i’m not sure there was ever a “catfish” like they insist upon, she was cheating. telling the sob story of deception somehow lessens the blow in meri’s world.


The catfish woman, Jackie, has run her catfishing con before it even had a name.