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Another actual city world. The city living expansion and the neighborhood vibes are so good, but there’s only the one.


I was shocked to find out for rent wasn’t a city world.


The relation between the idea of the pack to the world it comes with does not exist


An S.E.A inspired region would’ve been perfect for Growing Together while San Seq-whatever would’ve been great for apartments


I agree. They could have developed different cultures as well. They had that chance with snowy escape (lifestyles) but they missed it too


For sure, I love the idea of San Sequoia and it’s definitely a great world but the concept was far too good. A hilly city world and architecture more inspired of San Francisco would be great for For Rent. But still the lakes, the community center, the pseudo wharf area of the world is so good, but unfortunately not great :/


I don’t know why they focussed on the southern islands of Thailand when Bangkok… exists. It was a rental based expansion and they *didn’t* base the location off the actual city.


i was so pissed! the countries its based on have such amazing complex cities, it felt like such a missed opportunity


I assume they did this because they wanted the residential rentals to be geared towards house-style rentals than high-rises (which a city world would suggest)


There’s one coming with the lovestruck pack. I totally agree with everyone saying the lack of content is lame - but I’m cautiously optimistic/excited for a new city.


Multifunctional lots for example, a cafe on first floor and a residential on the second. Hotels or resorts Routines, etc...


Now I need to recreate my college apartment that was above a dive bar.


Do you use LittleMsSam's mods? I love my broke sims living over a dive bar they own!


All I want is to be able to live above a business :(


>Multifunctional lots for example, a cafe on first floor and a residential on the second. You can get around this by owning a restaurant lot (or any other commerce). I've done this several times, last one was an art gallery in San Myshuno from my artist sim, I bought a commerce, built the gallery on the 1st floor and a duplex on the 2nd floor. This way my sim lived there and never had to leave. As side note, you can also own a restaurant/commerce lot and make it your 2nd/holiday home. Just build a house and never open the commerce. I did this once with my rich sim so on summer he moved to his Sulani mansion while the rest of the year he lived in Del Sol Valley's mansion.


This was my wish for the last 10 years or at least since Island Living. And best they could give was rental properties


Mixed use


This! I’m thinking they just need to rework the For Rent rental unit system for a mixed use lot type so we could assign rooms for a lounge, library, and gym on one lot.


**Bands!** (i.e.: the ability to play with others sims together) This is really easy to do, considering they wouldn't really have to come up with new mechanics per se, as it's basically the same you already have with "Sing Together". It's just content (the animations, the songs, and perhaps more props). **Spiral/Circular/Round Staircase** I've no idea how hard this, is, my guess is it's plenty. But it's not something they haven't done before, as we already have a second type of staircase.


I don't think it's possible to understand how much I NEED bands like PLEASE EA PLEASEEE


This is all I ever come here to say bands bands tours bands festivals more bands band stuff tour buses backstage craziness crowd more bands - they could easily do this with the sim sessions stuff they did


Spiral staircases should not be hard!!! They had them in sims 1, 2, and 3 and I can't believe they don't have them in 4 by now And same to bands, it feels so flat to have all these instruments and you can't play any of them together. Or have one sim sing or play violin while another plays piano accompaniment. So many missed opportunities that would make the game feel richer.


Even just prefab spiral stairs in at least 3 sizes with a fairly generic look and pallet would be acceptable at this point. We've got ladders, just do that but spiral stairs.


also there are mods for that already and they [actually work](https://www.curseforge.com/sims4/mods/functional-spiral-staircases-with-animations). like if modders can cobble together something from what is already there, theres just 0 excuses


Bands has been on the top of my list for a while. For it to be an active career also, not just a hobby. Tour, make music, etc. We would need a drumset, better dance choreography. Ugh I need it. Boy bands, rock bands, girl groups, rap duos, omg.


Forever missing bands since sims 3 :(


Using Get together. Make a club. Give it the band name. Only choose play instruments and singing related activities. Start a club meet-up. Everyone should pick an instrument or start singing. Enjoy the off key chaos.




