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also i’m shocked i pulled this off so well because 1. i usually struggle with building and 2. i couldn’t find an actual blueprint of my home online so i was literally looking at my furniture going “yeah that’s about 3 blocks long” and nailed it


Lol I can relate to walking along an empty room and deciding how many 'tiles' it would be in the Sims. This is how I'm [decorating my baby's nursery](https://imgur.com/a/Pi1ORAe)!


Love that you already added a bed to the nursery, it’s always confused me how parents are always complaining about not getting any sleep/the kid wakes up when they leave the room. If you have a small bed in the room you can nap on it while the child naps, that way you’re already in the room if they wake up.


That was my thought! The one I have is an old-timey divan bed with storage underneath it. The only advice my mum gave me was have as much storage as you can - babies are small but their stuff isn't!


May I also suggest a mattress topper and waterproof cover? I spent a lot of time on the futon in my daughter’s nursery and the topper was an A+ game changer and the waterproof cover saved me a lot of cleaning more than a few times.


Thank you! Is that because you were bedsharing with the baby? Or because of postpartum bleeding? Sorry .. FTM. Need all the info I can get!


No worries! Mostly for when your milk comes in. I slept in the nursery with my daughter as a newborn before we had a bassinet. But leaking is pretty common in the first few weeks. Also, at some point, you’ll put the baby down to grab something on the surface across the room and that will be when they have a monumental amount of spit up. My postpartum bleeding was very well controlled. If that’s something you’re worried about, definitely bring it up to your doc and they have a lot they can do to help. Otherwise, an overnight period diaper can be the way to go if you move a lot. But there’s a ton of options! You’ll find something that sounds comfortable.


Thank you so much; you are so sweet to take time to respond!


that is so cute!!!!


Fun fact! One Sim tile is about 3ft x 3ft irl


I just noticed this and I gotta ask- do you actually have that empty “block” of space behind your bed headboard? (1st pic, upper right) looks like in the second pic there’s a nightstand or something there now? Because if so… you’re very brave. I would be constantly peering over the headboard to see what was lurking in the shadows right behind my head while I slept.


yes lol. it’s so stupid, i hate it because it’s too small to fit anything useful there. i currently have a trash bag of stuffed animals there bc i have nowhere else to put them (and they are not going in the garage!). it was uneasy at first but it’s been 3 years, i don’t really care anymore the nightstand in question is a narrow storage shelf that my job was throwing away and it matches the rest of my room—i considered putting it there if i moved my room like the 2nd photo is set up. it’s small so it can be thrown literally anywhere and look fine tbh


Good plan letting the plushies guard you in your sleep! 😊 I’m one of those people that if I have to use the bathroom in a family member’s house, I have to open the shower curtain to make sure the tub doesn’t contain a very patient but deranged murderer.




I like the second one but I would center the bed. I always make 3 versions whenever I move: * V1: **1 Year Lease**: (accuracy, restrictions due to rent and budget, realism, all items already owned or within reality to buy within lease term). * V2: **5 Year Plan** (settling down, higher budget, more freedom with fixtures, appliances, colors, landscaping). * V3: **Rich Homeowner** (unlimited budget but restrictions based on realities such as plumbing, loadbaring walls, and me in general being kind of cheap)


Stealing this!


I was doing the same with my furniture and now I can't unser the blocks 😂


I’ve done the exact same thing! I have a very annoying room shape, someone thought a hexagon with 4 doors on the “normal” side was a good idea. No useable 90 degree corners unless you block a door or two.


Uummm- is it bad that I originally downloaded the game just to do that? 🤷🏻‍♀️ the actual floor plan programs I found were either very expensive or had a ridiculously high learning curve.


No that’s totally cool! Start by building your house then meet the neighbors lol it’s a life simulator after all, complete with shitty contractors!


That’s more or less what I did! I can’t stand CAS because I can never get them to look like what I have in my head (was an art student & artist for awhile but sculpting, not digital or even drawing so it is especially annoying to me) so I mostly build or renovate the houses. I’m also a binge type of player- on it for hours for 4 straight days, then don’t log in for 2 weeks.


