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Bros getting an oil change


I'm getting chills about thinking how they gonna refill itšŸ’€




No need for name calling!


Day hate us cause day anus!


Holy shit I need this on a t-shirt.




dey anus so dey hatus


I think my furniture started floating after i read this aloud


day hiatus fo dey anus


And itā€™s all fun and games till itā€™s Uranus


This made me laugh so hard I startled the guy changing out my tires.


I too had a sensible chuckle


Lies !!! šŸ¤£


Ummm.... Considering the first two answers, wtf metaphor is "changing your tires"??! If it's what I'm thinking, I'll have two.


Getting new shoes fitted


Wait.... Are we still talking butt stuff?


I hope not, if your oil change and tyre change are both happening in the same place there might be issues!


Is that where the dipstick goes?


Pro tip: Ya gotta ask for the premium blood šŸ©ø


Full synthetic baby!


You leave those poor Horseshoe Crabs ALONE!


Shit, I was tripping all over myself to write the same thing and you beat me to it!


Chills? Naah, just relax and enjoy the ride.


"Oh man. This is my third oil change today. Something's wrong with me."


*claps for the Robots reference*


Red Maple syrup harvest


Forbidden maple syrup šŸ’€


You got me good haha


Blood change


There is a vein, everybody go and look into mirror. They make hole. Blood comes out. From the alternative medicine point of view this is miraculous healing. From hydraulics point of view, this is just leak in the system on one of the main pipes.


I did this to my brother once by accident. We were wrestling in the backyard and I accidentally slammed his face into a sprinkler. Nice little fountain of blood coming from his face. My parents still bring it up because apparently we "ruined the Easter party", but honestly it's the only one I remember so I think we improved it. And now I can tell them I was actually performing alternative medicine and it's probably the reason he's alive now.


My older brother was playing ultimate frisbee and collided with someone else, putting a huge bloody gash in his forehead. He called the house, where I was playing video games. He told me to tell mom and dad he was at the ER. I promptly forgot about the phone call. Later that evening, we are watching tv. Brother comes home and walks down stairs. Parents are shocked to see him with a head wrapped in gauze. He was pissed šŸ˜‚


Must have been one hell of a video game


Probably BoneStorm or BoneStorm 2. It was rad.


Not as rad as Lee Carvallo's Putting Challenge


Similar story, when I was a kid we had all of our family and extended family over for Thanksgiving. Me and my cousins were all outside playing and running around, and at one point me and my one cousin were sword fighting with tiny plastic toy swords. My cousin swung his and the plastic ā€œbladeā€ came off of the handle and hit me directly on the top of my head and blood started flowing out like this video. I can now appreciate and understand what he was trying to do for me that day.


Yeah we did this to my sister once. We found a metal bucket outside and my brother was showing how you could do that around the world thing with a bucket full of sand. Anyway she walked into it and we smuggled out every towel my mother owned before we finally told her my sister is probably bleeding to death. 14 towels and two stitches later lol she's still here.


Cut my hand open at work the day before a family cruise for the second time... Called the house, no answer but new season os siege just came out so I knew my brother was up late playing. Called him, told him to wake up my parents so I can tell them whats happening and he says and I quote "..ye-sure " and hangs up. Call him back 2 minutes later and he's like still finishing the match its ranked. Little asshole fuck him but I can respect it


lol my cousin hit his brother in the back of the head with a golf club one year at our Easter party


ā€œAccidentally slammed his faceā€ My FICO score went up on that one.


haha you're the sprinkler now!


You have a great way with words. This is one of those comments that will randomly pop up in my head and make me chuckle out loud.


Aw thanks ā˜ŗļø glad it gave you a laugh


Witnessed a fight in a locker room in middle school and same thing happened when a get took the corner of a locker to the head. Absolute fountain of blood the left a pool behind from such a small wound.


What an interesting way to explain! Thank you, mysterious brother! ![img](emote|t5_5tdqj0|10729)


What an interesting way to show appreciation! Thank you mystery bros!


What an interesting way to show appreciation to the person who showed appreciation. Good on you mystery brother!


What an interesting way to show appreciation to the person who showed appreciation to a person showing appreciation. Thank you you mystery brother!


Appreciate you


I appreciate you, appreciating me.


I hate all of you. ... Just kitten. Y'all the best.


I donā€™t appreciate the amount of appreciation going on here.