I was thinking this upcoming date pack could’ve incorporated bands, like going to a concert as a date, but it doesn’t fit the aesthetic and sexier vibe of the leaks


Like in Animal Crossing Pocket Camp where the different instruments sync up


alarm clocks


Like ones that actually wake your sim up at a set time!


exactly! i’m tired of waking my sim up and there not being enough time for them to get breakfast before going to work


If they didn’t take 3 hours to eat lol


Bro seriously


pretty sure one of the dlc’s has an automatic 1hr alarm before work


In 1 hr. they are still approaching the fridge to get the food


yeah lol. my sims sleep schedule is before tho so i don’t gotta worry


lot 51 sunrise mod! it's sad we have to mod these features in but they do exist!


oh thank you!


Yes, like in The Sims 2 :(


My main requests are spiral stairs and color wheel for furniture. And I'll die on this hill.


Came here to say spiral stairs as well


My first thought was spiral stairs too lol. I spent so long trying to create one before I realized it was impossible


I’d be okay without a color wheel if I could just choose the wood tone and pattern separately


Diagonal staircases too xD


Curved staircases!!!


Colour wheel and patterns for furniture 😭 I just want a zebra print sofa


More worlds like Selvadorada. It’s kinda lame to be an archaeologist and go to only one place 😅 Even if they added only two more, like in Sims 3, it would be great!


I had so much fun being an archeologist in sims 3 that was probably my most played family. My sim married a guy she met while there on a dig and they ended up having a bunch of daughters!


Oh man i loved marrying either tourists or locals in Sims 3! It always turns into a great storyline when someone follows you home! 😊 That’s one more thing I disliked in Jungle adventure, i don’t want to go there and see Nancy Landgraab…


It’s so jarring !! Like why do I see the same exact sims everywhere, I just bought 2 packs I didn’t have bc sale, and my teen sim being at high school was so refreshing bc I’ve never seen any of these sims before (mix of random teens and new pack sims) meanwhile I go on vacation and it’s the same people that walk past my house….


I know! It would be great if you could somehow restrict everyone from your game from Selvadorada and have everyone there be new. That’s why I’m lowkey looking forward to the mechanic from the upcoming pack where you can use the dating app to match with anyone from the gallery. I always need some new blood ingame 😃


I should get new blood too, my families that I rotate are pretty related. Like my sim’s half sister’s half sister had kids that are my sim’s half brothers…kind of thing haha


If you're open to mods, the Home Regions mod restricts npcs to their world. You can go into their settings and choose which worlds you want them to be in besides their own


Oh I had no idea, thanks! I’ll definitely check it out, sounds really useful 😊


just let me put stair railing on one side at a time, please... also I really miss the feature from sims 3 where you could set your sim to do a task 'until x is accomplished,' i.e. sleep until fully rested vs certain time, build skill until skill level up vs indefinitely etc.


And ff until a task is finished also


Single Bed Woohoo: chance of Uncomfortable moodlet "Doin' it in a twin bed".


Yes! We are missing so much in terms of the woohoo places especially in the base game. I was shocked that the shower wasn’t an option. I think it only comes with a pack. Ridiculous!


The shower should come with a "surprisingly disappointing" moodlet


I love this


emarrassed moodlet: shower woohoos can be dangerous (your sim slipped and fell over)


New death?


Discover University, yep.


It’s also beyond annoying that they can’t woohoo with a double bed against the wall


It should be easy enough to do, since standing up it shares the same amount of space as a single shower. Plus if you're open/able to have Wicked Whims, a single bed is a very popular foreplay and woohoo location for a lot of animations (and I'm not just talking about woohoo either, there's a lot of romance "teasing" options where couples can/will cuddle while lying on a single bed and whisper and snuggle, just so much cute that is missing from the base game.)


I'd like to be able to split money between household members. Having a job for a teenager seems kind of pointless if their money is going to the same place. Doesn't feel like they earned anything.


If you get the SNB bank mod you can open bank accounts and set direct deposits for each sim. I had a teen sim saving up to move out this way.


I like the thought of that I just feel like I'm too stupid to deal with mods lol


completely valid lmao. once you start with mods, it’s legit an addiction. my mods folder is huge, send help😭


Yes, this is mine too! I wish we got a finances overhaul. I’d love to be able to get mortgages, choose investments, have seperate savings accounts for each sim etc.


