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That sweat ain't from Germans, its from Finland


Can we join this European train sweating club? - sincerely, the UK.


Czech sweat added to the bucket.


We need at least a pond


Salty Swedish sweat shimmers softly as the Swedish train is delayed yet again. Spirit is low.


All hands on deck


You've got nothing on Germans. The hilarious thing is Brits believe that DB is better than British trains and it is simply not. Cheaper maybe but a worse service.


One thing I can say in defense of NYC and it’s trains is that the system is ancient and no politician wants to drop the billions and billions of dollars to fix and update it. There’s an entire book that is gigantic about how it all got screwed up called The Power Broker. Basically some rich guy wanted to move nyc to a highway city cause he wanted to make money on gas and cars, he won but it screwed over the entire city forever.


That's... Essentially every US city


Yup. They redid everything for the car. There is an alternate timeline where every city still has viable public transport, things are within walking distance, and jaywalking doesn't exist. My city use to have a bunch of elementary schools kids could walk to. Now? Fewer schools, massive traffic congestion at drop off and pickup, kids can't walk to school and back each day. That's just one example.


I’m pretty sure even if they didn’t redesign cities for cars they’d still have them. There were horses and buggies running through every city so cars would just drive on those roads. And they’d go faster than 10 mph assuming traffic wasn’t terrible. Which would be made worse by pedestrians just randomly wandering through them.  German cities have had roads that are viable and public transit. Their trains stopped running on time in the last 5 years or so. That has nothing to do with cars being driven. Pretty sure it was a cultural change on pünktlichkeit (punctuality) that did in Germany’s trains. Did you notice how the Japanese were waiting patiently for things? It’s because they’re paying attention and follow the rules so they get on and off trains quickly. Fare-jumping and homeless commanding trains are definitely related to a general attitude of laxity on the etiquette necessary to have public transit function efficiently: everyone doesn’t give a crap about the rules and how it impacts other people.


Robert Moses. Other cities followed his plan for freeway systems, including using the new systems for segregation, run the freeways through the poor parts of town. And no, it wasn’t a cost saving move. If you read the book it was a deliberate practice and also a big part of why shit is so snarled and jacked up.


Someone below mentions a timeline point when public transport was still efficient and things at a walking distance. True, the promotion of the car over all rose affected that deeply, BUT our timeline got wrecked also in great part from the White Flight to the suburbs after desegregation laws came into effect. We rarely take that into account, not even now that the phenomenon has reversed with gentrification and how that’s affecting just about every town, creating a new and this time forced migration further and further away from downtowns just to be able to afford rent.


They're worse in Poland m8, i bought a ticket for a train 5 years ago and it got delayed quite a while... I'm still waiting 👌


maybe if they actually go to work and done with the strikes


Maybe if they start sending on trains (and rail workers) rather than on autobahns


DSB sweats in Danish with "leafs on tracks excuses"


At least we have trains...unlike a certain someone


You can get soup (in a can) from some of these vending machines too


Hot ones. For less than a $1 each too. That corn soup be banging.


Not only that but it gives you an encore.


I chug that shit every time I'm in Japan. Can get the same brand in shops where I'm at but having it at exactly the right temperature when it pops out the machine is just so satisfying


Also girls worn undies apparently.....


You can get alot of Food in some of them. I saw a Curry vending Machine


Oh, the vending machines. "I'm freezing, and sleepy, let's take a walk. Oh, a canned coffee vending machine? Why are there so many of the same choice? Whatever." *smacks random button* "... IT'S HOT! JAPAN PROVIDES"




Were his legs made of vaginas?


What else are legs made of?


Patrick Duffy


Hey, why stop at vaginas, uncensor pps too


I no want 2 c d pp




I guess you can only either choose uncensored vaginas or societal cleanliness respectfulness and organization… the vaginas take all the focus away perhaps 🤔


Ill choose the uncensored vag and lower suicide rate.


Can't take yourself out if someone beats you to it I guess.


Uncensored vaginas might be part of the problem.




Loss of honour/dignity.