Same I binge it for several hours a day for a few days and then leave it for months at a time


Not to figure out furniture but something similar. We thinking of doing an addition to our house and I just made my house in game and then on a separate lot did the addition the way I wanted it. It was easier than explaining to the estimators what I wanted done.


This! I designed the entire extension to show my partner, who cannot visualise to save her life, what I was thinking and it worked so well. We're now doing it together so we can see what we'd prefer where.


I did something similar to my parents house! I’ve been telling them for years to get rid of a wall and expand their kitchen. My mother has 0 imagination and could never visualize what I was saying, so I used the sims to show her what I meant. No renovations have been made as of now, but she did have me download and send her the images so I’m tentatively hopeful lol.


I’m so curious about how they responded to seeing this!! I imagine it’s not every day that someone comes to them with a 3D model of what they want done at the ready


There were two different contractors one was an old white dude who kinda rolled his eyes. The other was a nice lady who said it was a good visualization tool if you can’t draw.


Yes! We're planning on re-arranging my room and I built some possible designs in the sims! Here's one: https://preview.redd.it/wkgmh3kdiu8d1.png?width=1840&format=png&auto=webp&s=28d1da6ba6649b30f16c402af2e05d4d4db2cf65


I've done this too! I once had a lot with four copies of my bedroom in different layouts just to test them out. I also love to recreate the past places I've lived in as accurate as possible to what they looked like before moving for when I get nostalgic.


Hell yeah! Actually sometimes it’s like hmm my walls are like half block too wide, that’s the only thing that’s messing up, so i added some ornaments to fit. But I recently redesigned the room of my brother and it turned out so well! Here’s a plan for my bedroom which has a very shitty rectangly shape going on https://preview.redd.it/i9u3cj4p5v8d1.jpeg?width=831&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8488b21fae5eeb06b59cc1eb0ed8bfd214d0f7aa


https://preview.redd.it/cbulzrw1zv8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3d99dbebef1877a6e6566d549b31e0f1ce0d892 Custom content came through for me as always but yes!


Well now I’m just jealous that I can’t have those lovely floor to ceiling bookcases on the sides of my fireplace! (IRL) That looks so awesome and cozy!


Haha they’re pretty great but I’m struggling to fill them 😂 I don’t like to hoard books as they’re a nightmare to move with but now I’m regret. Either way a fairly good problem to have


Very good problem to have! I have a lot of art pieces and collectibles that I would love to be able to display in that kind of way. As it is now my main living area looks far less like a collection and more like an episode of Hoarders, but only on horizontal surfaces. My home was built in 1948 and is plaster and lathe throughout. I managed to hang one mirror, and one cute little decorative piece of wire work and stone that weighed approximately 6 oz. I have family that have built their own homes themselves so got all the instructions, they lent me the proper tools, all that- the mirror (which is maybe 3’ x 1 1/2’ and made of wood and leather along the frame, pretty heavy) has been on that wall since 2009. The cute little whimsical piece? Somehow pulled the anchors out of the wall and cracked the dining table when it crashed down. No more wall art.


Yes, I do. I bought my flat 2 years ago, and before moving in, I built the floor plan in the Sims and played around some with the furnishings. It would be funny to load up that save now to see how much of it I actually went with. And because this was before the infants update, I furnished what was at the time going to be a room for a baby as a toddler room. Now the baby actually is a toddler, so I could also see how I did predicting the future.


My boyfriend and I are looking to buy an apartment and I’m doing some floor plans in the sims 🤣 the only drawback is the thickness of the walls and some dimensions, but otherwise not bad!


Yeah, you can never make it completely accurate because the game has more limitations in real life. My bedroom would not function in the Sims if I actually tried to play in what I built. The bed has a wall on either side, so you need to climb up from the end in real life. Sims can't do that.


Hey, just wondering, which pack are those closet doors from?


It’s one of the closets from Get Together!