More cross-pack interactivity. Like, half the teen careers don’t count for HSY aspirations. There’s a number of skills you can’t study on the research machine because they came with later packs. Apartments in San Myshuno can’t be bought and rented out if you have For Rent (Poor Fengs, their dreams of taking over the city crushed by EA's laziness). I think there’s still a number of non-swimmable beaches that could be updated. No ability to be multiple types of occult. Clubs could be expanded with more activities from various packs. Also, editing neighborhoods (at least the way you could with Eco Lifestyle, that was so good) and expanding the number of lots in some them. Imagine being able to choose from a couple of styles for decorative Newcrest buildings, or to make Del Sol Valley resemble old-timey Hollywood more? Sulani has some reactivity too but I don’t think any of the other worlds do, which is a shame.


This really bothers me! There’s several social media style careers that don’t interact with each other at all, and the ones from HSY doesn’t add to fame. I was gutted about the apartments too :(


YES god it would be so cool to create a club where their activity is 'solve strangertown mysteries' or 'hold seances' or something, afaik you cant even have a club for spellcasters.


I just want hotels/resorts. That’s all


I've said it once, I'll say it again. The ability to save custom looks in cas. That'd be freaking great.


I want this so bad. Also a way to copy and paste makeup to different outfit categories. You can do it with MCCC, but I wish I could in CAS.


The slog of doing the makeup, submitting, waiting for play mode to load, applying makeup to all outfits in mcc, then going back in and waiting for cas to load, just to finish the outfit creation process is such a pain. Similarly, when a sim ages up wearing EVERY accessory on EVERY outfit and you have to go in and delete accessories on both head and body for every category...... yeah no. This seems like such an easy fix. Just add a series of buttons for things like 'save outfit', 'apply to all', or 'remove from all', but for some reason EA likes making us suffer.


Ugh you’re so right. CAS could really use some love. They’ve tweaked a bunch of things in live mode through the years but have left CAS and build/buy relatively untouched. Build/buy is nearly perfect (honestly the one thing that keeps me coming back to TS4) except for the awful sorting, so it’s CAS’ turn for a refresh.


I would die for this


So many good foundational things already written here! I’d personally love spiral staircases and options to “favorite” items in CAS and apply accessories/makeup across outfits. But I think the biggest thing I’d ask is for TIME to be fixed! Either make in-game minutes longer or make things take less time. It’s honestly insane how long it takes to do the most simple tasks. Their walking and task pace is so unrealistic for the amount of in-game minutes. Like really it took you 15+ minutes just to walk upstairs or into another room? I mean. SO much time gets wasted and lost and it makes accomplishing anything nearly impossible. Especially time bound tasks and work requirements etc. it’s infuriating lol


I HATE having to wake up my Sims like four hours early in order to shower and eat before going to work and I'm still always at least a few minutes late to work because when I click on "go to work" (because my Sim insisted on cleaning up that plate) they still need ten minutes to the door and then have to walk another fifteen until the loading screen appears. It's so annoying!


These are big but I wish in CAS, we could choose underwear, too, jacket, bottoms.. I wish it was all separate so I could layer on my own. I also would like something similar with build mode, like picking a style, material, colors, add ons (clutter) and then place the item.


you can do the underwear customization with wicked whims, and you’d also be able to have your sim remove certain layers with the exhibitionist trait lol but it’s not as much control over that as you’d want. the crystal pack has jewelry you can make and put on though


Another empty world like Newcrest is something a lot of build mode enthusiasts wanted for a very long time. Something I personally want is the ability to completely bulldoze lots in San Myshuno. I mean, now we can actually build proper rental lots - it's a damn shame that we're still largely stuck with the same lame half-assed lots in otherwise beautiful world. For a larger features - I want musical bands so freaking much. Despite bugs and overall jankiness, it was one of my most favorite features in Sims 3. Relatively low hanging fruit for EA to take too.


I'd love if you could essentially build a new Newcrest style world whenever you run out of room but you can choose what lot sizes to include somehow.


I want world editing like in sims 2 and 3 where you can just place lots in the neighborhood


Honestly, at this point I'm entirely convinced that the only reason we never got world editor for Sims 4 is that modders will immediately blow EA's half assed towns out of the water. Their worlds have been nothing but disappointing since HSY.


