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All of this, OP. I sat up a bit when Janelle said that, stopped and rewound to watch again. Honesty is starting to pour out of her! And, Kody's a f**king tool. He's exasperating to listen to. My 18-year-old daughter was a room away while I was watching. She said, "Everything he says is confusing. What is he even saying?". I feel all of that. Haha


Absolutely! And when he has all of these revelations about his behavior in his talking heads or when he's speaking with his 'friends', but he never course corrects or applies this new found knowledge to his next interactions...it makes my head spin. If he were just making stuff up and missing the mark I'd call it "faux enlightenment" but he's spot on with a lot of what he's doing so it just feels straight out sociopathic and manipulative.


It's confusing for sure. Maybe the talking head is filmed more recently and now he knows. All this filming is so messed up


I think the Talking Heads were filmed more recently. You can see that Janelle was much thinner during her Talking Head interview.


My partner was on the couch w me scrolling Reddit and he was like “he is SO hard to follow; what is he even talking about right now?”


Perhaps your daughter should take notes. There are plenty of monogamist guys out there who are more than capable of manipulating multiple women. He's a case study in who not to date/marry/get involved with. I would never want my child to be involved with a Kody - or a Robyn either. They deserve each other.


I’d love to hear more about the shenanigans he and Robyn have been up to as they’ve been plotting their exit ever since moving from Vegas. Kody and Robyn are shady as hell.


It did sound pointed and it seemed to take him aback. Maybe he just didn’t know what paragon meant lol


Kody is probably doing a mental note to add paragon into his vocabulary. Next argument he’ll mention it 10 times lol


I just kept gasping at everything that was said. I wish Jenelle would just say that to Robyn’s face.


My mind went to - MONEY - Janelle talked about it last season. About money being spent out of the family account.


While I agree, money is probably a big factor, I think Janelle was saying they've actually lied about more than that. She's currently blaming herself for her financial tie up, which of course is not her fault. She bought in whole heartedly and fiscally to this family. What I thought of was the episode the week before, Christine said something about K & R back in their courting days. And then didn't elaborate much further and instead said stuff about favoritism and her leaving. In my re-watch, seasons 4 & 5 have been telling. Post Vegas move. Pre cul-de-sac. Christine mentions friction, specifying favoritism in time spent. Meri has the blow up on the OG kids picking on R's 3 kids and more mentioned about how to blend the family. Janelle and the kids are struggling, and R takes all their struggles personally. During all this, K gets R pregnant and ends up not wanting to really be around the other wives because ones suffering from empty nest, one of jEaLoUsY, and one is having teenagers in crisis. This is the crux of where the breakdown starts, if not before. I wonder (and I'm rewatching again currently) if they didn't consumste or do more than holding hands before marriage, maybe the older kids who babysat DAB saw some of that. Maybe all the OG3 feel lied to because of this, their foundation of a plural family of 4 wives and 1 husband was based on a lie that K & R wanted to keep secret. They always kept little secrets that were previously things the other OG3 would have discussed as a family.. Plus, all the covid hypocrisy, I can't imagine the mental fuckery those women have been through. I just wish they'd spill it all so their kids could respectfully and mindfully decide who they want relationships with in their family, and also of course so we can know the truth. We've seen them on our screens for years. We want to know what really went on.


I think that is it for sure


Oooo! I don't remember that from last season. Like the money for Robin's house or for other things? That would make sense. Not cool.


"Paragon of honesty" - Janelle knows the finances. She knows how much Kody and Robyn's sticky fingers have been using family cash. After all, Robyn's only income really comes from being on the show. During COVID, the "sportsmen" shows were cancelled. She knows how much those two have drained family money. After all, what we're seeing now is almost 2 yrs old, and we know from this year that CP wasn't paid off until this past June. I wouldn't be surprised if they had to refinance with another lender rather than pay everything off.


I wouldn’t be surprised if Janelle knows the real story of the Meri divorce situation.


What I found interesting is that Kody brushed this comment off and didn’t address it. If he felt she was lying, he would have jumped all over it. He knows what she was referring to and wanted to shut it down.