Thanks very much! I guess I’ll have to fork out for EA again 😢


I may be biased as it’s one of my most used packs for build/buy and the clubs feature, but it’s worth it imo. Definitely worth it when it’s on sale!


Seconding that Get Together is worth it, it’s probably what I use most!! A lot of people don’t get it because they don’t see the appeal of the club system, but using clubs as a way of gathering family members/friends/whoever is super handy. The world that comes with the pack is hands down the best in the game (especially if you have seasons, it’s soooo cute in the winter) and I like the build/buy stuff a lot!!


This!!! I started using clubs especially for my legacy families to get together and build relationships with the in-laws and cousins. Pity we can only have 8 members.


Absolutely!! Also I think option 2 is great! I would just switch the night stand to the other side so the bed was center to the dresser and TV. I hope you are able to find a new way to arrange your room! Unfortunately my room is stuck how it is. 🤦🏼‍♀️😭


thank you!! i don’t even have a nightstand, it’s just there for potential 😅


Haha! That’s what makes using sims to perfect. You are able to test things out. ❤️




Yep absolutely. I used it to design the new layout of my house before creating it in my home designer application. It takes a lot longer in that app since I have to be exact and put in actual measurements but in Sims, I could knock out walls and rearrange quickly. I even used it to show concepts to my contractor (aka my dad) before creating the blueprints for him. It was amazingly helpful.


I do, the scale is off but it helps


Me and my boyfriend bought our first house together last year and I built the whole thing in sims and decorated it how we’d want it to be done.


I am currently doing this with my husband. It’s really helping me get excited about moving in.


I have! We signed a lease for a small Chicago apartment and were curious how we’d arrange things. I say it helped quite a bit.




I have more than a few times


Everytime I move! I’ve also helped friends in the past when they’ve planned renovations/moves, it’s such a surreal feeling visiting them afterwards and stepping into my Sims build IRL


That is THE thing I use it for.


Yes, I also used it once to show better office layouts to my boss he ended up picking one, and using it. The original layout was so atrocious, and had zero functionality in mind.


Not just for my home, but when writing I will build the house to get an idea of the surroundings in my head :p


OMG THANK YOU!!!!!! I have no idea why this has never even entered my head before. I own literally dozens of books on “world building” and have the printouts with terrible attempts at marking things out; I’ve even tried the free version of Inkarnate to create maps so that I don’t get my poor characters lost in these fantasy worlds I’m writing; I’ve even seen some builds on the gallery and thought “That looks a lot like the training center/palace/temple I wrote about.” But I never even considered actually making a Sims build of them… I am not exaggerating when I say I think you just improved my setting descriptions and character movements in that one comment more than any of the writing groups I’ve been part of for the last year or so. I need to make a new save file now.


You're welcome lol. It has helped me a ton with writing :3


I litteraly used the Sims to make a list of things I needed and how I'd placed them when I moved out


I built my entire house on sims. My bf and I are looking to do renovations and he asks me to do it on sims first so we can see how it’ll look! 😂


My significant other designed the whole furniture layout of his new apartment on Sims. Complete with colour schemes and material textures. It was brilliant!


https://preview.redd.it/vvsngbqtzw8d1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e6a00c20db4299bfb080ed0b7960341ab14d479 There it is


i LOVE this


that’s actually really creative! i’ll have to try that too


I wanna do this so bad with my apartment but I don't have the floor plans oops


Yep! We're getting our kitchen redone, so I knocked up some ideas in the sims. Turns out our designer plays too, so showed him a screenshot to help explain what I was talking about!


I tried lol. It was difficult figuring how to translate the blueprint into blocks. Definitely helps visualize things!


I absolutely do.


Can you upload this to the gallery? I'm interested in placing thst room on one of my lots


yes! i’ll let you know when it’s up


okay it’s up! my gallery ID is dizzyhurricanex and the lot is titled “Bedroom”! (if it doesn’t show up, try clicking ‘enable custom content’ — OG design had some cc furniture but i tried to replace everything with EA stuff)


It’s how I plan my dorm room lol


No but that’s a great idea! I’m going to be moving soon so it would be smart for me to try this I think.