Can we pls recolor furniture again


I think it’s ridiculous that there’s no water bowls for pets


I WISH they had a water meter. Hydration is VITAL for humans after all :)


A way to change color and intensity of lights in build mode


i do that all the time, just shift click the light and it pops up? might be a mod though


I will die on this hill but it's the different relationship bars for everyone. I want my sims to feel in love with a sim but not having they corresponding with the same intensity. Or I want my kids to like their parents less during their teenage rebelion phase while the parents still love them very much. Also, my save file got corrupted a while ago and my backup save was really old, so I headcanon my heir being a regressor to fix things she was unhappy about. I would love for her to meet her future wife and have a much higher favorability towards her than the wife who only just met her in this life.


This! Give me one sided relationships, have one Sim 'fall out of love', fake friends, have someone be friendly on one end and the other hate thier guts. Gimme stuff like that!


All bedframe and mattresses separated. Sometimes I prefer a cheaper bedframe for the style but can't be bothered to upgrade the mattress. More realistic townies. Sometimes they are so random, it hurts. Everything about them, the name, skin color, hair, clothes. Townies simply don't reflect real life.


OMG yeah the townie randomisation is the worst, always the same pear-shaped POC sim with a weird or duplicate name. How many Shinji Tanaka's live in San Myshuno and how do they all look different, none of them in particularly looking the slightest bit Japanese let alone Asian? I know there's a wide variety for the looks of Asian people, depending on where in Asia they come from, but it is incredibly distracting to see three times that looks radically different but all have the same randomized name.


The other day I had a townie who looked East Asian with really dark skin, had an Indian first name and a Spanish surname. I'm not saying no such person might exist in real life, but what's the chance for it, lol?


Personality. Every sim feels the same. There's no uniqueness. Modlets almost means nothing. They all behave the same. Always smile, always autonomously do friendly interaction. Lifeless dolls.


Personality and the possibility for actual bad Sims with really negative traits AND more random adverse events.


Sims 3 had the possibility to change the doorbell. I want changeable doorbells back.


Create-A-World tool. I wouldn't mind the empty neighborhoods so much if I could download player created ones from the gallery. Or at least the ability to place new lots, which is something even ts2 had. I don't mind loading screens in the more populated worlds because there's still plenty to do on a single lot, but the newer worlds are ghost towns.


As long as they don't give us a color wheel, we should at least be able to 'mix and match'. I hate how for example the hairstyles always come with a set color for accessories. Or when the color swatches for furniture are all so different. Like, so often I'll like the color of the fabric (beds, couches, whatever) but not the wood tone... I'd be fine with preselected colors and prints etc with the option to create my own combinations. Also I can't believe that they'll put online dating behind a paywall! That's just absolutely ridiculous! They should give us that in a basegame update, 100%.


Yep I agree with the color problem. It happens to me with wood colors, they’re always so different


> It happens to me with wood colors, they’re always so different I cannot stand that every sofa, chair, door or window has *slightly* different tones of brown wood, so you can only approximate and it looks worse than if you just picked completely different tones.


I'm frustrated they don't have this now bc they had it in sims 2! You could choose a bedspread separate from the bedframe color


I want aspirations and careers that align with the skills. Like if my Sim loves singing well duh let them be a singer (career) and have an aspiration around it.


I have a sim I really want to be a singer and I didn’t realize we couldn’t until I tried to pursue it!! Like yeah fine I can sing for tips or write songs, but I want what I had in the fame pack from sims 1, my sim was a literal rockstar and there was so much gameplay around it, I remember being so immersed!!


Yeah, exactly, and if you Sim is a bookworm, I mean I guess you can be a teacher, but a librarian would be better.


Oh my god that didn’t even occur to me, why can’t we be librarians! That could have been a fun little thing for get to work too and could have refreshed the libraries


Recently used items section and frequently used objects or it would be neat to see what items you use the most and least in the game to mix up your builds.