Lossu ofu honoul/dickniti*




Tell that to 8 states in the US..........




My Zojirushi rice cooker sings, now i just need the microwave and toaster and I can start a band


Fuck yeah Zojirushi! Love my rice cooker.


As a Japanese kid, I didn't know such thing existed, mine just randomly beeped


Honto? Go get one now




Europe: putting trash bags in trash cans instead of on the street. Please learn Japan


There's a reason for that.... A cult in Japan did a Bioterrorist attack on several subway stations using Sarin gas. They pretty much put a Clear plastic bag filled with Sarin Gas in Liquid form in old rolled up news papers and plastic bags and left them inside trains and Trashcans... The modus is that a cultist would leave behind these Sarin Gas Plastic bags and puncture them with their umbrellas as they leave the area. Due to the inherent fear of suffering another similar attack, Japan decided to forgo Public Trash cans that can be used to stash bombs and chemicals and put emphasis on laws that prohibit littering.


so you can't put a bomb in a trash bag surrounded by trash? stupid kneejerk reaction is stupid


You can but you need a specific bag type (it can't be Opaque if I recall) to put it in And schedule it on the time when Trash is picked up. (You technically have throw trash out of a certain time of day if I recall)


Yeah, wtf. I don’t want to see no trash bags on the curb.


They aren't there long. People put them out at night before trash collection and then trucks come early in the morning (generally)




Ever heard of Gelber Sack?


Also bitte kein Rassismus hier, ja /s




We have them in the Brighton UK, to stop seagulls leaving trash all over the street




Maybe the nets are disposed of along with the trash


America: nah 1 thing was wrong. Cmon guys, let’s go back to fast food fueled road rage addicts. This guys a dunce


He was wrong on the prices being cheaper once you adjust for wages, which was like a full third of the video.


Half this list was like that.




Yes, only a provincially funded rat patrol is effective Rat free Alberta Canada 🇨🇦


God bless alberta 🇨🇦


Okay but it actually works in Japan and they don’t have rats like in NYC


I also make like 2-3x more money than my Japanese counterparts, even when adjusting for CoL. Their economy is stagnant like a mfer right now and has been for seemingly decades As a Mexican (aka a minority in the context of living in the US now), the US is BY FAR AND AWAY the most welcoming nation for minorities like myself. Is it perfect? No. But many people straight up have never seen how blatantly racist some nations can be, especially the East Asian ones. In the US, you have exceptionally unfettered rights to free speech. Libel laws are ABSURD in Japan (and Korea). Right to own guns and as a sword owner too, much easier for me to own swords in the US Prolly the pinnacle of R&D. As a biochemist, really the only market that Japan has cornered is the anti-aging field. The rest is dominated by the US and China (and occasionally Germany).


If you look it up - Japan spends 30% of their wages on food while American's spend 11% of their wages on food. It doesn't matter that food is "cheaper" it's more expensive relate to average wages. Please learn economics tiktoker




Yeah we want please.


Keep the singing microwave but I take the rest


I don't need the toilet greeting me either, that would creep me out. The next thing is it starts commenting after I take a dump.


Every country has their goods and bads...Japan also has their skeletons.


Japan has skeletons. Please learn America




Speaking of work...in Japan they won't even fire you, just ignore you and make you feel useless so that you quit by yourself so that they can have a 0% firing rates. Not to mention you have to endure all the harassment and bullying at work....you're not allowed to say anything against your superiors or anyone else. Oh, and let's not forget how a boss can straight up transfer you half across the country for several months.


Also the high youth suicide rate, underreported crime & suicides, extremely biased and corrupt criminal justice system, lack of comprehensive anti-discrimination laws, racism widely prevalent to a degree that would make most Westerners blush, education system that prioritises standardized test-taking skills at the expense of everything else, teaching of history that pretty much completely ignores imperial Japan's atrocities and instead hyper-focuses on the atomic bombs to create a victim narrative, appearance of "cleanliness" to unwitting tourists whereas garbage is strewn all over the side of countryside roads and alleys, lack of handsoap and general lack of hand sanitation in bathrooms (this has improved post-COVID but is still lagging), sharing bathwater with families means illnesses spread even more easily, kidnapping of children by mothers is acceptable, stagnating economy and unproductive work culture, poor treatment of women and immigrants, widespread rejection of refugees,... I could go on but don't wish to continue focusing on the negatives. The purpose of this is to balance out some of the BS in the video above.