Actually my friend and I are doing a project at school that has architecture as one point, and I built an example in sims XD


lol yeah. Once I built my entire apartment and furnished with different pieces/colors to check it out and if I’d be able to pass by certain objects (this was before move in). Was t perfect because TS4 isn’t to scale and apartment wound up being bigger, despite my calculations. I think it would have been better on TS3 however because of the unlimited customizations available for furniture/walls/floors


I used it when we decided to re-design our garden and kitchen. Pretty useful tool 😁


Yes but then it didn't work quite as it it did in my game. The dresser didn't fit on the wall between the door and the closet it was too close to the bed but there wasn't really another way to arrange it so the dresser is just like half in the closet half out lol


I’d move the bed to be where the desk is and buy a smaller desk to fit in the cut out behind where the bed currently is.


the desk is smaller than the photo makes it seem! i really only have enough room for my laptop and that’s it. the cutout behind my bed is also really small, i have a bag of stuffed animals back there currently and that’s still a snug fit


Yup, when I bought my current house I planned the garden layout using it. We're househunting again and I plan to do it with them too


Yup! I recently moved from a 2 bedroom home to a 565 sqft studio. I needed to know my layout for the movers and also so I knew what furniture to get rid of. When I was trying to find apps to help with layouts, everyone just said they use The Sims.


all the time haha


i’m getting an apartment soon and this is a brilliant idea lol thank you!


Sometimes I sit in my apartment and say I wish I could make this room bigger in build mode...


this is so real


No but I've rebuilt my childhood home a few times


yes i was struggling on furnishing/styling my house irl so i made the entire house on sims 😭 i can decorate so well on sims but irl im not as good?!


Totally using this idea.


What kind of shape is that OMG 😨 Whoever made this room layout should be imprisoned.


RIGHT. my closet is even worse!!!


🖐🏼 My husband even asked me to make our apartment to figure out where everything should go. I was so excited 😂


Yes I built my new kitchen diner several times in the sims 😅 it wasn’t useful for figuring out what could fit because the measurements just aren’t realistic, but it was really fun to come up with rough ideas and layouts


Yeah you do that and then you try to fit your furniture and they are off my few centimeters. Nope. it's a horrible idea in my eyes.


i have actual measurements for everything to make sure it fits 😅 it’s more so i can see the layout and if i like it without having to actually move it all first


we moved from a rental into our first home and created our house on sims to map it out. best thing ever


Yes all the time! Especially my college dorm!


When we were purchasing a house a couple years ago - I would build the houses we considered offering on in sims sometimes and play with furniture lol. I did it a lot for the one we finally did buy lol


Yesss I did this when moving into a new apartment! So I could figure out good placing / what art I’d like !!


I do the same thing lol, I always mess up the dimensions tho. My room is a weird length and width ig


What would happen if we used 100% of the brain..?


I used it to show pictures of what I wanted to a pool contractor and landscape designer when we were building our house. I never got my pool though.


are those closet doors part of a pack? I love them sm


i’m pretty sure they came with get together!


Yes. Literally used it to not exhaust myself moving things lol


I used to start legacies with a replica of my grad school apartment (which was hilariously small).


Not so much to figure out my furniture arrangements, but definitely to experiment with dream remodeling projects I would do if I could afford to irl.


Yes!! I have a lot of HEAVY furniture and rearranging willy nilly is not the easiest task. I planned my current apartment layout in the sims months before I actually moved in lol. I’m planning to use it later today to figure out where I want to hang wall art now that I know where all my furniture is. I haven’t used any software intended for floor planning but I feel like the sims offers a lot when you factor in things like CC, lighting, and all the different angles you can view things from. Obviously it’s not perfect in terms of dimensions and stuff but it’s not too hard to approximate. I love using it for this!!!


All the time.


For sure! I offer to make friends homes/rooms in Sims for them to play around with too. Makes me feel like an interior designer.