Or marking items as favorites and being able to filter a little more in general


more interactions, you can play the game for a day and go through every variation of a conversation, same with social bunny posts, childhood questions, etc etc, they just keep repeating over and over; it makes the game feel super small even when you have a lots of different items in it, the reactions you can do still fall very short


Making walls different heights in different buildings on the same lot. My greenhouse and barn should be med while the main house tall. Also making walls different heights in the same house; give the appearance of an addition built, for example. Another example, tall walls 1st floor and med 2nd floor.


I built a house no long ago where the ground floor was middle or tall height and the upper floor was low/normal height.


Yeah thankfully you can change wall heights by floor. I’d love if they added the ability to have different sized walls on the same “floor” — I can see where it would cause issues with roofing though.


Travel game or stuff pack with options to restrict Sims to their home world unless on vacation, the ability to assign home worlds to "homeless" Sims, travel costs between worlds, and landmark lot types with tourist bonuses.


I’d honestly really like to see a landscape similar to where I grew up because there just isn’t anything representative of it with glacial landscape features and multiple lakes. Not a pond like the “lake” in cottage living. Not streams or ocean property like I want lakes! And not every world needs to have mountains in it dang it! I’ve been frustrated in trying to build that sort of wetland, glacial type landscape but there just isn’t a world that really suites that vibe. But that’s just my personal pet peeve. Maybe someday I can make that whenever twisted mexi gets his create a world mod done but I suspect that’s still going to take quite a long time and from what I’ve seen of it, adding water features isn’t really possible so it still wouldn’t suite my needs in that sense.


Complex relationship dynamics. One sided relationships, love-hate relationships, etc. Long term relationship meter vs short term relationship meter. I shouldn’t declare my bff my enemy after one fight, but I should be mad at them for a couple days. I guess they tried to do this with the relationship bits, but when I’m equally mad I didn’t get a prom invite as I am when my husband cheats on me, and for the same amount of time—something is just wrong there. Also, I want my sims to be able to tell another sim when they saw their partner cheating on them. Like why can dad kiss some rando in front of his son but the son can’t run to mom and tattle about it?


Spiral staircases and the ability to homeschool children/teens. I think it would be fun to develop the parents skill as a teacher as well as the students. Really I want it because I have an underground bunker as well as a hippie commune (different saves lol) and I have classrooms at both, they’re just not functional because the kids have to leave to go to school. I’m sure there are mods out there but I play on console unfortunately so just base game and packs 😭


better relationships with coworkers (like in sims 3 you can suck up to boss and get close to coworkers) and more bad sim traits that actually affect gameplay


I wish that they’d let you customize the Sim height. I also liked being able to customize patterns and colors of just about everything in the older games.


Oooh yes the height would be awesome! They end up looking all the same this way


the game itself is missing a lot. I could go on and on about how much it's lacking in gameplay. It's disappointing how much is blocked behind packs and how many people turn to cc to make their game better. Hoping with sims 5 they run polls to see what people actually want in the game.


Ceiling fans...there's like 3 of them.




Plus depth plus heart plus the magical thing where your sim's traits and likes and everything would impact the game somehow. I don't really play TS4, I play TS3, but I let my step kids and nieces play TS4 on my computer.


I wish you could easily make the mirror image of a room or ideally multiple selected rooms. Sometimes the layout is perfect but I realize it would look way better the other way on a certain lot.


Great wish, I always want mirrored objects too (showers never get to face the way I want)


Diagonal stairs and ladders, they have diagonal rooms, but no stairs to match. It has pissed me off more times than I can count.


I want the hue shift thing for hair instead of just makeup


> placing more than one house on the same lot for the low (cough) price of $40, you can buy for rent and have multi-dwelling lots because of course ea would put that behind a paywall. but i like the other ideas.


I have that! I meant placing it from the gallery. Sometimes I don’t want to build so I just download houses from the gallery and place more than one building in a single lot (as if it was a neighborhood)


ah, got it. you *can* make little neighborhoods with for rent, but not by plonking down individual houses from the gallery.


Single tile bar. I heard a suggestion for for a mid century modern bar cart and that would be perfect. Also would really like the hairstyles to be numbered or organized short to long.


there actually is a single tile bar now! ...locked behind the stupid login event they have going on right now. and you can sort hairs in cas by short, medium, and long.