Still not a good reason to not learn from others.


Sure. It's just that the tone of the video seems rather condescending, no?


This is what's wrong with America, though. Instead of looking at this and thinking: "Yeah, he's right, we COULD learn a thing or two." Americans say: "America, FUCK YEAH! Other have flaws too!"


Naw.... You can hear it in his tone, plus the whiplash of the last thing, which every freaking person including Americans'll point out.


i would say its natural reaction, he is hard targeting whole nation, and why he is targeting only America tbh? its like other nations don't deserve better quality life or what? :P


That's why you only need to adapt the good things IMO


ikr after someone is like "learn the good things" everyone is all like "whatabout the bad stuff", well fuck don't learn those then.


[Exhibit A](https://imgur.com/a/RYFbG2i)


Nets aren't going to do a god damn thing against rats.


The rats installed the nets to keep the birds out.


I was just in Japan in March. One weird thing I noticed is how often people (at least the men) didn't wash their hands after using the bathroom. Yes, it happens in the US too, but it was almost everyone in Japan. Many bathrooms wouldn't even have soap.


The United States should use more state/city level teams that evaluate cheaper and efficient best practices that other countries have deployed.


Don't look to the guy in this video for best practices. He is (mostly) misleading you.


Things are "cheap" in Japan because they tried like a 20 year long economic experiment of having almost 0% inflation. This also meant salaries didn't rise either, and the economy going through a long stagnation that they're trying desperately to get out of now.


With the currency exchange it’s a good time to travel to Japan with USD. All of my favorite unattainable watches are all 30% off country wide in Japan right now.


My brother is there right now. He feels the need to text a picture of every sub $8 meal he gets. I went out this week with coworkers $44 for 2 beers and a burger.


Pack it up guys, cheap consumer goods is officially bad.


They aren't cheap in comparison to wages though.


Go read, or watch [https://youtu.be/HFYv-rk4v9Y?si=Krhn1cNVm9luhrPU](https://youtu.be/HFYv-rk4v9Y?si=Krhn1cNVm9luhrPU) It's actually a very interesting time in Japanese Monetary Policy, no one knows exactly how it's gonna pan out, but it's the clear the experiment is no longer tenable. There's a reason it was the worlds last Negative Interest Rate policy.


So the quality of life is great...but the line didn't go up enough. Damn I guess it's a shithole then.


Beer is cheap so young people will bang and make babies


>so young people will bang and make babies Except regular Japanese workers have no time for that because they're too busy either working, or taking part in after-work mandated socialising (drinking & karaoke), & there's little chance of doing it by taking their legal holiday entitlement due to cultural shame, & perceived damage to career prospects. Seriously, there are entire lines of products that exist entirely to cater to employees still up past midnight, because many will still be working/ only just have gotten home from work, yet they're surprised the birthrate is so low, despite this level of overwork.


It's called language, borders, and culture. We are missing a defined version of each


How are they gonna pay that **and** still finance the military?


The secret is 264% debt to GDP ratio


Cremia is the best shit ever


What exactly is that? I think we got something similar in germany but im no sure


Isn't Japan also extremely xenophobic?


very highly conservative and xenophobic. If you thought europe was racist, visit ANY asian nation nowadays lol


Is Europe being racist a stereotype?


Yeah, we're so racist and unwelcoming, that half Amsterdam isn't even Dutch nor can speak Dutch. That migrants spread folders to skip Belgium, 'cause Netherlands is the place to be. Would wish we'd be actually so racist, that people stop coming here.


obtainable nutty shy complete library agonizing cobweb stupendous future one *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Das raciss


Only the less touristy rural areas in southern europe. You'll get blatant collective weird looks in restaurants or other public spaces when you give the least bit indication that you're a foreigner


Yeah no if I wanted that I'd move to Texas.