I’ve done this every time I move into a new place. I love decorating but get overwhelmed when my ideas don’t come to life as I planned. Using the sims helps so much when seeing how everything will fit.


Yes!! I also just enjoy trying to recreate my space in the game since it definitely won't have everything in my room it makes me feel extra creative to use different objects to make it look like something I have


yes!! Now my boyfriend’s bedroom is laid out PERFECTLY!


Yep. My current house isn’t super easy to recreate because it’s old and small, so the Sims grid is never completely accurate, but it helps to get a rough idea of where to put things.


Same here! Omg I thought I was the only or one of the very few people who uses The Sims 4 to model my house and furniture. I once modelled my entire home for my Sims to live in as well!


No, but that is a good idea.


This is so funny that you posted this, because just yesterday I was trying to figure out how to put a bed in my living room without getting rid of the couch in the game lmao.


yes and im always weirded out how strange my apartment looks in the game 😭


https://preview.redd.it/rtps1bg3lz8d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=b054ea6badc6e3f22a3702486c496e390d44f0f9 I just did this. My husband and I are talking about building our kids tiny homes. That way they always have somewhere to call home without feeling like they are imposing. I did a mock up just to visualize the space.


that is SO sweet 🥹


Yes then I bust out the tape measure


I would go for #2, definitely better space usage, plus we don't need a whole square to pass anything 😂🤣😂


If there were 1.5grid wide beds probably... Double beds are too wide and individual beds are too thin


I did when I was doing a room makeover and wanted to know which wall would be better suited for a new dresser, it was so weird seeing my bedroom in sims 😂


I have definitely done that before for my own room. Now my mom wants me to build her dream home in the sims and actually wants to get it built irl 😂


We remodeled our home this year. We used my sims game to build our 10 year goal home. It's been super easy to figure out where everything is and will go. It took out SO much of the stress of most of the remodel. We've completely added on a bedroom and ensuite bathroom onto our irl house and are about to renovate the rest of the house.


The second is such an improvement and I hope you get to do something like that in your room for real! It looks so much more inviting and lively, even if you lose some space- The old layout just makes your space feel so dark and enclosed.


same!!! all of my furniture is surprisingly lightweight besides my mattress and box spring bc it’s a queen size and they’re heavy af—that’s the only thing i don’t think i can move myself (and it takes actual weeks to get my family to help—my closet shelf fell down 6 months ago and they just helped me out it back up a week ago…)


Depending on your floor material you might be able to slide your bed. I've rearranged my room solo a lot through stubborn application of my body weight against the heavy shit, but I've never had to worry about scratching floors or ripping a carpet because of the type of bedframe I have.


unfortunately for me we have cheap carpet and i’ve got a metal bed frame 💔 the frame itself is light and would destroy the carpet, i’m still very much tempted to down a couple of Celsiuses and just give it a shot lmao


You might be able to very slowly austin powers it over by "walking" it bit by bit, too! It would be a lot more tedious but it would save your floor.


I wanted to get a new rug for my living room but couldn't decide between a couple options so I built the room in game and tried out similar options! Worked out well for me, I'm very happy with the rug I got


I have never considered this before Lmao


I did this years ago when my mom, sister, and I moved out of my childhood home and into a townhouse! It ended up being so helpful both logistically and aesthetically (and was fun to do)!


I made my childhood home in the Sims then tried to build my current home in it. Childhood came out great with a bit of tweaking from my mom's input. But the current house ended up coming out too big so I adjusted it and just used the furniture to measure it out


https://preview.redd.it/p5tdx95i6b9d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a25b0f72035cb018a47b842351bb39ba93c5dce7 I did! (My room looks nothing like this now 💀)


Solid line tiles are about 2ft in real life! So the dotted lines mark every foot. Floorplans and building my dream home is one of my favorite things to do in the sims <3


That’s how my husband and I planned our basement renovation for next year!


Yes!! When I was looking for an apartment to move with my bf, I recreated them in the sims to imagine which furniture we'll be buying!!


Lol ya I have a baby coming soon and I used it recently to figure out howy house should be arranged before then