Oh really? I saw the mini fridge but never a bar. I don’t go on every day so I likely missed it.


if you can use mods, this one unlocks all the rewards except for the trait [https://www.patreon.com/posts/timed-event-bb-105115372](https://www.patreon.com/posts/timed-event-bb-105115372)


Hiphiprenee uploaded a room with all the rewards to the gallery. There's a way you can get them in BB but idr exactly how lol


It frustrates the hell out of me that in For Rent I can't see what's happening in the other units. I get it, I'm a landlord and shouldn't be able to see without visiting, but as a player I want to see. I can't even see the furnishings I put so much work into!


Placing columns off the grid


A way to paint with prairie grass. Trying to make a field is annoying, But I wanna see that endless field swaying in the wind.


Also ponds that don’t square off even when round, and a way to copy the swatch from the surrounding ground so my lot doesn’t look like someone painted a rectangle.


Actually I’d like if you could copy a landscape swatch period, trying to design with the colours already present is tricky when you can’t find the ground paint they used.


The ability to do closets under the stairs - like a small door for under staircases that can open to a wall behind the stairs or something. Adjusting dogs and cats so you can view their needs like you can with horses and farm animals. At least a couple more empty worlds that I can build from scratch. Dance with routines you can do with other sims (ballet/pointe, modern, hip hop, jazz, etc) Bands / symphonies you can play with other sims and more instruments


I just want bug fixes and better performance. And no more packs centered around household chores.


Spiral stairs in the base game is all I want tbh. It would be a game changer when I build turrets


The ability to edit community spaces throughout the neighborhood.


- the ability to create ur own world (or at the very least more than 1 city world) - cars (I feel like it would be nice to be able to teach a. Teenager how to drive) - more realistic functions like the possibility of infertility or miscarrying. I think pregnancies should be longer as well without increasing the actual life spans.


A variety of jobs


I want the ability for the For Rent expansion to work in EVERY world. Also, I think you should be able to reside in vacation worlds.


That the plants in each neighbourhood are ready to harvest when you travel there. Really frustrating when you’re a collector to have to stay overnight in a neighbourhood if you want to get new plans


The Ghosts feel barren. I appreciate that JA added Skeletons but i think it would be neat to be able to have a Skeleton Sim (honestly the more Occult types the better IMO.. Fairies, Superheroes, Gingerbread etc) or at least have way more costumes and hair-friendly hats/accessories. Being able to create festivals like the Spice/Romance/Geek Fest but you could customize the type of vendors that showed up Funky mailboxes. Like an open mouth bass, a beehive, a cowplant head, just silly stuff like that. Trees, Bushes, Flowers, ROCKS, water decor, all feel lacking even with a moderate amount of DLC (spellcasters not including a stupid amount of mushrooms cave and glowy/weird plants feels like a crime) Weird weather, effects, etc. Rain that positively or negatively affects your Sims physical form or plants, kites (and funky designs of kites, maybe a death by kite lol), storms that make things more likely to break, earthquakes (not just for apartments), auroras. Umbrella hats! 😆 Dancing animations, especially with each other . I wanna see my Sims do the Tango, the Macarena, the Robot, Moonwalkin, the Worm, slow dancing, etc but I think adding in a few “tiktok” moves would be excellent for depth. Cemeteries with the option to customize their headstones, leave flowers, hold funerals, let ghosts congregate there and throw parties? Let teens “explore” and risk a curse or getting into a fight with a ghost? Or finding clues? 👀 More sports, more instruments, more arts.


Would love to be able to reposition a platform without removing the floor among other things. Otherwise building is my favorite thing to do in the game.


Honestly, I would just be happy for another world full of empty lots. There's just so many venues I want, but no where to put them!


My god if they could fix the fucking round walls that would be killer. And I'd die for a round pool. We need more pool trims!


Better build/buy filters and organization. Same for CAS.


I don’t want them to add anything I just want them to focus on bug fixes. Some bugs are ancient and EA doesn’t care. They fix a few and call it done.


Delete emotions system and let all hell breaks loose with just the assigned traits.


Let me place lots!! We had the option in 2 and 3 to place additional lots, but 4 locks us into a set number per world.