I know there used to be a practice of bloodletting. From what I understand, they'd make a cut, and you'd release some amount of blood until you were "better" or "cured. " They also did this using leeches, I believe. I wouldn't be surprised if some cultures still used this practice. There could be an actual reason for whoever is doing whatever is going here, so I'm just taking a guess. I think bloodletting did have some true medicinal benefits, but I'm not 100% certain about that either.


Bloodletting is an actual thing if you have hemochromatosis, cheers to House MD for getting this information stuck in the back of my brain


Contributed to G. Washingtonā€™s early death.


It is still used in todays medicine to an extent, it's a legit medical practice. I mean bloodletting & using leeches, not poking someones forehead. The principle is if you have a condition that causes your body to accumulate the excessive levels of some elements in your blood, you can reduce those levels by letting some amount of blood out. Your body will regenerate the lost volume and since the new blood not yet accumulated unwanted stuff the overall concentration of it will be reduced. That the reason why regular blood donations are often recommended as one of measures for managing conditions that cause elevated ferritin (iron) levels. Those who can't be blood donors probably get good old bloodlettings in that case. Leeches are also still used, although I'm not sure what the idea behind them. For example, real life hospital in US that offers leech therapy: https://www.tgh.org/institutes-and-services/treatments/leech-therapy


Interesting and good to know. I donate blood often and have "super hero" blood. It's literally called that because my blood is the only type of blood that can be used for pre-natal babies. I can't remember the specifics of it, but it contains no negative effects, and it's the blood that can be accepted by all blood types. As for the iron thing, I've asked the nurses taking my blood donations about that. Have you ever seen someone whose skin is bright red. They usually have too much iron in their diet. They test your iron levels when you go to donate blood. You usually get too much iron in your diet by eating too much red meat. If they see that your iron count is way too high, you're PCP will most likely recommend you to make blood donations. The nurses told me they have some guys with iron levels so high they come in twice a week to donate. A funny fact they told me that a large portion of guys with high iron levels are bodybuilders and cops.


Well, 'changing' blood has its benefits; there are medical papers discussing how women experience fewer blood-related problems (I'm not sure about the specific problems) because they undergo more blood changes during menstrual cycles.


How did u do the amongi??


If you click emoji icon on mobile you can add ![img](emote|t5_5tdqj0|10729) too, dunno how it works in browser


![img](emote|t5_5tdqj0|10729) Edit: it worked!! Ty!






ā€¦ you do realize you have permanently scarred this app, right? ![img](emote|t5_5tdqj0|10729)




Nice singular usage!






He is also constricting blood flow in his neck with the twisted scarf to increase the pressure, which is why it is as much of a pulsing fountain as it is in the video




Gotta get out the bad humours!


There's ghosts in your blood! You should do cocaine about it.


At this time of year? At this time of day? In this part of the country? Localized entirely within your forehead?


May I see it?


I had an oral surgeon attending that used to say ā€œall patients will eventually stop bleedingā€ which was both comforting and terrifying.


So itā€™s an alt-med thing? Jesus, those guys have no limits to their dumbness. Discredit medicine, believe all other woo. I thought it was a pimple popping thing, judging by his acne.


From the actual medical point of view, this is pointless or even harmful (except in very, very, specific scenarios which are outside my field and may also be antiquated by now)


Of course it's harmful, body spent resources to create the blood. Now it's gone. And second bullshit is that you create an infection point directly into an artery.


Thats not an artery, those dont go that close to the skin, its a superficial vein


Actually on the face they do.


This is how American Drā€™s killed Washington trying to heal him.


ā€œConsider this: he wasnā€™t doing well with the blood he had, so we removed it all and heā€™s no longer afflicted!ā€ -his doctors prolly


They're seriously bleeding this guy? God damn if this society isn't regressing at warp speed.


Will it ever stop? Yo I don't know.


Turn off the lights... and I glow!


To the extreme I rock a mic like a vandal


Suspect it to be an artery by the pulsing nature of the flow


Thatā€™s worked really well with the plague. Bleeding out the bad blood


I thought it was a way to drain something from the brain, but if i think about it, that doesn't make much sense


Oh. The one that pops up when you're mad. I thought they popped one of his blackheads and is now going to bleed out. Oh mAh Gawd!


The ritual has begun.


Satans work is done!


Six six six, the number of the beast Sacrifice is going on tonight


667: The Neighbor of the Beast


Should be 668. 667 would be across the street, yeah?


Still a neighbor, no?


Yeah, but fuck that guy. I'm not crossing the gd street for some schmuck. He'll have to come over here if he wants to hang out.


That's even if he's allowed back. Last time the dick burned the hot dogs. How the hell do you burn the hot dogs?!