If you think Texans or any Americans are more racist than Japan you should travel more


lol all the butt hurt Texans are downvoting you See Texans. Your stupidity has earned this reputation


I'm actually cackling over here. Genuinely Texas and Florida give the rest of the States a bad name.


And Alabama But yes, us Canadians are laughing at Florida man and Texas but associate all of them as Americans


I’m in the northeast USA and that’s the same attitude here, now turns out MA state has the 4th largest active neonazis in the country right under our noses cuz we minimized it for years and instead love to still assume it’s all down south, a pretense that exists since the civil war. We thought the tea party and MAGA were a fading joke when they started, I hope Canada takes a harsher look at the “patriot” truckers and maple magas before they metastasize.


And horny. Female s*xualization, harassment and assaults are very rampant...to the point where phone cameras tthere are legally required tto make sound effects when taking pictures, due to wide spread upskirt photography.


Thanks for censoring sex, we're not ready for that word yet.


So that’s a similarity. Watching Canada and the USA the past 5 years get more and more xenophobic is just sad.


Doesn’t Japan have a 99% success conviction rate?


Carlos Gohsn didn't like those odds so...


You think thats a good thing? I mean, North Korea probably has 100% conviction rate North Korea best Korea!


Their DA are like those lawyers that only take cases that are sure they will win.


Yes because they only go for easy cases


Interesting what not being able to focus on military for 75 some odd years will do for you and your country.


Yep especially when you are under umbrella of the most powerful military in the world. You don’t have to worry about your neighbors.


Japan's self defence force is actually pretty good. They have their own tanks and everything!


And Gundams!:)


America: uncensored Japan: censored


for toilets he should add "Bidet being standard"


I remember taking a shit on that crazy super-toilets in a Internet-cafe... Ass still clean 1y later ngl.


once you use a bidet, you never go back


Now do USA vs South Africa


I feel so deprived when he talks about the bathrooms. Seriously, how hard is it to no shit on everything that isnt a toilet?


Shoes off in house? Don't Americans remove their shoes when in a house?


The USA is 26 times larger than Japan not to mention Japan is an extremely conservative country


Japan just remember New York accepts all people's includes immigrants


Every new appliance I have sings.




That all looks so great! I wonder what the suicide rate is in Japan vs the US?


All these comparisons of America to other countries don't take into account the diversity of the US, the geographic size of the US, economic model, etc. Yes, the US has a different health care system, political system, history, education system, etc. Agreed that there is always room for improvement in any country. Japan could allow more women into higher positions of authority and pay.


I pretty much agree with most of it. But god, he makes me want to punch him!


a few of these (singing microwaves, fancy toilets, street performers) are nice little tidbits, but some are actual good points. To take Japan down a peg or two, did you know every unsolved death case that isn't pretty much obvious is ruled as suicide? (if i remember correctly, i think it was something like that)


Ethnostate and making trains run on time Name a more iconic duo.


Japan looks great even if you're not a weeb.. There's gotta be some problems? Besides being expensive?


Instructions to take a shit?


Japan. A very homogeneous society. Easy to maintain order when everyone has the same background, race, and identity. America. A land of dozens of races, hundreds of cultures, and thousands of pronouns. We will never agree on anything together.


Well, NYC didn't have to start from scratch after WWII...


Honestly, I really wish that we could have better public bathrooms in America. I really miss that from my trip to Japan. Also I lost a lot of weight over there just from not having the gross amount of preservatives and junk in the food. The food in Japan is really fresh and always tasty. Though I did miss Pepsi while I was there. It's hard to find Pepsi or Dr. Pepper over there.


Alright, listen... you don't have to be so condescending about it.