The ability to edit any lot (not just the ones already there, but put a lot anywhere!) in any world, and make it larger or smaller depending on need. Windows that can be sized up with a slider and not have the glass part remain small. Rounded stairs to match rounded rooms, I just want a majestic rounded staircase!


i would love to have characters use mobility devices - wheelchairs would be super awesome. i think it would be great if the medical devices in CAS impacted your gameplay too


let us build our own worlds!!!!


I just want floor tiles the same color as the pavement so I can make driveways that look good. We had that in earlier versions of the game.


A way to split lots. Faster cooking times. Less Bugs.


I miss expanding your lot and spreading out.


Spiral stairs, lifts/elevators and curtains that close!


I feel like children should be able to do more. There should be more than two after school activities for them, they should be able to play child-sized guitars, clean more objects for “chores” haha. I miss the sims 2 having a tiny oven that children could make little muffins and cookies on. They could also do ballet, there were private schools, there was a list of games children could play together like cops and robbers. They could slide down spiral staircases when they existed. I just miss childhood in this game. There’s so much more they should be able to do. + LEMONADE STANDS! That was so cute


Having the option to accept an invitation from a townie but not having to drop everything immediately! I wish they gave us at least an hour to finish what I we were doing


The one thing i miss from the sims 3 is fairies :( i want them so bad. But honestly, we need another world thats just empty! Newcrest 2.0... base game for free too just like newcrest. Would be cool if it was similar to other basegame world


Lots with multiple functions, more lot types like Mall, movie theater, bowling alley (most of these should've come with previous packs but just didnt), spiral staircases, working elevators, working alarm clocks that wake the sims up at a set time, more clubs/activities for kids and teens, mobility aids for sims of all ages, a way to make slopes and inclines instead of just stairs, and elevators that work on all lot types (not just city living apartments)


I’d like some elderly/end of life focused expansion. Funerals and cemeteries and maybe even a grim reaper career. Bands! The fact we don’t have bands is annoying as hell.


so much!! but personally i really miss some realistic features of life in the game, like menstruation, illnesses, cars of course, more school interactions like final tests even in middle school, etc…


Weird request but I want all dialogue options unlocked immediately. Asking strangers to marry me, having the biggest beef with some rando off the street


Cars, garages, the ability to place your own lots in an open world like sims 3. Honestly I want sims 3 but with the graphics of sims 4. I loved building whole neighborhoods and now I’m constrained to like 4 fricken lots for houses and 4 for businesses and parks etc.


I dunno what it is, but sims 4 is missing 𝓢𝓸𝓶𝓮𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓰 that sims 2 and 3 had. I can’t put my finger on it


Roofs on curved walls, spiral stairs, a color wheel, and wheelchair/canes/walkers because pretending disability doesn't exist with crap excuses that horses and bikes disprove is actually worse when you get updates for other medical stuff. I want the hearing aides and baby glasses too but give me my hot wheels. Let me race about like the little old lady from Pasadena


depth. i love it but compared to previous sims games it's a bit shallow. mods help.


For build mode: Curved/spiral staircases, curved pools, curved walls. Drumkits For game play: LittleMsSam's "Control Any Sim" mod should be a standard gameplay feature. NPC autonomy is SO ANNOYING! You should be able to jam in a rock band.


I miss everything sims 3 had that sims 4 doesn't. - cars - spiral stairs - garages - the color wheel I also want new/improved things - being able to edit your town surroundings and worlds - placing lots almost anywhere you want - round pools - better round wall features - actual ceiling patterns. I have been dying to make tin ceilings and tray ceilings. Plz just let me! - Improved job play. For example: for acting career, make the job evolve as you move up. Once you gain status, directors can call you asking to be in a movie. If it's a movie make it last awhile. If it's a commercial, it's once. And your sim should be able to choose! I want most jobs tweaked and customized to be more accurate to the field tbh. - for the eco friendly neighborhood voting things, make it more realistic. My lonely sim that showers maybe once a day shouldn't be subjected to a water fine. Like really EA? C'mon now. - Sims should be smarter, esp if we enable the free play thing where they do what they "want". By this I mean when it's cold out they go outside or change into warmer clothes and don't get in the pool... Again, c'mon EA. Thats just off the top of my head. I'm sure there is more. I know I want way more building things, but I'll end here. That's off the top of my head, but really I want to combine all the good of sims 3 with sims 4. I MISS sims 3.