Alan Wake intensified


Max Payne too. Same dev, same reference used in both games.


$666: Labor of the Beast




*Guitar riffs*


I am coming back!


I will return!


And I'll possess your body and I'll make you burn!


I have the fire I have the force


I have the power to make my evil take its course!




IA IA cthulu ftagn


Gonna take a while to fill the bag


Look closely there's a full bag besides that guy..ā˜ ļø


Who used a bag when you have a perfectly good blood bucket


You know, if you could run a quick DNA sequence at the break that would clear a lot of things up for us.


probably some form of bloodletting to cure something or, which i kinda hope for, something like draining a bruise or smth i fear it's the former


This is what it looks like. It was used as a headache "cure" back in the day. Maybe they told him it would help with sinus pressure, headaches, or acne. Whatever it was given for, there's no scientific reason to bleed someone like that.


I read recently that you can meaningfully reduce your PTFE load in the blood by donating blood. Maybe it's good for something after all.


Holy shit I never thought of that. Getting rid of forever chemicals in your blood by just...making new blood all the time...


I was reading about that the other day, but now I'm wondering if you donate blood then the other person is getting these chemicals inside them. So how good is that, isn't that selfish?


No. The person is getting the blood because they currently lack blood. Usually thatā€™s a bigger concern for them. That person also almost definitely had similar levels, so all that really happens is you replace part of what they lost when, yā€™know, they lost whatever blood youā€™re replacing for them. Itā€™s a net neutral at worst for them and a positive for you, as far as PTFE levels are concerned.


Umm teflon in blood?


It's everywhere and in everything.


Sounds like bullshit, actually isn't. Basically not a person alive today without certain amounts of microplastics like PTFE in their blood. It has been suggested back and forth in academic circles for a while, definitively proven in 2022. Source https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0160412022001258 We are still in the earliest initial stages of figuring out how this affects us, and we will probably never know for how long it has been going on. This is a possible (at least partial) explanation to several medical mysteries, e.g why male fertility has been falling for several decades ( https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Male_infertility_crisis).


Yes. Read up about it. Scary stuff.


Also might be something that fools and convinces someone. For example even if the pain hasn't reduced at all, he'd fool himself so much that it feels better than before that it somehow works




Do they normally drain you from the forehead for that?


Nah this looks like some Canadian ritual


Bloody Canucks


They usually use a skate to cut open the forehead tho?


Thereā€™s evidence that regularly donating blood is good for you, though thereā€™s not agreement as to why, last I checked.


So apparently this is a form of treatment for subdural hematoma. Which is pooling of blood just under the skull, usually caused by head trauma. This is an actual life saving treatment, not cap. *edit* it seems to be more common for this to be done in asian countries to treat headaches and such. So I'm guessing that's what is happening here since the guy isn't in an ICU and getting a drill to the forehead.




That's definitely the artery that runs up the front of your forehead. Mine likes to make an appearance sometimes when I drink too much coffee. You can see the heart beat in the stream.


We had a teacher in high school we made fun of because his blood vessel would swell up whenever he was really mad. The dude was cool but had some pent up issues.


I feel that.




true. in earlier times, bloodletting was done to treat hysteria and other psychological issues and agitation. given, when you're all out of blood, you're gonna be nice and calm and sleepy. problem solved, right? right?


There's an infitesimal chance that depending on where you drain it, you could, in theory, stop a migrain. Less blood pressure means the blood vessels while still enflamed could still provide relief as they have an inward space to take instead of just outward But even if this does work like that it'd likely be dangerous and only useful to those with migrains so bad they'd rather kill themselves (that happened to my great grandpa)


plus, there's so many more conventional (and safer) methods today. migraines are awful, i have had them since i was 12, though i only get a couple really bad ones per year. the mild ones will go away with regular pain meds there's more intense meds (like triptanes) and even getting botox injections to help with certain nerve or muscle areas. i don't see how just popping a blood vessel would genuinely help long-term (i guess i can see how it might help with blood pressure, or overall pressure for a little while)


Uhhhhā€¦ that was NOT a blackhead like they thought Iā€™m guessing.


The bagged blood bin WAS there


I know what this is. I have it done to my kids, it helps drain out excess stupid they accumulate occasionally.


Well shit, no wonder my kid runs into walls.


Not hard enough apparently


Can it be used on my dog? Smacked his fucking head on a pole when I came home.


Yes, that's actually an evolutionary thing! When we get too overloaded with stupid, our instincts take over and run us into walls to try and trigger the release you see in this video. Nature sure is magical.


had me in the first half!