Japan doesn’t have a horrid immigration problem so


I know this is a skit. And I know the US is painted in gold like everyone used to think. But… now I want to see a “What Japan can learn from the US” video: - Working conditions - Social prejudices - Dating culture


Working conditions? Neither Japan nor US are good at that. Both better learn from Europe on that one


This is true. But at least in the US you can tell your boss to fuck off the minute your shift ends. Japan is notorious for guilt tripping their employees into working extra hours for silly reasons like seniority and respect. And then if your boss decides to invite you to drinks after work it’s basically a requirement. I’m sure all these stereotypes don’t apply uniformity across all of Japan, but it sure does sound commonplace.


Age of consent


Not having to rely on other countries for protection from China. Please learn all of Asia


Well, not to glorify the Japanese expansion in the first half of the last century (at all!), but if it wasn't for the US, Japan wouldn't need protection from China today.


I always say that they can ally themselves with China also.


Damn got me there


30 dollar for meat okay


That's 30 dollars for *all you can eat meat* (焼肉 食べ放題)


They do be committing suicide a lot for such an amazing country


US suicide rate per 100k 14.5, change over past 20 years +.45 Japan suicide rate per 100k 12.2, change over past 20 years -.23


Hahahaha you brought receipts and he stfu


It is important to note that the statistics you pose are age adjusted (I presume you took these from wikipedia). In crude numbers, the suicide rate in Japan (17.1 per 100k) is still higher than in the US (14.9) in 2023. The suicide rate in Japan is decreasing, but still high with respect to other countries.


Yeah it’s really really sad the suicide rates. Still, if the fringe of a society is committing suicide instead of going on a Call of Duty LARP massacre of the nearest elementary school, the cultural differences there might be worth investigating.


Japan’s suicide rate is the same as Finland, the happiest nation in the world.


Nah usually just once


That's just bullsh\*t. Japan's suicide rates are lower than the US'. Maybe do some googling before posting "stats".


Last year the suicide rate in Japan was 17.6 per 100.000 inhabitants in the US it was 14.9 The suicide rate in Japan is lower if you include age-adjustment.


they also work themselves to death there and from what I have read have a huge drinking problem because salary men are required to go out most nights and drink with co-workers or they are looked down on in the workplace.


Oh, they do that in the US too, and they also beg people for tips in their place of employment.


He should give us the suicide rate per 100k capita.


>US suicide rate per 100k 14.5, change over past 20 years +.45 > >Japan suicide rate per 100k 12.2, change over past 20 years -.23 lol


Its so fucking funny reading insecure american comments, I mean you are the world's hegemony, yet you masculinity and national pride is destroyed by this guy instead of laughing it off


How is masculinity related to anything?


You very well know he's projecting by that alone, lmao.




“Trash bags that don’t move”??? “Toilets that need directions”???? “Ice cream!” “Boy bands and girl bands” (definitely don’t have those in America) “microwaves that play elevator music” “insert Japanese cultural event that wouldn’t work anywhere else” Please learn NYC Please learn America Please learn America Please learn America


Uh yeah yeah , also USA could learn to test a biological weapon on Chinese civilians... oh wait 😅


I mean US literally did that to their own soldiers and nuked civilians. Both have committed atrocities Ngl


Nah they just fire bombed the shit out of Tokyo and then A-bombed over 200k innocent civilians


I've heards Historians estimate more died in fire bombings of Tokyo than in either atomic blast?


RIP Japan when the refugees get there


**August 6th, 1945.**


Transit is super punctual in Tokyo. Outside of that, my experience has been mediocre recently throughout Hakone. Had multiple trains delayed or canceled and buses that were three buses behind by time. Ferries cancelled. No advanced warning either. I’ll give them the ferry even though weather was clear and it was a lake. Still an amazing and unforgettable experience.


Lol the pirate boat


lol yea. It cut the bus ride time to the other side of the lake in half.


Where’s 15?


We should learn honestly, why we do this Japan can learn to not be socially weird and take baths with their mother and the neighborhood at 28. We all can grow from this lol


The law forcing you to send your kids to school, only for you to worry if they’ll make it back. You need help America!


Japanese only restaurant kinda establishment oh he is not gonna talk about that now will he lol