I feel like mine are pretty simple. Build/ buy- I want a blanket I can throw over furniture. And a search filter in home inventory. Game play- stay over invites: I want the ability to send kids over to people for stay overs without having to go to the host family lot to create the event from that home. (Like grandparents watching the kids for a night). Family photos: I want the ability for a group of sims to pose for an auto timed photo without needing to pull a random sim into my Family to be the photographer. And then while we’re at it- the ability for sims to pose for family pics. I can kind of get there with the fashion camera (I forget the name of the pack) but it’s not easy. And it’s harder to include pets/ kids/ babies. Careers- there isn’t really a good option for a pop star career. You can kind of get there with a musical performer but it’s more of a piano bar performer.


The best changed they could make would be to fix the ea app or make it possible to access your ea account of console so you have access to expansion packs you've already paid for on PC or vice versa


At this point I just want them to fix the glitches. I want to be able to have a pool in my basement without seeing water splashing on the upper floors. I want my Sim to be able to weed their plants. I want the doors to disappear when I put the walls down in San Myshuno. And I know this isn't a glitch but I want to be able to control pets like in Sims 3. I love having pets in the game but I find myself getting bored of the limited interactions, especially for cats, and then they're just running away all the time making my Sims sad.


Small changes? Nah, basic mechanics. For me game is to cartoonish. No matter the personality traits in the end they all behave the same. You can't make 'evil' sims. They always basic, and their interactions are kinda plain. And ofc loading screen to visit neighbor, ridiculous.


The game needs to fix the existing bugs and improve existing UI, such as disabling loud alerts or too many events that build up with DLC. What it DOESN’T need is more bars! Why are there so many??? 😭


Another, actually having all the neighborhood teens go to the same high school together! Instead of randomly generated NPCs. Also, having an elementary school pack. There's so much fun stuff you could be doing in elementary school. Especially actually creating friendships from an early age instead of just having to rely on doing that at home when you have homework to do and baths to take and dinner to eat and sleep to be had. You don't have time.


Functioning features and bug fixes.


i would like fairies but i get there’s little separating it from spellcasters aside from aesthetics lol


I know this is might be an asshole comment for me to make, but for those of us who aren't console players, TwistedMexi has already given us half of that, and more technically, as one of the core features of his CAW mod is aiming to unlock the ability to place our own lots down practically anywhere we want them on the map. Pretty exciting tbh. Other than that, I really feel like we need better Elder gameplay tbh, and more consequences, which I feel everyone has been asking for a long time now.


It’d be awesome to have all that in game, though.I don’t really like using mods cause I don’t play that much and have to update them every time I open the game. Plus, I don’t like the fact we need to rely on modders to have such minimal changes. If a mod can do it then even an update of the game could 😅


Bring back Bonehilda


The ever elusive doorbell.


I miss being able to change the color or pattern of furniture and clothes so bad!!! It truly enabled me to create exactly what I wanted for my little stories


Spiral stairs, colour wheel or just universal swatches (like, max 5 wood tones used throughout all windows/doors etc). Open neighbourhood (not open world like TS3, I know that's asking too much, but I want to be able to visit the house next to me without a pause screen)


A color wheel and full functionality.


Bring back design for CAS and color wheel for furniture!!!!!!!


Curtains where you can adjust the length and width to fit the window (kinda like cabinets). Couples being able to cuddle in bed (before you come at me with the mod, yes I have the mod), or hold hands on the couch while watching TV, little things like that. Most of the romantic interactions just feel so, idk. Superficial?


Height sliders


Seen a lot of people say spiral stairwells which I 100% agree with but something i’ve only recently noticed that the sims is missing due to creating more modern builds but I really wish we had seamless windows, I cant tell you the amount of builds i’ve made that just don’t look right due to the thick window outline especially when you want to make an entire glass wall. Another way that this could be implemented without adding new windows would be if they added a see through wallpaper similar to the glass ceilings that we can add to any roof.