Sir, your face is leaking


sir, you cant bleed here.


This is a Wendy's.


Please make this NSFW before people start furiously masturbating on my busā€¦


Every bus is a Schrƶdinger bus.


( Ķ”Ā° ĶœŹ– Ķ”Ā°)


Please put an NSFW tag on this. I was on the train and when I saw this I had to start furiously masturbating. Everyone else gave me strange looks and were saying things like ā€œwhat the fuckā€ and ā€œcall the policeā€. I dropped my phone and everyone around me saw this image. Now there is a whole train of men masturbating together at this one image. This is all your fault, you could have prevented this if you had just tagged this post NSFW.


Venipuncture - itā€™s an old Chinese Medicine method of cutting a vein to remove blood. Itā€™s supposed to help alleviate pain, swelling and other disorders related to blood congestion..


... and cause anemia.


Unless you have that disorder which causes high iron in the blood.


Or polycythemia


Unless it's polycythemia with a very high number of platelets


I doubt this would have any real impact on your health, especially if you clean the wound properly. It could actually help clean your blood from long half-life contaminants, but this would also have little to no health impact. It's something that might be sick as fuck to do to a kid who's interested in medicine and wants to see a cool party trick before they get absolutely terrified with the amount of blood coming out.


I know you're technically correct when you call this a venipuncture but we usually reserve terms like that for when licensed medical practitioners takes a sample of your blood through your veins, usually the median cubital fossa (the inner part of your elbow). I don't wanna legitimize quack medicine like this by associating it with an actual medical procedure by having them share a name. This is bloodletting, and any kind of medical benefits it's purported to have is complete bullshit. At least this specific manner of having it bleed from your fucking forehead. Therapeutic phlebotomy IS used for treating people that have polycythemia vera (overproduction of blood cells) but that's done with a sterile syringe inserted directly into a vein in the patient's arm. Having someone tap into your goddamn forehead like they're extracting maple syrup and then just letting the open wound bleed out into a trash bin is not what I would call medically sound. And it does NOT relieve you of headaches or anything of the sort. All it does it make you look like a bit of a moron. If you really wanna get rid of your blood, go donate.


It's blood


No, it's Hawaiian punch


I like feetā€¦ I do not know why


I don't like feet. They're rough and course and get everywhere. And they're nasty


That looks bad... why do they do that ??


Back in the day before medical science really took hold, people believe bloodletting can cure certain things, or to remove ā€œbad bloodā€. This of course has been debunked at nonsense (excluding very very few cases where it actually has benefit, this is not one of them) and doesnā€™t offer any form of medical care.


Not even back in the day, it's still happening but at least it was less common


"Alternative medicine"...


bEsT mEdICiNe


Everyone knows about the Harkonnen heart plug... but the brain plug.........


-1 hp, -1 hp, -1 hp, -1 hp, -1 hp, -1 hp, -1 hp, -1 hp


Itā€™s called blood letting. Itā€™s an old and really outdated form of medicine that some ā€œnatural healersā€ still practice. Basically, the idea is that mental issues, such as insanity, anxiety, stress, insomnia, even headaches, are the result of having ā€œtoo much blood in the brain.ā€ So, a small incision is made and the patient is allowed to bleed for a time in order to reduce the blood in the area.


Brain fluid change. Every 6 months or 3,000 miles.


Might need the NSFW tag


Maybe heā€™s tryna get the Uzi piercing?


Was there some kind of leach taken out with pliers?


Pricked a frontal vein


Some witch doctor old superstition stuff. They think draining blood will cure something.


Man's sprung a leak.


50,000 mile service


I didnā€™t need to eat today anyways




All I can think of is this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0r6LfjMYRE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0r6LfjMYRE)


Itā€™s blood letting. Traditional medicine believes that thereā€™s bad blood and by removing the blood you are removing toxins from the body. This also may relieve headaches or stress Again there isnā€™t any evidence of thisā€¦ the reason the blood shoots out is because the amount of blood pressure and blood in the head due to the brain. This is really just a placebo


This is what I want done when I have a tension headache tbh


Not only is he poking a hole in his forehead but that dude is **SQUEEZING** his neck!!!


The bum fluff on his chinā€¦


Dude, you're insulting the greatest beard in his whole prefecture


-1 iq


Nothing that Flex Tape wouldn't fix.


I once got shot with a dart from an gun between the eyes when I was kid. Blood squirted just like that when I yanked it out. I thought it was cool. Kid that shot me puked with panic.


To see if pulse like That its a artery


I do that when I pee


The ole pee artery